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Lee And Beauregard

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íí'rom the lüclimond Wüig, June 15 ] lt ï 1 1 bo Grnnt'É'etiort to precipítate a ;vrv liodj' if i i H ib: ees liptin I Imi'ff, whic li lio muy l'iirujv "1 rh miiuh iiupuriunce to Rirhmoiid un tírnud (u!' wu lo Vickxburg, lierein he agnin j cits ; btit tu whrtt estênt wc sh.dl inuko '' all liafic to iuforrn liiin. Thcro are coi)lngt.'i;ciun which muy serve ere long to oi;üglitei hii.i, and thal vet'y suddenly! Kfound iViersbnrt:, there rio lor tiScatioiiH superior to tbofe whicli beld U'ysses in check lor two luontlis beffe Vicksbuvg Beliiuil tliesít) works there is no iinuiiupttent leader itli ai) uriiiv diíiíii.sU'd ind (lií-lieaitened iit liis mbecilitv. The tírst enineer ol the "gö, and a litld captain equal tu auy in tlic, worhl aro llicrc ; his tropps hnvi! tinli'iuiiíjcd coiih'iieiice in him ; he has piuvcd llicai and him on mtioy fit-lds ; be awakene enthusiuciB as nono olher can awake it ; and w hen (irant comes in ci.niaet with iiiui, lie will tim! inollici niaster - na)', tvvo rnasters ; Cor the :iv whicii sec ilie bulk tí} Griint's aniiy ou Ihu so;ilh ide will find i lio two best heads, antl til tí lwo bruvest, purest, and mest iiKigtiiinitnous lieatis ou Uie continent, (pposed lo hiii! ; and ihat will bt) u í [lj day imleed. (ji'ant'.s .soldiei's (iii)Jm:i1ii that they have been íorced inlo sliinííhlt r pene. Do tliey a real open fight, witL the odos two to olio in their favor? Lt them pitoh tbiMr icks and spadts iuto the James river, ai:d draw out their line cf battle on the south sido. 'J'licy shall have an cntertaiiunctit u'hich shall satisíy tho ful'vivurs í'i.r (lie reioaimhir oí their natural lives. Our woi'd íor it, their üppetite for the war vviil oease from ttiat time. But thüy liavo liad enough ttf battle diet already. Lieutenant Uus.seil assures us that they are liied oí butting their heads oguint fortifications, aru! vvili gladlv híiií the day when they can sit dosva and rest wí:ile the hattene.i do their tághtiag. If tbey approve that game, let thcm trv it, The etruggle will lasl ;t little longer, but the end wild be the same. In blond we shall rnakethem pay roundly i'or every iiich they gain ; and it', oventually, they get posso8sion of the Ooclcado City (ijuite an improbable event) they will have buried before its walls twice as many s Grant had in the beginning of tiie campaign, and ftiac times as many as the Yankees can afford to lose.


Old News
Michigan Argus