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War Dhpaktmeni1, Washington, July 3-9 r.M. To Gen. Dix:- The fcill 'ing telegram dated to d:ty, Marielta,-G-eoi'giu,'wua reueivêd this evening froin Gen. Sherman giviug ihu suceessful resul', of the ilanking nperalionn reported in progresa some days back. The movcment cm our iïght ca-used Ihe ; enemy to evacúate, and we oecupied Kenesaw at daylight, uid Marietta at 8:30 A. M. Thom:is is inoving down main rond towards the Chnttahooeh e, and MuPherson. towards the mouth of the Nick'ijuck, on Saa Town road. Our ci.valiy is ou thu extreme flatiks. VVhether the eneniy vill holdlhis&ide of the Chiittühootchio or not, vvill eoon be known. Marie ta is alrnösi enliiely abandoned by iflé inhabitants. More tban a mile of railroad ron has been removed betweep the towti and the fuot of Kenesaw. Diïipatches from Gen. Grant's headquarteis, datcd at 9 o'ciock this ra oer - ing, gives the following resulta; iSixty miles of the Danvillu Railroad wei o tlioroughly de.stroyed. Gen. WiLson reporta that it could not be repaired in less thaii i'orty days, even if all the inaterials vvere on hand. IIo destvoyed all the blacksmith shops vvhere rails ihiglit be straightened, and all the milis vvhere scantlings for sleepers ooukl bu sawed. Wilspn brought i:i about negroes, and many horses and mulea gathereel by his foree. He reporté that the rebels slanghtred without inuch . mercy all the negroes they took. Wilsori's loss of prop erty is a smail wagon train used to carry aininanition, his ambulance train and twelve canuon. Horses of artillery and agous vvere generally brought off. Ol thü cannon, two wero removed from Carriages, the wheels of uhieh were brokun and thrown into the watei', and oqo othor gun had been disabled by rebel shot breaking its trimiiïon before it was abandoned. He estimates his total loss at from 750 to 1.000 men, in cluding those lost from Kautz' división, A rebel forcé mada ts appearance near Marlinsburg this tuöruing, and wero at last aocouala destroying the railroad, advanc'ing on Martlnsburg. The report was as yet, too eonfused and eonflkjting to determine the magnitude oi iorce, or extent of lts operation,


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