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The Grand Jury Of New York

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but to examino into tlio suppression of the N. Y. World and Journal of Com merce, M;ijor-General Dix and several of liis subordínate offiuers have boen arrestad on a warrant issned by Judgo Rüssjsll. Gov. Seymour s de'ermined that the matter of arbitrary ar roe te and the Ilegal suppressiuti of news papers shall be jiidicially investigated. L"S" Coiigi'e.ssi has pafsed a joint resolution repoaling the "Gold Bill." - In another column we give placo to thiér. famous bill, uhich will ahvavs be reaarded as a curiosity in financia] legislalion. The Oongressiona] finalice tinkera will lenrn aftér n whilo that they cannot briug down tbo' pi'ice of gold except by decreasing the paper circuTation. jL-jf TiiEADwiïLi-, the HudsoQ bank defuulter and swindler, was couvicted last week at Adrián, and senteneed to prison. Aftor being remanded to jail, to await trar.sportation to JacksoD, he gave " leg bail," and is now supposcd to be rusticatiDg ia Canada, liis sudden escape is somewhat mysterious. LL The telegraph says that Fkssexbem entered tipon duty as Secretary of the Treasury, at 11 o'cloek, A. M., on Tusday, and that " at noon he attonded the Oabinet meeting." This is the first Oiibinet meeting the country has heard of formonths W:s Staxto.n present? nnd did he speaTc to Blaik ? are tvo importaut questions. E2T" Tte postponeinent of the Chi cago conventioQ is a prolifie theme of dis ciissioi) in th '. Republioan journals. They dou't secin to understand ït, and prediet various troubles to " ye demoeraey " to grow out oi it. Now, it scems to us that these editors would bo better engaged in fettling their own family difficulties, nnd in restoring that " harmony " to the party which the Baltimore convention atteinpted to dictate to the eabioet. jL3T Tho hesitatÍQg, vascillathig, law--n)aking--and--repoaling, curren o y tinkering body, known as the 38th Congress, adjourned sinedie at noon on Monday last. Let all tho peoplo join in singing the doxnlogy. - It is only to be regretted tbat tbis Gongress has another session to hold. &-L" The President hal issued a proclamation declaring mariial raw throughout the State of Keutucky, and suspending the writ of habcas corpus un til the close of the rebellion or the modification of bis proclamation. OP Tlie Republican convention of the 6lh Congressional district was held at Hint on Mouday, and nominatcd Ilon. Joiin F. Dmoas, for re -clection. : - Hon. F. C. Bhaman has been norainated for re-election by the Eepublican convention of the First Congressional district. L3T Gen. Geo. P. Mokris, editor of the Home Journal, a poet of establishea and world-wide reputation, and the recognized song-writer of Atrjerioa, died at bis residencc iu New York city, at onc o'clock, P. M. on Monday, July Cd), agcd G4 years. JSg" New York bas been called on for 12,000 hundred day men and Mftssachusetls for 5,000 for tbo protection of Maryland and Perïnsylvauia. 1 The Presid-ent has not yet issued a proclamation for n day of " humiliiition and prayer" as les:red by üoneress. It bas not yet " reminded him of a story," wben it does h will probably proclaim. f Tho new Eagle Fire Company was out in uniform on the Fonrth, riaited the Pic-Nic and the Horse Show, and made a fine appearante.


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