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A Day Of Humiliation And Prayer

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On the 29th uit. tho Sonate adopted tbe following resolution, which we presume was conenrred in by tho House: ' Be it resolved hy the Señale and House of Representaives of the United States of America, in Congrens assembed, That the President of the Unitod States be requested to appoint a day for burniliation and prayer by the peoplo ot' the United States; that, ho requesl his constitutional advisors ut the head of the executive departments to unito with mm, as the chief mngistrate of the n'átron, at the city of Washington, and the membors of Congress and all mamtratea, uil civil, miü tmy acd naval officers, all soldiere, sailors and marines, vs il ii all loyal and law-abiding penpl.o, to cmivene at their usual places if vvoi ship, or wherever thoy muy be, to eonfesa and rep.ent of their mauitold eins, to implnro the compaesioo and ftrgiveness of the Almighty, that if consistent wilb Ilis will tho existinsr rebellion may bo speedily suppret-sod and the aupreir-acy of the Coiiiü.itution and laws of the United States may ba established throúghout all tbc States ; to imploro II in as tho supremo rulor not to döstroy us as u people, nor suffer us to be destroyed by the hostilities or connivaneo of olher nations, or by obstinate adhesión to our oivn counsels, which may ba in conflict with His eternal purposes ; and to implore Iiim to enlighten the uiiiid of thouation to know and to do Ilis will, humbly believing j thaf it is in accorduneo with Hia will that fjur placo shouid bo maintainerd as ! an united peoplo auiong the family of nations ; to implore Hirn to grant our armed defender.s and the masses of the people that courage, power of resistance and endurance necessary to secure that result ; to implore Him in his iuöuite goodness to softeu the hearts, enlighteD ! the ir-inds, and quicken the consciences of those in rebellion, that they may throw down their arms and epeedily I return to their allegiance to the United States; that they may not bf uttarly destroyed; that the effusion of blood may bo fttayed ; and that amity and fraternit}' may be restored, and peaoe eílabiiahed throughout all our borders.


Old News
Michigan Argus