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fustes ffbfctafgp' 7?ö7w ATTS r&lÏRÖT" n!XT-F.RS in Clocks, Walche, Jiwelry and Silver j) Wro No. 2'2, New Block, Ann Arbor. ' C. BLISS. TVEAS.ÏR in Clocks, Watches, Jowelry nd Sil ver ) rsmH.3,Hew Blo=k, Ann Arbr. " O. H. 'MILLE N. rvKM.KR in Dry Oooci-!, Groceriea, Crockerj, &c. &c. U Main Street, Ann Albor. i ygMlhl? BA.0JJ. tE.ILEKS in Dry Oood, Groesrie? . Boots & Sfaoes, 1 te., Sflin '., Ann Arbor. ""ÖEÖRGE W. SNOVER, DKM F.K ir Mf.ÜHucous and Scïiool BoVs, Station ,rj , VU Papers, ie. Huron Street, Ann ATbor. O. COLLIER. MANITAOTUREP. and dealer in BootnanJ Shoes, oae door north of the Post Office. RÏSDON & HENDÊÏlriON. rvfil.ERS in Hardware. Stovea, house furaUblag l) g.iod, Tin Ware, kc , &c , Ne Block, Mam at. GEO PRAY, M. D. PnYSICIVNiind Surireon. Residenca ud office on Detroit Ftrnet, near the i cpot. S. G.TAYLOR, DEAI.KR in Hat, Cap% F-irs, Robts, Ci'nts' Furnishins Goods, otc. Kast sile ll.iin Street, Ann Arbvr, Michigan. " aTl sutherland, AGFNTfor the N'-jvf York i.ife Ioaurance Ccrapany, O.'üsaon Hurón street. Aiso has on hand a alock oí the míHt approve i sewing in.tcbincH. 885tf geörofTfischer. MEAT MARKET- Hnron flenorai dealer in Fresh nd Sak Mcüts, B"tf, Mutton, l'ork, Hams, Pultry, lArd, Tallnv, A-c-, kc. H1RAM J. BEAKES 4 TTORNEY aüd Counsellor at I-iiu'. .ii'l Solicitorln IÍ Cbancery. Office in City Hall Biock; over Wüüster'i. kBuok Siore. WM. LEWITT, M. D. PHYS1PM1V aod Surgion. Office at hïs resulence, oortb side of Hur.m Street, nncl aecoad house weat Of Dirffttoa Hlrect. m. "gijiYerman & co. WHOLESALE and Retail Dealers and Manufacturéis of Rcady-M.idï Clothing. Imporlers of Cl.iths, Casinnrt, Doe.ikins, kc, No. 5, i'hoenix Block, Main m. wm. wagñeIl" TjEALER in Ready Made Clnihing, Cloths, CaBsimeres, IJ and Vcutinga, Hatf, Capa, ïrunks, Carpel Bags,&c, Fhanix Bloclí, Main etreet. SLAWSÖN"&TSÖ"NT MROCERS, Prnrision and CommlRsion .ferchants, and lï Dftiilera in Wftter Lime, Land l'laJñr, and P.'asttr of Pf ík, ooe door e&st of Cook'n Hotel. J. M. SCOTT. AMBROTYPE and Phntoi;raph Artis) , in the room over Caoipion'H Clothing store, Phoeuix Dlock. Perhet tifactiongiven. C. B. PORTER. ClUROEON DENTIST. Office Corner c.f Main and Hurón 0 itrts, over Bach & Pierson's Store. All calU (iremptly ttond-d to Aprl859 MACK & SCH MID. ÖEALEES in Forign and Doraestic Dry Good, Groceri'!n,H;itR and Capa, Boots and tihoes, Crockery, Ac.,rCorner of lain & Liberty sts. "TPAFFORD & DODSLEY. fAUFACTURERS of all kinds of Coooper Work, 1'lCitr Cooper Shop. Custoni ivork done on hürt tMke. Cor. Oelroit and North Slreets, and cor. North i Fifth Streets Ann Altor. O. A. KELLEY, PaOTOGRiPHEK- Corner F"arth 4: Huron streets -. laiArbur. frames an'U'hotograph Albums lutantly on hand, and at lower rates than can be nui tlwwhere. Ij891 ANDREW BELL." {Mf&LfÜR in Groceries, Provisions. Klour. Produces; Lfcc., tic, y coraer Müin and W&aMngtoa Streeis, aa Arbor. Tlie highestmarket pnces paid lor country produce. . 86 Ï7o. o. F. fiSHTENAW Lodge. Nu. 9, of the Independent Orilerof Odd Fellows meet at their l.odge Koom, "f friday Eveniug, at "H o'clock. S. Si-VDaeiH, N'. Q. !'. B. Roke, Secy M. C. KTAÑLEY, -i-tiait. ïrner Main and Huron Streets, Ann Arbor, Mich, PHOTOGRAPHS, AMBiOTVPES, kc... kc. , b the latest styles. aod evory effort made togive satis'ittkm. i)S6tr D. DeFOREST. ptIOLESALE aad reiail dealer in Lumber, Lath, '' ShmleB, Sash, Doors.BUnds, Water Lime, Grand RiTer Piaster, Piaster Paris, and Nails of all alies A Wil trid perf.;cta.ssort:aeut of the above, and al] ftlier 'U of building tn;itorials oonstantly on ha k f1 at tlic f'# posible rates,on Detroit st ., a few rodsfromthe jHltwl Depot. Also operating extensively in the ■tent Cement Roofin. GRANGER Si. FINIEY, ATTORNEYS & GOGNSEUORS AT iollecting and Lai.d Agents 'noe ovEB domiilt'b stob, bubos stbiet, t' GRANfiEB, Ann Arbor, Mich. ;.tf-T;wT, ,S Jan 28, W94 ö4Jf


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Michigan Argus