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The Rebel Raid

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The rebel raid into Maryland and Pcnnsylvania has assumed larger proportions tlian was antioipated in our last, and has seriously threatened Baltimore and Washington, and frightened the cmutry generally. For forty-eight hours all communication was cut off between Baltimore and Washington, and the country wasstartlod with a report that the capital was in rebel hands. Communication is again open, and latest dispatehes say all is safe. A veteran corps has arrived froin New Orleans, which, with the new troops, is expected to keep off the daring invaders. Fighting had occurred within seven miles of the city, and the residence of F. P. Blair, Sen., at Crystal Springs is reported burned ; also the residence of Gov. Brasfokd, about four miles out of Baltimore. Hunteb is uow said to have retaken Martiusburg, and possessed himself of one of the rebel lines of retreat. Frederick City has also been repossossed by tlie Federáis. So far, railroads have been destroyed, bridges burued, towns and farms plundered, railroad trains captured, and iinmcnse stores gathered and carried off from uuder the very nose of the goverument. Gen. Franklin, en route for Washington, was takeu prisoner on one of the eaptured trains. It is intiinated in one of the latest dispatches that the rebels seeu ed to be passing to the south of Washington, it is thought with a real intention of carrying out a threat to release the 20,000 rebel p isoners at Point Lookout, some 80 miles distant. Gunboats have gone to Baltimoro and Annapolis, and it is now thought that both of those cities, together wilh Washington, are safe. The rebel force 13 estimated as high aa 40,000, aud if this provea so we fear thai Giíant will be coinpelled to detach a portion of his force f rom before Peteraburg aud Richmond. In fact, Baldy Smitii's corps is eaid to have arrived at Balthnore. ïhis is as much as our readers would get did we transfer to our pages the many columns of sensational dispatches. Latest. - The rebels have been driven from in frout of Fort Stevens, north of Washington, leaving 100 dead and wounded on the field. Tliey are reported retreating across the Potomac, driving 2000 head of oattle. Gen. Fkanklin has escaped and arrived at Baltimore. Ruilroad comnmnication has again been opened between Baltimore and Washington. SiST The President has been so long flattered with the idea that he is the " government," that he has really come to believe it. Witness his reconstruction proclamation in another column. Congress passus a bilí to effect reconstruction, and in direct repudiatiou of the Pvesident's favorite plan ; this bill tlio President refuses to sign, but ïicglects to veto it in season to permit its passage over his veto, aud after Congress adjourns announces his neglect to the peoplc in a proclamation directly snubbing Congress. He sets his " plan " against that prescribed by Congress - the lawniakiug body - but coudescendingly consents to let States reorganize uuder the Congressional " plan " if they prefer it. CongrcsB is of no account in these days. - Anotlier case. The Senate declined or omittcd to confirm Col. De Eussy as Brigadier General, and the President after it adjourns re-appoints him, his comiDÍioa "to (late from May, 18flí.


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