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U. S .10-40 Bonds These BoDds are issued under the act of Congress of March 8th, 1S64, wliich próvidos that all Bonds Issued under thls Act shall be EXEMPT FR0M TAX ATION by or undel any slate or municipal authority. Subscriptions to these Bonrls are received in United States notea or notes of National Banks. They are ÏO RE REDEEMF.P IN COIN, at the pieaiure of tlie Govcinrnsnt, at any poriod not lest than ten nor {more thanfnrty years f rum thcir date, and until their redemption FIVK l'ER CENT. INTERESJ WILL BE PAID IN COIX, on Bonds of not over one hundred dollars annually and on all other Bonda s'mi-annually. The interest is payable on the first days of March and September in tach year. Subscriben wUl revive either Reglstered or Coupon Bonda, as thoy may prefer. RegUtercd Bonds are lecoraed i.n the booka o( the V. S. Treasurer, and can be transferred only op the owner's erder. Coupon BonCsare pavablo to bearer, and are more convenient for com uerciai usa ges. SuWribcrs to thüloan willhiive the option ofhaving their Bonds draw interest from March lst, by paying the accrued interest in coin- (nr in United States notes, or the notes of Xational Banks, adding Bfty per ccnl. for premium,) or receirc them drawihg interest from the date of subscription and deposit. As these Bonds are Exnnpt from Municipal or State Tnxalioii, their valne is increased from one to three per cent. perauuum according to the rate of tax leviei in rious parts of tlr.' ountry. At the present rate of premium on gold they pay Over EIgUt Per Cent Interest n curreacy.andare of equal convonience as a permanent or temporary investment. It is believed that 110 secnrities offer so great inducements to tenders as the' Jescriptinn of U. S Bonds. In all other forma of indtbtedness, the fai'.li orability of private parties or stock companies or separate eommunities only is pMged for payment, whilcforthe debts of the United States the whole property of the country is holden to secur the paymentof bjtll principal and interest in coin. These Bonds m y be subscribed Por in suins from $50 up to any magnitud, on the same terms, and are thus made eqnally availablo to the smallest lenderandthelargestoapitalist. They can be converted i. ito money at any moment, and the holder will have the benefit of the Interest. It may be useful to state in this connection that the total Fanded Debt of the United States on which interest is payable in gold, on the third day of March, 1864, was, $7C8,905,000 per annum. It will beseen that even the present gold revenues of thegovernmentarela gely in excess of tha wants of th Treasury for the payinent of gold interest, while the recent increase of the taiill will doubtless i-aifc the annual receipts from customs on the same amount of importations, to 8150,000,000 per annum. Instructions to the National Banks acting as loao agenta werè notiMSed from the Uuited States Treasury until March 2ti, but ia tbe (irst three weeks of April the subscriptions averaged more tban TEN MILLIONS A WEEK. Subscriptions w!ll be received by the First National Bank ol Ann Arbor, Mich Secona National Bank of Detroit, Firát National Bank of Feutou, Mich AND BY ALL NATIONAL BANKS which are deposit&ries of Public money, and all RESPiCTABLE BANKS AND BAN'KERS throughout the country, (acting as agents of the National Depositary Banks,) wiil furnish further information on applicationand AFFOltD EVERY FACILITY TO SUBSCRIBEN. 656 w8 Mathews' Chocolate Woim Drcpa ? XEVER fail to destroy and extermínate all kinds of Intestinal Worms. Are perfectly raliable in all cases nd far superior to anyuni all uf the Fanjy Worm onfections, rd nauseous Vermífugos in use. They may be taken at all times with perfect they containNO MERCURY.or othsr deleterious Drug.- Motliers should always purchase them and give their children no other. iNo Calhartic wbatecer, is necessary to be giren.) Each box contains 24 Drops or Lozenges. Price 2S ets. For Sale Isy all Drugt;:sts and Dealers ij Medicine:. C. R. WALKER. General Agent, Iy922 BulTalo,N.Y and Fort Eric.C. W. Tafee no more unpleasattt and uvsaf e Medicines. For unpleasant and dangerous diseases, use HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT Bl'CHÜ, Which has rèct;ived the endürsementof the most PROMINENT PHYSIC1ANS IN THE U. S. Is now offcredtoafllicted humanity as a certain cure for the following diseases and symptoms originating frum diseases and abuse of the Urinary or Sexual Organs. General DcbiJity, ilontjil and Physical Depression, Imbecility, Determination oT Blood to thellead, Coufused Ideas, llysteria, (Jen'llrritabüity, Restlet&ncss and Sleeples&nesa at Night, Absence of Muscular Efficiency, Loss of Appetite, Emaciation, I,ow Spirits, Üisorganization or Paralysis of the Organs of Generation. Talpitation of the Heart, And, infact,all theconcomitants of aNervousand Debilitated state of the system. To in sur e the germine, cut this out, APK FOR HELMBOLD'S. TAKE NO OTHER. CURES GUARANTEED. 2m951 See advertiseraent in another column. STRATO O3LiT. CAME into the pncloeure of the subscriber on the 4th of June last, one bay yearling mare colt, a siuall wliite spoton the insiJe of the riglit hintl foot and !s about middling size. The owncr is requested o prove property, pay charges, and take her awaj. EDUAR N. BANDALL. Bridgewater, July 2(i, 1804. 9646 RICHMOMDW1LLSOONBE TAKEN ! rHOSK THAT ARE INDEBTED to the late firm of Slawson c Geur will GRANT s a favor by calling on the undersigned and payiug up soon, or we shalí be obligedlo raake a DRAFT on them hy a Government officer. SLAWSON k SON. Ann Arbor, July 6th,1864. 90iwO Jjissolntion Wotice. mHEFIRMOFCHAI'IN, W(K)D h CO., was dissohed AJanuary 16, 1863, by mutual conRent. E. A. Chapín and A. B. Wood will settle tbeaecounts of the firm. C. A. Chapín, A. B. Woon, V. Oun, E. Welis. Ann Arbor, June 24, 183. Copartnership, TTE UNnERSIGNED entcred into partnership Jan. lfi , 1853, by tlie iirm name of Chapia k Co., and will continue the business of manufacturing priutmg andwrapping paper. C. A. Chapín, N. Chapín, V. Chapín. Ann Artor.June 24,18fi: SlOtf lirowncll Sí Perrin, Ml COMMS&ION HEBCHANTS, 183 South Water Stroet, CHICAGO, ILLiXTÖIS, Dealers in Grain, Flour, Provisions, 8ceds, Green and Dried Fruits, Cider, Êo# Éefercnces: Preston, W'llanl k Keen, Chicago. S. Botufyrd & Co., Ann Arbor, Mich. 1. Particular nrtention given lo the Bale of Green and Drtod Fruits, tsjêvt, Ice, Ordorí for the purchntie of Clover and Timotby Seed. Out Moats, , prompt ly attenled to if accom panied withcash or natistaetory refereiice. 9 9t f FOR SALE. rpHREE CITY I)TS , of the froniage of Syon Gar len. 1 adjoining on the east, the resMence of J F. Mi lier, on Miller Avenue. Eonuire at the GREEN HOUSE. Ana Arbcr. 7i.lie 201Ï , 1S64. 4w92. BA.2ST3STEB HAT STORE! ÖO TO Sp TIYf ifiD'C Before ou buy, Spring and Suramer styles oí SÏRAW GOODS! GENTS' Furnishmg Goods, &c. jnn Arbor, April '2Oth, 1804. 3ni953. EMPIR E BOOK STORE! ■ ITaving paroliaseaJ. WEBSTER'S stock of ïïooks and StiLtiont'ry, I shall eudeavor to Ieep a constant suj'ply ot SCHOOL 33OOKS, TEXT BOOKS! MEDICAL & LAW BÜÜRS STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, which will bt: sok] at tho LOWEST CASH P1UCE. Also ALBUMS, GOLD PENS, SHEET MUSTC and a superior quality of WALL PAPER! and everything usualiy kopt in a well conductcd Book Store. Opposito Frankliu House. G. W, SNOVER. Ann irtor, June, 18C4. 1)960 ZiOOK. 3EHíírL33 ? A large lot of LIISTEISr COATS AND SÜMMER GOODS, alivuys on hand at M. Guiterman & Co's, CLOTHING STORE. Givensacall anJ wo crn and rlll aell you chwpar and Letter ffoods than any other huuse in tliis city. 9M)tf BrinkerhofTs Selí-Kakin REAPER & MOWER COMBINED. rpHE BnnkerhofPs Self Raking Reaper anj Mower A Conibiaed ia tlie only reliable self-raker offered t th larsne's of this County. The other Machines which are offered inthismarkRt haveonly rakes on their advertí wmentH, the agents not daring to warrant the machines entire. We also warrant the Brinkerholt Machine to cut any grass which can beent by any machine, and wepropose to put it into the field against any Machine tbat runs which cuts ffr&8i and gi'iiin. tófimS DAVID M . FINLEY. Ann Arbor May lOlh, 1864. General Agent. WJLlTl. PAPER ! 50,000 rolls of Wull Paper can be foumUat the atore op .Tohn F. Miller & Co., corner of Maïn and Washington Stieets, oppoëite Hangsterfer's Hall. Alfio a largeasBortment of Miscellaneou.s Books at old pi-ices. Cloth and Paper Sha.les, Tassels, Corrts and Frames of all descriptions. Frames made to order. Please cali and examine before purchaainfrelsewhere. JOHN F. M1LLKR & CO. June lat, 1S64. 3ro959 IDtt. SMITH'S PRESCRIPT10N & DRUG STORE ! Is the place to buy your MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, AVritins Paper, by the Reani orless, BNVBLOPS, and all other articlen in our line. Eneoll ttmtíon to ComponndiDi nd putting up l'rcscriijtioiis, at the sign of GOLD MORTAR.Kxchange Kloek , Ann Arbor, Michigan. _L? j 1X3 l'rofessonal calis prnmptly attt-udüd to. 1Y960 100 City ïiots for Sale. To Clear the House of Flies, USE DUrCHEK'S UEPHUKATKÜ LIGHTNING FLYKILLER! a neat choap aiticlc, easy to use. Kvery nlitet will killaquart. 8OLD EVEBYWHKBB. 'iiuWi A Farm for sale. - o - SITUATED Hix mitón North of Ann Arbor. Sftid farm consistfi of 122 acres. On the premiseB are good buiViings, a line orehard and a living strearn. It is knmvn a. Wie Roseerana farm. U wlll be sold cheap, and teims ;J piiyment m;ule easv. Knquire of L.C. lïISOON. Ann Arbor, Jan. 2.6, 1864. ö4Uf FOR 8ALE! A NEW GROVER & BAKER BEW1NG MACHINE, jImisKEW SINGEit MACHINK, eitbtr Family or ■nanu.actunugpaUern. App. Ayers Cathartic Pilis DYSPEPSIA, AND DI4BASES REStTLTING FBOM DISORDERS 0? THE UVEE AND DIGESTIVEORGANS, ARE CURKD BY HOOFLAND'S GERMÁN BITTERS, THE GREAT STRENGTHEN1NG These Bitters have performed more Cures HAVE AND DO GIVEBBTTERSATISFACTION II ave more Tcsllmony! HAVE MORE KESPECTABLE PEOPLE TO VfUCIl FOIt 1 HEM I Thiin any otlicr article d the market. We defy ahy one to contrarlict tliis Assertion, ANJO AVILL, PAY $1OOO Toany one wlio wil! produce n CurtlOcnte published by us.tiiati.s riot :knuink. HOOFLAND'S emüi BITTERS WII.I. CL'KE IN EVERY CASE OV Chronic 01 Nervous Debiüty, Diseases of the Kidneys, and Diseases arising fiom disordeied Stomach. Observe lh i follmiwt symptnms rtsvHing frmn Disorders of the Digestivc Organz : Constipation. Inn fudl'iles. Fnllnfga of Blnod to the iicncl. Acidity, ol tlio Stini!icli, Nausea. Hc.utburu, Disgust for tone), Knllnpss (ir vvetghl intlieítiimncli Bour Eruótatlons, Sinking or Huttt ring at tir jiit of the Stomach,SwJmining ul tliu Head, Hurrit'd and 'litfioult bre:itlinr. Flatterhig at the llcart, ChokiiiB or üuffucatiDg Sonsations wlii'n in a Eying Pontore, Dimness of Vision, Pots or Wfbn bcl'ire the Siht, Tever aml Dull Pain in the Hnal, Ikli.lieni-y of l'rcsjii rat ion. ïyUoTfoeas oCtin' skhi am! Eyea, pain in thesiáe, back,oll88t,lltrjba,Src..Sudi]t'n Uiishes of Hoat, Riirnina: ín tile Flesh, Constant lmagining ol 'Kvil and Grcat Deprossiou of tip rits, THAT THIS BITTERSIS NOT ALOHOOO, CONTAINS NO RÜM OR WIIISKEY, AND CAN'T MAKE DRÏÏNKAEDS, BüT In the World. SP RKAI) WHO SAYS SO : Krom the Rev. Levi G. Beek, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Pepoberton, N. J. , ior.nerly of the North Baptist Church, Philadelphia. I haveknown Hoofland's Germán Bitters favorably for a nuinber oi year. 1 have used Ihcm in mv QWQ fumily , and havo been ao pleaaed with their eflecU that I wan induced to reemnmend tliem to many others, and knuw 'hat they liaveoperated in a ptrikingly beneficial mannor. Itakegreat picas ure in thus publ.cly procliiiming this fact,and cniling the ft t tent ion of tliose affiicled wu&therdUeaseafor whicJa they are ree om - ir-ended, to these bitters, knowing from experlenoe that iiiy rööOmmeodatiOD will bc sustained, I .(o tliis more chceifully as Hoolland's Bitters is intended tu benefit the alïlicted, aml i -'not a rum drink." Yours truly, LEV1 G. BECK. Krom Rev. Newton Brotvn, i). D. Hditorof thoEncyclopedíív of Religious Knowledge and fhristmn Chroniclo,PhiUdeIphia. Ithough not disposed to favor or recommtnd Patent Medicines in genera!, th"ough distrust ol' their ingredients and ett'ycts, I yet know ut' no sufíícicnt reasone why a manmay not testity to the benefits he believes himselfto have received from any simple prepaiation in tb' hope that he may thus coatribute to the beneü of othera. I do thifi more readiiy in regard to HooÜand's Ger man Bitters, pref.ared by Dr. C. SI. Jackon, of thi city, because I was prejudicod against them forman veins, underthe impre.ssiun Üui% they we re cliieliv an alchoholic mixture. lam indebted to my friend,Rob t-rt ohoemaker, Esq., for the remova] of this prejudic bv proper tests, and for to try them when suliering fn-mgreat and lony continued debiiity The use of three bottles ol tícese bitters at tlie begin DiDJt "f the present year, was foUowed by evident relie and restoration ti a degree of bodily and mental vigo which I had not for six montlts before, and had .almos es paireó úf regaining. I t hert) f ore: thank God and m friend for directing rr,e to the use of them J. NEWTON BKüWN,riula From the Rev. Jos. II. Kennard, Pastor of the lOth Bap tist Church. Br. JacJison : - Pear Sir: - ï have been frequently re quested to conuect my name witli cummendations o different kinds of medicines, but rf gard Ing the piactic as out of my ap]'r..,riate sphore. I have in all case declined ; but with :i cleur proot in vurious instances and particulaily in my limily,of Uie usefullness of Dr Honttiiml's Germ;m Miitcrs, I depart for once from m usual course, to epres.s my í uil cmviction that, 'o general debiiity of the Kystera aml especialiy for ÏA ver Complaiiü. il ia a safe and vaUmble preparatton. In some cases it may lail; but usualiy, I dou tnot,itwill be very beneficial to those who suffer from the above cause. Yours,very respectfully, ■ J. II. KENNARD, Bfghth below Coates Street, Phila. From Rev. Warren Randnlph, Pastor of the Baptist Church.Germantown Penn. Dr.C M. Jackson :- MearSir : - Personal experience enables me to say bat I regard the Germán Iïitters propared by you as amostoxcel ent medicine. ín case of severa cold and general debiüty I Itave been great ly benefited by thw use of the Bitters, and doubt not they will produce similar effects on ethers. Yours, truly, WARREN RANDOLPH. Gcrmantown, Pa. Krom Rev. J, H Turner, Pastor of Hedding M. E. Cb.urch,Phila. JDr. Jackson: - Pear Pir .- Having usen your Germán Bitters in my family frequently , I am preparad fcö say that it has been oí' -rreat service. I bellere tliat in most cases cf general debility of the system it is the Batest and most valuable reinedy of which I have any kaowteigL" Yours, respectdilly, J. H. TURNER, Nu. 726 N. Nineteeuth Street. From the Rev.J. M. Ljone, formerly Pastor of ihe Co lumbuc, J.)andMillstowi:, (Pa.) Baptist Churches. New Kochelle; N. Y. Dr.C. M. Jackson :- DearSir:- I feit it a pleaRure thu,.f my own accord to bear teftiinony to the excellence of the 'ïertnan ratten, fome year since, bein much afllicted witïi Dvspepsia, ï tiseii them with very benelicial resulta. I have often recommenu'ed them to persons enfeebled by that lormenting diaéase. and have heard from tliem the most Batterisg testimoniáis as to their great valué. Incasesof general debility, 1 believe itto be atonic that eau not be surp&fwed. J. M LYONS. From the Rev Thos, Winter, Pastor of RoxborougH BapiislChurch. Ttr. Jiicksdn ■ - Dear Pir : -1 Ceel itdtie to yonr excellent pieparation, rtoííflánd's fTeroiati Bitters, to nrtd my teatiiaony to tbe deservtiö'roputatfoii il tiaa ofctained. I havo for years, it times beeD f nmbled with great ilisorder in vos ';t'!l(' !l1"' nex.voug ayatein. I srag tvdviwd Dy íi. ftrieetá to I ry i imif 1' of'your (icrmivn Bittera. I liii go and have experUnöëd rent and uuexpected re lief; my hwüth has been vcry mateifttlly bene(iltt'(1. I eonfldently recommend the artit-lf w ere 1 moe with c:iscn similar to my own, iinrl have been assun-il by many of the'r gooil rfiocts Rtspectfully yours, T. WINTER, Roxbftr o ugja Pa. Krom Rev.J. S. Herman, of the Germán Iteformed Ctuirch. Kuiztowu, Herks Co ïa. Dr. C. M. Jackson : - Kespccti'il f-'ir . - T haTP bpen troublod with I-yspopsin nc;nly tweoty yfii rs. and have never ufd my ndlcinethHi die me irfentucb trond n IJontlaml's Hittcrs. I :un voiy much iniproved in healt! after having tafcen iivo hottles Yours, with respect, J ö. HERMÁN, PRICES. Largo Sízp, holding neni-ly doublé rjiiantily ,) $1 00 per buttle-liiill iloz. t5 ('0. fout! Siie- 75 cents per Bottlc- lialf down $4 00, BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Scethattlie sign.iture of" C M. JACKSON" is on the WRAlTElt ofnacii bottle. Hhou!'.l your norirft Druggfst not have thenrtielo, rlo not be put otf by ptox'cutin ]iivpnr;nions tliat may hp olferi'il in ts piuco, but sonrt to us.anil we 11 forward, secui-ly i'acked,by express. Principal Office nnd Manufactory, NO 63IaAïlCH STREET, rHILADELl'HIA. Jones & Evans. Succcssors to C. M Jackson íf Cío. PROPR1ETORS. For salo by Druptriptf and Dealerp in every 't. tbe Uuitea Statet. US2yl ryn. wbiöïïT'S Rejuvenatíng Elixir! j Or, ESSENCE OF LIFE. Prepaiea from Puro Vegetable Extracta, contaicing notlüng injurious to the most delbato. " As tho Phoenix rises from tlie ashes of it9 lire,' animatcd with nei7 life" - so doe3 this Elixir reiuvenato tho sy3tom and ovejí-íme disoase. D?"ThDEcJavennt!Ma Elidir U rcsutaoi ivoilin dlscoveri 8 In tliOTPgi-tsb'.e lcirgilom; Mttft KB entiroly ticw aml nï.'SM-nct inelhod oí' car.-, irrcaueoüyc oí nll the olil Bnd worncut kvsicih. BT 1 1 is mpdictm tuin been tesina by tlic most al DeDt mcfltil men oftïtu (lay.andln prononncod to bo om of tiio gre vu-at medici dhfirtM or the ag. Í3?" One bottlo wil. cure ccF.cril Dijbtllty. 55T A. few doses curua tlyaiurtcslu íVnialis pr One bottle cores PU IMtton f Uw üüurt. t_gr I roni (notoüit.e Dotlleti rt-Kiort H.t manllDt?8B and full vigor of 5oQtti. tif A few dr Bes restorcalhe aDpetltA. tifTlircc botties otiretheiforst wwe of Inipütwfj. j tí?" A fi w tloiies care the low spiiiteti. 61?" Oue boltle i-e'or. b m nta! power. S3f" A few dos( g bnne the roe to tbc ehek. ttrihlt iiMidliine resioreB to muiy vw-or aml robust healthtbc poor dvLi.itated. wercduwu and lf ZW The Ustlu-a, enervHti d vouth, llic ovfr-t-iHked míin of bnetneB?, be vlctlui of neivotis deprcs&ioD, tlielüdivííUiftUulíVrinsiroiii 2nenil deblüiy, wil all finI Iit'-nwdiato nitd perm ent. tfiWtS by thc u-cc of Ulls Kixir (V Ëcfr nee cf Lií' . y pricc, $2 per UoMie or thre bltt Wr $',nwrt furwarl(d ly Ifivjiri sa, ou rtcip' of uiuncy tu ar.y adlrt&n. AH s' -cb or'! r? mnf-t bc rent t ' . A. COOK, CW,Cflgo, our OrntTftl Ag Ut for the V t sí. Boldiu Cblcayo, by ' Wholesale JroíglttiI,eiHlly nllDrueíevc yw!,e'e. C. A. COOK, Cnitn-GO, O-uf;ral Affeat iflr tbe B'utcfi of Iilinold Iovav Wbuun&.D, Michlgau anü IIdiana. 1ÏR. W. K. MKUWIN & OO., PdLE PBOPBIE'OTÍS, No !W Lil.erty utree', Ni-w STork. CHEROKEE PILLS ! SUGAR )h COATED. Female SM Regulator. HealtliffÉrsserver. CEETAIN rí'Si' AKD SAFE. For the R-moval of Obstructions, and the Insurance of Kegnlarity in the Éecunence of the Monthiy Peiiods. J" They eme or obvíate those nut. erou dlseiues tlidt Fpring from lrregularlty, by remi vins tlic lircgularlty llself. STer ïtiey cure Snipri;stí]. Excuesive and Palnful Metstrnatton. tW They care Groen Slckness (Chlorosls). %W They cure Nervous and gptrrèl AffontiOTiSjParM In the back, and lower paits of the body, Hti;i loess, Fatigue on light ecriion, Palpltation of thf H-art, LowIcbs oi Spirits, Uysteiia, ilok lleuh.oli: , tilitdiness, etc, etc. In a wori, by reinovlus the IrrSjto. larity, lliey remove the cauáe, and wítu it all tbe cffects that spring l'ronj lt. c:oiHpos(id of simple vegetable extracta, tiiey contuin noSitog delete! iou to any r.onotltutlon. kowever delicate, their ranclón bc-liiic to bu slltute Btrengtli for weakart wbltb, iv&cn properly Hti, tbey nL'Ver Jail to (!o, 83?" Ttjty may be safely used at i'.ny age, and at any ptrlud, EXOK!'TDU::iNo T1!E F1BSÏ TKHKK MOXTüS, during whlch the nnfallinï nature of thclr acttoTJ would lnlalllby pekvï nt prignaccf . - All letters sec'ulnï inlormatlon or advlce rlll be promptly, reely ond dlscrcetly answered. gy Full dirtctlonsuccompany eaeb box, ty Prlce tl per bz , or sis boxes for $E. %3T Sent by mail, free of postage. on recelpt of price. All Buch orders mutit be Bent to C. A. C00K, ChlCflffo, our Gtneal Agent for :ho West. Sold in Chicago, by Wholesale Drucgiels.andby all DrucEistscvcrywhcro. o. -ia., oooss:, CHICAGO, General Agent for tbe States -f IlllnoU, lowa, Wüv oontfln, Micbigan and Indlani. IB. W. K. WEKVKIIV & CO., Sols Phophjetoi:b, No. 59 Llbirty tt., New York. Sold by Wholesalt1 Droguista in ÏDetroit, ilso by ST1ÍBB1NS& WILSON, Aun Arbor. Ji2 1 liííle F actor y! Beutier & Traver, [Suecessors to A. í . Sutlierlaïl!,] Manufacturera of and Dealers in Guns,Pistols, Ammunition yiasks, Pouilics Game Bags, and Everjother article ii, that Line. All kittig of RBPAIRÏNG one at tlii? sltortest notice, and in tuc best menner. a full assortment always kept onh.iml anï made order flfQ Shop oomer M;ún and Washington ctreets. Ann Arbor,Oct. 8, 1362. 873tf The Money Returned if It Fails to Cure. PSYCHE GQGL , THE ONLY CERTAIN AND AVARANTED (JURE FOR FEVER & AGUE, Interrnittentt Heraittent aiid DYSPEPSIA AXD L0?S OF APPET1TE. Fut-sale by allbrngKisU. W. G. MACKAY, A ;;■ . 3m950. No, 8G Nassau ?trect,N. Y. Manliood : How Lost, Ilow Rcsiortcl. JLTST PriSl.lslIKIi,:! rte fliiion of Dr. Cntvor. ■vcll's Cfli'lrlci Kssay on the rQfiieal oure (witlumt racdlcttK) of si-FioiATnjoni'KA, or tem i nul Wiï ik n fs-, I nvi Wiinta ry Som i nal I.osxi's, lm potency, Mentfyl aml I'hy.sical Incapiicity, Emffer]! mt'titM to Marriape, elc , aUft ('onsumption, EDÍlepsy and FitK, induced by eolf-jndulgeawfi or sexu;il extrava jffg" Prïe1 , in asoalMl nnvlopp, only 0 conts. ÏUe cplt'lirati'il aullior in t li i s admirable GMay cleavl_y d.-nn'iivtralcs. rrowl tliit ly ycars BUCCftSsia) practice, tliat ihf iilannin;; btmAeqneficea of bqJí aoUiw itiay bP radiciiHv curcd without the ilnnerous qb6 of nal mcliciopor tlie ;i)p]iit.ioi; o f the k 1 1 i 1" ■ - pm'ntittg out a morte of cure, at once simple, cfrhiiti nnl Hlerv tual, by mea na of whfcfa everj snflVrer, no matter wimt liiscoii'Üíion may be, may dltrehímelí cheuply, Iirivíitely.aml radicdliy 1iJ6_. Tbifl I.fCtuio kIuíuIi! b(! in tbe hanrlw of evcry yonth aiulpvorv in:ui in Ihcland. Pont, undcv 9991, itt a plltttí ill , to iiiiy fládrwffd, postpaid, on wceiptofsïx ii.ints or two stamps. AJdreaá the publi.-hev. CHAS. I. C. Kl.INKro., 137 Bowery, New Yörfc, IMst offlco box 4586. - FAIRHANKS' Ip standard ySPÉHBgP OF ALL KINDS. ALBO, .g) "■ n",,,,-,;,,,,.. Trurh-s, i:teVf's,iív. FAIRBASKS, GREEKLEAF & CO. 1? Iüvk.0 Stlttt, CHICAGO. Sold ia Detroil ly FAEBAND, SHELEY é, CO. ÍS Pf emíd te boy ohIt thr Ofnu!ne =5SÍ r9M Buffalo Tcstímoiiy. & cïïrï i, ■'I was troublert rtHÍI Klicuin..ism for to v'eara ■ufferinR mornor losa everjr ,)„y. I l,ave ,,,ke lwo bnttlesof the'l'fopics Cureanrl have not liad anv pain finoe I lett t olí more t,],pn four "uei ts ai-o I c iisider melcas mliroly cured, au.,1 thf mcditmi lmuiÍMOT fcel very lifíiit and gooí- inít ]ke youug man thgugh t am slxtv two iuanuld ÖÜDRKT SCHEFFXL, te Jli.),gaI, st," "My wifcha l.oon sull', ring fiom tlihe, n-alifin of an inflamraulor.i cbsmcter lor aliout s. trt spvcu v,rr S"ini-timc vci-.v Bcutely. Al.oul the tfíf rjf June' Inst ■he commcnced tiiking tlie 'feiVplB'(, ('„r,. . !1Ijd tinuprt tQ akc t ioae three weÁ,. ]„ te day. after sha commencfí!, thc strelling anrt Miiliiom ol hw i,,nt !5 CURE 'lU,.. , qneofthem aflllctad with (.ïteSysTef SoTc. O other irith Rlieumatism- havire semmnSterttmutof tlio 'People'ü Cure' In tlii paper, purdttd lh Uedicine , ajui nov afferbavtoi tbHlghl iriBd it, í-cpnrt tous.cdmmi-nrlin.'it most hearl? a a Wtongli ícnit ly in tlieir case.- Editora Cliríslian Advocate. 'My face h,. iov mr than ton years be,.,, Broatly (Iiífigured by i ítiydons and hnnche, nliicli al timea extended ..ver mj fcolebolyvaud once for ti roe day made me eritirely blin.l ; but b.ving taken tiro bottba f thc'l'..U'' ■Curo.'m.y asquaintancea ha'dli rccognize me- Indeed I l.anlly kaow a ] m n.,w a liman. Let all who are sííke fflíctfd íry the ■lVi.plo'sCure,- 1bc Medicine pfep.rrt % t,,. sm!tarr SocletJ- Dd I thiuk thiy II j,ot begrudgo Iheir dol"Iliavpus'ülthc'lVopU.- in ,„y r,,my „.th greatbsnollt, n caves ofS-rofnIn anl Balt íiheuui and bave recommenderl t froquenlly to my í -ieinlM, aíl of whom T believe bave been benefltteil, and most of tbem ntirely cuied liy t. CHAS. SCHARFF, 2T3 Main St., up-sUirn." THE PTÏTi V cFeoiah PKU11.K-S LyUltli Weakoesse "I hare been n feeble lioalth evor since the birlli of my boy, wlio is no Iwclvn yenrs okl. I uave bad maiiv troublegaad dUScnltles, all this time, unOtlinE me lor every kind af labor, an.l destlfiyiiij; all mv cm fort, Last slimmer I comint-nceil faking. the 'lVoplea Cure,' and have used fonr bottl".', and am iiow altnot a wcll wmiian. My difflcultie bave nearly all disau peared, and 1 feel cheerfnl and happy, "MHS. CATHARINE IiKWALD, Drcssmaker, Goodell Allty, aboreTuuner st "BniTalo, Oct. 20, 1S62." THE PTTTJT? C'1"-" Wlien rtlio I'KOPl.K'S VUXlJii medicine lail "My wife has been In poor health foi a lng time bavin? frequently to cali phvBician to attend hér; but Btae was recently very much worse. Fr li nr six weeks she liad no appctiie, lost all her streng tb, and waieacb Jaygrowingworee, Slie bad night swrats, congbed a grreat deai uring each nij bt and lily duriiig ihedav, and we all yupposed she wasgoipg olf witli the eonsumption, when h lïiend advmed lier lo take the 'Peoplea's Cure. On taking the medicine be perceived a ehange at once. Onfheihlrd dayghehau ifonveu'.l her appetifce, and was faut regaining lier strengtu, uittil, on the t-ight.hd.iy, not yet liavinj? tpken one boltle, she hap ntoppp.1 taking the medicine sajing slie as as wetlas anybody couki be, and he has continueil so ever ince. '(1'AUI. Kl.i'IX, Oardner, '2 Pearl st. "BuffaOctober 1,1862." For Fik by all Druggists. Qyi C. CROSIïY, General Agent, No. 255 Main t. , Buffa'l., NT. Y , lo whora all orders should be iddresscd. For Ssle hy 8t BB Bi sa & Wilson, Grexviu k & Fcllkr and C. EïiËRiiACti & Co. WONDERFUL SUCCEibS. jQfö Tlu1 attontion and research of the most um. tinguished ChemistR and Physicians for ypars hvc been devoted to the production of a remed for tli se mostdistressing malndes Neuralgia and IIiieumat ..i'J After long Rtady and raany exieriraents, a spcojic prrparatiov lias been discovere-i, WATSOM 'S Xeuralia Kiii2,an hite.rnal Remcáyjs, curing thousands uf cases whereall other remedies have utteily failed. We Uré asstired tltat it is no mere " ANODYNJE,' rehevhig for the moment whilothn remaius, but is a tnnftai Hl'KCIFICiind GURE for iiiuse painful diecasë; The vast outober of I-hiinR-nU, Erabrocaiions and K.tfinal Medicines, which act as stimulants of tlie surace ('nly, are meiely temporal y in their effects and of douMiul virtue The NEURALGIA KING reaches the source of all trouble, and j&flectually ba ni she e the diseasefrum the sy stem, Pricc- One Dollar per Bottle. Prepared by C. R. WALKKR. Iy922 Buffalo, N. Y., ano Fyt Erie, C. W. For Sale by Stkbmns & 7iij?on, & 1 Cl, and C . Ki'EFiiAtu & Co. ÏHJTTA.ISr'S VENT1LAT10N & WARMING! o Tlio undersigned kecps on hand and ivill suiiplY ARCHITECT8, BÜILDEHS, and 1NDIVIIU AI.S, with any of these celebrated machines for the warming of buildings at short notice. He will also be hpi y to give sucli nstructions to uil who are about to build na will enable them to warm tlieir Jiouse at about half the expenseíur íuel that they can possibly du b) ■ nuy other raeans. KEFEKENCES. C. KRERBAC-T. Ann Arbor. A. A. SCHOOL EOARD, JA0O13 HANGSTERFJÍR. AUGUSTUS WIDEXMANN. Ann Arbor,Marcli 4th, 1864. 6m!148 MICHIGAN CENTRAXi INSURANCE COMPANY Kalamazoo. ]SLicb..' Insurcs against ïxss 01 Damage 1) l'irc or Liightuing. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Gwirantce Capital, by State Aulhority, $300,00000. DIRECTOPS: J. P. Kennedy, Marsh GrnniNos, A. P. Mills, Gho W. Snïdkk, S. D. Alle, Gko. W. Allen, OFFXCERS : J. P. Kennedy, Pre?. T. P Sheldon. Vier Tr Geo. W. Snyácr, Sec, A. P. Miils Trcag., H. E Hoyt' Ass't Sec, S . D. Allen , Gin. Ayt. 94Otf WIZASD OÏL. Tho frtatost inLcrnnl anil extornal reinwly (cr oirpred to the public, for the cure of lelies and Pains, is Hamlin's Wizrd Oi!. N"o fainily, once ha ving thoroogïïly tricil, will -- w . fiout Hamlin's Wisard Oil. Tt will (-ure Nel-vons mul InflAmmatory mrre reatlily aDl suraly than :wiv 'Hipr article iu use. H requirea uüly ;i few minutes aDplioutioD of Hamlin's Wizard Uil. '[Y curo the puin mtírely r. uil cases of lYenvM$fm. IIuIaUt, Toothucliv, Eaiai3ics (Ut, im BrnlMSi Haml'n's Wizard Oil. U al : uertain anrt spoot! v i in-e for Rlnm tln Sirnlis. Liimi HnrL Sore TIn ..4 , DI i '.Ho rln, Dlnrrlira, Cramp Collc, Fvost Bilt liunis aml Scalds. Hamlin's Wissard Oil, Is do humbiui. 'ïry t%fiï.d ils won-lorfnl ''T' els will ashnilsli juu. ' PRICJE 25 aml 50 CENTS PKU ÜOTTI.K. The lifty cent bottko.omt.iiu iio-My thvcu t-.iuc as rnuch as tin1 twoficz-fiyi1 (f;nt sji1 Manuf&ótujed Kjr Ji A Haailiu t Kro , K'ii Washington 'tFi'vt, Clú-3go Hl I.KÜ, FWCti k WL1.1.K, i nnd 28 Ma . 151., Ghmag, atv Hholpiale Agt IjMI Hanüia's ISTizard OU. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral


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