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A Sword For Captain Semmes

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To tlie Editor oí the Londoii Daily News : Sik - I see hy the morning post tbat uertain ofticers of her Majesty's navy propcse to present a swafd to Captain Semines, in the place of the one which, acoording to the account o!' one of h8 oflioers, ie thiew uto the sea, thiit t inight not becorno the trophy of his victor. As a voluntecr ofBeer, desirous of beirij; instructed in the code of honor, and looking lespectl'ully to the naval servieo as perhaps the highest authority on the subject, I would like to ask ene or two questions: lst, iiad Capt. Seinmes, after iiaving snrrcndered his ship, any right to throw his sword into the sen ? Of course it is a vory unpleamuit lliin for aman to give up his Hvvord ; bnt is t, or is it not, a part of the etiquette ot honor that he should lo o 'Í Ii it be, Üion I would submit to these gallant ollicers that it is to Captain Winslow that the sword should be preseuted. ad. When a man surrenders his shiji, does lie not surronder hitnself ilong with it '? And has he a right, uí'ler navidg dono so, to make las owi) escape ? I migtit ask a third question. ]joes thc possession of' sixty elii'onoineteis, takou trom delbnseless mercliant whips, constitute a naval hero now-a days 'i I trust that these galltuit otliciMs vvill pause in their de;-ign till they havo atisweru all these (ueslious íatipfautorily. I aii), &e , ÁN Ol'l'IUKll UI' rOLlNTKEI!S. _ m iii - TlIK Dm'KNSES OF Wa.sIUNUTON In view oí' the annual iuvasion of the Norih, ve givu the íol'.owing description of Washington :inl ilü det'enses on tlmt side, it bi:ing alwi.ys Üie objeetive point ol a rebel raid, and at the last moment being always in want of delenders : In Washingion the streetH nnineO by nmi.lKü's run north and south. r]'lto Uaprtol and the Wiiite House are a niitu aml a quaiter apart. First street runs north and souih {'rom the Capítol gtounds. Scvonteuntli street runs nurth and south í'roin the Wtute Hnuga. CJeoretown t two miles north of Washington. TenuHy town is a niile or two north of Geoi-etown. Hladensliurg is si. milos northo .st ol Washiígton. From the l'otoinac, ust above QeurgetOUyp, around to lüadensburg, tí the liiio af 'Icíensivo fort-. Une or two detacliea works are built beyond tlis litio ubout a mile to dio i glit of the Ballimore líailro:id tor i tu protcction. 'l'lie Ijüfl ul fnits crocos every onc of the sUouls runn:pg north aud south. Tho works are se)arated from each otlier, wilhout any eontinuous hne of riñe pits eoüiieeling tht'in, and tvith no abatir; iu front. Thtir lgi)fjf disuse, from llie safetj' cf the city, ha caied ihem to be fotnewhat ueyiccted. Soine havo gnus inoui . tiiij 011 thern ; othi'ra not, UnleKs ihe forcé oí troopü in W'ashing ton is very largc, noue o! thoia have i adc.q'Kite garrir :ont'-,


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