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High Prices And Their Causes

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There in uoncerted efforl it this moment on i lu; puit of ihe adiiiintstraijon prent to ii!i"so upon Hit non 'QiuniDcrcial pulvlio the asMjriiort tliut the high pnces tiow ruling t.Tlhu npci-K-aries uf life aro duo iluály toa wild spëculation, which hsis 110 foundation wbutcvor] in supply and deinand, or :her facts hiiving a legitímate iKsarTrig tipnn ihu juices of atiipltí pfoducts. Scv ral oí' mr r.oiiteriific u-aries of the const-rvHtive pres have been led tu repeat thrse idlc uasriioús, wrfrtch are put Forlti with a view (i p.blic Mtteotioti tnm the fuol th;ct in tint enoi rnous tiÜation of ih cnrreney, jid the buríleos imposed upofi pr. diictions by iba taxaltot o] the fztMiei-al governrneiir, t -gul lier with the nhsorption ol labor and the produoiug power of tlia country in tin; niuv, u.iy bc toiind tho truc ruason ol tl'' high piitt againsi wfiiuti all peo pk wil-) ilupend upon honest toil for tUáje liveliho. d aro crving out. The market reponer of ihu'tVtèiMC will be ablü to teil the editor of thurt paper tbut many anieles, sueh s tea, cofteo silgar, mUuls . and mo forth, eonvenient and desirable, it not ol priaio necöfnity, have been Relling sincegold went ibove two huudred and twenty five, at less thitn lli! cost ,f layihg them down liere, and tluit in consequence of this annmaly in our morkets, there has been a large export of the6e gond's from our boixted warclionses. We Wifl ins:itnte a brief eninp.irison on the basis of' gold at two hundred and tifty, as it elosed last evening. That is, a j)a'r dnlUr was vvoith furty oont. Ex: ra state flour at ten dallnrs per barre). Tliis is only tour dollars in gold - the very lowekt n iee tnuehed in several yeiirs past - whiie six dwflars bave oiten been paid hen there was no specnlation in the market, a suui eqiinl to fifteen dollars in currency The best St. Lciuis familv flotlrs soíd yeslerday for fourteen ti éftoen dolliirs per barrel, or six dollars or Icjss in gnld. They seldoin sold below eight to nine dollars in ' good tiine-," or twenty dollars to twenty-two dollars and a half in the present currency. Particular tivs is laid upon the price of pork, wiioh clowd yesterday át thiriy-eight (b'lars per barrel for new mess. Ii is triie ibiit sinee the intelligence, nf neirlv a year wn'ce, that tr.e orop of cJni for 1863 was badly injured by frosf, pork has been ratner a ' fanc-y " article with 8pecnlators But not more so than it 'oiifd have been had the currency rosted on a sounder basis. It is more probable that. the high nominal pnce has checxed sjpec-uJation. The current qimtatioa is ouly a fiaetion o.ver lit'uun dllarn in gold N'iw tin; (ificein June, 18Ö7, -i twen'y '1-ni.r d-vlars in gold. rgisly il-iHaw iu the rtsi-n! . currency Fifteei) dollars in oid i eer it.uiily u t above the avorage of the (rost 'e'i ve:ir. ' To return t bieadsuff-: Weflid tjiui ttie red a iber wintei vviiént sulil yetiuvdtiy ai, ijii-llur in ulij pur busSeT. VVfti.those -'ho are so tiercé t- áanouime ipfuulutiou' iefl ns fiisi it oíd choipe:-? Piiina oorn, notvvilh(rtanding in undoubted .-cin-i y, go(d it BÏ$l,v-four cent in uolj per biln-i, air1 ihe besl oats at ; I, ir ■y-.:!, ■,-,., ,.e Kèed we chrry furthér this illtVstfaiiöu of the os:eni. to vvhich Ihu farmer is rob bed through tbo iutiueuce oJ' t.bü iniiated ■ovin'er.c ? _ A lonnidable tahl 'has been com piled, to shovv that the advancu in nierohandise is greater ban ihe depreeiation in (Mirraiiey. The wrong imprest-ion, tí not inteuiional deceit, to tíow froui'tbig compilation, will be exposed by poinling out collón, cotton gnods, and.uotlee, anMOiig the anieles named Bvery b -dy k'iows that in c itton and ui;tt!i gootírt, s'iteh oí liie advunce as i-not due ta the depreuiated currency is a tributa! fie to ihe soveriug of comLiiinïcatisn with the colton fieids of th-e, BoatJi, whenoa ue have heretofore Tawsi ut up.lies of raw natarM {liofiee hna doubled n pric-3 witikifl ttircc' y.eur-s at. üiu ports of exportation. 'üraztl-.Ciifiee is iovv aljout fourtet-n cents per pound at Uio ; this is thirty öva cents per (louiid iu our currency. Tbo duty is five cenl per pdund iri gold, or -twelve and a half cenls in currenov, wbich make fortysoven and a half conts: t( ttós must fee aiided cominisiou, bi-okerage, storage, freiilrt, anci a forth. The oui uent nee ie -fiftj to .Lfiytwo cents Where ie t'iïe!'specul.i!n.-ïV' It seemB to us it must be on the vv.nong uide of tho ledger. Tafee migar, to pursue the example. The 'o re tik i n_g u-p o! the silgar plantations in iiWWMMK, rc] thoifailure of the beet sugas-'OTsp in lFnpOBm year, have c:iu-ed prices af BUgar t aitnce all over the world ï oost-e t putgood retíning sugar into bonded warehKse tere five and a half oents per pioad ih gold; this is thirteen and three-quxrter Lent in currency; the duty is two and i iialf centsin gold, or six ar.d a quarler cents in currency ; making twenty cents; to which must be adied fmgnt, shrinkage, commissions, brokerage and storuge. Ihe 'f.r.uo (ujid yesterday was Iweuty-one ceiits. At theold rato of duty it would cost bat íix cent-e uu gold ; it has sold in tb marktít at equal to ten cents in gold in'bond, or equal to thirty-one atid n-ijiianer conts in currency, d.uty uivid Rt he current rate of dut-y'. With refiHinee'to the -pricu rtf matiulactures.befope the sëller is chüred vviih MiertiK'iefthö prico be omputed in gold, rif! tihc eoorinou-s evcwa and duties paid by tho manpfaekUMv upou -pvery thing he arias, brides ihe direct '!'ivy .:pon him, bu taken .into account, ilt will soon be di,-eovered t'hat thenaFjfin of is po small that no'Jiing but -an enorinous capiial cirn tand lip ander such exachoirs, nr.d ever +iinail muat spoedig 'be dri-ven out of business. , The laboring pnpulatisa are repeati Jly reminded of the high wnges tliey nre now receiving. What are they ? Tho mentmme who fornier'iy arned ten io twelve dollarí fri-gwlfl per week nw receives lifteer. 'ín eigtitoiüi iu currency, pq'ialing ort'iy toont six or seven dollars i'i gokl. In the face of these RuSte, to represent hii condi'.ion as iu;prfveÖ is be heigbi i persuiRp'.icn. Thu tho effo:ts-;.#S t'iie ailmiuistration pie. to iscribe to pecülation the results of mi.-iaanagemoiit und corrup tiun, fall bi'lora tiie Tnofi cursory 1 Jitnioittion of tb'r reteiifinns, Icn Miers ure necöHury to the prosperiiy oí the gceat iiniustiiiil iriterestH of thu country. Pric. 3 of labor and furm produots are tho lirst tn f.-ill and the last t( riue, ltiH.itinn and speculation rob j tfietn f :i .'irtiin of thuif juut retnrnf. In i nis view, ti, e Deiiiooratiü party has opposcd ili inÜatión, and its uffspiing, ! speoululion, and vindícate iiiidw i; I cla;ms tu tiiu positiiHi of the party of 'i the peopTè and the country.


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Michigan Argus