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Governor" Crapo Daguerreotyped

Governor" Crapo Daguerreotyped image
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■ :' Our owa corrí spoudent " of tüe Detroit Tribune, writing from Flint, j der düte ol Ju!y 20th, bns iaragueweotjpod tlio Jtepnblioafl ciuHÜdala for : ernor, from lifc, wo supposo. 'f hat our rcidors uiay DOt lougur nmiiui in the dtrfc, wcgive a aynopaia of ':our owuV' skotoL: t 1. Mr. Crapo is euiphatically a man i ot tbe people. Gmumeacing lifo witb a i capital of bands and braius he bus aoquircd a magnificeDt fortune. 2. He resided ia New Bedford, Jiass., until 1856, froin srUat date wc sro tiot told, wliere ho bad a " oareer " and several officeë. 3 Ile was Cit}' Treagurer 15 jears, and for ycars a tomb-6toüe of tbe Wbig party. 4. In 1856 viten be removed to thie Stato, he was Ci'y Treasurer, Polico Judgo or Magistraty. public administrator, and PreeUleut of nn ineurance coto, piay- ali of whieh af&ee$ he teft behiod him , 5. Ce bad amassed ü tiundsome competcney and a tinancial reputation seooud to noue in the city. 6. Ha early turncd uis attontioa to Miohigan, and before he removed here became identified with her interest. 7. in 2836 and 1837 be invested largely in Michigan lands, uot oniy for liituself, but for other parties ; and in 1856, previous to bis rcoioval to Fuut, wliile his faroily reëided iu New Bedford, aod while Le Seld two luorative offices - with tenure doing good behavioi- with sal arios of 83,000 a year, ho and others purchas.d 15,000 aerea of, of Mr. Drigg, of Detroit, for glóO.OJO. Hdn't Driggs ouglit to by Lieut. Governor? 8. At this tiiaa bis situatiou was pe culiarly pleasaut. He ownèd a beautiful pla:e, was summnded by an aöec♦ ionate and iuteresting faniüy, aud a garden soveral aores d extent, which ontaine'l every tbiDg tbat taste or wealtb eould procure. A queer placo to put every tbing. 9. Ile bad tlie first arboretum in New Englaiid, aud grew 250 varieties of pears, all the fiuer ]L indis of fruit aod beautiful flowers. 10. But, dc&piu thu officos, fhe garden, tbc arboretum, the pears, the flowers, his iiiterests were in Michigan, aud hithr he catne - again iu 1856. 11 At tbia tiinc- 1856- he owned land in 27 c untis- iu all about 30,000 acres, - and hie tases are now about $10,000 ancualiy. 12. He earm; to Fhnt in an uuiortuuate time to engage in the lumber business; it was a new enterprise to hini, and he was obliged to learn the business before he could master it; the commercial revulsión of 1857 aud 1L5S overwbelmed many a man in financia! ruin, but Jlr. Crapo withstood the etorm. 13. He commenced paying cash for Lis labor- to bis laborera we presume - and lias buik up a magnificieut trade. 14. He has given a fiesh Ímpetus to Flint, which has -smgularly - revived its business. 15. He resides on a pleasant street, a short distance from the business center of the towu. Uis bon. e vvears an air of refiuement and taète worthy a more me tropoütau loeation He ehould move it, then. 10. His family consista of a wife and four daughters, besides two or tb ree m arried daughters residing uear, andan only son, a lawyer, at the hcad of his profession in New Bedford. ■ 17. An sspect of refined elegance - synonymous with " air of refiuement" pervades his whole establishment. 18. His daughters are amiable and polite, thoroughly uuderstand the usages of good sooiety, and are fitted by educa tion and position to grace any society.- If so, they will hardly tban "ourown" for bis intrusión. 19. Mr. Chapo is socially iuclined, is ever ready to welcorae h;s friends, and never weary of exbibiting to them his horticiiltural achievemeuts. 20 Attached to his house ie a lawn, and a beautiful garden. 21. During the past four or five years ho bas made n perfect paradise. - Nature had doue much, but he has beat nature 22. In the front of the lot,- not the hack front, but'nöxt ibe street, - he bus another nrborctum, where every forest tree iudigenous to our soil fiuds a home, even to the Southern Cyprees, whose sombre fuliuge is more often seeu iu the swamps of Virginia and North Carolina - than in Crapo's arboretum. 23. Walks in graceful curves, of undulatiug surface, wiud round his garden, bordered by beautiful rosee, bedging planta of almost cvry variety, evergreens and oruumeutal trees and shrubbery. 24. A suminer house and artificial mounds of rock complete the secne. 25. Mr. Ckapo is a practical farmer withal, nnd owns a fiue farm. 26. He bas been President of the Connty Agricultural Society, Mayor of Fhnt, and a Member of the Senate, in which he made his mark. These nre in additiou to tho offices beid at New Bedford. 27. He ie a mnn of great exeeutive ability, and hie whole lifo bao beer one of c-Kffi, tm tai tiihvirhira'ioi). 28. Mr. CitAPo a ubúut live feet leu iuobes io bE;!it. 29. He is of rather spare habita, 09. Ilis eboaldci's ure slightly stoop ing. 31. Hn is just past the mcridian of l'.te, beitii no 58 jeais of age. '2. Ho Las a high foretead, wel balancea braín, a pioreing black eje, indioatiu- a grcat, active, iutelliguuce. and largely devoloped perceptiva faeul íes. 33. He is a genial, kind hearted man, aod shineá especiullj well iu tbe domestic circle- where he ought to be permitted ío teuún. Xnd suuh is Ceapo, or out own'' is mistaken, far e have used "our ovro's" owu laognage, with a " little variation."


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Michigan Argus