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Quotas Of Our State Cities

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Au aa item of " statistics " wbich may interest the cuvious we give the quotas assigned under the reeent eall to the saveral chartered cities ff this State, ' h.elujing iu the list tlio modest vülage ; of Kulamazoo : ! Detroit, 1,441 Eattlo Creek, 87 ! Adrián, 1C9 Monroe, 86 Grand Ripids, 160 Port Huron, 85 I East Saginaw, 160 LaDsing, 75 iJaekson, 13S Coldwator, 74 Kilamazoo, 134 Flint, 71 Ann Arbor, 128 Nües; 67 Marshall, 104 St. Ulair, 62 Sagiuaw City, 90 Pontiae, 61 Ypsilauti, 87 Owosoo. 30JD3T Over a year and a half ago Abraham Lincoln iasued a proclaiuation deolaring ree all the s'aves thea held in the States in rebellion. Abraham Lincoln evidently has no faith ia the legality or effioacy of bis owu proclamation, for he now makes it a condition, that any propositions from the rebel government looking to negutiations for peace shall guarantee the abandonment of slavery, thus making the status of the negroes ia the rebel States depend upon the future act of their masters instead of his proclamatiou. Proclawations, therefore, having failed to destroy slavery, the country is told that no terms of paco will be coüíidered until the rebels abandon it. We prediot tbat if this declaration is adhered tnrrá may be made to oatoh radical roters, and be itself "abindoned" after "Old Abe's" re-eiootiou - it wül rcquire thrioo 500.000 more and the entire of nis nest Presidontial term, to induce the rebels to accept, an ultimatum, which the President says they must propose. This annunoiation leaves no hope for peaoe based on a restoration or roconetruetion of the Union, unless Aj3RAiiAM Lincolx is driven fiora power by the votes of an indignant people He has s-uut the door against negrotiation, against peace, against a perpetuadon of the Union, and entered the wedge of final dis8cluion, and that wedge he will drive home if ro clectpd. L3" 'We 8urmised last week, that if the Journal suoceeded in the samo proportionate time in "taking down" or rather in putting up the State Kepublican tiekofc, to tbat it found neeessary to swal'.oiv- politicallj - Lincoln and Joiinsos, it miglit get the names of the candidates before its readers by the time - if ekcted, now doubtful - they will be aworn into office, ncxt January firsi. - We are happy to acknonledge, however, that our cotemporary bas performed the feat in advance of our most sanguino anticipatioDS. By delaying its issue - as usual - frotn Wednesday, its date, uatil Friday, it saceeeded in gettiug down - up we mean - the bitter pül. It is another evidenco of wbat nccesaily will acocmplish. I5P Gen. MePiiEBsoN, killed before Atlanta on the 21st inst., was a gradúate of West Point, a gallant and brave spirit, and ono of the very best officers in the armies of the Union. He was one of the youiigest Generáis in the service. His loss ill be severely feit by General Sherman and the Army of the Cumberland. In the sevore battle.ofthe 22d, the rallying cty of the Federal officers was " Remember McPhersox." L3 Read the article in nnother column, from the New York TPorld, commenting on the late Greeley-Sanders Niágara Peaco Conference. We think the World is right in its estímate of it. Neither Lincoln nor the secossious want peace yet ; and both Lincoln aud tlu secessionists want Lincoln reelected ; the one tbat he may pursue hit "plan" for another iour years, and the otber that final separation may be made suro. To elect biin in 1860, it was neeessary to divide the Democratie party at Cbicago, and to re elect him it is thought nccessury to divide the Democratie now. Besides, Lincoln wished to use the conference to secure the radical vote, henee his ultimatum.


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