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Butler In Clover

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Tho TTord of the 28tli remarks.- "The Citiciumiti Time mentious, as a faot, that a veiy important pnlitical uiovctueul hi.s beon goitig on for somu timo past, to withdraw Froiunnt from tho canvass and repluce him by Gen. Butler. Tlio Times is of opinión ihat Butler would prevé to be a far atronger candidote than Frcroont with tbc radioalaof the republioao party, and that bis oandidature wotild seriously embarras Mr. Lincoln. This anncunctmcnt of tho Cinciiinati Times may account for the victory whieh Gen. Builer Iind achieved recently over tho adrtnnistrntion and Geus. Grar.t, Gülmnro and " Buldy" Smith. A short tiire sinco, it wül be remeuiborud, Gen. Graut, finding thal Butler was w.orsu thau uscless inthe anny, sent him to Fortress Monroo. The subscquent disgrace of üetis. Smith nnd Gülmore, nnd the remslatemcnt of Butler at Bermuda Hundred, took everybody by surprise. But the reason for the dirige is probably given iu this announccn;ent by this weslern republican press. Butler probably tlirentened to run as a prosidential eandidfl in opposition to Lincoln if ho was not restored to bis furnitr statu in the irmy. Henee the sending adrift of tvvo competent officers liko "Bdldy" Smith and Gilmore, and the placing of Bu:ler in a position for which bis education and bis military career [il ove him to bo supreinely uufit .'"


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