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QTTiAYKDfromthe premisos of the subscribe! in p 1 ps,)ami City, soutu of Norm il School, „„ "ai n day July 2fth 1884. a BED COVV with U"t , rf back, and white belljr,8evM.or eigut j-eart old hS aropearmmdher horns and bcli on. A liberal r, warrt w,ll be paid f.,r tt,eturn of eM Co 1 Information whcre she inay ue foonfl ■ ' _Vpvln,i,AMe„.tl,64. SYU BABS, CHASE 'S NEW YORK MINSTRELS, Thegrpateat Combination hi America ! The principal star öf BRYANTS. WO0DS; and BIRCH COTTON'S World Eenowned Minstrel Troupei, will appcar at IlungsUrrer's Hall, Frlriny and Saiuid.v l'.vcnli.Ss. August Sth and 6lh; in their grana MUSICAL 01.1O, mtroducing for tki aj'j..reciation o;' 1he audieuce, The mnfet popular songs of tlieday, ïhu acwest aail .taartest hayinpi) Ou the foilicn ui the tfmea, Kavorile Instrumciils, Gems, it VDKilSSION .5 CTÍ RESERVKI) SEATS M(IJ. ST Korpnrticularü see billa of the day. The New Seven-TMrty Loan, The First National Bank of Ann ArW, DeRignated Pepository of the lTnited States will rcciln subseriptions the uew SEVEN-THIKTY TREASURY NOTES, These Notes wil! be issued in sums of $0 $10& iófll S.00O, and Ï50U0, beur date Aug. 15, 1S4, witt aai', annual coupons, and are payable tluee yonrs Irtn date, in lanlftl ïaoutj, or are co nvci tibie ni tlieailwa of tbc faolUer, at mto 6 per cem. zolübeanoi bondi- redeemable aücr ftve and j.ajable urn' yeaisfrom Augunt, 15,1807. Interest wil! b s!mj ■ m ulsuljscr ptiuDS made prevluus to Augut 19 Tbi Secretarj of the in pliugiii Loaa Mn tnepeoju]fi lii.-, reeoiit circular eav-s. "ïhfciircmnstanccs undor whioh this lon is sskto lor, and y.mraid invoked, Ihóuyh .ülTerin? wit"e!t froin tbeoxisting state of allairs thr. veurs ai;o, are socb aa atfurd equal encoarainent an'.i Kcuritj Ibusfw the war ba been imfitiorWlianiwirriwI uu, as ifoDl; coulu have 1em, by a poo,ie resolved, at wHlmr coat, totransmit iiDimpaner! , tr, posterity , the Jt( of 'ree ■jtitf-rinnent bsíiucathcd to tliem by the "eral men wiio framed it. "TJie ecurities utfored are Rucb a-ï phould coïrrnauil your readj cimlidcDoe As vet wa have askeil do !m eiguaid Calinaiidelf rcliant, oui ine.nn havrthiu farproved adequate to ; laiiij. Th ■■ .- are yet aiiplu tn meet thoseof (he present and the ' "future. Itr'.ül romains tor a patiiotic ppople to fnrnish tn nmflfü! aupply. The brave men 1 ar.; achting tBMl mut be fed and clo'.Led, n.uuitions üf ar of tó4. must n lurniíihí-d. 'The di nominal ons of these notes, int-gingf fifty to Hve Inousand dollars, place thi-se eeuriÜM. witljiu the reach of all whoire chpposed to aid th.eij [country. Kor their mhmp'ion , tne fa:th, bcnuruvl piopertj bf that country ara solemcly p!ijrel. A iwwiftwfiil Unot to thi.-i contest. cow bclieved {o !■ nrarat hand, will largely euhar.ce lucir vilue to tü holder 'J 'íhis Bsnk also reoeies subscripticms to tb TEN-FORTY GOLD BBARINO F1VE ?ES CEIT. BONDá, n sums ,f $50, Í100, $,000, üd $5,0:0 Wo "ppeal with colifidfnïe to a Knal aml patriota jimiplf. nntt invuke the eSerU ofail whu love thtir country aod duireior it a'elorlou's rut ui e, to nidth'ir Govennnent in ustaining t credit anj ï.laciug thll oretit uj.on stnille foundation." CHARLES H. 1MCMBIOXD. August 3d,lL6i. Casbter. Estáte of William H. Gilland. STATE OF MICHIGAN", Tounty of Washlenaw, .- -t a seseion of the Probate Court for the Countj of Washtonaw. huiden al tlie Probate Office n thcc:ljo( Anu Arbor, on 'i'uesday, the peennd day oí Auírust ií the Jiew one tbousuiil ëigii t h unrtntl am] sixty-fuur. J'reseat, Thomas Ninde Judgdof Probala. In the matter of the Istate oï WiUlain II. GillM dcci'ased. L'avid Dcpue, acniini trutor i,f said eUtii ct'me into Court and reprtsents that he is now pñ' pared to render his final account as such aunuoiltnv tor. Therupon it is Ordered. (hat Fridav, th lirentjsixlh clay of August instant, at tin o'lo'ck in tb forenorrn, be as-signed foi examining and. alloÍT(; íuch ccount , and tlU the hciri at lw of said deceased, ndU othr persons iuterested in said estctte, are requiredtö appeïir at a si-ssion of' said Court, thento beholdeilli 1 li f 1'rojja.te -Office, in tl.e City of Ann il County, a'nd show cause, "if any theie be, wltf the said aecount sliould not be allowed. And it is further orcerd, that said Admininrator gin notice to the persons interested in said estil, of tho ptndency of said account and Ihektvét thereof, by cavjsing a copy t,f tliis Order tí bD piibü.liediii the Michigan slrgus, a nfwspaper priDtrt and circnlatinfi in said County of Wasntenaw, thf successive weeTispravious to said ría y of hearing (Atrueit.jpy; THOMAS NIN'DK, 96Std Judge of Probïi. Estáte of Caroline Lamour. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washteniw, tfAt a sessioQ oí1 the Probate Court for tho Conatj of Washtf naw, holde at the Probate Office in tbl city of Ann Arboron Tuesdaythe sf coiid day of Attgust in the jear wae tbtmskod eighthundred andriltf ieftenIhomaH Kinde, Judge of Prnbite. ïc the matter of the Kstate of Caroline Lamour, & Cfasüd. Iavid Pepue, Adtnjfiistrator of said estitt, comes iuto Court and reprefi&nts ihat hc is nowpr pared to render his final tcooujii as such adrainistrtH Thereupon it is Ordercd, tliat Fridaj, the iwenty sixth day of August, insiant, at ten o'clock in furennon, be af-sined for exsmininji and allowingsn account, and tha.t the heirs at law of said decefi' anr] all otl. erijersous Dtereeted iu euid estáte, ure I quired to atpear ata sesion of said Court, theD0 oJdftD.t the Probate Office, in the City of Ann ArWi in aaid Coiinty, and show cause, if any tb ere be, bj th-e account should not be allowed: And it if f' tber ordered, that said Adminifitrator grive noticeto the persons interet('d in saui estáte, ot" ihe pí'ndeDCJ of said account, ai. o the hearing thorof, bj C4unin copy of II1Í8 Order to be publit-hed iu the JüA'0 Argti?, a npwspaper printed and circulating ín ial" County of Washtcnaw, tiiree successive weeics previoa ,o said dav of hearing. (A truecopy.) THQMAS N1NDE, 968td ' Judgeof FrobW. CháDCfirj Sale OTATE OF MICHISANVlp Circuit Court for the ConO t of W'aslitenaw, In Chancery. EMza J'erkuiii Complainnnt., vs, Sebra Perkins( Defendant. In PU. suanceaad by virtue of a rieciee of the Circuit Court for thjB ouuiy of Washteuaw, in ChaTroery, made os the eeooiid day f December, Á. IJ., eigltteen bundr3 and üfty-nine. in a certain ausc thercin j)Ddí wherein Eliza Perkins is coruplinapt, a.nd Sebr ej kins is defendant. Xotice is heiebygiven, thatl sniJ Bell at puolic auc'.ion to be bigbeet biGdfr, at twelT o'clock, noyó, on Saturday. the seventeenth day Septembor, r.est, at the frontdoor of the Court Hooi of the Circuit Court for theOounty of W.ishtenaw. 'J the city of Ann Arbor, County of WashtcnA Qa Stfiteof' Michignn, ' The west half oi tbu Bouth- quarter of sectiun fiftecn, and the west half '. nortli-cast quurterof section twenty two, in Towo6'P one sonth of mnge seven cnt, in the Townsbip ' ■ lem, in the Countj of Wjtenaw, and State of MïB' igan. C. H. VANCI-EVE, Circuit Court Coinjxiisöioiicr in and for the Co'-jd'-J c' Washtenaw. O.Hivktnb, SjicHfr for CompUinant. „j Ado Arboi..T-jT? rjHjtr ntnih, A.'DWê '


Old News
Michigan Argus