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f mu potte, MICHIGAN CENTRAL MILROAD, Passeugertrainsnowleave Detroit. Chicago, and the severalStationsinthist'ounty.asfollowB : GOING WEST. Leave Day Ex. Dext. Ac. Evo. Ex. NightK. Detroit. 8.00 a. M. 3.45 P.M. 6.00 p. M 8.46 P. M. Ypsilantl, 9.20 " 5.05 " 6. 27 " 10.00 " Ann Árbol, 9.40 " S.80 " M " 10 20 " Dextcr, 10.05 p. jt. 6.0O " 7.15 " ' Chelüca, 11.20 " " 7 35 " - - " Ar. Chicago 8 15 " " 5.30i. M. 8.45 a.. GOING KAST. Leavo. Eve. Ex. Den. Ac. Night Ex. Day Ex. Chicago C.tOP.M. 10.00P. .XB.30 a. H. Chelsea. a. M. 7.45 A. M. 4.0f P. M. Dexter. 5 45 " 8.0 " 4.20 '■ Aun Albor, 4.ÏD a. s. tl.10 " 8.Ï8 " 4.45 " Ypsilauti, 4.45 ' 6.S6 " 8 43 " 6.05 " Ar. Detroit. 0.10 " S.OO " 1000 " 6.30 ' The Day Expri'.ss each way is the Mail Train. Traillarlo uot stop atstatiou.s wlu-rc-tigaresareomittedin tho table. Trainsconnect at Detroit itb thcGreat Western and 'iraii'i Irunk Raihvays of Canuda, and tba Detroitand Toledo, and Detroit and Milwaukee Ruilroads, and Cleveland Steaniers At ths C.'ompnny'.-, Ticket Offlccs at Dxtrqit, Cilicio, .Ijlitt and I.afayett,throueh tickets can bu purebased toall the principal citiea and towns la th Uuiied States aiid Cañadas , LüXÜKIOUS SLEEPINf, CARS ut)n all night tratns. Ruttan's colebrated VentilatlDg Apwuatus upou all day trains - the bost dust preventativelu use. E K, RICK.üeneral Superiutenrtent. DO YOU W1H TO PE tUREDI DK. BUCHAN'S ENCI.I3H SPEUF1C P1I.LS cure, in lera thmi 30doys, the worst case of NEKVÖUPNBS8, Impotency, }Jreinature Decay, Seminal Weakness. TnKnnity, and all Uní nary, Sexual aiul Nervous Aflectíons. no muttpr from what cause produced. Price, One Dollar per box - Sent, post paid. by lüail. od receipt of an order. UnBox will perfect the cure iu mnt cases. Ad-iress JAMIií S. BUTI-ER, 3m9ü6 General Agont,4í" Broadway, Nenr York. A Card to Ihe Sufferiiig. SWALI.OW two or throe hogabeads of " Duchu," "Tonic Mitters," " Sarsaparilla," 'N'oivous Antidotes' &c, te.c. , &c, and after jrou are satisfied with the result. then try one box of OLU DOCTOR BUCHAN'S ENGLISH 8PECIFIC PILT.S- and be reBtored to health and vigor in less than thirty days. - They are purely veíretable, pleasant to take, prompt and salutary in their effects on the broken-down and shattered constitution. Oíd and young can take them with advantage. Iniported and sold in the Unltec States ouly by JAMES P. fiUTLER, No. 427 Broadw .y, New York. Ljp Agent for tlieUuited States P.S. - A Box of the Pilis, securely packed. will be mailed to any addresü on reccipt ol' price, wüich in O."E DOLÍAR, post paid- mone,v refunded by thc Agent [L eotire satisfaction is üot giveu. 3m960 Editor op argcs: DjBAR Fia :- With your pe. mistión I wiah to S4J to the readers of your paper that I 'vill send. by return mail, toall wïio fflsh it (free). a Rectipe, with full di rectioüfl for making auü using a m:up'p Vegetable Balui, tliat will effectuallv remove. In ten dayfi. Pimples, Blolches.Tau, Freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin, leaving thu same soft. clear, smooth aud beautiful. Í will also muil iree to those hnvinfr Buld Heads, or Bare Faces, simple uirections and information that will eoable tliem to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a iíou.stache, m lesa than tiiirty days. All applications answeied by return mail without charge. Uespectfully yours. THOMAS F. CHPMA.',th mist, 3mrö6 831 lïroadivay, New York. CHEROKEE FEMALE PHI-S. The Most Uskfcl Mkdicisetei Discoveeed.. - If obo enumérate the ills attendant upoü irregulaxity ol the period in ftiuales, tfncE exrmines the far-reaching evil of these ill.s to all connected with one who may be subjected to tkeui, it is ImpOisibls to controvert the fact faat the Cherok ee Pili is tïie most useful and beneficent mediciue ever offered to tlu' public. Sure to regúlate with the exactncss of inathPmatical calculation. Safe to all, and infallible in the removal ol , struction and fijppression, these Pilla should be in the j possesaion of evcry maiden, wife and mother in the country. Dun't be palnitd olT wilh any ether, but try the Cherokee Pilis and you will be couviuced of their efficacy. gold by all druggist.1. Im966 PROF. P.. J. LYON'S' Patients apd all others interrested vill piease take r.otice that he will contin ue his visita at the Monitor House. Anu Arbor, during 1&G4 and "65 and at the expiration of which he willdiscontinue his visits and open an Intirmary at Cleveland, Ohio, for the treatment of Lung and Chest disoases. Mathews' Chocolate WormDrcps ? JsEVER fail lo destroy and extermínate all kini33 of Intestinal Worms. Are perfectly reliable in all cases and far superior to any and all uf the Fany Worm onfections, nd nauseous Vermifuges in use. They may be taken at all tiraea with perfect tliey contain NO MERUUR Y , or othffr deleterious Drug.- Mothers should always purchase them and give their children no other. ( ATo Cathartic wbatever, is necessary to be given) Each box contains 24 Drops or Lozenges. Price 25 cta. For Sale by all DruggisU and Dealers i.i Medicine.'. C. R. WALKER. General Agent, ly22 Buffalo, N.Y and Fort Erip.C. W. As iwi'KBtaTiSG Lkttkr. - Mesara Pust & Bruff, Agents N. Y, Panitary Ëuciety, Rochester. - Gents . I deem it due to you state the magical effect of that one bottle of People's Cure which I obtained frora you in November last. Seeïng the advertisement ol your So. ciety offering to give your medicine to clergyraen for the poor of their parishes, I ootained a bottle fora poor girl of my congregaron, who long been nearly help lessfrom Rheumatism,andstrange to say, that one bottle cured her entirely. I write this hoping it may aid the Society in ita effbrts to introduce the medicine, and blesB those who may need such a remtdy ; aud I usestrong terms, as I believe it meritswill fully justify the most superlative forms of speech. Yours, Respectfully, C. R. WILKINS, Pastor of the First Presbyterian Chureh. 922yl Pitthford, Monroe Co. N. Y. The Great French Kemedy! MADAM BOIVIN'S CELEBRATED SILVER-COATED FEMALE PILLS. The only certainand Safe Keniedy for all Uterina Obstructions, Monthly Difficulties, Irregularities, and all the other diseases to which the Woman, Wifj and Mother is peculutrty Hable. Tb eso Pilis coutain uo deleterimiR ingredieuts, but are safe and certain in their actüm. Thcy will befoundto exert thehappiest effect n all cases of Proiapsus Utcrl, in Leueorrhea, or the Whrtes ; they wül be found the easiestand most certain Cure that can be found. It is on account of this certrinty thfty ehould not be taken by Pregnant Females {during the Jirtt tkree montks, as miBcarriage is certain,) to be brought on, but at other periods their use is perfectly saie. N.B.- One Dollar enclosed to anyauttorized Agent, I wjil ensure package of Pilis by return of mail. C. CROSBY, General Agent, FortEiie, C. W., BuffaIo,N. Y. i CiüTroN.- Beware of Counterfeit6, the genuine hare the ]FÍgnatureof C. CROSBY, ou the outside wrapper. For sale by allreapectableDruggists. Iyeow922 Land Warrant Lost! i VTOTTCE IS HEREBt GIVEN, That Bounty Land il Warrant No. 9j,y93. for One llundred and Twenty Acres, issued by the United States, Jaouary SOth, A. U. 18bl, under the Act of Maruh 3d, 1855, ia .the name of Isabimla A. Weaver, minor c Ij i 1 cl of David U'eaver, deueased, who was h private in the war of 1812. and in April lantassigned íd rae. R. Chase, cf the ïty oL Aiiu Arbor, in tbe County of W:ishteoaíP, and State of Michigan, the acknowledginent, tas., certiíied by an acknowledging ffficer and tbe Counïy Clerk of ' the C'mnty of Bornen , in the State of Michigan, wat; ira i Airil $at mailed at Kenien Springt, in taid county of I Berrien. (the residencfl of the Wairaniee) directed to me at Aan Arbor Mioh. , and nfver received by me, but ií suppot-ed to be lost. I havo Slrü the n"qu.isit.e caveat in the General Land Office, ad rotend to apply to the ronimtsKïoLer of Pensions ïor the re issue of the lost WarrantR.B. CH ASF, Aisignee. Dated, Adh Arbor, July 20th, A. I. JtQ-i. (967w6 Know Your Future Wifc or il iisbancl ! rrlIE WORLD-REXOWNED Madnme Iiuiiilty 1 from Parihtis stopping in Detroit, t-he in the Seventb Daugbter of the íeventh ?on, boru uorler th Plarrwt Júpiter, and endowoci with the woaderful gift of ! SLCONt) SK'IIT. t-Oie will send you a correct Photo i graph of tli e person you will mun-y, andgivo tbe diiy and year thebappy erent will take place. Send her tibe color of y-oor eycs and hair, age, complexión, height, and whether deformed or not. Enclose 25 ets and pobt pid envelo pe with your aridrebs MADAME UUNÏLLY, Drawer 64S P.O., 0 w3 Detroit, Mich. ÏFOÏt 8ALE! AKÍ.W GROVER it BAKER SEW1NG JUCHDii. ',3O& NEW 3INOER MACHINE, eitïer Timily or rP'y a ' ihe pivs orncr. FURNITURE BBOMSj One door N'orth of Risdon and HamMHcn'a Hardware i Store. The umierslgned having purchosed the entlre stock of V. D. Sinith &Co., and added largely to theBanie, is prepared to f urnish hls fnend.s and patroon a gooa assortmentof well made furniture, consisting of LOFAS, BUREAUS, BEOSTEADS, BOOK-CASES! TABLES and CHAIRS, of all kinds, and ín fact oí everjthing pertainicg to the business. L O U JV G ES. M ATRASSES, &c, &c.,made to order by gooil and sxperlenctti workmen, and warranied to give Batisfuction. Ho also i keepa a good aagortment of Ctíerrj and Vninut Lamber j for sale at reasonablo pricea. And will also pa y the hibest market price for Cherry. Wnlaut, and WUIïo Wood Lumber. P. S. He has purchased thi DflW an-3 ELEGANT UEARSK! of f?mith & Co., and is prepared to furnlah all kinds of Wood Coffins, Mefalic Cases, AKTE CASKETS, On the sliortest notice. Also attemls to litving out irecaud persons dT and night, without charge. All! furniture delivered n tht cit-y free of charge. W. U. BENHAM. Ann Arbor,Janurjf 18th, 1S03. 94Otf iP. B ACH has a now and complete STOCK OF SPRING GOODS bought before the recent GREAÏ RISE IN GOLD ? Wliioh wül be Sold FOE CASH ON2L.Y, -A.T THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES ! Cali and See ! Ann Arbor, April, 1864. A large lot of LINEN ÖOATS AND SÜMMER GOODS, altvays on band at M. 6 ui ter man & Co's, CLOTHING STORE. Give us a ca.ll nnj wo cao and wil] sell you chsape and letter goods than any other house in this city. 9A9tf Jnth eYear lyïQ Mr. Mathews first prepared the VEXETUN HAIR DYE ; since that time it has been used bv thoupanda, and in uo instance has it failed to give eutire satisfacVion. The VEN'ETIAN DY E is the cheapest in the world .- lts price is only Fifty Cents, ana each boitlo contains doublé the quantity ol dye in thoso usually sold for ïhe-VEXETIAiï DYE is warranted not to injure the hnir or the scalp in the slichtest degree. The VEXETIANT DYF workB with rapidity and eertainty, the haír requiríng no preparation whatever. The TSNEHAN DYE produces any shade tïiat iray be dfigired - onetliatwill not fade, crock or wash out - one that is as perroanontas the hair ittielf. For sale b all druggists Price 50 ent. A.t. MATHEWS, General Agent. 12 Gold Street. Kew York. Also, Manufacturer of Mathkwb' Ahnica Hajb Gloss, the best hair dressing iu u&e. In large bottles, price 50 cents. Iy966 CLOTHES WRINGER! The ONLY reUable self-Adjusting Wringer. NO WOOD WORK TO SWELL OR SPLIT. NO TUUMBSCREWS TO GET OUT OF ORDEIÏ. WARRANTED WITH OR WHUOIjT C(X-WHEELd. Ittook the YIRT PREMIUM at Fifty Serea State and County Fairs in 1863, and is, without un exception, the bet wrïngtr ever made. WHAT KVERY BODY KKOWS, V12; That iron wellgalvauized wil] Dot rusf; That a simple machine is bettur thau a complicateil one; That a Wringer should be self ailjusting, durable and efllcifni; ïhat 'lhumb-Screws and Fastenings cause delay and , tiouble to regúlate and keep in ordeij That wood soaked in hot water wLU sivell, shrink an ! split; 1 That wood hearings for the shaft tö run in will wear out ; pcThat the Putnnm WfS4Hwitb or without ecgwhels, will not tear tho clothflf That cog'-wheel regulators are not essential.. That the Putnam Wringer bas ai th advantagts, and uot one of the disadvantageB abovo naied; Tbat all ho Lave tested it pronounce it the bft wringer ever made; That it will wring a thread or a bed quilt without alteration. Wa mijiht fill the paper with testimoniáis, but ínsert only ft few to convince the skeptich), if sucb. Lheic be and we say tn all, test Puinamb' Wringer Test it THOROUGHLY with ANY and ALL others, and lf not entirely atisfactory return it. PCTNAM MANTFACTÜEJ-NG CO., i Uentlemcn- I know from practical that , Iron well galvanizad with zinc will Qotüxjdize or rut j one partiële. Tha Putnam Wringer is as near pei fect I as poasib1O, and I cao cheerfully leromnftnd it to be the best in ues. Re6pectfn]Iy yours, JXO. W. WHEELER. Cleveland, Ohio. Manyyonre experienre in the galvaniziug bufiinBs eoable me to tndoree the aboTe Btattment in all L articula r&, JKO. C. LKFF5RTS, No.100 Beekman Street. New York, January, 1864We have tested Puthitui's Clothes Wringer by practical werking, iind know that l wil] po. It íb cheHp; it is .simple; Kyeqwteei 'na room whelher at worb or at retit; a child opérate it; t doot ifsdutj Ilioroughly; it RuvcB time and it Raves wear and tear. WeearneKtlr advise ali who have air ca washing todo, with afl intpinueht personü who have' ant, to buv this wringer H will pay forifseif in a vear at mofit. Ho. HORACEGREELEY. J'iiieDted lh the United States, England,. Canada apd Auetjalia, Energetic men can saakn frore ,S to :0 dollars perrfay Agents wantedin evtry towo, anjd ip al! partS of thft wor.ld. Satöple Wringer eent, Eïprcss piid, on receipt of price. No. 2, $6.50; Nq. J, $7.60; No. F. $8.&0, No. A Hio. MaDufacture aodtíoM. whoJemle aad retail by THEPUTVAM MANCKACTÜWXG CO No-13 FIsrtSiret Yoik, .nd Cleveland' Obi I Mïtf C. S NOKTHROP, A?nt Glad News for Üie Uufortuuate 1 X2k& LONG SOUGHT F-OB Discovjered at Last. curesVí' V jö .if T0 a í FR0M SrvilVl111 CHEROKEE BEMïW CHÏÏRO&ËK ÍNJECXXON, Compoaadt-d from Recta, Bark aud iieaes CHEROKEE P.KMEDY.ti-.e (jrcat laalanDinrftiC curee all diö asefl of the crir.ary üTtiaDB.such a Incontinetice of th&Crlr.e, 1Inflim;n)ftUon of ilic Bladder, iuflaniaiaUou of tb e Kidneyp. Btone in ttte Bladder, otricture, Gravoi, (Jooorrhea, Glect, and is e'jpectaUy röcofc nánded in uioae case of Flror Albus, for tniaiaatüij wberc all tlio oid &a?oca rucJlclni s bare falled. L3T it is ín a Mjtlily cosiccntr&tcd íorir, the close only bci'g from one to Uaspooufals ibroe ; gy ft la dViMtlc aad AUocdtlTe In itsaotton: i ijfcig-aud clautinjï tte b'ood, causin; U to flow in 6liof Hs or (inal pürlty -ad vicor; thiw remo ving ft-oirj the wvííjiu a i parate o&f caat f wfalck b?e luCHEUOKEE IKJFCTION 1 iütdel au aa r.Uy er rtidtfen) lo t {"'heroKci Koiuei ul s!iould be u.-ed in cinjnuction wliíi tbat medicine Id bU cásea r Í Gleet. Qónn lia, Fluor Albua or Whites tin t'ïtc'% hro lifying, soothu-g an-1 dcnr.ulcent; re movían ail scftUl-iiii, iicat, uu pn:, iDñtoad of the buroiDB ftüd ftlniL-Ht nncuiurbie pain tbL-t te experleneed witb nrarly all the ct8p i.Ainok ÏDJcctor. S-By tticaue of ibu CIlEItOKKE E1ME0Y and Cj?5R0KÉB IN JU ] lON-ihe two tcfdiclncB at the ftaine tnü"'- sll Improper diüt-tuirgeft aro remoycd, ;ind lbo ?3ro'icdoifcari8 art, peedily ruetorcd lo full vigor ai;d atKUfttb. Ur pi-icc. C'Siei'akeu Xtnmedy ?3 per bottle.or (.bree bottloB lor $". 3p-Prici-,cherokce Injpcticai, 2 per boiile, or threebotllf-Bfor $5. CSSent by Kxprep io aay uddCí:,i on receipt of prlce. tS? For fuli iirHuularö get our paicphlet lom auy druí stcra In itie ccuntry.orwrlteuöand we wlllmail free to aiy addieB. a f uil treatise. AU sucii orders must besnt ifl C. A COOK, Chicago, our üüncrul Agent l'or the West. Sold by WhoIeailOrngíistHjfincU.y.'inilruireiatscyrywbííre. C A. COOK, Chicago. Üeuurnl ApetJt fov tbc BtatPHOf Illinois Iowf, Wlconsinr MkjDitcon and Id d""' Dr W. B,. MEEWIN & CO., o. BS Liberty sirutt, ïiew Tori. INDIAN MEDICINE, c nwjrn rao w (f A ■ ö Cheisokee Omre ! An ocfaliliig cure for Seminal Weakn&3B, Noctamtl Jiujl eioufi, ana all dlüeascs cau&ed by Seif-Polution, suchas Jjoea of Memory, UniverBal Laspltude, Paini in the Back, Dl niñees of Vision, Premature Oíd Age, Weak lïerves, Difflculty of Breathing, Trembllnj?, Wakerulneett, Rrnptlons on tbe Face, Pale Couute nance, Inaanity, Consnmption, and all the direfal coin pI-iviptscdUdeubvdeparilDg from the path of nature. ï& Tina medicine U a simple vegetable axtract, aad one on whlrh all can rely. as lt has ben used lu our practico for many yeare, and with tüoiwands treait-d, it hae not failed in a single instancn. lts ca rakive powers havo been suiScient to gain ictory OYer the most btubborn case. taP i'o ttiosy who have trlflëd witn their constitutioQ, until tilt y thlnk themselves beyood the reach of medical aid, we woald euy, D&spaib koi ! the CHbiliOKKh OÜRE will refctore you to health aud vigor, and after all quacte doctors have failed 1 %ïï Price, %2 per pottle, or tbree bottleBfor 5, and forwarded by Express toall partaof tho world. %3g For fnll particulare, get a Circular from any Drug Store ia ttte country, or write to the Agent, who will maüfree to any ODedeiiiring the same afuUtreatisc, in pamphlet form. Al! nuca orders mustbe Bent to C. A. COOK, Cbl cago, our General cent for tho Weat. Sold in Chicago, by Wholesale Bruggists, and by all Dragglsts everywhere, C. A. COOK, Chioa.00, Generil Agent for the blaten of IllluolB, Iuwü, Wisconsln, Michigan and Ia dlM' Dr. W. E MERWIN & CO., 1 BOLK Pi.OPBXHTOBS. Nu, 39 Llbt rty Btrcct, Now Tork. Sold by Wbolesle Druf;sr".ls in Detroit, niso by STEBB1NS& WILSUN', Ann Arljor. t62vl WALL I A PE R ! 0,000 rolls of Wall Paper can bc fouml at the store %J oF Juhn F. Miller & Co., corner of Main and Wash. iugton Stieeta, opposite Hangstt-rfor's Hall. Also a largeassortmant of iliscellaneous Dooks at old prices. Clotb and Paper ShaJes, Tassel.n, Corda and Fiamos tif all fleacriptions. Frames made to order. Pleasecall and examiue bef ore purchnKintrIsewbere JOHN" F. MILLER k CO. Juno Ist, 1864. Cm959 SMITH'S PRBSCWPTIÖN & DHGfi STORE ! Is the placo to buy your MEDICINES, PERFÜMERY, Writins: Paper, by tlie Ueam orless, aad allvolher artlcles in our line. Kï Especial attention to Coirpoiinrling and pwtting up l'rescrïptions, at the sign uf GOLD MOlïTAft, Exchftngè Block, Ann Arbor, Michignu, jrjjr Professonal calb proiatly atíended to. 1V9C0 100 City Lots for Sale. RICHMOMD1 TAKEN ! rlICMK THAT AKE INDEBTED to the late firm of ' GRANT as ii furor b tallinfnn HA nndorMttied und paybï up íuod, or we thall De obj;giijto mnke a DRAFT on th'in by a Qoucrnvient officer. SLAWSON' k FON. Ann Arbor, July th,J3frt. 964,v6 TAKEN UP ! ON the 19!.h clay of J.ine, a sOKUKL ïlonsf:, about 10 ears oíd, hirgo rize, and tliia in iiob. The f'Wrjei iá i?q netled to pvovep!-uierl.j-( pay charöes, an,1 t;:kc Paid uorsft avy, TflUlJM HUMPHBF.y. lod!, Jlij 13tb, 1861. 6.tS66. To Clear the House of Flies, USE DUTCHER'S CELEBRATED LIGHTNING FLY-KIUER! a neat, chüap att.i?.le, o -y to usa. Every sheet will killaquavt. bÜi-D LVgRYWHERE'" 2m962. ('autïon. I LPEliSOi'S are hrreb warned not to purebase a certain í'romifisory Note given by the underKignfd to C. L, Bot t om, on tbe 9lh day of uly, iuat., fcr Gve hiiDflred drll.Trs, paynble one day níter date. Assaid note was obtained withou coneideraUon, and is, lor ther reapTos, voidj I shall refuse payaenr; aod resisi its colJectioD. CORXELIÜS GTLLFSPIE. AflO Aroor. Juïy 14, 1864. ?'0i ' JSOTljíJLa OIjT. CA ME into the rnijlosure of tije subscriber oa the 4th of June laft, one bay yearliag mare ooi, a Rnaall white spot on íhe insiíe of the rigbt hlnd f.-,ot ani is about Tuiddüng Bize. The orner ie requested to prove property, pay chargeF. and tnfce ber nwv. LJSAP R FAKPAL-t.


Old News
Michigan Argus