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JUSX OPENING? The liirgesl Stock and best assortment of CABINET FURNITURE ? ever brouglit to Ibis city, iucluding SOFAS, TETE-A-TETE8, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CIIAIKS, ÜLiOolS-ing; Glasses Gilt Frames and Mouldings OOFFINTS METALIC CASES, &c, &c, and all other goods kept ín tlie be.-t and largest housen in the country. We seejino second hand furnituie or Auction goeds. Coflins kept consinntly on hand, and made to order. My goods are ofïered at THE LOWEST CASH PRICES ' N. B. I must have money, and respectfuliy requesl those indebted,to calí and fix up their oïd matters without delay. O. M. MARTIN. Ann Arbor, Oüt.6, 1863. 925tf RIS DON & HENDËRSOiN 3E3C.xrO llio BUOKLEYB CRAIN DRILL, anti Grass Seed Sower, Manufactured at Springfield, Öhio. THEVERYJ.ATESTIMI'ROVEMKNT.aml bettertlian all othprs; adaptetl to sowing Wlieat, Rye, Oats, Barley and(Jrass Seed . lst. It has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Will soto all kinds of Grain and Grass Seed. 3d. Never lunches the Grain ith. liever breaks the Grain. 5t7i. Soios Grass Seed broadcast behindthe Drill. Cth. Has high wheels and long Hoes Ith. Has long and wide steel points 8th. It has a land measure or Surveyor. 9tA. It Ims doublé and single rank drills. lOth. It has a self adjusting shut off slide. It is neatly and substantially made, There is lianlly a Drill ofTeredin the market but can boast of more or less "FIRST PREMIUMS? They are aboutas indiscriininately bestoAved ad the title of " Professor," wiiicb is fiometimes Bpplied to tlu 'fiddlcr " or "bootblack:1 Tiiey ceae to convcy the idea of merit. The Buckeye Drill lias been on Exhibïtion at quite a auinber of State a ml County Fairs, aud without seekinj; 'avor at the hands of any Coiamittee, has received its "uil share of Premiums TESTIMONIALS : We give the follnwinsr pames of a few Farmers in thh vicmity who havebought and used t]iei3uckeyei)iill ; Godfrey Miller, Scio. J acob Polheiíius ' ' JacobTremper, " Thomas White, Northfïeld. -John BrLüw, " Christian Kapp, t( Kdwanl Boyden, M'ebster. Jamos Troadwell, Add Arboi Daniel O'Hara, " JohnG.Cook. i;odi. O. A. Marshall, L. Ednionds, Paliue. George Cropsey, Groen Oaïi, f,iv.Co. We arealfio Agents for the Ohio Reaper & AIcwer, acknowledge] tobe the very best in se. We are just in receipt of 100 Grain Oradles Whicli we will sell Ciieap. Also alargeassortment c G-rass And the Iargest and best selected stock of BENT STTJTF FOR CARRIAGESever before offerea In this market We also keep a large and full NA1IÍ, GI.ASS, PUTTY, PAINT.and LINSEED OIL. A complete assortment of STOVES, TINWARE, ANDEAVETROUGHSalwaysonhandandpulup S the hortestnotice. RISDON & HENDERSON. AnnArbor, June 29th, 1862. 859tf NOBLE & RIDER, are stiling tlioir large stock of BOOTS SHOES, CHEAPEE TIIAN EVEK ! ! LOW PRICES OR CASH. Good Stoga Boots : : $.50a$J:.50 Men's good Calf Pegged, 3.00 a 6.00 " " " Sewed : 5.00 a 6.50 Vonian's " Lace Boots : : 1.00 a 1.85 nadies' " Congress G'ts, : 75 a 2.50 5oys' Youth's and Chiláren's Shoes : ; : : 15 a 1.50 Vow is the time lo buy as BOOTS and SJ1QES are rapidly advancing in E.asiern Markets, TiíEY ALSO MAKE WARRAKTED LS AVOHK ÏO ORDER. 3gjy AND HEPA1B. Xïouietubcr wc can not and will not bo undcrsold. rifase cailamlesaniiue their stock IMWRESfE NOliT K, "H.TI! BP liTPEIÍ. AnnArbor,Fk. lítfc, I8M. 1fl44. ' Mortgago Sale. DEFAT.'J.T haung bren made in the pprCorKan the condition of a mortgage bearing date,?, ,i l.fteenth day of January, A. D-, 1866, executed by'l' Lawreuce and Tamar Lawrence, bis wife ton. Ilrown, and duly recordcd in the office of the n3 of Dccds, of Washtfnaw County, Michigan M' twenty two o( mortgagca page Ihree hun'drërf sovent.v „n tlio twenty-ninth óay of Februari A'J 1858, whereb.i the power to sell the roortgaged nti ha breóme operathe; an.l nouitorproceidiijol been nstitutea at laV fó recover the debUel 'Ira Raid mortgage or an.y part thereof , and the um nl hundred and fifty one dollai, and thirty ,' ttp being now claimed to be due thereon (bcaidea th ' and expenses of the pioceedings now being hadví.1 foreclosure of said inortgase including reasouaM. torneysfees.) Notice is therefore hereby ri„. ,.' suid mortgage will be foreclosed by a Knie f th. gaged premises described ut foSbws viz The i foui-th of the north-west quarter of se'ction J, .' oigbt, also the nortbeast one-eighth of the nortb .' one.lialf.juarterof saM wction tn-enty cVht Ie. , ' rodo in widthfrom theside oceupied a a lañe) 11 k ■ intoB-nshipnuuiherfourscuth and ran „„'„ï, ?! the Connty of Washtenaw, and State of u' igan, conteiüingin all forty-nine acres of land mnV les, or some part thcreof, at puMTc Ven.h.e at t'l,f ,' f. door of theCourt House, .n the City of AnnArb"'1 aidCounty.(lhat being (he place of holding tk.V cmtCourt witlin sid County ,) on IridaT tlie ( ' .-Ml, ,!,,., „f August neut at'noon. J' " tltttlf Iíkakks&Ckjmzr, DAVID BROWN Attorneys for Mortgagee. Mortii,, Pated . Ann Arbor, llay 2Ib(, 1?64. Li Cbnncery Notice. STATE OF MICHIOAN.-Fourth Judicial ÜTAj Chancery. ... i a Margarot Van Wagner. ] cir' Ct Í' Complainant, County of wikï IVaoWagne, .70 Hefendant. the 18 th d,'" B w.ti.factorily appearirg t„ the'undet, ;;, tu r ,oi"m's""in" fr fiiw c""b ftii. aihdavit of Margaret Van Wagner. that tw ï defemlan Isaac Van Wagner, i rot LJ of tin State but that ),e „des in the sS fl Hconsm anti that a subnrena for hi8 paiaú! Raid canse has been duly issued and that the ,!? could not be served. On motion of A Felch , BolS Issac Ijd Wagner canse bis appearance to be entínjt 8aid cause witbin three months from the dale oT, order and that, in defanlt tbereof the billoft plaint flled in said cause be taken as confeweS t said defendant ; and t is further ordered that lh,lI tweniy days sai i complainant cause a cony of ihi der to be publMied in "The Weekly Michigan IZ. a newspaper printed and published n the Cilv 7rtL Arbor in said County of Washtenaw, and tLt „f, lication thereof be continued once in eahe(i r„ successive weeks, or that 5a!d cnmplainant JZ. ï copyofthis order to be personally seiveS on „wa, fendant at least twenty days before the time 2. senbed fur his appearance. p Pated, at the City of Anr. Arbor, tiic 18tt i, ( June, A. I., 1864. J " r. ■ : r, , „ C' H' VANCI.KVF., ... Cncuit C.oiirt Commissioner, Waslitenaw Count, Michigan. Ji A. Fklcu, Complainant's Solicitor. 9MY6 Estáte of David Lapham. ' OTATKOF MICHIGAN, County ol Washtenaw „. J At a session of the Probate Court for the CooWc! Washtenaw, holden at th Probate Office, in tbeCili !l Ann Arbor, on Wedntsday the twentiethday of Jolt the year one thousand eight hundred and siltv irá Present. Thomas Ninde.Judge of Probate )n the matter of the Kstatc of Dayid Lapham k. of said County, deeeased. ' Ou readingand flling the petition, duly Walter I). Corson, praying for the probate of aniDiininent now on file in this "ourt. purporting lo be tlif u will and testament oí said deceased. Thereupon it i.-, Ordered, that Monday, the SftMMli day df August npxl, at ten o'o-lock in tlipforencion n signed for the hearing ol said petition. and thitiluji visees, leñatees and he.irs at ]aw of said ileceased.iii allother persons interested in gaid estáte, are reqáird to apppar at asession of au Court, then to belu]]it the Probate Ollice, in the tityol Ann Arbor, ií mil Couuty. ainl shoï cause, ifany tlierebe, ivliy thtinfn of thepetitiuiH r shoüld not be granteil: ' And it is rirrther ordered. that said pl(i(,o(r give to rho jiers'ins interested in said estit. ef the pendency ol uid jieiüion, and the bearingtlimof by causmga copy of this Order to be publ'slifj ij thi Mirhiea-n Argns.n newspaper printed an.l cirrulilin) in said County ftf AVaslitenaw, tbree successire ii previous to saiii day ol hearing. ' (A truc Copy.) THOMAS NI.VDE. 9B8 , Judge of Probute CITY ÖOOPER SHOP, SPAFFOKD & DODSLET, successors to O. C. SPAFFORD & D. HENNINO, I WmiM rcsjicctfiiiry announce to the citiens of Au f 4rbr and vicioity, that tlicy are now iranufactiirói and keep constantly on hcnd a Large Assortment of COOPËR WORK! Such as Fork and Cid er Barrels, Kegs, Firkius, Churus, Well Euckets, Flour and Applcs Barrels, cêc. Mercliants and Brewers are invited to examine Úá Butter I-'irkins and Ceer Kegs. CTTSTOM -WOTiTS:, done to ORDER on SHORT NOTICE and warrate4 F" Cash paid for Stavcs, Hedii) and Hoops. Sliops corner of Detroit & Xortli Strfeta, and c(l' of Norih 4: Fiftb Slreets. &PAFFOED & DODSLET. Ann Arbor, Fel. 0th,1864. Wtf 1STE "W" FIIImT! GRUNER & SEYLER, WHOLESALE &s RETAIL DEALER6 I TOBAOCO, CIGABS, Merschaum Pipes, &c. Wo, tlie undersigned, beg leave to inform the Öj' ZKXS 01' ANN ARBOR and nrinity , that we ïJ." day established a Tobaccu and Cigar buginess iP ! place, ono door North of the Franklin Block, ■ Street, where we shall alwaj-s keep afull assoltf" of the best qualities of SMOKING & CflEWMfi TOMi as ajso a large andchoice 8e!?(!tiaI t tk1111"' CIGAKSf PIPES, (Mcíachaym, Bricr and Bc wood,) CIGAH HOLOEBS IÍÍDIA ROTEft DOUCHES, SNUFF & CIGAR BOXES WÏ11 be found nitb us i all kimls and pf PW.C1 SriT ErlST Óxf ■ i We shall aeli RÍ1 uf the aboye, mentioned articl" in.-i i v otliors whiuh heloug to our ia$ of trilde ' luwest possiMe rate for easb.. '.all ami exammo. NT. B. - Sijrn - Pquiiw ivith cigar box, one tloor orp of the Fraoklin Block. r„ CKUXEH & SEYIÍAnnArbor, Maj S1, 1864. 9bifLL Farm for sale. SITUATKP siv miles Xorth of AnnArbor. aii("''5 consists of 122 acres. Qo the premises art)iT biiil(liiir5. a flne orchard and a liriog fl'rea:'t,iID' liuiiwn as tho Uosecrans farnl. ]t will be soW .(" and teirns ot payment made èasv. Enqulre of L.t. BIS-IH)1'; AnnrbQr.Jap.SB, 1SH4&4W___ Ayer's Ague Curft


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Michigan Argus