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L'k. Jamks UuicrEK, (of the firm üf Des. K. & J. IIu.vtbr. New York,) pliysiciau for diseases of the Throat, Heart , ani r.ungs - arnbracing Catarrh, Bronchitis, Consuuiption, Asthma, &c, will, on Monday, th( löth, inst , bu at the Monitor House, Aan -rbor, whfire he niay be consulte on any of the cÜ3eaaesf:m braced In his speciality. As thoUoctor's visit is limitd to oae dny, jarties nnv uudtrhis professional care are rcqueflted to cali upoi: hira aa early in the dy as possibie. Monitor Pouse, Aun Arbor, August 10 th, 1864. The Public Schools. THE VÁI.U Ti:itM of tlie several Public Scïtuols of thiCity ivill cona menee on MOJVDAY, AUGUST 29th, umler the superintfndence of Prof. U. W. LATTON" assístedbyuu able corps of teachers in all the departmenU. It is desired that scholars be punctuaïly in their seats on the lirst day of tb term . Nnn-resident scliolars will be charg-cl for tm'tion in Hiili 5chool, por term aa followë ; In Languagee, - $8.00 In Englisb stmllrs - $6.0 ) Tuitton io l'ainting aud Drawio, and for reeident scliotars in languagts me as hcretolore. By order of the Board E. B. l'OND, Secretary. Ar.B Arbor, August lOth 1864. 969w3 HOWAED ASS0CIATI0W, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Dlseaeg nr the IVcrvou, Scnilnnl , l rlnnrjretid Sexual Systems- new and reliable treatunent- in ;repurts of the HÜWAHD AriSOCIATION- .cont by mail in seal"I letter envelopfis fre nf chartre Ailrtrcs Dr. J. SKIIilN HOWiHTON. Howar.! AssodaUon,}r tonlb Kmth Strnt, Pbilcirlpfciit, U.S. 70 Loan. The Sccrutary cf the Treasury Kir„s notice tlut sb ícriptions will bo rcceived fcr Coupon Trea.ury XoZ loable three year;. from .August 15:h, 1SM .."' ■„,linlMvtatll„nt, „f Bmn „n ' " tent ha por cent per a-num.-pnncipal and nt bothtn be paidin l.mful momir. Tbn nolnk will be convertible at tho option „t ,L bold.rnt maturity, nto „W p„ c(,nt. gol„ b(, e bond, pyWB uot Ie. Uian üvu nor montbu tw,,, year torn. tl.ejr ate.aa thu govermncui may J They uil! b.' i.suod in dennminationj, o, $[c ' Í500, $1.000 ,„1 Í5,(00, and Í tutaoripüon,' „,„,.' be tor firty dulhus r suine multiple of filty dullars The notes will ho transmitted to the niroera fr„ ,, trarspurtatiou charge a soon after the rawipi ,", the orKin,l rertfflcatoa of Her,it aa tbc r,0 prftpsred. Ai tl, noten dra uteroat from Auguntj;, por making ,;e,,„sitss„l.,t.,llient ,„ tka, dafm.i.t p-,, tb interest accrued froni dot. of note to dato of anoj Partie dopoKttog IwcbIj-Htc tbouxanrt d.l],„,nd upward. for ll,i.S(! notn, at any ne tin, win fc,, lowed a '..:, „r on. Uöjt of ono per ont which irill be ,,ai.l by the Treasury Dopartmsat upo,' thorecwpt of a bUl for the auonnt, certifled t„ b the offiecrwith hom the deposit wa mad. N„ fc' duction for cuminisbiou ramt be made froin tl deposita. ' Special Advantages of tlis Loan. ITISA X.VTiO.y.vLHAVIXlijBANK, offer ng high,.,' „ tercst taan any other, and the Uit sKurity An? avingu bank wLich paj U deposito in ü 8. Nol,, considor thatit I pfcylng n th. beat elreulëthif ,! diuro of thecouutr.and t cannot pay ,D aajthic, botter, lor its oirn asets arr eithor in govermuent , UUtttea M n nots or bond, payat.lo ifl goorllmeI,, paper. Itiseiu.,l]y conveniei.í as a tiroporary or, ent nvestment. The autes aliraj.'b old tor withm a fracti.,1, of tW froc and accumulatM M. et, and are the best .ocurity wit!, bauk u cüIUi,. rals for diwcounta. Oonvertiblo into a Sis per cent. 5-20 Gold Bond. Iu adoilion to the very libwal !Bttnt oi th Ul. for three yer, thi pririlege of "onvwion h „„_ worth aboutthrec per cent. pcrannuiu, or lis . rent rate for 6-LO Bond is not less thnn iiinep,r '' premium, and before tho war thr premium on B;x ' ent. V S. stocks wan over per cont. u win be seen that the actuil proüt on t,, loto, t a present inarket rate, a uot ets (han ten p cent pr annum lts Exemption from State or Municipal Taxatie u. But asidc froru all the advnntas(Swe have tuumeri. tsd, a special Act -. Congress tumpu all bmdi t,i Truuurf ñola from local taxation. Ou te ar., this exemption ia worth abont two per cent. rer ,n' num, according to the rato of taxation in T.rioui parti of the country . It i beliered that do securities olfcr o (ríat fe, lincemente to lender a thote i.sued by th. ,. munt. In all othirforms of iudebtedne, t ).e Ulk or ability of private pnrties, or stock ei mpanie,. „ se,iaratecommun!tics.i.nly,i„ pl.-rig.-d for pa.vm-nt whilcthp whole pruperty „f the country 6 l',e' l secnre the discharge of all the obligatious f tl.tUii Eed SUtei. While Iba governmont offers the ranut liberal ttrail fbrfci &#, t SMlOTS that tlje vory troORKt ,p. pealvill ba totheloyalty Hn.l patriuti.ui of the pw ple. B?Jlfel certifícate; wül 1,„ iLed Ier all,. The par'.v depoiiliu'g mml i'ndorfc uj;.n thp orignd oiM-lilicate the denoinination of untes rfjuirui, ut whethcr Ihev are to be ssuod ia bhnk ar payiblet, oidtr. Wlicn so endofsed t niust lx; ]pft with lbf.f. Qcer recoiriog the d.pt8, tu be forwarJtd loth. Tipasurv llopartmuut. SlBscmPTji)N-s wtu. tiK KiruivKK hi l he Trraurrr n the ITiiito.l Sttsyt Wsb1gon, (tic N-tiU Asii.l ant Trewur and dc.ignatcd lïipiiirlk, ind br the First Katioral Bank of Ann Arbor, Mich And by all.Vational Sauks ivhich aro dtposiurit p! public money, and ALL RKsmTABI.E UANKS A'I) BAXKKR8 thro.urhout the country will give lillWllli MlijiMMii and allonl averv facility to subwrü.er. 109(9 DEMOVAL! IsT. B. COI.E, has removed hi STOCK tí BOOTS fc SHOES, tn tl.e Kt.).-o uf A. p, Milis O., „n Main Stnft. wbfrt he will irliKi lo w.i!t ,;, Mü ol.l r-j, public generalij. GIVE HIH A CALL OTRAYKP trom tlie .remises of Bubsrribpr, n O KraifkW,i ïh.dv, -liii.v -J-tli, 1R64. a KEI) (UW with hile UmI ack.and ivuitobclly.sevcunr elgbt nw , ll.l a n.pcironu.l her borne aii.l hi-íl ,,n'. A liberal iv (Md FOÍ the rrlurn of saiit Cow. 1H t inlurmatiun wlit-re sUc inay bfi'outi.' .. , SYLVIA lumWK. il'siluijti.. A.:ruKt 3, J864. Mtg Patato of Johu D. Armstrong. Sn MICHIUAX, Cmu,ry „1 W.-.shtenaw, ,._ J At asesüioiiül' the Prubiite Court í.r t!u Cum.l.if Watfitcnav, hoMpn at th Pr..htf (flice, id tlw titv el Aan Albur, un Wedntsöay Uic tentli eay of August is tbe yrar one tbouíand cigiit bunJml and iitt-finf. f rosent, Thomas Ninde.Judge of I'robato. In llie inalter of the Kstale of John D. Armalrolf. Me of Lorti, iu aa County, ileccasoil . Onreadiugandflling the. petition, duly verilW. ri klvira Armstrong, praying for the probate of an instrument on filein this "ourt.purporting to bo the !' will and testament ot said dewaspil. Thereupon it is Ordered. tba-t Friday. tUf Iitntli4ay of heptemberuoxt.atti'n o'cN.ckin the'fortnoon. beuBigned for the b-aring of sai.í gietitiun. nd thatthedtvisees, lngatte and beirs at law oí sai.l .icseasf J , oí allotherpersnns nterested in naii! estáte, rerequirti t.iappnaratascs.-iiinof sai.; ('ourt, tlien to bcliolJunt the Probate Offici?, in tlie City of Aun ttii County. and sboweause. ifsny therebo, why tlie prv(r or thfpetilioner should uot be grauted: And it is further ordereí, titat said petitínn" „tve notic.eto the poreons iu!. -..-V;,.,. ij, Baid ostíte, uf the pendencí oi aaid petition, an.l tho hearing ilitreof. by ciinsfiga coi-y of tbisOMer tu be pubi-shed in th Mtrkigan Argua . a liGw.spnpcr priuted and efrcounipl lasaid County of Washtenaw, thn-e suuceseívc uceli, prevtoue tu aid dav oí hearint; (AtrueCopy.) ' T [HUÍ AS NÍNDK, Je9 Judge of l'robte The New Seven-TÏiirty Loan, The First National Bank of Ann Arbor, Deaignated Depository of the United States wili recei" subscriptions foi-the new SEVEN-THIKTY TREASURY NOTES, Tbem Xutcs u-illbe issued in snins of $.ÏO $100 JSW, $1000, and S5000, be;ir date Aag. 15, 1864, mth sraiannual coupons, and are piyable three years fre dato. in lawliil money, or are convertible at the upliou oftheholder, atmaturity nto 6 per cent. gold bearins bondi - redcemable after iire and ravable twenty years frora August, 15, 1SG7. Interest wlU be nllowfd on all subscnptioiiE made previoiK toAiiguetl5. e Secretafy of the Treasury in placiug thia Lom befor thepeoplein iiis recent circular Bavs. "The circunistauces under which this Iorh is apki"1 for,and yournidinvokeü, though differini; irtely from thoexistingstateof alfairs three ycars go. are sueh as afford equal encouragement and security! Thuöfxr the war has been pupported and carried on, as it 'onlr could have ben, by a people resolred, át "linter" cost, totransmit unimpaired, to posteritv, the ystem of iree government bsqucathed to them by the 'gre' men whoframed it. "The securities offered are such as ihoutd comand yonr ready cowfidence Asyetwe h;ive askeii nu foreign aid Calmandnelf reliant, our iDCfln, havelllii farproved adequate to (mr Trant. Thpf are y et Hinf-If to meet those of the present anti the 'future. 1! Mü' remains ínr a patriotic peojile to furuish tue modi"' supply. Ths brave roen who aro nghting our halt'" mustbe fed and clotLcd, BJunitious of ar uf aü tiud raust be furnished. "Tlie dfnomiuaticns of theFe noteis, innirg ff"10 flfty to live thousand dollars, place these JeWfl withinthe reacb of all nhoare disposed to aid ll)r country. For their n'dtmptiou , the, honorrt' pmperty of that country are ïolemnly plelgeil. A succesfful issue to this contest, now bclicved to nearat hand, will largely enhance their vilue to th holder " Th is Bank also receiyes subscriptiorjt lo ího TEN-FORTY GOLD BEARING FIVE PE" CENT. BONDt!, in sums of $50, $100, $1,000, aml $5,000. W "appal with conödence to a 1T1 aDdpatrif10 people. and invoke the elTorts ofail who love thfi' country and deaire for it aglorious futuie, to nid e'T (ioverninent in sustaiuing its credit and placing tt credit upou ü stable foundation." CHARLES H. RICIinOKD. August 3d , 1864 . ChsIiIi r. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral


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Michigan Argus