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Blackberries For The Soldiers

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To The Editor of the N. Y. Tribune, Sik: A few days since I sent a coniim:nication in behnlf the soldier, appealing to tho good people of your State to secure as riearly as possiblo, every remaining blackburrj for hospital use. - Wili yon givo me the privilege of adding wbat seems to bo neccssary tü what was thon said ! , First, in regud to tho manner of putting thera up : Let me say to all, do ot secd your jelly in thiu glass, as man V have done ; tut in very tlïiok glass or earthenjars, elosely aad tiglilly covcsej. Let the sirup be up iu thiek bottles, tightly corked. Let the cordial, wine, and bi'andy bo put up in the same way. The aidsocietie3 and braneh ooimnissious to whora these jars or bottles are sent ■will please pack them in with cloths fit for baodago?, handkorchiefs, &o. Then nothine else is itiiured in oase of leakaa-e. and these eldths will at all times be very useful. They are very muoh needed now. Directions were given in my former letter for rnaking blackborry brandy on]y, not because more of thia is wanted ■than of the sirup, wine, or cordial, but beeauso people generalij-, aro not supposed to know so v,rell how to raako it. From the following it will be ssen that the cordial is nearly the same, only licher, with half the proportion of brandy : Blackbbhry Cordial. - To I ga!, blackberryjuice put 4 Sbs of white sugar;boil and skini otf'; then ald 1 oz. of cloves. 1 oz. of ciniiamon, 10 graled nutmegs, and boil down till quite rich; Uien let it cool and settle; aftevward drain oft, nid add 1 pint of gooii uranay. The wine and jelly aro made just as currant wine and jelly are. Almost all housekeepers are lamilur with the modes of making those. The sirup is made Like tire jelly, but not so rich ; only rich cnough to keep well. Let it become t;o'd before pouring it into bottles. If it should form jelly, heat it over aad pet t p in jara. A gallon of sirup or jelly may save a9 many lives as the same quantity of cordin], rum or brandy ; for if stimulaots are needed they may be eiven to the patiënt separateiy. we know that at the present price of ■gugar and spices, the putting up of any of tbeso curatives for the soldier, is expensive work ; but we ask each and all to do ouly so inuch as tlioy are able, and Tve ask them to do this to the exclusión of everything else now, while the blackberry season is passing away. I speak the seutiment of all with Commissious and Hospitals in saying that tire entirc present fund of any aid society canaot fce better invested than iü the purchase of berries, spices and sugar, for the jireparation of these articlcs.' Oue of our best hospital surgeons remarted today, that he should have as much need of blackberry curatives all through the i'all as now, and that all seasons cali for large quaotities of them. The greater part oí yesterday your correspondent speut in visiting a íevv of the wards in Lincoln Hospital ; and, as in all other, and at all othor times, testijjony in favor of tho blnckberry' was coustantly coming up, and ia a great varioty of ways. Almost the firat man met was one who had been for a long time very siok with the chronic diarrhoa. The ward physician stood by and said that ba had tried almost every kind of medicine in his case without success. Upon being asked if he had not ijreat faith iu he simple blaekberry, heiinswered that tiehati; but said he, "Madam, that is 6omethiog almost iiupotsmble to oet ;n any iorm. We can get it only oecasionally. This poor man bas not had any." llo was promised -ome. Let us hope tüat it camo not too late to save hun. Talking with another, who had care OÍ a ward, he said, " Oh, if wo coulc! ttfj have enough of tho blackberry juice ;n any way preservod, 80 maDT nccd ijot d:e of chtonio diairheu." Sald fat! 'It is a moEt terrible diïiease. I wcu! ] ratker die of wollig of siaa.J.pojr - Entering another vvard, I heard a bravo, handsqiüe littlo fellow, not more thsn seventeeh asking the ward master hnrp tang it would lako a puèkage to rea h him by espïees from Jlicíiigan. He gavo as a ason fot a-kiug Unit he had been sick witfi tlio uiarrnéa, aud bad beeu cured by a diah of ripo blacktberrics which had been brought him ; tliat, fearÍDg he miglit get the sauiè oomplaint agan, and might not gol any nioro berries,. he had written to hishbmo ia Michigan to have sent him iinmcdiaiely by expres-, a bottlo oí blackberry vi:ie. Wliether he will receive it, hnwover is doubtf'ul. Even lotters pften fail to reach thoso in liospital. , Nefcr by was aoother man airnnst gone. A sister sat by funnitig hiin. Hü had hud tbia coni)laint for two mouths in tbe Soulh-West. He had only lately come here. Tho sister s!iid Uo was running down fast. Said sbe bad o::ly this hope for bis Iifc - that tbo blackbeiry cordial, whioh a lady visitor had jiist before promisod to bring biin tire bást morning, migbt bav power to vet save hini. The blaekbprry cúVativo was somothing of wüick the sister had not known. (Jhunciüg to go in conipany with a lady relief agent, froin New York into a room wüure the Sisters of Charity, emplnycd iu this hospital as uurscs, were assumbled, I heard her s;ty to tLera, "whicli of you very uiuoh neod a bottle of blaokberry braudy for severe -caseá of diarrbca," and heard nearly all answcr, "I." Almost every one had sorae patients of tbis kind, although thoro is & ward sot apart cspecially for suoli oases. Very tuuoh to her rcgret, the lady agent had only a single bottle then to leave with (hem. The Sister Suporiov took it in charge, I thiuk, to deáí it Gut in small quantitit's to tho othera, But wbo imagines that this. one bottle could supply the uceds of all ? Oh ! ïny dear sisters or frienus ere ivhcrc, do be preparing to send to hospitals, enerywkere, this sovfreisn halm, for this wide spread and fearful coniplaiut. öend it through the Snuitary Cprutnissiop, or the Cbristian ConnuLssion, or the Relief Agencies of your State, as you nleae, only do not fjl to send it, ín tho' name of all that is sa cred, send it. Will all papers friendlv nloase eonv.


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