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Official Report Of The Fight At Mobile

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ti e ,i Wa'-hi"Slü. Agust 15. ■ Ilio foflowing iïici:.! dispatb h. been reeeiv,d l,y the Navy Departu,8 Flao Sun., Baetfobb, Sin-I have tío honor to report! lbo Department ibis morninir. I LJi Mobilo Bay, passing Ports Morj QaineBaiidencouiitoiing the rebel ram Tennereea and ganhoata .,f tho cIlem viz: Hclma, Morman a„d Oaim-s. 'L attaeking fleet was under way bv 5-k a. m , in the following order : Th BrookijH with te . Ootorara on h er 2 the Hartford with the Metacoff thcKichmoiid with the Port Rojal tl' Laokawana with the Weuiiuole, the m! oongahela with the Tecumseh. the Owi pel w.tli the itasco and the Öneida i " the Galena. On the board of the ücet was the proper potition of the ninn ïtorsor irori-clada. 171 1 Tl r ron iviorgan opened on ns at 7-1 and boo fter tbia the action becarcé H-l) .As we steaiaed up the maiD obaunel therc was gome difficullv alead and the Hartford passed ahead of t Brooklyn. At 20 minutes pa8t 8even the Teoumgeh was struck bv a torpedo acd snnk, going down ver rapidly and carrying down with her all the officer and crew witb the exoeption ol the pi. lotandeight or ton men whieh were saved by a bost that I sent from the Motaoomet whiclj irtt Ioqpida of ffie. 1 he Hartford .ad passed the forts bcfore eight o'elock, and findiug myself rakedby the rebel gnnboats, f orderfd the IVietacomct to oast o ft" and go n nur snit of thern, one of wliich, the SrJma the succecded in capturiug. ]J the vessels had pa.-scd the forts by 8S0 bnt the rebe! mm Tennessee was BtUl ápoa reutly uninjarcd in our rear, and a Bie nal was at once mado to all the fleet to turn aaaïn to attaek the ram, not with gnns, but to run hor down with all speed. The Monongahela was the first ttat strnck her, and thonh she may have in jured her bndly, yet she did not sneeeed in disabhng ber. The Lacknwana alio struck her, but ineffectnaly. The he ship gare her a severo shock with her bow, and as ahe pa.sajd. fired inte her a whole port broadside of solid 9 ineh sliot, and 13 poanda of powdcr, at : distance of iiot more than twelve fect. The iron ciada vrere fast closim; Upo her, uhI the Hartford and the rest of ths ihat were bcaring down npoo ier when.atlO a. m , she surrendecd-' The rest of tho robe) Heet, viz: the .Mori,'uii and the Gaines, suceeeied in gelfio back under proteetion of Fort Mor-nn. Tliis endfd tbe aetion of the c%.Admiral iJuc-ijanau sent me his sword being himself badfy wonnded ithawn! pound fi-aeiure of the leg, whichitis said will hve to be nnpulated. Mhiiï of my own !eing woundod, and tbc geon oí tíie lewiciwee being verj deúrous to havo Admira 1 Buchauan removed to tbe hospital, I sent a ftají oí trúcelo tbe eommanding oííicer of Fort Moran; Brig. Gen: fíiebaid L. Page, to saj that if lie would allow tfiu wounded of tk flect as ns their owu, to be takeu to Pensacoíu, whtre tbt-y could be belter esred for llian here, I onld send nat one of our vessels provided slie would be permitted to return, briuging nothing back that -he dn) not take out. Gen. Page oonsènted, and the Metacomut was despatched Tbe tofaf }oss on our sidc was 40 killed and 88 wounded. Ou the rehel ram, Tenurssce, wcre captured 2U eieers, and bout 170 men. On the 8tlma #ere taken nine orBoers and men, 1 will send adotailed despatch bjtb first oppoitanity Very respectf'nNy, Yunv Ollicot servant. D. G. FARRAGUT, A. C. K. G. B. Stjiiatlmn. To Girteon Welles, Secretary uf the Navy. IW Adrices from South Carolina report that up to the 3d of August thcre were 30,000 Union prisoners nt AndersonriHe, Ga. Nearly 2,800 (lied there during tho month of Judo. It is siso stated that 600 Uuion officers have been placed uuder fire at Charleston by the rebels, and that the Union prisoners are being removed from Georgia to Soatt Carolina. In despair of loweringf the eurrent saie of silvor and gold by any other menns, tho new Seoretary oí the Treaiury has rosolved to try a new and originaï movemont, oquül to Grant'u litft. In tho futuro coinage of the U. S. mint it is-proposod to put the eagles on the coin with closed wings so that they can come down.


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