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SfftáiA pofeMICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD, Piiüsengei trains ncnv lea ve I'-etjoil .Chicnyo.:iinl t lie -tevirjiltatiuns ti tliüüuuniy .As folluwü : GOING WEST. I.ive Ila Kx. llrxt. Ac. Eve. Kx, VighiKx. Detroit. 8-OO.t.M. 3.45 1'. a. 5.0U p. 8 46 !. M. Vpsilantl, H.2U " 5.05 " 0.27 " 10.(0 ' uraArbor, u.40 " 5.00 " 0 60 " 10 '.'0 " Dexter, l.05 e. m fi.CO " 7.15 " ' Jheluen. U.:0 " " 7 35 " - . " r.Clnc:iLo ti ló '' ■ " 5.S0j. m. 8.45 A. M. CÍO i NO KAST, I.eave. Kve. Kx. Uex. Ac. Xii;bt Kx. Pay Ex, Chicago, O.l-O p.m. 10.00 r. m 6.30 a. h. Chelsea. A M. 7.45 a. m. 4.05 i m. HrxU-r. 5.45 " 8 0 " 4 20 " nnArbor, 4.20 a m. fi.10 lt S.25 " 4.45 ' Vpsilunti, 4.45 6.35 " 8 45 " 5.05 " Ar. Detroit, fí.10 " 8.0Ü " 10 00 " 0.80 " The Puy Expri-ss oarb 'íy is the Mnil Triiin. Trainf -lo nt stop íitstations figarcareomil;e1in rhe fcabtf. Trairiscoiinectat Pitroir willi llieGroat Western and (rand Triink lïaihvnys of Cnnaiía, and t lie Detroit uní Medo. ;in.l Detrovt üiul MiHvnukue Riulroads, nn.l Cleveland Pteainers. At the CbmpaBy's Ticket Offices at Detroit, Cíiicago, tuliet and I..afnyette,throneh tickets can purchased Loa!! thd principal citicsand towns inthe United Staten md (';iii;nlis . LUXURIOUP SI-KKFlNCr CARS upon all niVlit tralo, Rutt;m'R cek'brated Ve&tilattng Apuariitus upon all lay tr.iin.s - the best dnstjireventativein use. R N. RICE. General Superintendent. editor of Aiíars; Dkar Pir.-- With your peimÍKsion I wlsh to íay to the readers of y out paper thut I wiïl senil, by return mail, toall who wish it (freo), a Iïeeeipe. wifh full i 'ectlons for outking and using a fiiiripie Vegetable lalm. tliat wiïl eíTectniiUv remove, iti ten day:?. f'inipleR, Rlotches.Tnn, FrocklcK, andall TmpuritioB of the Skin, ïeavfng the same soft, clou-, smootE and beauti ful. I will also mail free to thosc ha+ing Raid Héadr, or iare Faces, simple diroctions and inforination that vill clin ble them to start a full growtli of Luxuriant Hair, H'hiskers, or a Moutache, ia lus thiin thirty da8. All appHcation.s annweied by return mail without charge. Retpectfully yours, THOMAS F, CHArMAN", Chfmist, 3mr6G 831 Broadwaj, Xew Tortt. CHEROKEE FEMAL.E PIÏjLS. T&B)ÈaKt XSwtTOL Mrdk-ineyet Picovbrep. - If one enumérate the ills attend;mt upon irregulant j oi tluleriod in ff males, ;n- exrmines the far-roachin, ovil f these ills to all connected with one who may be suhjected to tlicm, it is iinpossible. io coniro vort the fact tliat thu Chcrokeu I'itl i.i the. most ueful and benL'ücent Riedícuiü over oUVred to the public. Pure to ! regúlate with the cxactnesa of mathcmatical calcula ion. Safe to all, and infalible in tlie removal oí I struetion and sapprestAon, these l'ills .should be in the msses.siun of every nii:n, wife and mother ii tlie country. Don't be palnied olT with any ether, hut try ,he Chorokee Pilis :md you will bc convinced of thoir cñlcacy. Sold by all druists. inii'O'J jg' PROF. R. J. IiVON'Ö' Patiënt anti all others nterrestcd will pleawe take notice that he will contin ne his vfstts at tlie Monifr House, Ann Arbor, flaricg 1864 and '05 and at the oxpiratimmf which be willdis continue bis visita n tul opcti an Iníinnai-y at Cleveland, Ohio, for the treatmcnt of Lang and Chef?t diseaaes. Mathews' Chocolate WormDrcpa ? ________ i NEVKll fail to tí os tro y and extermínale nll kindf of ntestinal WorniB. Are perfectly foBable in all cases ind far superior to anyan-1 all of the. Fuuoy Worm onfectíons, nd nauseous Vorniifugo. in use. They may be taken at all times with perfect 8ftfty,iw tliey j ontain NpMERCURY, or othT delvteri-ns Drup.- loiherR shoulJ alwnyn purcnAsethotzi and t;ive Éneir hil-lren no other. (No Calhariir. wliatever, is nccosflftrj to be given.) Eacli box coutüiiis 2-1 Drops or Loxcnges. Price '_:i ts. For :le by i II ÏJf ugïts :uid DeaïtTB i i Mtdinc . C. R. WAT.KElf . (ïcnoi-ül Agent, ly!2'2 Hu(it!.i, N. V aniUfwl Krir.O. V. A Cnríl to ilie NuffVring. "JWALLOW two ur thruo ho.shra'l.s of ■KuHiu," } "T-niic RÍttcr,' Parsajmrilla," '-Ntivoiis mtldotcs," &e. , &c, .te, :nnl atter you'aro aatlsflo] wiíh the renuli, thgn try one box of OLD DOCTOB BÜCHAN'd EKOLfBH Sl'íTTKIC PILLS- and be retored to licntth aml vifjur in tata tlum tiiirty duys. - 'hcy are purt-ly vegdftble, plcasant íotike, prompt ml salntíiry in their eífctH un the broken-rtown and liattfrcil onstitutíon. Oíd and ynug can tako ílicm ith advantago. ímported and uld in the Cnltci" tatos onlj by .lANfKS s. BUTLER, No. 4-J7 Bnmdw .y, NVw Yorl Cl?3 A.ijoiitfnr tlií'l'nif'' ) otates i'.S.- A Tïüx of Pilla, st'ciirely y ■ uua: will bu íailcil to any ftudrofla un rt'Ct'ipt of úrico, whlch ís N"E UOLÍAií, (i;iil- iu -in'v refur.lcd by Uiti r'-ní if pntlre Battflfftctíon J n"' giveii, 3míKC TT TWKXTV-ONK YEARS AÜO.O Mr. O. C.BaisTOi ;i dUtmguMted CbemiRt and PruijBpt o[' the ci'y o( Builalo, X, Y., inventisl and ïnauufactured a compon n,l 1, nou u as BfilSTOl.'S HAI.ÖAM OF 11OAKH0UND. whioh is a perfect BHtcinc for COCCïIIÖ, COU1B, Or fty HeOSOHJALOT tuÜB UlFFICI'LTlBa arismg from damp, OuM, ür sudi'.cn change of the weathpr. Kvevy .ersonuho has ever taken TiUISTOl.'tf BA I.SAM OF HOARHOUND, pronoancss it the bist articli' ■! BveQted : aml eo justly colebntied has ít becon1, ttat .the uiiu-lvt't is aliriitly I'ull of imlti'Uons, counterféltSi and most ilultgerouti compoun'ls, aftder ttit' name of UalKum of lUiiuliiiuiiil. Thorofute, ahvayi bQcareful to c:ill fov Brlstol'ü Balnam.nnd seo that hi WUITTEN sÍLíiiatilrt' is om the outsidc labol o! Ihe bottle. -Tliis nvnlu:ililc Mcrticfno has beor. now somt nwntv-onc years before the pubilOj and wilhtnit any i'IToi-t on the port ot' ti.i ijropriitor, ils s.ilc lias bocomc very ixtf nsivt1, and is daily iiicrt'asirg. The low vr'cc at wliich the Kee&w is sol,! (■ 5 CENTS) ImabjM Al.I. to parüike of ts heaBniiqualitiés. C. CRO3HV', BUrTALO, N V. Solo manufacturor, to vhoin ali ordi'is should 1, adilre.-ised. Fnr salo ïiy all rcBpoctable druggipts. lyoowÖCS Ö Yt)U Wl-H TO IÍR ITIUEUJ D!i. BUCHAN'S KNCUgll i=rE( 11 IC Pil I.; euro. in less Ihan 3ihiys, the u..r-t ol hOüVoÚKESS, ItnpoteñcT, l'rcma ture Decay, Seminal W'cakm'ss. Insanily, añil all Uni n:try. Poxñal and Ncrvons AflVctions. no mfttter froni wliat cmise pnduccMl. Prlöe, Óno Ddlar prr box. - Ser t, post paid b.v mail, nu i.'t-tipt uf an order, üue 'lox will perft'ct th; cure in m'st papis. Addrefis .JAMES S. BUTLER, 3mS "0 General kgani , i-'i Broadwaj' , Now York. nEMOVALI 1ST. B. GOLE, has removed hla STOCK of BOOTS SHOES, to the storoof A. 1'. liilïa&Co.,on Main Street, where he will he gliid tu w.iit mi lils olí cuitomers an.l the public gencraü.v . G1VE HIH A CAIíIí ! TLS. '7-30 Loan. - - The Secret ry of the Troasury ffives notice tliat sub acription.s will bo ïeceived for Coupon Treaeury Notes, paya-ble three years from August 15ih. 1804, with Siiuiann al mierest at tho rate of sevon and th reetent hs per cent per iiiimim, - principal and interest botli to be paid in lawful mtnrëy. notes will be convertible at Uiö option of the holderat maturity, into six per cent. gohl bearing bonds, payable not h'.ss tluin Svu uor morethan twenty years Cruis their ante, as the government may eh-ct. Tli.-y will be issurd in denominations of $50, $100, S500, 51,000 and S5 ,000, and all subscriptiorH must bc for iifty dullav.s or sumo multiple of filty doHar.s, Th; note.s will be transmiLted tü the owners free oí tnipspoitatioii clmrje ;i;; soon nftor tlie reeipt of the original CdrtiQcatca if Depoatt as Úmy enn be prepand. As the ngtes draw interest Trom August 15, persons making dppositF.subscin:ent to that diite mufit pay the interebt aecnu-d from late uf aote to date of depoolt. PartU's doposiling twenty-five thousand dollars and upwardb for theno notes at any one time will be al louiM a cinmissioii of nne quarter of ne. per cent., which will be pail bj the Treasury Depwtniept ujion tliereceipt f a bül for the amount, certiiied to by tliH oflicerwilh uln'in the deposit wan matUi. No doductions for couunissions must be made frpxn the de pos i ts. Special Advan+:ages of tl is Loan. It i a Natio.nai. avi.nuö Baak, offering liigher interest than any other, anti the. best security An savings banfc ulnch pays its dejio.sitois in U S. N'otes, ciuisiders tiuitit i.s payin in the best circulating me dïum of t!ie country , and it Ctvmot pay n anythiug beller, for its owia asi-ets arr ei t lier in go ei nment .securitie.s or in note oí bonxls payabie in governtnont paper. It isoqually convenient as attniporary or permanent investnii'nt. Tlie notes can always bu sold for withm a fraction of thoir free and accumulatec nter est, and are the security with bank as collaterata for dieoounts. Conveitiblü into n Six per cent. 5-20 Gold Bond. Tn addiüun to tin1 verv libt-rnl interost on tli' Dolen for turce yciirs , tbis juivih-ge uf conversión is now wiirtli aliout tliree )pr cent. per annum, for tïw curroct cntv Sul 5-0 Byidt s upt luss tlian nincper eau. premium, and betnra tliu wurllio premiara on aix per ent. L' S. st-ili w.i .vor twenty per cent. It will be Been fbal the itvfutl pmlit on this loim, ut tlie present rkuUli rate, U not U'ss tin per cent. per niinum lts Exciiiptioii from State or Municipal Tiixatu 11. Hut Mide from all 11. e arivvJLtagPlwc linve enumerute.l,,i special Act t( ('ongress i:runls all houdt and Trraitury votes frtmi local taratio?t. O:i ttiö average, tliis exeinpüon worth about two per cent. .er unnum, accorrtin to the rato oí tax;ition u vnrious Iart.sof tlie courjtrj-. Itis believail tliat uo necurilies olTer so great iu(Uicementw to leiwlers as tho.e Uaaed by the governinent. In alt other fqrras of indebtednefis, the fuith or ability of private piirties, or stock companics, or seiiaratecommunities, only,i pleilgeil for paym-nt, whüc lbo whole property of the country is held to secure tile ilischarge of all the obligations of tlie United States. While the gorernmeot olTers the most liberal terms for it loar.s, it belle es that the very strongest appeal will be to the kirslty and patrioti.Mn of the pcople. Duplícate certifleatei will be issucil for all uposU. The party Seposlting raust einlore upon the uriginal certifícate the leuomination of notes reijuired, aml wliether they are to beis.sue.l in blank or payable tu oider. "When so ndorsod !t raust be fètt with the offleer receiving the deposit , to bu forivardfd to the Treasury ltrpartment. SlliscKinio.vs iu uk keckivkd by the Troanuier of Ihe United State.'l, at Washington, the feveral Assintant Treasurers and lei;jinited Depositarios, and by the First National Bank of Ann Arbor. Mich Aml by all Xational iianks whieh are depositarles of public miinev , s ml Ati BJJH'BDTABLB BAN'KS AND RAXKER8 throughout the country will gly furlher info'in..ti..n and alford every faeility to sub&cribers. 10w9G9 The New Seven-Thirty Loan, The Firet Natioual Bank of Ann Arbor, Desnátéfl Dëptwrtwy of fheL'nitcd States, will receive .sub.scriptidiis iYuthc üuw SEVEN-THIKTY TREASURY NOTES, These Notes wülbe issuud n sums of $50, $100, S500 $:0"!0, anti $5000. beardjhte Aug. 15, 864, vuh wmiunnual coupons, and are pnyable tinco yeara trom date, in lawlul money, or ote convertible at the option ui Uie hoUU-r, at maümty into 6 per cent. gold baaring - rQdeëznablu after öve ainl pajable twiuity yfurHfrom AttgVfet, 16,1867. Interest will bc allownl on all subserfytiom made prtvloua to Aoguat 35. Tho Secretarj of the TreAwir j iu [.hicing Ihi Loon befurü the jeojile in lii.s n:ecnt circular says. "llu-circujiistancfd onder wiueb thi loan b aVeü foXj aml yoiii-;uiHtivjko(lT thongli itÜfcriiit; wiilely from theoxiiit intf stiitiMit' nHitirs (bree yean ago, are such as alTunl cqual eucourugeraeiil aml stscority Tlms far the war han been nuppnrtwl aml cnrricil op, 88 it Vmly could liavc tiet-u, l.y a pvople eMolved, at wlwAevcr 6osf, t) iransniit ummpnhviï,to pnuíerity, the system u' [ree Avcriucnl bquitlie9 te thro by the 'rcat nx ii Whp frarael it. "Tlie sd-uritios ofterotl iro such au fótdüld eowftjuwi yuur rc.'uiy eonliiK-ncc Au yot we liae a.-l.ei! oo fot eigii a id Calm andself rclinni , our hh-;uik lmvetUufi fiïrprovcd adeqtmtrtouur want-;. 'I'hey are d ajnplc to meet thoae of l!i; n-tsünt aml tho "future. Il stih remainafor apntrïotfc pcóple to fuxnish ncedful ■Upptyj Tlu' bvAVti men v.lm a0 (igUtlflg our b:ntlrs must bc IV'l und clothed, of war ui ill kindn musí t furnlshed. "'l'lio ilfn'ininaii'iiH nf tliesr tuitcs, t (tnj.'in.L,' frcin (Ifiy Loifvt Ihouwind flollnrs, ptócc tlwRe s-in!twil liin tho renoli of all who iirfl ihsposcO tn aid fh'-ir óoüntry. Fúr ificir rprffwpfton felie faitli, honnrrmd junpiTiy of tliat coantrj nvp Bolomoiy pledgejl. A saccosful issue In this coiitewt, rnnv bt'lïevod to be nc.'irut liaiul, will largely cnhnnco tln-ir raluc to fho hóïder " TbisTt4iik !■■ ioeiveft KUljHcrlptinns to the TEN -P0KTY OOLD BEARTNG F1VE Phü OENT. BON DB, in siiiiis nf $50, $100, SI, 000, an.l Í5.000 "appivJ uiih coofldvnca tu a Invul :inl patrintic peuple. iuul nyokv tlia i-lïi.i ts of all wlm love their cov.uiry a,i] íor 1 a.u'lorious nidthrir (Mivcni'.iiciit in sust;iiiúnií its crwHt and t!:tcn. tlial ■n1' '1 U] tU n !:ittli. ímihhí.i t on." CHiftlSS U KICIIItlDIVD, '-. rwi 31.. '.f M Cashtcr. 3nt:ew FURNITURE ROOMS One Xorth oE Risdon and Uesdwton'B H&rdware Store. Tho um'.orsignod hm-ing purchnsed the ontiro ntock of W. 1. dmith ft Co., an.: dded largcly to the wi ore, s pri'pnl'fil tollirnishliis fnend.1 and patrBDs K"od assortmentof wel! made furnituro, Qongistïng of tOFAS, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, BOOK-CASES! TABLES and CHAIHS, .ifull Unit, and in f.ict ol overytWiig pertalulsg lo the lilísimas . L O IJ N Li Kíj!. MATRASSKS, ,tc, &o.,made to .mier by good tind Bxnerlencod wnrkmen, and mncj lo ii-,, utBfictlon I!,. lo koepa a jood ss..rtmcnt ,,f Chovr.v and Wnlnnt I.ii.iiIh r l'or sale at reMM'iiablf priccai And wilj iilsti unvthi lilgbest market prfce tor Clu-riy, Walmt aud Wlilte Wood Luml)T. I'. S. lio has üa puiüiiased the iiew and ELEGANT HEATiSK! ofSmUIi &Co.,nnd is prupareilto furnisli al] kinds ,t Wood Coffins, Melalic Cases, A-Nü CA8KETS, On the shorteat uolice. Also nttend to lajinp oltt di-ceasid persons day and nigEt, without charg. All furniturc delivewd inthetity free ol charge. W. U. BENHAM. Ann Arbor. .Tanuary Mth, 18113. 940tf P. BACH has a new and conijilcte STOCK OF SPRING GO0D8 bouglit beforo the recent GREAT lilSE IN GOLD ? Whlch will bo Soid FOE CASH ONLY, LOWEST MARKET PRiCES í Cali and See ! Ann Arbor, April, 18G4. look xseieíifoe: ? A large lot of L. I TREINT OOATS AND SUMMER GOODS, alivnys on h:uid :it M. Guiíerman & CoySj CLOTHING STCEE. Give usa cari nn.l no can ind vü] solí yon disipo and I etter goods thiin any othtT faoifeWF in tliiw city. 9;'alf Mr. Mathewa flrst prrpared the VKÍfETIAH HAIH DYE ; since tliat time it lias bn useil bv thousands, Mfft n no instance lian t íailed to gire futiré salisfac lion. The VENERAN DVE la tile chenpest in the worlJ.- Its pnce is ouly Kifty Cents, and each boltle contains doublé thequantity of dye in tliosc mtnklly soM for -. The 1IYE is wtatAtt Bal t njure Ule hnir or tlie calp n the ()wn e The VICXETÏAN DYE norks witl, rapidltj nd certainty, the liair requiring m prepaniüon whatever " The VEN'ETI VN DYE produces auy shnde that n'ny be desireil- onethat will nat fade, crock or wasli out - uno tbatla as permanentas the hair kelf. For sale by all druggifits l'rice SO BetltF. A.F. M AT1IEAVH, General Agent, 12 OoIdSt roet. New York. Also, Manufncturer of Matukws' AitNIfA IJaik iiiss. the best bair dressing in use. In large bottle, frice 50 cents. lyOPO CLOTHES WRINGER! The ONLY relible self-Adjusting Wringt-r. NO WOOD WORK TO -WKLL OH SPLIT. NOTHUMB-SCIÏEWST0 G ET OUT OF ORDF.R. . WAUIUNTKD WITH OR WIÏHOl'T COG-WIJKKi,. Ittook the HRST PREMIUM at FW Seres tate añil Cnunly l'air.s in 1803, uni is, wtthuuL an cxct'p tien, the best wrinRor ever made. WHAT KVKRY BOOT KN'OWS, viz: Thai Iros woll g.ilvanizod wit] not rus; Tlüit a. Himple machine .s betttr ttiau i oomplküktotl onej That a WïinershouM be gelf adjüntiDír, larabïe anl riïicicnl ; That Tliiuiib -Scrtw.s anti FsfltaÏQgl cause U-lay aml tiüuble to regúlate, and keep in order; That wond soaked in hot water w i 1 1 uwell, fthricb nnd Bpüt; That wood bearings for the slmft to run in vvill wear out; That the l'utnnm Wringer, with or without cogwheei-t, will not the cïottlen; Thai eog-wheei rgalators are aai weential, That the I'utnun Wriier hii ai.i, atlviuitiies, and uyt ono of the disaU van tutees ibovi1 nuincd; Tliut :ill v.'ho have tested it pronouncö it llio licst wringer ever nuule; That it will wring a thrcad ora bed qnilt without al teration. We mij_hl fill the paper wïtli toBttmntals, bul insTi only a few to con vinco the .skeptical, il' sucli llin-r bc: i and we ay to all, test ruinam.s' Wringer, f IVHtitTlKüHírOíil.V mili ANY an-i ALL oihem, and if not eutirely Matisfactory rtturn it, I'CTN'AM MAM'FA("rlTHl.i C'(., (Jentleinen - 1 know froni pnietical exK-rienc( tliat Iron wcll irnlvnni.:''! vith inc will notoxMizc or runt D" narticlc. fhfl l'uLnam Wringer is as perfect as pofrtbfe, i01' I Cil(1 cheerfuHy recomnend it to le thu bewt ín ust. lïexpectfullv yor. .INn' W. WllLCKLFJï. Cleveland, Ohio. Mau ra rs ."Xi(rirllcc li the galvaiiiziiiir im.MHT.K enal.Ic me to abovc htaltim-ut 'm all partícula r.s, .1X0. C. I.EKFERTS, N.i loo Beekman Street. New V. rk , .lamia r , 1 StM Wc havo li-ti.l l'ütnnni'a Clotliei Wnnot l'j' inirln-:i! woi-kiii;, iin.l kni.u il, at t wrll ))(. i is ebep; it ia simpir; it. roquires nu room whethfr Rt work ;U ic.-t ; a cliiiil aha oer;iU' It; it dtr.-s jt:; rfatj 11j(ronhly ; il í;;ivos (íhumiihI 1 save and t-'ir. W.-c ;nni'.-l;.v alvisc il II wlu. liavc Dell ;is!iii.; (,.,!,,,' uiüi .il! inli ■]!, 'in [uTlfoija ivIk. hav ,.v, tn imv tliis wringer IL will iuv ior .lf in :i f;u-iLl mast II.. x. HOli.W ■!: (HKKiJiY. riitfnte.l n Iho ruilca States, Enfin lid, ('nr.a.lj ■„,'. AÓBtralia.' EniTiri lic ini'ii c.-m iiiMkv [mm 3t 10 dol; , r perdav Accnt wantpil In evi y t ■ ii, au.! in all pa ' of thp worW. S.: ijilc WriniJPl sont, Ejrfp paM 'pi of juioc. (io. ', ifi.SO; Np. 1, Í7.5O; 19, F. ÍS.SO. No A $!i m. Manu! .■luri'.i an.lsiil.l. whnloaaV iltil rctail Ivv IIK ;'17IA',M ANf!-.UI!!!INl. t . " t.-trci't Ni'i Vi'ils. .iii.l ( O'.in fr'7tl C 8 VdKTJlKor, A-i-nt


Old News
Michigan Argus