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MWM UÚfiXV. rvfAIERS in Clocks, Watches, Jjwelry and Silver U Wre N. 22, New Ulock, Ann Arbor. C. BLISS. nEAl.ER in docks, ffïteHÜ', .Tewelry and Silver D WreNo.22, Now Block, Ann Arbor. 0. H. MILLEÑT" rEI.ER '" "T Oood, Oroceries, Crockery, &o. &c. l) MainStroot, Aun Albor. PHILIP ÖAÖH. tvEMjEKS in Dry Oood,Groccries . Boots & Shoes, Jj'kc.Mainat., Ann Arbor. .____ "gëorgê 'w"snövee, TFAIFRinMiscellamous an.l School Buoks, Ftation l) „,, Wall l'apers, tc. Duron Street, Ann Arbor. oTcÖLLIER. MANUKACTl'RER anti dealerin Boots and Shoes, one door imrth of the l'ost OIHce. RISDON & HENDERriON. TvEU.ERS in llunUvaro, Smves. house fumisliing [) j„oJ, Tin Ware, fcc , &c, New Block, Malnst. GE0 PRAY, M. D. PHVSICI VX and Surgeon. Resideace aud office ou MCruit street, uear Ihe lïepot. S. G. t'aYLÖrT" BEAI.ER in Hats. Cap, Vins, Robes, Gent' Furnishing GooJ, etc East sidc Muiu Street, Anu Arbor. Wcbiisn. á7 "rsÜTHERLAND, AGENT for the New York Ufo Insurance Company, Offlee On Hu -on street. Also has un hand a stock the most approve Isewing machines. 885tf GEOKGE FISCHEK. MEAT SIARlvKT - Huron STreet - General dealer in Kresh anl Salt Mea Is, üeel', ilutton, l'ork, Haois. iooltry, Lrd,Tllow, &c. , J;c. HÍRAM I. BEAKES TTORNKY aml Counsollor at, and Sohcitorin iA ChMcery. Oflicd in City Hall Biock, over Webster's Bi.ik Store. JÜSWITT & BREAKEY. PBYeiClANS AND Sl'RCiEONS. Office at the resi. dfnee uf Dr. Lewitt, nortli si. Ie of Huron, two doors wekt uf División street. ( M, GÜITERMAN & CO. ItTHOLESAr.liand Retail and Manufacturors Vl of ReadyMuue Clothing. Importéis of Clotbs, t'asimereii, Ooeskins, ékc, No. 5, i'liojuix Block, Main st. WM. WAGNER. BEAI.ER in Ready M.ule Clothing, Uloths, CassimereB, tp Vostings. ílatf, Oaps, Tiuuks, Carpet Bags,&c. , Plinix lïliick, Main street. "SLAWSÖN & S0Ñ7 HROCERS, Provisión and Commisiiion Merchants, and U Dealers in Water Lime, Iod Planter, and Piaster of Paris, one door east of Couk's Hotel. J. M. 8LQTT. AMllROTYPE aml Pliotograj.h Artial , in tbe rooms A OTfr Campion'ü Clothing .store, Phceuix Block. Períeet sati.sfaction givea. 0. B, P0RTEB._ OURGEON DENTIST. Office Corner of Main and Huron 0 itrets, over Bach & I'ierson's Store. All calis prnmptlyattended to Aprl859 MACK & SCHMID. DEALERS Ín Forèign and Donu'sttc Dry Good, Groceries.Hatsand Caps, Boots and SlioeSj Crockery, !., Corner of Main & Liberty sts. PAFF0RD & DODSLEY. MANUFACTURERS of all kinds of Coooper Work, CitfCooper Shop. Custom work done on short tice. Cor. Detroit and North Strcets, and cor. North d Fifth Streets Ann Altor. 0. A. KELLEY, ÏHOTOGRAl'HEK- Corner Fourth & Huron streets, 1 ion Arbor. Cases frames and Photograph Albums MHUntly on hand, and at lower ratea than can be 'ound elnewhere. Iy891 ■ ANDREW BELL. Ö KALER in Groceries, Provisión, Flour, Produces, Ikc, Jto., ourner Main and Washington Streetn, Aon Arbor. The highest market priceapaio lorcountry ptodtice, 8B6 I. O. O. F. WASHTENAW Lodge, Nu. 9, of the Independent Order of (MA Fellow meet at their Lodge Kooin. '"y Friilay Kvening, at 7i o'clock. !. 80TOHBIM, N. O. 1'. B. B08E, Secy mTTstanley, Ilio1; Artist. 'Corner Main and Hjron Street, Ann Arbor, Jlich, THOTOCRAPHS, AMÜiiOTYPES, &c. . &c, 'n the latest etylei.and everv effort iuade togive satisÍMtion. 95Utt" d7Ï)LForest. WHOLESALE and retail dealer in Lumber, Iath, ShmgIeB,Sash, Doora.Iïliuds, Water Li me, Grand "'Ter Piaster, Piaster Paris, and Naits ofallsizes. A Ml ad perfectassortment of the above, and all other iols of building materialf cou.stantly on hantl at thf ' 'e,t pojHjble rates,on Detroit nt .,a few rodsfrom tluRHrod Depot. Also operating extensively in the ■ tfnt ment Roofing. GRANGER & FINLEY, iïïOMEYS & COÜNSELLORS AT tiöllecting and Land Agents 'HOI OVEU DONELLY'S STÜttK, HURO.N STKKLT, $ Gkanqer, } Ann Arbor, Mich. H. H. Fi.nuey, Jan. 28, 1864. 941 tf


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Michigan Argus