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Democratic Congressional Convention. Third District

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Uio Demncracy of tlie Third Oistrict arerequcstertto seml Dele'íaf! ti, a Convprftion tu moet at Bronson ül 11, i ix Jackson, on l'i-May. tlie 2mi daj of September, 1SU4, at Ij o'clock.M., tur the {tui' pose of iiominating a Candidato for Keprescntntivciii Congress. ïacli Couuty will be cntitleJ totlio fullowing repiesentatïon: Washteraw County,... 12 I Calhoun County, 9 Jacküou County, il IngUam w ,. . 6 Eaton 6, T. F. BOUTON, 1 C. i?. GREOOBÏ, f O. M. TURNES, f Con. Dist Com. J. O. WO0LKY, J Dated, July 25, "804. C3ÉT" 'Ollero has been some desperate figliting in the vicinity of Petersburg, with the advantages in favor üf General Guant. He now liolds the Weldon railroad. In the Shenandoah valley tho rebels are evidently in large force, aud Shekidan has fallen or 'becu driveu back to Harpers Ferry. There is nothing material írom Atlanta. Report says that Lincoln has sent fivc Peace Cominissinners to Richmond. L3T Tho Repubücan eonvention for this district was held at the Court House on Saturday afternoon last, and nominated James CLEJiB.Nis_Esq., of this city, for Represeutative in tho State Legislature. The convention adopted a resolution deolaring that its preference was for the re-election of Hon. Jacob M. IIoward to the United States Senate, "but that hiiving full confidence in the integrity and faithfulnea"of its nominee it would "leave him free to act as in li is judgment he may deern proper if called upon f o vote for United States Senator." Very considérate, considenng the rumor afioat that the nomiueeisa Blair man. - The noniicee was called uto the eonvention and in a little speech aceepted the nonaination, and returned his thacks for the samo. CST Jïotb the Central and Southern Railroads adhere to their determination to issuu no half fare tickets to the Chicago convoution. Supt. Kice sayg that personally he would be very glad to do so, but that last Fall an agreement was made with the Southern Road that during 1864 no half'-fare tickets should be issued to any gathering but the State Fair, that it has been adhered to iu the case of all religious and political' meetings so far, and eau not be broken in this instance. He says the engagement was made in view of the largely increased expenses of runuing the roads, and in view of tho fact that their charters fixed the maximum of their ratos of faro and freight. We think the public can hardly find fault with tho decisión of Mr. Rice, althougli a half-fare arrangement would have gratificd large numbers of the citizens along the liue. - The Free Press says a passenger train will leavo Detroit Sunday, at 5 o'clock, P. M., for the accommodation of all who do not desire to go to Chicago to stay over Suuday. It will roako the usual stopa of the evening expresa, and will reach Chicago some hours before the conventiou will organize. J55GT Gov. Fklcii leavcs to day ior the Chicago Convention. He goes unoonunitted to any candidato, but in favor of the nomination of that man who, true to the cardinal principies of tho Beinooracy, true to the clear ennuDciations of the Constitution, and for the Union as an entity, combines, the most chances bf being elecíeií. If all tho othcr deïegates come togctl'er with the samo single end in view, the aetion of the convonwill be suoli as to certaïnlt ii.sure tho eleetion of its nomicec and the ealvation of the country. ■UUUHU.MU- a-1 IIBWIIMBIMJIIHLV , rnvrrT LT" A Democratie City üaucus was held at tho Court House, on Tuesday cvening, and was hi-gely .attended. E. B. ; Pond was olected C'liairtaan, aud N. B. Colé, tíceretary. Tlio fbffowing delegates were olooted to tho scveral conventions named : To Coiudy Convention to ehet delegates - M. Devany, Win Fohey, David M Finlaj, Wm. F. Koth, Jacob A. Polliemus, O. Schumaeker, John Claocey, Thomas J Hoskins, E. B. Pond. F. A. Hom, R. B. Chase, M. Seabolt. To County Nominating Convention - E. M. Henriques, Georgo W. Smith, D. Henniug, II. J. Beakes, Edward Clark, Fred. Rettich, Wm. H. Besimer, John F. Miller, L. li. Slawson, IÍ. Beahau, P. Masón, H. W. KelL.go.. To Senatorial Cotwenlion - O. Ilawkiiis, J. Donnelly, II. D. Bennett, Tracy "VV. Koot, Louis Frita, Jolm M. Henderson, Stephen Webster, 'm. Burke, Charles Thajer, David DeForest, D. Crawiord, Jacob Seabolt. To Representatie Convention- U '. B. Wilson, Miehael Clancy, Robert E. Frazer, Charles II. lliohinond, Eoger Matliews, George F. Lutz, N. B. Nye, James Monahan, J II. Morris, A. Pol hemus, H. Kogers, Dr. Irish. Oa motion of O. IL'.wkins it was re solved that hereaftcr Ward Caucuses be called for the purpo.?e of eleeting dele gatcs to county and district conventious. Kaeh delégate was authoiized lo appoint a substituto from Lis ovvn Ward [fa case of bis iuability to attond, and the delegatious w o r e fiuthorized to fill all fiual vacaueies by the selection of substitutos from the Wards whiuh the vaeancies shall occur. SrST" The Demócrata are spendinjí their breath for nothing wtifli thoy t.)k about a peace with the rebels upon any other ground than a rooognition of the Souihcrn Confederacy, by the people of North.- Stale News. Does the State News mean to be understood that peaoe can never be made with the rebels except by a reeogoitiou of the Southern Coufud'eracy ? And if the State News does f o wish to be understood, is it in favor of the prosecution of the war until the end of time to effect what it avers is an inipossi büity ? Will the News answer definitely ? Argus. " ïhe war must go on till the last man of this gencration falls in his tracks, and bis children seizo his rausket and fight his battles, unless you acknowledge our right to self-goverunient. We are fighting for independenee - and that orextermiuiition we will have."- Jeff. Davis. Is the Argus answered 1- State News. The New has answered our first question by qnotiug Jeff. Davis, the very authority of all others for Northern radicáis to endorse, for together they labored to briug about secession, and together they labor to make soparatiou final, both hoping for the ro-election of Lincoijí to proraote that end. And, now, will the News answer the seeond question ? EP The Democratie State Convention will convene iu Detroit on Thuisday nest, Bept. lst, for the purpose of nominating candidatos for State offieers. Not wishing to make up a "slatc" for that body, we will ouly expresa a wish that harmony may prevail, that a platform may bo adopted that will cordially unite all Demoerats, and bo broad cuough to hold the rrxiss of conservative llepublicans who are deserting the sinking ship of Lincoln-Kepublicanisui, ar.d that candidates may be uomiuated who combino abiüty Blld iutegrity with an unquestioued devotion to the cause of the Uuiou, and whose position can not, by the shrewdest and most unscrupulous partisan opponents, be tortured into favoring final separation by the acknowledgment of the Southern (Jonfederacy. Nomínate honest men, true Demócrata, lovers of the Union, and not more designing polilicians, and the people will clect them. E The Now York delegutlpq passed through our city on the 9 40 A. 51. train yesturday, for Chicago. A lurge gathering was at tho depot. Gov. Seymour, Hon. Eli Tiiayek, and GaonaE Fhanois Tkajn appeared and made brief npeeches which were received with great enthusiusin. The fires are kindled. J55T" Tho Courier thus eulogises James Ci.ements, the llepublican caudidate for Represen tative in this district. ïho second district have nominated James Clouieüts of this city, who is an active business man, and will perhaps run as wcll as any man who could have been nominated. And now will the News give us its opinión botli ol the candidato and bis running qualities ? üiiaiiles Siiieu has betn nominated in the First district, and Roswell B. Gates iu the Fourth. L3E The 5th of September and tho "inevitable draít" are close at hand, and our quotas are not filled. Committees to raise funds we are sorry to hear do not meet with the liberal encouragement they should. Meo abundantly ablo and liable to draft make very small subscriptions or none at all, and tlie burden is thrown upoii those the least ablo to bear it. This policy will not fill the quota. ' Ali, must come up to the work libcrally and immediately or the Provost-Aiarshul will make a heavy draft on our city. Jj-L The Ri-publican Cungressional convention for tliis district met iu Jaokson Friday last, and went tbrough tbe motions of uomiuating Ilon. Jon W. LoNdYüAK. It was a foregone conciasiou, on tbe two term principie, bowever, aud not at all because Mr. Lonoïbab bas not done anjthing to distingujsh himself or proven bis fitness The Democracy wi'l soon put a man on his track. i - $rLT The State Neics bas made out a "elate" for the Democratie convontfon, which it saya convenes in tbis city today. As no convoutiou is to bu held to duy the "latc"is doubtlesa a bogus affair. The Noes need not troublo itself, howcver, to trot out democratie candidates. Tho convention to meet September 7th will take care of that. CsT The Democratie County Convention was held in this city yesteidny. Hou. John D. Pikkck wm élacled President, and E IJ. Pond, Seoretarf; Mr. Pikrck, in taking the ch'ai'r, made an apprupriaíe and ulrquent speech. The foliowing delegates were eleetcd to the conventions named : To the State Convenlion. - John D. Pierce, A. O. Blodget, E. F. Uhl, John Clancoy, J. J Parshall, E. B. Pond, Aaron Childs, M. MoDougall, Hiram Bnrnham, Hcury Warner, II. 0. Allen, and Chas. Whitaker. To the Conyressional Convention. D. B. Dodge, D. N. Smith, J. Mi Forsyth, D. M. Finley, J. A. Polhemus, J. M. Chase, L H. Reynolds, Daniel Hixson, E. P. Hurper, Alex. Soulier, Chas. 8. Gregory, 0, A. Jeffries. Each delegation was authorized to fill any vacancies. The tovvns were íjcnerally represen ted, and considerable enthusiuem was manifested. SS" We had a fino rain yesterday forcrioon.


Old News
Michigan Argus