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xpoïïNïTP On 1 1 : ■ ini.lfUf Yin:in:i roa,' ■ PüíKíT EOflí, wmf.-iming H1J.LH an,] ÍO-TA!. ( rtBEXi 1 mrner can ha ve it by pruving prupvrty anJ iw rime r mis adrertisement. ' .JOSEI'H IIKNXIVG. Aun Arimr. AiiRiist 2S.i, 1SF4 3,9;] -ATSaturday, Aligué 27th, STOCKBRIDGS CHIËF, OF ADIltAN, AND HENRY CLAY, Oï AHN ARBOU. The above horses have hd seTeraJ Trois and owneraot-bjtagttaBMwhich ía tho fastert Hmn, bave maile tbo above matcli, which is tosettletl ïttl0D. The líotVill urely cum 6IF. Themaíchii forilOOs-BidewUh a citizens puno of $100.iidií. i.' Hooper, J.Cam,,bell. nn-1 K. AdamJ Race to bo Mile Hcats, bestin 5, anii to brpivend by Detroit rules. Ann Albor, August 18tl), JSO4, B.GBEEN.Snpt Estáte oí' VanValkeubergs. STATE OK MICHIGAN, Cotxty ,.,■ W.vsirrcu.iw.- Atasessionof the -'róbate Court for the Cotutjo' WmWenaw, holden t the Piobate Office íd thee'1 AnnArbor on N o.iu, s the tiventy fomtb W AnguttlntBe jttct míe rlioúsánd eigft Ininrtreí"' sixty funr. l'resent, Thomas Nmde, Jmlge of 1'nibiM In the nmtt -r of the Estute cf Klla O. ViinVlkfbar. Emula D, VanY)kenbeTg, Kuth J. VanVallieuberg,' Albert E. VanYalkcuberg .minors. On reading aad íiling tlie pnltioD, ilnly veriífi! JobaS. Henderson, guar.iinn of sai.l minors, prajil! for licenso to ell tbe real eítate o! Salí) minors. ïhereupon it is Ordercd, that Fridny, tho teIJ' tbird day of Sui tt'mber next, at ten o'cluct iatlic í' noun, be assigned for the hearing of a i, petitioo," thatthenextof tin of saiil minors, and all other ffons irterosteil in sairl estáte, are rrquired to appf"1 a session of sail Court tlien to be holden at the Prol Office, in the city of Aun Arbor, in stiil couDty, Bhow cause., if nny there be, why the prayer of tbeP1' t'tiunvr slmulcl nrt le grant.'d ; And it isfurthw"1' 'lered, that saidpcítioner giye notico to the personlil teresteij in 8a id estntf , of th( pendeney of said pcit'i an:l the hearing thpreof, liy pauífag a cojjy of taií Oder to be mblished intiie Mich'gan Argús anefffp!1 prioted and circulating m saiil C'uunty o(' WashtW11 tliree snccossive weeks previous to aaid day of brtrlK' (A truc copy.) I1IOM AS KIHMS, '■Ï1 JudüC nf I'robte. The Public Schools. rHK FAI.I. TERM of tho severa! Pul, lie Pehouls ' this City will C(innnc!. n MONDAÏ, .UGIST aötll, undpr tln KiiperintindcncT AfTror, V, W. J.ATTO' assited by mi ablc corps of teacher In all Uk "'' partmt'nt.. ltisdesired tlint Bcholurs be punctnally in ti"" seats on the lirst day of tl: torm . Non-resident acholara will be charged for tuitK1!1111 Blgh school, per torm as t'ollowi1 : Jn Languagcs, .... $8.00 In Knglish studie .... 6.0f Tiiition in l'iiintini; ftnd Prawins, and for renlfíl cholarK ín tanguages s me n.s heretoltue. líy order of the Board E. I!. J-OND, Sfcrrtrj. Ann Arbor, August lOth 1864. 0C9w3 I Boarding House-keepers and CítiíeW WKUINi: tobu.-ird students tho comfnj ceiloee )'"' are 1 1 .iit'ísíci to send their ñames and residoc ;o the undersigne.d prior to 8ept. liít, stating ffbe'í1 uï day oí' fuíl uoard. 1. II.UattBSON,Stcrd. Ann Arbor, Aujr. IMh, 18tH. 970 - Ayer's Cherry Pectoral


Old News
Michigan Argus