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CLOTHING JL.T W. HGÖITBÜHICffSI i,,Q Ha just rcturijfd Eat with a large stock of SPRING AND SUMMERGOODS! w invite Ril our oIJ friervls umi cnstomers to come umi 9xamiiïQ eur stock of CLOTHS CASS1MERES & VESTINGS. Dispute the tact if yon can, It takee the T AILO1Í otter all to give appearance to the onter man. If jou wisli to appear well You must accordiugly Dresi Well. Go to M. Guiterman & Co's,, Thero you vvill find things exactly SO. SONDHEIMalwsye ready to take your measure, GUITEKMAN will sell you Goods1 with great pleasure, At figures L0WER than you will find in the State, 1'ake heed - oall early, else vou are too LATE. The 1NDUCEMEST8 are now greater than ever, Our Clekks you will find oliliging and clever. We will show you good CLOTHING of our own oettinc up, Filling our Store from Bottom to roi STUDENT8 especially will ñnd it to THEIR AUYANTAGE, For it takes hut LITTLE MONEY to replenish. OOATS of Cloth and Cassimere of our own impokïaïion, Forwarded through our New York relations. From England, Belgium, Germany and France, 3uch na j'ou can rtand up in, or wear, at the dance. Pauts ! Pant ! ! Pants ! ! ! Fancy CASSIME1ÏES and DOESKIN oí everv grade, We sell them fiom ONE DOLLAR up to EiGirr. VESTS, &C, of every description, You will find it so without fiction, Furnidhing apparels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This is all we say now, Töetefore ws make our bow Yours truly, ever so, M. GÜITKRMA.N. ás Co., Terrible Slaughter! THE VfCTOllY 18 OURS ! THE rSA-TTIji: Which has been raging for the past Sour weeks at MACK & SCHMID'S STORE Has pro ved a graud success, although the slaughterof DRY GOODS Has been terrible. We now malie the announeement thatwenlutll continue rtKor Many Years" to make war with high, prices, being determined to give the liundxede wflio daüy tbrong our store, full yalue for their money, Ladies can find with us all degirable slutde.s md stylcsof DEESS GOODS, RIBBONS, TRIMMÍNGS, EMBEOIDEEIES, WHITE GOODS, UOSIEEY, GLOVES, &c, With a very largo and attractive stock of CLOAKS AND SHAWLS iTéfcxr belo"w tlaoir ■7'1iao We hear it Raid every day that ws are ruining the business in this city by BelHag o cheap but we cannot lielpit, The Gootls Must le Sold, 1000 New Style and best quality HOOP SKIRTS very cheap, and for the tï ent lemen we have a very large assorlment of French T-willed Cloth, Beaver Overcoatings, Doaskins, Faiicy Cassim-res, VestingSj &c.} Of alt descripiions, and can íurnish a whole auit on short notiee niuch cheaper than t can be bouglit else where. An exaroination of this branch of our business will con vi nee uil thatthis is the place to buy their Pañis, Coats and Vests. We have also a complete stock of Ladies and Childrens' Shoes. H4.TS AND CAPS, And in fatt every thiug that man or woman can deaiie to wear on heud orfoot, Groceries, Crockery. Glassware &c, At astuiiishing low prices, and in short our entire t stock must sharethe same fate for we are determinad I to ell, no matter what old croakers may sav. ( All are invited to inspect our stock as it is no trouble to show our goods, and we are boundto meet the defliands ot t.Ü. 9;ï'2tf MACK . SCHMID. For RalSj Micey Roaehes, Anís, Bed Bugs t Mot ks in Fu7$j Wooïen} ($r., In sects on Plañís, Fowlsy Animáis, 8fc. Put up In 25c. rOc. and SI. 00 Iïoxes, Buttlew, and Flaska. $Ü and $6 izas for IJotkj..s, I'iüljc I.vstitcTIO-NS, &C, "Oiiiy infüllilile remedies known.'' "Free from Poiflone." "Notdangeiouy to the Human Kamily." "Kuts come out of theii' lióles to die ; JJ Sold Wholesale in all large citieH. S), Sold by all Drii'zsisis and Rctailers everywhere. JKS" III Iïkwake !!! of all worthless imitnlions. ee tlxat "CohtakV" name is on eaeh Box, lïottle, aud Fla.vk, before yau buy. JSST A ir, s HENRV R. COSTAR. ttv. PuT.Mii'Ai. Dki'ot 4S2 Bkoadwav, Nkw York. jö Sold bp all Wkolesale and lU'tail Drug fflbts in A nu Arbor. Utcb'igflxi . Gm954. nörwla rb a s s d c i a tïöm l'HII.ADELPHIA, l'A. Disensos cf Ihc Neivous, Sciaiiml , Trlnai y oud Swnnl Sygtems- new and relinble trwitment- n reiiortp (pf llie Huff.llll) AS-iOCIATION- Sent by mail in Bvnied Irttor envclopos, freo of cli.-ugr. AilJrcse lïr. J. SK" ! IN 1IOUCHT0.V HirKl Akjochtiun.No ' SvuiL Nittfc b'tit'.t, J'JiilaitljÜa, JTJST OPENING ? The largest Stock and beat assortment of CABINET FÜRNITÜRE ? ever brought to tliis city, ineluding SOF AS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CI-IAIRS, Looltins GUeuejses Gilt Frames and Mouldings COFFINS METALIC CASES, &c, &c, anrl all otlier goods kept in the best and laigest houses u the country. Weiiecpno second hand furnituiaor Auction goods. Coflins kent cnnstantly on Land, and made to order. My goods are oflered at THE LOWEST CASH PRICES N, I!. I must havo mcney.and resnectflil"}' request those cali and fix up thoir old matü-r without delay. O. M. MARTIN. Ann Arbor.Oct. 6, 1863. mbtt ftlSDON &HEÑDERSOÍS' Have tlao BÜOKBTB GRAIN DRILL, and G-rass Seed Sower, Manufacturcd at Springfield, Öhio. THE YERY I.ATEPT IMPROVEMF.NT, and betterthan all others; adapted to sowing Wheat, Rye, Oats, Barley and Grass Seed . lst. It has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Will sow all kinds of O-min and Grass Seed. 3d. Wever hwnohes the Grain éth. Wever ireaks the Grain. 5th. Sows Grass Seed Iroadcast iehindthe Drill. Qth. Has high vjteels and long Hoes. Ith. lías long and wide steel joints. 8th. It has a land measure or Surveyor. 9th. It has doublé and single ra?ik drills. lQth. It has a self adjusting shut off slide. It is neatly and substantially made, There is hardly a Drill oflered in the marktt but can boast of more or less "FJIiST PREMIUMS? They are aboutas indi.scriminately bestoiveö .is tlie tií le of (i Professor," which is ometimeB applied to the tlJiddler}' or '- bootblack,'y Ttiey cease to convey the ilea of merü. The Biuikeye Drill lias been on Exhibition nt quite a number of Stateaud County Fairs, and without seeking l'iivor at tbc biuias of any Committee, has rece i ved itg full (íliare uf Promiums TESTIMONIÁIS : We give thofolloinng ñnnes of a few Faraurs in tlrs viciuity waq havebought and uged thoiJuckeyelJiill : Godfrey Milk-r, Scio. JacobPollieroua t( Jacob Tremiiér, " Thomas White, Kortb field. John Bro&ftv, ' Chrifitian Kupp, " Edward Ruvílen , M'cbstcr. Jamos Treádwell, Ann Arboi Daniel Ü'Hara, " " JohnG.Cutik. Ludí. 0. A. Marslmll, " L. KdmonÍK, Saline. George Cropsey, Grwo Oat, l.iv. Co. We arcalso Agents for tbe Ohio Reaper & M„ wer? acknowledged tobe the very best ín use. Wc are jast in receípt oí 100 Grain Oradles Whicli we will sell Clieap. Also alar'geassortraent c G-rass And the largest and best selected stock of BENT STTJT F FOR CARRIAGESever before oflTered in this rnarket "Ve aiso keep a large and full NAILS, GI.ASS, PÜTTY, PAINT.and LINSEED OIL. A complete assortment of STOTES, TINWAKE, AND EAVE TROUGHSalways on hand and put up" tlie shortest notice. RISDON & HENDERSON. Ann Arbor, June29tli,1862. 859tf NOBLE & RIDER. are stlling thelr large stock of BOOTS SHOES, CHE APEE THAN EVER ! ! LOW PRICES FOR CASH. Good Stoga Boots : : $2.50a$4.50 Men's good Calf Poggoá, 3.00 a 6.00 " " " Sewed : 5.00 a 6.50 Woman's " Lace Boots : : 1.00 a 1.85 Ladies' " Cougress G'ts, : 75 a 2.50 Boys' Youth's and Children's Shoes : : : :15 a 1.50 Now is the 'time to buy as BOO TS and SHOES are rapidty advancing in Eastern Markets, TIIKY ALSO MAKE WABHAKTED tST WORK ÏO ORDER, jgj AND KEPAIlt. Ecmember wc can not will not be undersold. Please callandeainiíic íhcir stock LAWBBNCE NOBLE, C11AHLES lilBEn. í.cJ;[;r.rrt Wtt.JSM. " ■'■■ Mortgage Sale. DEFATLT haung boen made in ihe P'rfr,ririi„ the oooditioB oía hearing dat. hfteenth da? of Ja.mary, A. D.,1S56, éxuted bvV,' Lttwrence anti Tamar Ijnvrence, hts wilt tu Tu liroivn, and duly recorded n the office of the II."!1 u( Deeds, of Waslitenaw Countv, Michigan i." Í' twenty-two of mortgages page thwe hun'drêii aeventy.on the twenty-nlntli day of Februari ' i "i 1856, wherebj power to sol! themortgaged eïtLhas become operalive; and no auitorproceidinlrW beenintlituttd at law to recover the debtsrci '!j'! sairt morlgage or ony part thoreof ,aiid thesum,,! hundred an.l Oftyooe dolíais and tlilrty twiÏÏ being oow elaimed to be ilue thereon (beeldcs tin and expenpra of the proceeilings now benig !iaiir„ foreclosureofsaid mortgage including reancnabl. torueya lees.) Xotice is theretore herebv civl u said morlgage wili bc forccloscd by a sale of the gaged premises Jescrlbcd aa Ibllows, viz ■ 'ihe ,„ fourthof tlie uortli-ivest .juaMer of section (.!' eiglit, also the north-east oni-eighth of the nortw' one-nall iruarter of said eection tweniy eiirlit n„ , roda in wfdth from the side occiified as a lañe) a IH in townhi] nulnber four aonth and range numk.. east,!athc County of Wasliteuaw, and state o L ' igan, contalning in all forty-niue acres of laad L," le.s.s . or some part thereof, at public vendue at the, „! ! door of tncConrt House, ,„ tl,e City of Ann ArZ saidCounty.(that being the place óf holdine tl,.r" cuitCourt witl-in said t'ounty ) on Frlda th ' sixth day of Augu.t ne.xt at nooi. S ' "" trMli i;t.iKK.-.:.VCi.iMh:K. DAVID BROWN Attorneyn for Morfgagee. Miirt' Dated , Ann Arl.-.r. Muy aist, le64. j Chancery Notice. Sarñ.ryMicurcAN'-Küurih. jaiM #; . MargaretVanWagner, ] C,V Cr, J1 C'oniplainant, Cotinty of Wuhu isaalVan Wagner f Hefendant. the 1811, da;'" It satisfactorily appearing to tLJndeAr!g'nc"6},ir n-i '(u rV;""n'ssl0m'r für S8id c"rty trL an,dav.t ol Margaret Van Wagner, that tha dofendant I„aac Van Wagner, is not l „„ -■f tlus Mate but that he resides in the s ",, ' Wiscons.n and lat ttlprena for h), appearn„ , a.d cause haS been duly issued and that Te CDUid uot be erred. On motioii of A Fv.l, o , " for m C,r,ainant R i, órded Ihat' síd'd f 2', an aKner cause his appearance to be enteríJ sald cause w.thin three montAT from the date of IV order and n,at,in de&ntt thereof the bi)l of , plaint filed m said cause be taken a confe., i Btld defendant : and it ia further ordered that wM twenty dya sai ! complainant cause a copy „tthi.. der to be published in "The Woekly MichL, '.Ar ■ a newspaper printed and published in the CihJV' rt?be%LHÍS?-S fendant at least twenty days before the Cm scribetl fur his appearance. p"' jTa.VX f Anc Albor' ih lm itJ " „ ■ .w, VAXCI.E1-E Michi." mIa'SS'"Iler' WasWena" Countj-, A. fia, Coraplainant's Solicitor. gg Estáte of William H. Gilland. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County ol ITtriKM „ tí ses8'"n of t'ie Probate Court for the CouWdI ashtenaw. holden at the Probate Office in theeiti! Anu Arbor, on l uesday, the second day of Aueml h thej-earonethousandeiahthundred audsiity-fciir Present, Thomas Ninde Judge of Probate In the matter of the Kstnte of "WíIIíbei H Gillul deceased. D,id Depue, admini-lrator of saioeVu' C(ies into Court and represents that he isno.rn' pared tu reuder his linal account as such adminito. ïl.eroupoB ,t is Ordcrcd, liat Friday, the tmenlisixtb day of Augua instant, at ten o'cJock in tljftu. noon, beassigned loi examiuing and alloini s,.ch it count,andthatthelieirat lau of said deceaswl iodi "Uier persona interested iu said estáte, are rcouireil appear at a session of said Court, thn to bc LoUnit the l'rohatf Office, in tbc City of Ann Albur n,a i.oumy, and show cause, if any tbeie be bi the said account shóufS r.ot be allowed. lnd is furtlK'r ordered, tlrnt said Admiuistralor xi notice to the Mrsoes iuterested Ú, aid xMi Dl Uu ]i(ii,l,-i,c_v .r said acöount and Iliehnm "'"';."! hy causing a oopj of this Oiitt to be publishedin the Michigan Argits,; mwspaper jnstH andcirculatingin sa.iit Cuunly of WasiUeiiaii, üóti suecesaive weekpprevioua tosaid day nf liearini (A tiuecupv; THOMAS NINIIE, !'6tJ Judgeof Protalt. -Estáte of Caroline Lamour. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahteniïr, fe. O At a seasiou of the Probate Court fpr the CüuKj of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office fa tb city of Ann Arbor on TueRdaj , the stcimd ány of q. ffust in the year uut: tUi&sajid eight Jbundred nd dxtr four. Present, Thomas KindO, 3 uu?,? of l'rob te. ïe the matter oi the EMate of Caroline Lamoor,fc ceased. David Depue, Administra tor of saiil estiti, conüts into Court and represent tliíit ha h r;uv. ;■:,- pared tu reuder his Gnala-ccountassuch adajintntw Tliereupon it Í& Ordtred, tfeát Kiiday. ihe twtatr sixth day of August, instant, at ten o'clocb io lb forenoon, be assígned for exámíning nnd allnwiDgsKh account, andthn the fceira at law of said deceiwi, and hII oth er persons interested 4 ssjd estáte, are hquired to arpear :it n seartíon f naid Eourt, thcn tob holden at the Probata Office, in the City of AouArl:, ín BId Cotrnty, au.] .show cause.ïfaDy thire Ip, új the sai'l accuu: Slïoüld tíot "be ullowed: And it is icrthcr ordercd , that said Admimstrator give notiats tlie persons interested in saiil eutate, of the pendtKj of said account, ai.d the hearing therof, by cauinf cajjy ol tbia Order tu be pubiished in tle Miriam Arfftís, i hefrs paper prmted a'ad cii-culatiiig in siü ((Hinty (.1" W;:i,f]iiw, three Kucceüsive wt-ekB previeai 10 sai'l dav of Géarfng. (A true'eopy.) THOMAP Xl-VPF, 968 td Judgeofl'wW. Estáte of John D. Armstrong. STATEOF MICHIGAN, County of Wabliteuav. u,- At iixes&ionnr the Probate Cuurt iorthc Cnntj of Wa.-)itfn;iw,lioldtM at tlu Probate Oflice, iu tbe Citj (f j Ann Arbor, ou Weduc-sday the tenth day of August, ii ! the year onc thousand eight huudred and sixlj-ftiw. Present, Thomas Ninde.Jiulge of Pmbnie. la the matter ol tbe Estáte of John D. ArmsiroBï, late of J.odi, iusuïd Onmty, ieceased. Onreadingand Öling the petitïuu, duly rerifiei. il Elvira Arii!truntr, pmymg for the .n''natc of 1 ment npw on Bloiu thiq 'ourt. puxpod!IB tu te '' will anl tetajnent 01 aid deceacd. ÏJiereupon it is Ordered , that Friday , tlie r.inth dJ of Septemberncxi,atten o'clockin tlioforenwui, i signed for the beariug of said petitioD, and thatthed'visees, legattes and heirs at luw of 8id deeetsedJUJ all othedr persons Interested in said estáte, arerequM to appear at u Beastóii of said Court, tlien to beboWtni' the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in w County, and show cause, ifany therebe, why tbepnjf of the petitiouer shouUlnot be grauted: And it Ís further ordered, tbai sid petitiei'j give noticeto the persons interested in said eststí, m the pendeney of said petitionj and the hearing theW-t by causinga copy of this Order to be publisiied in w Michigan Argiis , a aewspaper printed aud circultii iuaaid County pf Washtenaw, three üucceesive tfü'i previous to Baid day oí hearing. (A true Copy.) THOMAS NINPE, 969 Judge of Prob Estáte of William Bunting. STATE OF MICHIGAN- County of WashteDiW-"Ata sessionof the Probate Court (or the CountJ of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in W city of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the elerenth á? cj August in the year one thousand eight hundreá & sixty-four. Present, Thomas Ninde, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte oí William Sunting, W of Loli, in said County , deceased. , On rcadlng and filing the petition duly " Selina Bunting, praying for the probate of a cerT' instrument now on file in this Court purporting the last will and testament of said deceased. . Thereuponit Ís Ordered, That Monday, the tP day of September ne,t, at teno'clock in the foren"beassigned for the hearing of said petition, an '" the devisees, legatees. and heirs at law of " ceased, and alt other perrons interested in .said est11 are required to appear at a session of baid Couïtj tw to be holden at the Probate Oflice, m the Citj ofAJ Arbor, u paid County, and show cause, if any thw' why the prayei of th&petitioner should uotbegrf ed: And it ík further ordered. that said petitiowríj noliïeto the persons interested in said estatejOt ; pendency of waid petiüon, and the hearing there'ij' cau.sing a copy of this order to be published iïj" Michigan Argüe, a newPpaper printed and circuí1' iu .said County of Washtenaw, three successiTC previous to said day of hearing. „ (A true copy.) THOMASINPK, . 969td Judgt-ofProbitf. Chancery Salo. STATE OE MICHIGAN- In Circuit Court for the Co I ty of Washtenaw, In Chancery. Eliï Pp""1 I Complainant, i-s. Sebra l'erkius, Defeiidant. In V f suanceand by virtue of a decree of the Circuit Cow for tlie Connty of Wa.shtenaw, in Cbancery, mlíiZ the second day of December, A. 1)., eighteen vnf and fifty-nine, in a certain cause thtrein ]eíí 1 ;' wherein Eliza Perkins is complaioant, and Sebra " kins te defeudant. Notice is heieby given, thatl11 sell at puolic auction to the highest bidder, a j o'clock, noon, on ?aturdny, the seveniefith "J ' September, i:et,atthe front door f the Cour: Hoo of the Circuit Court for theüounty of Washien' , the cifv of Ann Arbor, Coutftj of Ws])teiin State of Miohigan, l( Tbe nest half ol the 'f'f] quarter of sootion Bfiöenj mul tliê west nl " ,j nortJi-east quarter ot lectiou twenty two, inTo1 one south of range seven eat-t9 Q the Tcnvnílni1" . lein, in the Countj of Washtcnaw, imd State of mc igan. -, C. II. VANCIfW . Circuit Court Commissioiier in aud for the luUlJ WaslitiMinw. 0 . Hx wkia'S, Solicitor for Complainaut„j Ann Arbor, .Juiy t wenty-uinth, A. D., 1P64. J VENTILATION & WARMING! o Tlie óníel+igned keeps un hanrt an1 wi"."5fn AROHITECTtí, BUIL1IEKÍ, and INDIVIDUÁIS"' j anvof these ci'lfbnit( il machines for the r'n'V building at short notice. He will also bbWi}'S give sueh instruEtioQH to all who are about to Du jtatf will tin-m to warm thejr housts ut bo the expende tur fuelthat thoy can posfibly 1.0 OJ otliL'i' lilt-aiii1. HEi'EKEXCES. - C. EBKRBACI, Ánn Arl.or. A. A. SCHOOI DÜ"1" UtfOB HAMWrEHKER. AUGrsTVí wirEVM"


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Michigan Argus