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Democratic State Convention

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lhe Democratie State Conventiou convencd at Detroit, on Thursday last, at 11 o'clock. The attendanco was largo, and the proceedings harmonious. The Gonvention was called to order by Hon. Levi Bishop, who proposed three cbeers for McCleilan aud Peudlcton. Tbey wcre giveu with treinendous enthii' siasin. Í). Darwin ITughes, was appointed temporary chairm&n, and M. E. Crofoot, oí' Oaklaud, permanent president of the ! Convention. The first informal ballot for Governor resuitcd ae follows : fflll. M. lr:Ul01) lj}2 A. S. Williams 5 F. S. Pitch 33 J. Moore 0 W. L. Baneroft 95 Byron. G. Stout, 27 A letter was hei-e presented by a delgato froin Byron G. Stout, to the effect he had boen adv'sed that the Oakland eounty delcgation vvere desirous of presenting his name as a candidato, but ihat whilo he feit gratified at the expressioa of tlieir favor, especiaüy to be apprcciated as it appeared spoutaneous on tlieir part, he could not in justice lo his business relations aeoept the honor should it be tctidcrcd. Withuut further balloling, it was moved and secondod, that Hon. W. M. Fentou be the nomineo of the Carried uuauimously. The Convention then proceeded to the scleetion of a candidate for Lieutenant Governor. The names of several gentlemen were offered, inoludiug thoso f F. S Fitch, S. C. Coffinberry, and H. H. Itiley. Eaoh of these respeetfully declined, and Edwin II. Lothrop, of St. Joscph, who had also been uoiniuated, was declared the noniineo, by a, uuanimoud vote. The nest in order was the nomination of a candidate for Secretary of State. Geo. B. Turner, of Cass eounty, S. Dow Elwood, of Wayne, E. O. Briggs, ot Van Buren, were spokeu of. Mr. Elwood withdrew his name, and after a tiumber of votes had been cast, nearly all of wliioh were in favor of Mr. Turnor, he was on mprion declared the choice of the couventioD, without proceeding to a formal vote. For the Auditor-Generalship, Chas. W. Butler, Ingham eounty; George M. Ricli, Wayne; George Parker, Ottowa; Theodore Wendell, Mackinae ; and George Schinidt, Saginaw, were norniuated. Upou the first iuformul ballot, the vote stood as follows : Butler 180 Rich 1 Parks 46 Wendell 3 Schmidt 58 Whole number of votes cast 288 Charles W. Butler was declared unanimously nominated. For State Treasurer, Messrs. George C. Munro, of Hillsdale, M. I. MiUs, of Wayne, and Alex. Toll, of Mackinac, were nominated. After considerable voting had been done, the name of Mr. Mills was withdrawu, and Mr. Munroe declared unanimously nominated. For Superintendent of Public Instruction, John D. Pierce, of Washtenaw, was uuanimously nominated. For Commissioner of State Laud Of fice, Mr. George Schmidt, of Sagiuaw, was declared unauimously nominated. For Attoruey-General, Levi Bishop, of Wayne ; ïlobt. P. Eldridge, of Macomb ; and Martin S. Brackett, of Eaton eounty, were nominated. Upon an informal ballot being cast, the vote stood: Bishop ..200 Eldridge 35 Brackett 47 Whole number votes of cast 28Ü Ou niotion, Hon Levi Bishop was then unanimously nominated. For the State Board of education, Messrs. E. B. Pond, of Washtenaw; II. H. lliley, St. Joseph ; Albert Chandler, Branch ; and O. C Cotnstock, Calhoun, were offered. The first three withdrew, and Mr. Com?tock was unanimously nominated. Samuel T. Douglass, of Wayne, and Rix Eobiuson, Keut, were then chosen as electors at large. E. S. VVoodman, of Oakland, and Gov. McClelland, of Wayne, were.ap. pointed to wait upon Col. Fenton, to inform him of his nomination, and request his presentation to the Conventioa. Col. Fenton was conducted to the platform, and thanked the Convention for the high honor they had conferred upon him. He said it was with unfeigned picasure and delight, that along with theru he had heard of the nomination in Chicago, and the prospect through that event of the redemption of the country. It was also their intenticn to redeem the State of Michigan fiom the Ihraldom which had reigned over it for four years. He did not ilreain of the honor which had been oonierred upon him, otherwise his natural modesty might perhaps have prevented him from being present. But as in times heretofore, when the Democratie sky was darkened,' they had boldly entered iuto the work, and triutnphed, so now with brightening prospects of succes, would they battle for lhe noble canee in which they were engaged. But thero was hard work to do. They hiid to come out and opposo a sectional administration, a party against whioh tho wurning voice of Washington ond Jackson had poken. We can expect nothing fiom those in power, but let 06 appeal to the hearts of the Kcpublicans, and ask them if they desire to seo more of the want, sufiering aud bloodshed, which bas desolated and deluged a country whose glory and prosperity haa extended to the furthermofct corners of tho earth. Let us invite them to go with us for a return of tiie Union under tho Constitution. The speaker accepted the nomination, and agreed to perform his whole duty, which was the duty of every true Democrat, and retired amid enthusiastic applausc. On resuming, the chairmen of the various district delegations reported the names of the gentlemen selected as presidenta! electors : First District - Henry ILart, of Lenawee. Second District- Itoyul T. Twombly, of BQrriun. Third District - D. üarwin Hughes, of Calljoun. Fourth District- John Lewis, of MoDtcalrn. Fifth District- M. E. Grofoot, of Oakland. Sixth District- 1Í. E. Edwards, of Houghton. STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE. First District- W. G. Wilson, of llillsdale ; Wm. P. Wells, ot Wayne. Secoud District - Albert Chandler, ol Branch; N. H. Baloh, of KsUnjaxoo.. Third District- A. C. Blodget, oí Washtenaw ; J, L. Butterfield, ol Juckson. Fourth District- W. A. Richmond, of Kent ; N. Barlow, of Barry. Fifth District- H. Carter, of Macomb; H. H. Harmon, of Livingston. Sixth District- T. Baxter of Clinton ; J. Coulter, Ontonag n. Mr. Blodget, of Washtenaw, moved that when thia Convention adjourn it do not adjourn sint dit, but subject to ! thu cali of the Statu Central Committee. Adopted. Ou motion of Mr. Fraliuk, of Kent, it was Resolved, That the State Centra] Coinmitte, appointed by this Convention, be instructed to correspond ivith, and respectfully roqueat of His Excellency Gov. Blair, that the comrniseioners to be appoiuted by him to receive and return the army vote of this State, be appoinied alter nately frotn each ol the republictin parties, equally in number. Adopted. Mr. Hawley moved that the deraocracy oí the State bo requested to hold general ratification meetings of the Chicago Dominations, on the 17th. Adopted. The name of Gov. McClelland was proposed as chairman of the State Central Committee, but be duclined, and í-uggested the name of A. II. Redfield, who also declined, when he named Wrn. A. Muore as chairman, and he ivas unani tnously chosen to that office. The folloM ing resolution was adopted: Resolved, Tnat the Cinvention reaffiim and re-adopt the resolution passed at the last State Convention, which declared that we are in favor of the Union, the Constitution, and the eusnpremacy of the Lavvs, and that we hereby atlopt the resolutions passed at the Chicago Democratie National Democratie Convention. The subject of nominating a candidate for the Justiceship of the Su preme Court, in place of the late Hon. Kandolph Mnnning, was deierred uvitil such time as the Central Cmmittee shall bring it before the Oonvention. The Conventiou then adjourned with throe rousing cheers for Georo B. McClellan.


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