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TOTICE! The Sii])OIint"m!ent of ihe Foor of Tt'uLIn will meet at the Cuuuty Hoa.-,e. on Tuwnfil 4th d;.y of Octob.Tn.-xt, for the purjiose of Mditiii accuuuti. l'ARMENIO DA VIS l '■ .MARTIN. Uupeiinttmlcnü. Wl, A. JONES, j Am Arbor, Si-pt. Gth, 1864 0!3 'T'AKEN UP! CAMF: mto the enclosure of lbo Subscrihfr on tli lOth of August, 1864, a lalge REI) CUV, lïorll years old, Mme white ..u tlie Mij. Dit owoer is rtHuesleJ t j pm prupmy, pay charges, an-l lukt uJ Luw away. S. BEXHAli. Arm Arlmr. Bept. 5th. 1=!64. 6w97S. 'T AKEN UP! Cam e into the enclosure if the fub-eribrrmi llw 15th dnyof August, a KKI) and IVHIl t CUÏÏ. il mm.1,4 or 5 years oitl. Gives a smalt mess of H ïlie mrner h n-quested to prove )roer1y, pn reling, ind take lbo Cuw atvay. Wil. nUS'PIIKEÏ. I.ili,Sepi. 7tli, 1RC4. i,S73 y SHEEP FOli SALE! The sub-e:iber offers for sale 7 KWKS. 4ö W1-1HEK, üos;j iXlyH fUOKS. Credit wili t giraim approved secttrity. lii'niire on the premie, tn miles from Arm Arbor, on the South Vpsilanti tol. 'M K. ANUÖ.-UV. Pittsfiol.lert. f til, 1864. 1,97! (JTRAY COLT! Stray d or stolen, from the premisas of the.mV bcriber abuut the ÜTth vï August. R BAV ÜKLDlKtí COLT, tiiroc years old laRtgpring. Had a ringboneon rijilit hiiid leg. A 1 btral ren-ard will bc pad fort lie rturn of saidOo!t,or for infurmation where he mar l louad. GEORGE S. FREER. Lima, Sej.t. Tth, 1S64. 4w973 SherifTs Sale. STATK OF MICHIGAN", CorNTV b WUX1W,Bjvirtueofa writ of Jterifacuni isued (nitofwd nniler the seal nf the Circuit Court for tbe ('oucljt'f fwhteww, in the State of Michigan, and to rae drectertand dehvered, I did on the twentv fifth dirif Feb.A D. .1S63, seiz and levy upon all tbe right t'itie and interet of William C. Voorheis, defndanttbertB named . in and to all those certain tract, or parceliof ];ui-i Situated in tbe City of Ann Arbor, Goutftf Waslitcnau , aforesaid, ksown, boiioded and drscrikeö as follows, to wit . being al) that part of lut numtf eiglit, block No, one North of Ha ron Street, nip three Eat, in said City of Ann Arbor, beginning od Main Street at the north -en ut corner of saidiotii running on Maia Sxreet, aforesnid, south twenV'-cw feet,thence running west to the alley in the rearef said lot, thence north to the north line of said lot,iií thence east to the place of bepinning, with the BB fct're standing thereon. Also a partof section nnmbff twenty-nine town two south range No. six (6)eMtin t:ieCityof Ann Arbor, aforesaid, commencing in Ü centerof Huron ftrett, seventv rods and sixlinkffut of where saitl street crosses the fection line bctwB sections 29 and 30, and running east along the cenW of aaid street nine rods and six links, thence eouthP the center of Eber White'f road, theuce in a iöuthwesterly direction nine rods and thirteen lioks, ! north tu the ilace of beginning, contuning four oil of land reserving therefrom ten roda and two andtbrfifirtlis links across the eouth end of said lot, which proneitylshall offer for sale at public auctUmorTtt due to the hiehet bidder, at the front door of t Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor. on Stturd!the22ddaj of October, 1864, at 12 o'clocMwV1 HaidJay. riTILIP WIXEGABfShwitt September 8th, 1864. 0 A SPLENDID PIANO FORTE! For a Moderate Priceü VOSK'S new and iraproved PIANO surpasseá anj1'11 now made for GREAT DLJRABILlTÏ' Surprising ricbnesa and brilliancy of tone. ELEGANCE OF FINISH! And MODERATE PRICE. The attentiot o' people of Ann Arbor r resppctfully inviU-tl tu o es' aminat.'on of thia beautiful insirunirnt. J. HENIÍY WHIITKNIOKK, Genernl Aent forthe?tatf. , 179 Jefferson Vvonuc DetroMiss E. C. Foster is my nuthnrizvl agent fr"" Arbor. The VOSH I'IANO may be icen ut her r"""" iii the Exchange Block. GrKS AT Excitement in Piano Fort' WM. B. BRADBURY'S New Scale PiaBö In the Ascendnnt ! I ! Seven first premiucis awardcd in four weeks" every competitor. GOTTSCHALK, the Renowned Pianist, says: They are the beat aai rnost perfect piano now m i for thorouph workmanship. jih-er, purity, ricJ'? and puality , of tone thev exctl. J. HKNRY WfltTTKVii en Auent for the St. J79Jefferson Avenue, Pet' Miss E. C. Fosr i my nuthorizeü Agent fw1" Arbor. Koouiri in Kxeuuuge Bloct.


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Michigan Argus