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The fullowinir isa list of the Presidents and Vice-Pretidents of ihe Unitod States, as well us thofcü who were caniddatcs for onch office, since the or ganization of the Government: 1789- (Jeprge Washington and Jühu Aifanis ; two tet nis, no oppositiou. 1797 - jol'.n Adams opposed by Thomits Jeffereon, who, having the uext highest electoral vote, beennie Vice President. 1801 - Tilomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr ; beaftng John Adunia and Charles O. Pintkney. 1805 - Thomas Jefferson and Sao. Cliuton ; beating Charles C. Pinckaey niid Uu fus King. 1808 - James Madison and Georgo Clinton ; beuting Charles Pinckney. 1813 - James Madison and Elbridge Gerry : beating DeWitt Clinton. 1817 - James Monroe and Daniel D. Toiri kiiis ; beating Rulus King. 1821 - Jauies Monrip and Daniel D. Tpmpkins ; beating John Quiucy Adtiris. 1825 - John Quincy Adams and John C. Cnihoun ; beatiug Andrew Jacksori, Henry Ciuy and Mr. Crawford - there beifig fonr candidatos for President and Alburt Gallatin for Vice President. 1829 - Andrew Jackson and John C. Calhoup; beaiing John Quincy Adams and Richard Ruh. 1833 - An Irev Jackson and Martin Van Buren; beating Uenry Clay, John Floyd and William Virt, for President; and William Wilkinf, John Sergeant and Henry Lee, for Vico President. 1837 - Martin Van Buren ánd Richard M. Johnson ; beating William H. tlarrieon, Hugh L. White, and Daniel Webster, for President, and John Tyler for Vice President. 1841- William II. Harrispn and John Tyler ; beating Martin Van Buren and Littleton W. Tazewell. Ilarrison died ono tnonth after his inaguratiou, aad John Tyler" becume President for the rest of the term. 18-15 - James K. Polk and George M Dallas ; beating Henry Clay and Theodore Frefinghnysen 1849 - Zachary Taylor and Millard Filltnoro ; beating Lewis Cass and Martin Van Buren, for President ; and Wm. O Butler and Charles F. Adams, for Vico President, Taylor died July 9, 1849, and Fillmore becamo President. 1853- Frunklin Pierce and Wm. R. King; beating Wiufield Scott and W. A. Graham. 1857 - Jas. Buchanan and John C. Ureokinridge ; beating John C. Fre. mont and Millard Fillmore, lor President : and Wm. L. Dayton and A. J. Donalson for Vice President. 1861 - Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamün ; beating John Bell, Stephen A. Douglas, and John O. Breekinridge, for President ; anj Edward Everett, Herschell V. Johnson, and foseph Lane, for Vice-President.


Old News
Michigan Argus