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General Mcclellan's Position

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Will yon permit me to express through your colutnus the uoalloyed gratification with which I have read Gen. McClellan's letter of acceptance. It breathes the language of the palriotsoldier, the wise stalesaiaD, aud the elegant acholar. It completely silences the cavila which our oppouents have basëd on the ambiguity of the sccood resolution by the Chicago Conventiou. The patroitic and statesmanüke policy proclaimed by our gullant leader is the best augury of success. We see light at lust. Thank God, our natiouality and our liberties are not to perish in the horrible, hopeless gloom into whioh fannticisin, ignorance, and imbecility had - 1 i i piungea us i IIow quickly one straightforward, wise, patriotic word absolves ua ! " The Union is the one condition of peaceï" No nostrum, no ism, do quackery, no condition foreign to the Constitution and tbe laws, is thru8t between a bleeding and suffering people and tbe restoration of Uuion and peaco. It is declared to the rebelo and to the world that the sole object of the war is :he " re-establis!mient of the Uuion in all its integrity." But they are also told that, though in war, we will not forget our christianity, our humanity, and our civilization. We avow that we ally with our arms " all the resources of statesmansl'ip; " that we will use all the enightened acts of pacifieation and concilation to lead our misguided fellowcitizens back from a wicked rebellion to alleeiauce and dutv. These wiselv. kindij, firruly used, we believe, must break the obstinaey of rebellion, and tay the irïghiful waste and carnage pi war. If, after all this, the leaders of the ebellion persist in their wickedness, hey will and must be orushed by the united arms of a whole people, for'" the 7nion must Ie preserved at all hazards.'7 Thus the ineaus of redress are marhalled on legitímate grounds and in heir proper order. Surely we may all reathe more freely. For a poliey so wise, so just, so free from vindictivmess, )y uniting the affections of men North ud South, must restore lasting peace ud re Union. „ So, too, after the alarming experience f the last three years, duntig which the iberties of the citizen have been hung n the touch of a bell at the right hand ' the President, the country wül hail the accession of a President who reeoguizes " the limitatiorts of Executive power" "m the constitiition of the United States and the laws framed in aceor dance thereteith. The same healthful tone is feit in his reference to our disordered finances, whicb he sees, not to be an accident of war, but thenecessary fruit of adepraved paper system. We may indeed breathe easier ! Our lungs expand with the pure atmosphere of the old days of the fathers, before sectionJism and fanaticisra blighted the couDcils of the r.epublie. Let us bring back those old and better days ! In the words of this wise, brave soldier, the country seerrs again to hear the voice of Audrew Jackson. Let it then basten to give him the love and eonfideuce it gave Old Hickiry. So supported, bis firm hand, his wise ooustitutional statesmanship, by restoring domestic peace aud Union, will enable us, in his own words, "to resume our cominanding pooition among the nations of the earth." I hope this letter may be placed in the hands of every citizen of tho whok United States. G. V. N. L. Detroit, Sept. lOth, 1864.


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