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Jornal potteer Patteengei t rainu now Wave Detroit. Chicago,and tbe ievral station in thisCuunty ,as folltiws : GOING WEST. Leave Day Ex. Dext. Ao. Etc. Ex. NightEx. Detroit. 8.00 í.K. 3.45 P.K. 6.00 ï.M 8.45 P. X. Vpsilanti, 9.20 " 5.05 " 8.27 " 10.00 " AnnArbor, 9.40 " 5.80 " 8.50 " 10 20 " Dcxter, 10.05 P. K. 6.00 ' ".15 " ' Ghelaes, 11.20 " " 7.35 " ' Ar.CMcago e 15 " " 5.80 4. M. $.45 i. M . GOING EAST. I.eave. Eve. Ex. Dex. Ac. Night Ex. Day Es. Cbicago, 6.C01-.M. 10.00 P. M 6.30 A. X. Chelsea. A.M. 7.45 A.M. 4.06 r.fc Dexter, 5.45 " 8.0 " 4.20 " Anti Arljor, 4.2U A. M. 6.10 " 8.25 " 4.45 " ïpsilanti, . 4.45 " 6.35 " 8 45 " 5.05 " Ar. Detroit, 6.10 8.00 "10 00 " 6.30 " The Day Express each way ia the Mail Train. Traint do not stop at stations where are unit - tedinthe table. Trains conuect at Detroit with the Great Western and Grand Truck Railways of Canada, and the Detroit and Toledo, and Detroit and Milwaukee Railroads. and Cleveland Steamers. At thE Corapany's Ticket Offices at Detroit, Chicago, Joliet a.nd Ijifayette,through tickets can W purcbased toall the principal cities and tovns in the United State and ('añadas. LUXURIOUS SI.EEI'ING CARS upon all night trainn. Ruttan's celebmted Ventilating Apnaratus upon all iay trains - the bent duwt preveütativein use. R N. RICE. General Superintendent. DO VOU WIH TO BE ('UREUt DR. BUCHAN'S ENCIJSn SPECIFIC Pll.lilciire, in lesa Üian 3day, the vort cast of WERVOUMJE88, Impottncy, l'remn ture Pecay, Seminal Weakness, In.Hsnily, and :ill Trni ' nary, Sexual and Nerveus ACfectionw. no matter from , what cause produced. Price, One D"llar per box. - Sert, post paid, by mail, nn receipt of an order. One 3ox will perfect the cure in mnst cases. Adtirens .IAMKS S. BUTI.B'.H, SraSíe General Agent , 427 Broadway, New York. IV7-RIQHT'S REJÜVENATING ELIXIR. ;Canst thou ftdministor to :i min'l lisrascii 'f' .,-;,■■ the great dramalist. Yts, f-ay we, nm ''pluck Iroin tljeJheart the rooted sorrow, too!" Wkhïiït's Rkji' Klixik lias siich mar velo m fnwer ín teaiscitatinK tlifi 'Irooiiuig cnciicR tlmt it ifl Ji! e ;u: frtraïvabte baan to botk sfxes. The tatwhude anri debihiy, the hyaterfa Rud fainting bü prevalent pmorijr the geutIer nex. n-td not txiet whyn that valu.ihlo restoralive ïs at hand fi.r ase ; itis in the form oi a ple;is;-nt and pulatablf liqunlj aml shoiilil ever bt present on th tuilet tnble ; freo from the deleterious rainerals usual wiMi ecsrnetics, it is tbegreatest vei;et(ble rrstorutive j that has yot beou made known far thflenGÍit r.f the debilityted portion of the human faiuüy . clil by II rcspectfible druggto thmighowt the Vuittd States and Canada. lmOTl y An Intkukmtinü LffTTEK .- Mesr Post h BrulT, Agenta N. Y,.anitary Society, Rochewttr.- Cents . I deem it due to yon state the magtcal ififect of that one bot; Ie ofiV'plw'.s Ture wJitch I obtnined from yrm Ia Xovember last. Peeing the ad ver t teem ent ol yourSo. ciety Kering to give yonr meiicinf to cArtrymoa ftr the ponr of their parishes, I nnt;iinod ,- ttottta fnr n poor K?rl r ïny cnngrogiition, who bad long been r.carW help leps from r.hfmm.'ii ism , nd st range tn -tiy . thnt one bottle curetl her eniirely. 1 write thi.s hopin;; it mny ■lid Um cnriety in it eft'urts r intirwince tbe jedlctno, nnd birss thofe whn may nerd f-urh n rcr.xly , and I i on strong term,ab I belïeve ts merits wiïl fully justify the most snperlative forros of peech. Yours, RewpectfulfT, C R. wn-Ki.vs, Tastor af ïhc Tint Preyeian Church. 981 fíttíftard, Monroe Co N'. l'ROK. lt. J. I.YON'S' Patiënt. aDd all otbers nterreatod will please take notice that he will contin ue bn visite at the Monitor Houae, Aon Arbur, daling .864 and '65 and at tbe t-xpiratiun "f which he will din continue lm visito ftad open on [fifirniury at Cleveland, Ohiu, lor the treatnitiiit of Luns auil Chent Jicaie. Dkar With jour permistión I wish to sny to he rendéis of your paper that I will return mail, toall who wiihit (free), a lïeceipa, with fuü di reet i ons for makiOft and uaing a simple Vegetable ïalm. that will etTectuaÜv remove, iti ten days, l'imAan, Ulotches,Tau., Freoklea, amlitll Impurities of tb Skin'. Ieaving tbo saino soft, clear, smootb and beautiIwill also mail (reo to tbone lisving Raid Heads, r taro Kacert, Kiiaple directiont' and oforiniitiun that wiUenable themto ntart a fa 11 (frowth f Luxuriant Uir, Wliisker, ur a ilousUclic , iu lnas tlmu tliirlv AU appHcation hihwcuh1 bv return muil without charge. llotfpi'ctfully your THOMA-' F. CHAPM AS, (.bmut. Sn'fjQ 831 Broilway, N'cvr York. Mathews' Chocolate Woim Drc pa ? N'KVER fail to destroy and citermin:iti all kinds oi Intestinal Worms. Are perfectly raliuWe in all cums aüilfar supmior to any ml all of the Kancj W'irm oafection, nd aauaeoun Venolftlge i" T'"-"y may be taken t all times wltli perfect aafety, a they contaiu N'O MKRCURV, or othsr delHlermi Drupf.- Mother aUould always puiohaa them and gin theii chiMren no uthtr. (No Catharlic wbatever, isnecossary to bo giveu.) Kach bol contains Ï4 Drop or Loungoa. l'rice 'li ot. Kor Salo by all Drugn:sts and Dealora i i MoiHC. U. WALKER. General A((6nt, ly23 Butfalo,N.y and Fort F.rie.C. W. A Card to the Suffcring. SWALI.OW two or tbree bogsbeads of "Bucbu," "Touic Bitters," " Sarsapurilla," '-Küiyüu Antidotes," &e., iic, Se., and afler you are satislied witb tbe reault. tben try one box of OU DOCTOR BUCHAS'a EN'GI.ISH SPKCTFIC PILLS- and be reatored to bealtb and vigor in less than thirty davs.- They ire purely vegetable, pleat totake, prompt and Militar; in their effoct on the brolieu dovvn und shattereil constitution. OM and young can take tbwn witb advantaire. Imported and old in the Unite, State oulï bv JAMES B. BUTLKH, No. 42" Broadw .y, New York VW Agent for 'tbe United .State- P.S.- A Boxof tbe l'ills, Hecurely pucked. will be inailed to auy address on receipt of price, whfcb is ONK 1OI,I AH, post paid- monej rcfuuded by the Agent if eotire satisfaction m not giveu. 3ni9C0 O" TWENTY-ONE YEARS AGO.jj Mk. 0. C.BaisTOLa distinguisbed Cbemintaud Druitgiïtof tboci:y of Bultalo, N. Y., inventod and manu. factured a colnpound known aa BRISTOI.'S BALSAM OF HOAKHOUND, wliicb i a perfect srxcini; for cocons, COlis, or any BKcuiALor ICHS UDTICCIXIM arismg froin damp, cold, or hudden cbangy of tbe weatb(-r. Every persen ho lias ever taken BRISTOI.'S BALS AM OF HOARH0CND, pronounces it tbo bist article ever uïented : and so justly celebrated baa it become, tfcat the market is already full of imitations, eouuterfoits. and most dangerou compoitndH, under the name of Balsara of Hoarbound. Thcrefore, alwtiyii becareful to cali for BrUtol'l Balsnm, and see that bi WKITI'F.N signature is on the outside Ubel oj the boltle. Makk. - Ibis invaluabte Medicine has been now souie twentv-one yeara before tb public, and without any effort on the part of tbeproprietor. its sule baa become very exteusive, and is daily inertusing. 'i'be low price at which the Medicine s sold (ÍS CENTS) enablea ALL to partake of it healingqualities. C. CKOSUY.BUKKAI.O, N Y. Sole manufaeturer, to whom all ordor sbould b( addressed. For sale by all rcspcctablo druj;gita. lyeowQgi U. S. 7-30 Loan. The Secretary ofthe Treasiiry ives uotice tUat Büb jcriptinns wili be received fcr Coupon Treasury Notes, payable tliree years fr.,in .'ust IV.h, 1P64, with jimi-ann al interest at tin rato of aten nd threetentbs per cent. per annuni.- principal and interest both tu be paid in Inwful pioney . These notea will be convertible :vt the option of the uoldfrat maturity, iuto six per cont. gold bearing bon-U, pay.ihlo not lestKan ftv nor nw-ruthan twenty years frn their date, au ttic guvui timeni may etect. Tboy wiïl b isaued in denomination il $50, $100, $500, $1,000 and $5,000, ani3 all t-ubioriptinna must be for fifty dollars or somw multiple of titty dollars. The notes wilï be .ransinittel to ihe owners free of trapüportation charge hh fouu aííei' tho re:eipt of the original Certifícate of Depoutt au tby culi be prepare!. Afi the notes draw interest frnrn Angustié, peraon makiogr dcpofiitssubsequeDt tu that datnmust pay the inttrc.'.t accrued früw dat1 'f note to dute of depoait. l'arties depoaitiug twenl -fivo th-'U.sitnd dollar and upwards for these notes at any one tinic will be al lowed a ftommiswion of one quarter of ono per cent., which wH be paid by theTrüawury DepurtmoDt upon thereeeïpt of a bilí for the aruomil , cerlified to by the officer with whom the depnait wab nunl. Xo doductious fot conaminhionü tuust be made f rom the depoatte, Special Advantages of tl ia Loan. It ta a National PAVi.vG-t Ua.k, otFcring bigher iuterest titan any other, and iftr best secttrity Anysaviogs bank wliicb pay its dwposïtvcs in Note, considera thatit is payittg in the best circuïntïng rae tlium of the country, and it cannoi pay n anjthing better, for its own assets arr either ín gnverninent securities or in noteH or bonds payable in governmont pnper. Itiaequally convenient as a temporary or permanent inventment. The notes can always bu sold fr within a fracti'n of their fn-tf nn-1 aociimuliitoc ínterest, and are tho best sec u rit viili bttitn iis cullatorals for discount r Convertible iuto a Six por cent. 5-20 Gold Bond. To aidttion tu the vory liberal interest -m the notea fr three yeara, thia privilege of conviin-n is now vort h about three per cent. pernoautii, ftr the urrett r:ite for 5-iO Boude nut Iükh thn nmepar cent. premium, aod before the war tha prmti.iu on tix prr nt. U 8. stocks wan over tweoty per cent It will bt' s'.'cn ttiat the actual proñl on this loan, at the present market rate, is nut lens than ti-n per cent per annum lts Exempüon from State or Muuicipal Taxatie n. ■Rut aside from all tho advantagefi wo Uar f imw ifci teil, a npeciat Act ifCnngrORx exempt uil bond tï-nd Trsasury n otea from local t at al ion. Uu tb average, thK exemption is wortli hbout uuypr onii, -vt ininum, according to the rutü erf taxnifou ü varioua parts of the country, It ia believed that no securtiii-s offer so great d ducerauut lo lenütrs au ibot-e i.uvi Wy Uie üTiríimont, Tn all other forma f inrï ti-i'ni-fi, the faiih or ability of private partios, ns -'.■:'i '- mnnid, or Koparute communiÜes, nly . -. ptÉJgr-l Fbt pj ui nt, while the wlmle property il feh cuuirrv i helil to secure the discharge of ftll r, ibÜjfMtltHi" of the t'nited Sirtes. Whilc Jhe goTernmout ulTi;ríf í 1 1 mtt liberal t erais for its loans, it bolieves thnt Hrïery. Irnneest a.p ;.ful will be to tht' loynlty ainl i i.u ir wi ■■) llie pcu,,1.'. T-i[jncate cortificatO' will v ih.iUi.vl LuL .íill "U'posltíj The party dpposittng must enrtoT"1 tipon original crvlificiite tho denominatinn ri? rioti-s i-t-quirefl, and wheSherÜiej! ure to be tiuued m tl t it r r:.y;ib!e to oulrr. Wlien su endotffèd it mu.-i bvivM ftitli Hie fI vNolrdsg ttu deponít, to be Forwardfd tothe Trensury Iepurtmtnt. SUKtCRimoNs wiu. nK reckivkd by f thiï tTriitcï Ht.',t's, :it Washington , Ihe fevc-ral As.-,ist ■ nnt TroAsurtTB and deigimtod DepoiftarteB, anil ïy the First National Bank cf Ann Arbor. Mich And by all Xfvti'jnal Banks which ar d'postaie nC public ninnev, and ALL RKSPKCTAiiLE H.-WKS Ag) HANKhRS tlirnnphonl tlir emintry wïll gfve finther iuf"-m I M-n and afford every facilfty to tiuljí-cribers. lQwíí jL. ï" A 1 K 13 ANKS' Jri ST.VSIUAKIÏ ""■"-i'' IT(( r A ni.s-: JVtiífo ; Letter J 'resta , d-c FAIRBAMS, GREEiVLEAF & {]0M ir akr Strwl, CHICAGO. PoH in Detroit iiy FAKRAND, SHELi:y Á CO. jjy Be ctrefi.ï tn Roy onTy Genu!ac-gf lj83S


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Michigan Argus