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CT.OTIIINa JT ié ■'-■ ia: M. GUITERMAN_CO'S Haviag just returned from East with a large stock of SPRING AND SUMMERGOODS! we invite all our oíd frieivl and customer-s to come and examine eur stock o CLOTUS CASS111ERES & VËSTIIVGS. Dispute the fact if you can, It takes the TAILOR after all to give appearance to the on ter man. If you wish to appear well You must accordlugly Dress Well. Go to M. Guiterman & Co's,, There you will find tbings exactly SO. SONDHEIMalvraya ready to take your measure, GÜITERMAN will sell you Goods with great pleasure, At figures L0WER than you will find in the State, ' Take heed - call early, else vou are too LATE. The INDUCKMENT8 are now greater than ever, Onr Clérks you wiJl f nd obliging aöd clever. We will show you good CLOTHING oí our own getting up, Filling our Store from Bottom to rop. STUDENTS especially will find it to THEIU ADVANTAGE, For it takes but LITTLE MONEY to replunifili. COATS óf Cloth and Caseimere of our OWn IMPOJlTATlOiY, Forwarded through our New York relations. Froai England, Belgium, Germany and Franee, Such as you can wand up in, or wear, at the dance. Pants ! Pan ts ! ! Pants ! ! ! Fancy CASSIMERES and BOESKIN oí everv. grade, We sell them irom ONE DOLLAR up tO EIGUT. VESTS, &C, of every descrïption, You will find it eo without fiction, Fuminbing apparels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This is all we say now, Tüerefore we make our bow Tours truly, ever eo, M. GIJITERMAN. fe Oo., Terrible Slaughter! THE VICTORY IS ÜURS ! TÍX33 BATTZiXi Which has been raging for the past four weeksat MACK & SCHMID'S STORE Has proved a gran1 success, although the slaugliterof DRY GOODS Has been terrible. We uow raake the a n nou n cement thatweshall continue "For Many Years" tö riiake war with high prices, beiag determined to give the hondredfl who ñhíly throng our store, full value for their monej( Ladies can find with us all desirablé shades aun styles of DEESS GOODS, RIBBONS, TRIMMÍNGS, EMBKOIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, &c, TVÏth a very large anJ attractWe stock of CLOiKS AND SHAWLS ter bolotv -tlxeir XTa,lixO We hear ït said every dsy that we are ruining the business in this city by seïling so clseap but we cannot help it, Tlie Goocls Must be Sold. 1000 New Style and best quality HOOP PKTRT3 Very chtap , and for the Gentlemen we have a verj larjje assorimentof French Twilled Cioth, Beaver Overcoatinga, Doaskins, Fancy Cassim.rea, Vestings, &c, Of all deseripiions, and can furnish a whole suit n short notice much clicaper than ít can be bought else where. An examination of this branch of our busi' ness will conviuce all that this is tbe place to buy their Panta, Coats and Vests. We have also a complete stock of Ladie.s umi Childrens' Shoee. HATS AND CAPS, And n faot everything that maa or woman can desïre to wear on head orfoot, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware &c., At astonishing low prices, and in short our entfre stock must Sharethe same fate for we are detonniiu-il to sell, no matter whal oíd croakers may say. All are invited to inspect our stock as it iy no trouble to show our goodsj and we are bound to meet the demamls of f tl. P32tf MACK 8CHMID. Fcr Rats, Mice, Rmehes, Ants, Bed Bvgs, Molhs in Futs, Woolen, Sfc., au Panfs, Fowls, Animáis, Ifc. Put up in 25c. iïOc. and $1.00 Boxea. Bottlea, aaíj FJasks. $3 and $5 sizes for Hotkls, Pfïtuc IssiïprTlos, kc. "Only infalhble reiuedies kaoma.-i "Kree f rom I'oirtníi.r) ttItrt'1an'Jtttfi to tlie Hudran Family.'1 "Kuts cvisit atof their holes to tlte '" 4aSulil Whuiisjiii-in nll IkrgtedltlM. Sol,l by uil DriiL-iists an,l Uetaileri everjwhm. 11! HmvAUE 1.1 ƒ all worthless imita tiona. SS, Sec that "CosTax-s" name üs on tsch Box, Bottle, anti Fla.vk, befüjrtf yon Bjiv. A.'drcKs MKJ11Y R. COSTAR. VS. L'Klxcirvr. Dkxot #2 Bhodway, Nkw Ydrk. .riW liy all Wholesale and Retail DrngKihtsin Ann Arhor,Mit:lngnii. Ofnö64. HOWARD ASSQCIATIOlT, rilII.ADtl.I'iMIA,. PA. Dtítraftcs oilHf Pfi'r'roïw, Seminal , rrlimrand Srmnl SyHlems - ncw an.l gfiüakle treatment- in .reporte of Iho HUVAKI ASSOCTATIdN- Sent by mail in seak'd letti'r envelope, fröe of obareeAd.lrw-V.Dt. J. SKItMN IICHÜJHT'IV, How.-ird Auoel' fMi M ÏSn.ilh Nwifh Hte9l-, Kh.Hini.-lphla, l'eno JUST OPENING ? The largeat Stock and best BBSortment of CABINET FURNITURE ? ever brought to this city, includine SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, BEDEOOM SETS LÜN6È8' CENTER TABLEÉ, BUREAUS, CHAIRS, Xioollns Glasses Gilt Frames and Mouldings METALIC CASES, &c, &c, ' 1 and all otlier gonñs kept in the best and largest houses in the cuuntry. We Keep no second hand f urnitme or Auctiongoods. Coffins kept constantlj on hand and made to order. Hy goods are offered at THE Í0WEST CASH PRICES If. B. I must have tncney,and respectfuKy request those indebted,to cali anci ñx up their old matters without delay. O. M. MARTIN. Ann Arbor, Oct.6, 1863. 9'25tf RIS DON & HËNDËRSON Havo tlxo :b u o isl e jes CRAIIM DRILL, and Grass Seed Sower, Manufactured al Springfield, öhio. rpHE VERY I.ATKST IMISOVEfEN■r, and betterthsn X all otlier.s; adapted to aoyfing Wheat, Rve, Oats Barley and Orass Seed . lst. lt has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Wïll 8ow all Mnds of Grain and Grass Seed. 3d. Never bunehes the Grain éih. Never breaks the Grain. 5th. Sows Grass Seed broadcast behindthe Drill. Qth. Has high wheels and long Hoes. 7th. lias long and wide steel points. 8th. lt has a land measure or Surveyor. 9th. lt has doublé and single rank drills. OtK lt has a sel ' adjusting shut off slide. lt is neatly and substantially made, TheTrisbanUftPrilIofferedi th market but caD boast of more or le.-ï FIRST PREMIUMS:' rhey nreiiboutasindiscriJDinatelv bestowed si the title af "Professor," wliich is sometimes applied to the 'fiddler "or "bootblack." Thej cease to convey the dea ofmtrit. J The Buckej-eDrillhasbeenon Exhibltion at quite a lumber of State and County Fairs, aud without seékinir avor at the hands of any Committee, has received its 'ui I .share of Premiums TESTIMONIALS : We Sive the [ollowing Dames of a few Farmer n th.'s viciuity wqü have bought and used the Buckej'e Drill : Gudfrej Milieu, Scio. Jacob Polheinus " Jacob Treroper, " Thomas White, NorthfleM. John Brokaw, t Christinn Kappf ' Edirard Bojdfn, Webster. James Ti-Kidwell, Aun Arboi Daniel O'Hara, " . JohnG.Cook, Lojj 0. A. Marshall, " L. Edraonds, S-.iVine. George Ciopsey, Green Oak, I.fv. Co. We arealso AgeDts for the Ohio Reaper & M wer, acknowledged tr be the very best !n use. Vfe are just in receipt of 100 Grain Oradles Whicli we wil! sell Clieap. Also alargeassortment o G-rass Scythes. auu luw largest ana oest seiecied stock oí BENT STTJT F FOR CARRIAGESever before offered n this market We also keep large and fuil tfAttS, SLASS, PÜTTY, PAINT.and UNSEED 011,. A complete asaortuwat of STOVES, TINWAEE, AND EAVE TROUQHSalways on hand and put up ï the shortest notice. RISDON & HENDERSON. AnnArbor,June29th ,18(12. 859tf NOBLE & RIDER, are at Hing their large stock af BOOTS SHOES, CHEAPER THAN EVER ! L LOW PRICES FOR CASH. Gooü S toga Boots : : $2.50a$450 Men's good Calf Pegged, 3.00 a 6.00 " " " Sewed : 5.Q0a6.&0 Woman's " Lace Boots : : 1.00 a 1.85 Ladies' " Congress G't8, : 75 a 2.50 Boys' Youth's and Cbildren's Shoes : : : : 15 a 1.50 Naw h the time to buy as BOO TS W S HOES are rapidly adtranterng in Eastern MatJcets. m ALSO MAKË WARRAÍVTED LS" WOKK ÏO ORDER. _T AKD KKPAIR. RemetnDer we can not and wilL aot t undersold. Please callabtle'ivmtneiherr stock LAWHBNCE NSBitJi, CKAJILES RIDK. nrkcr,Fb !5lti,l4 tf9. Sheriffs Sale. CTATK OF MICHIGAN, or',sm , OHj-virtueofa writ .if furi acia. isl,P,i ":'■- unüer the -al of the Circuit Court lor tl„ " "'M Waxhtenaw, in the State of Michigan ,„ ?V"""' r,ctedu„d .iehvered, I ,li „„ ,],, tÍíiwtLí Feu. A D. , 1863, seize and lcvy upoo all th, ?."'"! and iatere of Willa,n C. V.ÍrUei., MmLSvUl" name.i. in an.l to all thiwe certain tract 07, " Und aituated In the Citj of Aun Arb'or ('" ' Mfoll.rjr.tojrtt.beln. all Ih.t part .,f .Í T"1 eight, bínck No. one Nonh of Uur,,,, str.( " three taft, in aaid City of Ann Arbor, beSii"" Mate Street at the north-east corner oI.h' " runnintron Maia Street, afo.esaid, south ...'" feet ; thence running west to the allev in iv : said lot, thence north to the north line of 8a ÍVí" tnpncc to the place of beginnin witj, rh. 1 ttore „tondill. tbereon, A!o a pa.tof ect oí „Vj" tventy-n,nefown#o sou th ranee No six m " theCtJ-of Anr. Arbor, aforesaid, comn„.nc ,S "" centiTof HuronFtrett, sevecrr rod andsitlL of where aid street crosses the sertion line I f !ül sect.on3 29arui30, ndrunnig east alone th. "" of a,d street nine rod and six link, thence ,„!?" fhe center of Koer tato', roa.i. thence T,UUt westerly dii-eciion nine rofi and thirteen link ff"1 north to of bigïnning, containine foor .". '"ving therefróVn ten rod .ndtwoÏÏi011 liltïis nks seros" the soiith end ..f said 1„ ,h ?'" prope.tylshallolTerrorMle at publk auc'tion ' " due to the hiirhe-t bidder, at the front dooï'fï Court House, in Citv „f Ann Arbor. on w ïaiddi 7 at I2 o''', nÍJ lepLhereth,]8uí. WX,. Chancerv Sale. STATE OF itlCFIM ATi Ji Circil Codt for tl,, f E of Washtenaw, IH Chcerv. TÍ? Complainant, vi, Sebra l'erfins Defendant I, suanceand by virtue of a deciee of the Circuit ifií I for the Countyof Washtenaw, in Chancery J? I the sc.cqad dajrcf fctemWr, A. 1)., eightefn hukkÜ and hfty-nine, in a certaín cause therein McjT wherein Kliza I'erkin is complainant, and SibnJÏI kins in defenilanl. Notice is heiebygirpn thitííSI sell at puDlic auction to the bidder at im o'clock.noon, on Saturday. the seresteeoth d„ j September, r.ext,at the froaiqloor of the CourlH of the Circuit Court for theüounty of Washleni, the city of Ann Arbor, Cönnty of Washten, ,, State of Michigan, " The ét half oi the soutb quarterof section fifteen, and the west hall „lu north-eastquarteroi section twenty two, in Tow' one south of range sena ea.-t, in the TownihimÜ lem, in the Countj of Washtenaw, and State of fi 'SanC. H. VANCLEVL Circuit Court Commissioner in and for the Coiintu Wa.sht.-naw. ' " O.Hawkins, Solicitor for Complainant. Ann Arbor, Julj twenty-ninth, A. D.,1864. C'ommissioners' Notioe, STATKOF MICHIfiAN, County of WuhUnw „ The unaersfgSed haring been appomted br iC" Probate Court for said County, CommisiiioMr, l0 ï ccive, examine and ad,iut al! clHimsand aemln0l oi?l persone ugámat the estáte of Daviil Laphara Ut. , thetownship of Salem in said County deceaied hti bj give uoticethat six m-nths from date, are brort of said Probate Court, allowed foj creditorst'o írdní their claims asfainst said deccaaéd, and tliat thet ,ai meet at the late residence of ssid deceased J Township cif Salem in said ctunty, on Saturdír Z twelfh day of November, and TuemUy the fourttttii uf Kebruarynext, at one o'clock, P. J. I J day, to reoeive, examine and adjust said claimt I.EVMYKSTKAI.L (w . THOMAS BLSSEY, („,, íated,Augustl5, 1864. ' ' Estáte of VanValkenbergs, STATE OF MICIJICAN, CnrxTY o WashteiÚwjÍ, Ata session of the Probate Court Cor theCotnrm Wil)tenaw, hoidenatthe I'lobate Office in Ai L Ann Arbor on Wedniaday, the twer.ty fourih fejif August in the year une thousand eigLt lmndreiiit sixty four. Present, Thoma Ninde, Judge u( ProUl Jn the mattr of the Estáte of Ella O. VanValkcnta. Erama D. VanValkenoerg, Ruth J. VanValkenbe di Jtlber! E. VanViilkenberg minors. Ou reading and (iling [he pet'tion, duly Teritiiol John S. Henderson, guardián of naM minora, nririi for to sell the real etate o! said minors Thereupon it i Oríert-d, that Kriday, the tnitr. third day of September sext, nt ti'n o'cluek mlhefctlnoon, be assigned for tbe liéaring of asid pctitíoi ud thíitthenextof kiof said minors, and all offer M. .lons interei'edin saidetiite, are required toipptinl a session of said Conrt theo to be holden atthePmWi Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in sid countj,iad show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of u'.c p. titinner shouW nót be grant?d : And it is furtlm" dered, that said pi -t'tinnergiTO notice to the perioni teresed in said estáte, oí' the pendent-y of said peú'm and the hearing thcreof, by causing i roj y of th' Oí! der to be published in the Michigan Argñs a newjpiptr printed and circulating in saiil County of Vfulteui, threesuccessiveiveeks preious to said (is; oí kejriíi (A tiue copy.) THO.M ÍS XISIiE, 9"1 Judgeof FroUw. CITY OOOPER SHOF, SPAFFORD & DODSLET, successors to O. C. SPAFFORD & D. HENNINO, Would respectfully announce to the cïtizens o! Abd rbur and vicinity, that tbey are now K&tnirMtafiif it3d keep coustantiy on hijnd a Large Asabrtment of COOPER WORK Sucli as Pork and Cidcr Barrels, Kegs, Firkiiis, Chume, Well Bnckets, Flour and Apples Barrels, af. Merchnntsnml Brewers are invíted tu examine tM? Kutter Firkins aun Beer Kes. ctrSTOM "v-oitK:, done to ORDER on SHORT SÖTICE and warranted, Cash paid for Staves, Headiog and Hoops. Shops corner of Detroit & Nortli Streets. andcorBrf of North &FifthSirEots. SPAFFORD t DODSLEÏAnn Arbor, Fcb. 6th, 1864. Stf FURNITURE ROOMS One iloorNorth of Risdon and Henderson's Hará Store. The umiersigncil haTing purchased the entirí t nf V. D. Smith Ji Co., nd added largelj tothe'. i.s prepared to íurmsh Ji8 fnends and patrnns ip Mortment of rell made furniture, coniig o' SOFAS, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, BOOK-CASES! TABLES and CHAIRS, ofiillkimis, anain fact of everythlng pertaining to U busÍDess. LOUNGE S. MATR ASSB8, &c, &c.,inatle to order by good and experienced or' men, and warranied to' pire satisfaction. He ! keeps a good assortmf nt of Cherry and Walnut I.umb' for sale at reasonable pmtm. And wil] alno piT" higbest market pïw-F Cheriy, Walmt, and ff h i Wo#d Lniwtif r. P. S. He ha aW p-tcoehased the new and ELEGANT HEARSE! of Smtth & Co., nn isprepared to furnish all Hal"' Wood Coffins, Metalic Cases AKTD CA8KET8, On the shortest notirj. Also attcnrls to lijing oül, dfceasfd pirsoas rtavnnd night, without charge. " tuiaiturt dWnrfasd in Shtcity free of charge, W. U. BENHAlt Ann Arbor, Jiinuary 18ih, 18t3. 9iQlt ' - -S1T. " To Clear the House of Kier WSE DUTCHER'S CEIEBRATED LIGHTNING FLY-KILLEB? niat,cheap n.tic'p, paiy to n. Kreri li "ilf killii'iusrt SOLO LVLRY1T1ÍEBI. SirM


Old News
Michigan Argus