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nlALERS in Clocks, Watches, Jiwelry and Silver [) „ire N„. 2i, New Bloek, Arm Arbor. " C. BLISS. mta!ER in Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Silver ]) WarcNo..!, New Block, Ann Arbor. C.;H. JOLLEN. nKALEK in Dry Goodg, Groeeriea,.Crockery, Sc. &c. ) gun Street, Ann Albor. "Yhïlipacii. TlSllEUS in riryGoous.Groceries, Boots & Sboes,,Mainst., Ann Arbor. "georgïTw. snover, TvFALERiuMiscellaneoua and School Books Station i) er j , Wall Papers, &c. Puron Street, Ann Arbor. "ÏSDON & HENDER80N. l rEU.ER3 in Hardware, Stoves, house furnisbing D good., Tin Ware, &c, &e„ New Block, Mam st. _ GEO PRAY, M. D. PHYSICUVand Surgeon. Kesidenee and office on Detroit street, near the Hepot. . S. G. 'fAYLÖËT" DEALER in Hats, Caps, Furs, Robea, Gents' Furnishing Goods, etc. East side Main Street, Ann Artor, Michigan. __ ' A, J. SUTHERLAND, AGKNP for th.e Nw Yurk Lifo tnáurance Ccmpany. Offlce on karoo stret. Also has on hand a stock tl the most approve 1 sewiug machines . 885tf GEORGE FISCHER. 11TEAT MARKET- Huron Street- General dealer in lVi Fresh and Salt Meats, Beef, Mutton, Pork, Hams, foultry, Urd, Tallow, Kc.,&c. H1RAM J. BEAKES 1TT0RNEY and Counsellor and Bolicitor in Achncery. Office in City Hall Biock, üvc-r WebMer1 Boot Store. ___ i LËWITT & BREAKEY. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Office at the residence of Dr. I#witt, north side of Huron, two doors west of División street. M. GUITERMAN & CO. -lITHOLESALEandRotail Dealers and Manufacturers FF uf Kuadr -liada Clothing. Iinporters of Cloths, Cas i mero, DoeskiDs, te, No. 5, Phoenis Block, Main st. WM. WAGNER. BEALER in Made Clotlúng, Cloths, Csssimercs, xaú Vesting, Hat?, Caps, Trunks, Carpet Baga, te, PliflBnix Block, Main stretít. " SLAWSON & SON. GROCERS, Provisión and Commissiou Merchants, and Dealers iu Water Lime, Land Plastor, and P!asttr ef Paris, onedoor east of Cook's Hotel. ' jTm. scott. JUBROTYPE and Photograph Artisi , in the room.-i A orcr Campion's Clothing store, Phosuix Block. Per fectaatisraetiongiven. C. B. PORTER. QUR8EON DENTIST. Oflice Córner of Main and Hurón Ö itrests, over Bach & Pieraon'B Store. All calU yranplly atteoded to Aprl859 MACK & SGHMÏD. TvEAlERS in Foreigu and Domestic Dry Good, Groce 1J t'm.Hatsand Caps, Boots and Shoes, Crockery c, Comer of Main & Liberty sts. SPAFFORDc DODSLEY. ILfANL'FACTüRKRS of all kinds of Coooper Work IVl City Cooper Shop. Custoui work done on shor otie. Cor. Detroit and North Streetü, and cor. Nortl HdFifth Streets Ann Artor. ANDREW BELL. DE4LER !n Groceries, Proyisions, Flour, Produces e., &c, córner Main and Washington Streets lnn Arbor. The highest raarkut prices paid lor countr; produce. ' 85" I. O. O. F. WASHTENAW Lodge, No. 9, of the Independent Or der of Odd Fellows meet at their Lodge Boom erery Friday Evening, at 7 o 'clock. 8. 8ophim, N. G. P. B. Rosï, 8ecy M. C. STANLEY, Comer Main and Hurón Streeta, Ann Arbor, Mich, PHOTOGRAPHS, AMBROTYPES, &c. . &c, inthslatest gtylef.and every effort made togive , (etion. 58tf D. DeEOREST. fHOLESALK and retal) dealer in Lumber, Lath, Shmgles.Sash, Doorn, Blimls, Water Limo, Grand "'er Piaster, Piaster Paris, aaJ Nails ofallsi;S. A IlUíad perfect aaaortmnt of theabove,and al! otber kins of building materials constantly on haod at tne tpi)58ible rateB.on Detroit st., a few rodsfrom the ïira1 Depot. Also operating extensivelj in the ?ent Cement Roofing. GRANGER & FINLEY, ATTORNEYS & COÜNSELLORS AT Collecting and Laad Agents. OWlOI OTEa DONELLY'S STOE1S, HUKON STREET, P. Granöer, ) Ann Arbor, Mich. H. II. Finlky, S Jan. 28, 1864. 941tf FOESALE! A NEW GROVER & BAKER SEW1NG MACHINE, Io a NEW bINGEB MACHINE, eitber Family or Ayeres Cherry Pectoral


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Michigan Argus