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jLfOUÖIi AND LOTd i'OK SALE. Thfl house and Iota oocapied by Clias. Fifiher, corner of Orleans and i?outh University Avenue. Tbe housü is a large frame one, and is situatéo on two and a half lots. The -hole tü Be eoltl at a bargain. QHARLHS F1SHER. Ann irb'oT, :-Vpt. SS, 186-1. 97fiw3. pliESIDE.N'TIAL CAHÜIHATf.S ! A splenílid colored engr)iTug of GF.ORGE B. Mc CLEI.LA.V mi ABRAHAM LIXCOI.N, (on one plate ) will be sent to any aOt'.reFS, on rsceipt of Iwo thrtvoeni Btamps to pay postage. Address Dr. W, B. WEÏ4WIN S CO., 63 Liberty Strret, Niw York. 2w97b 1864. 1864. ÏSTEW FALL GOODS! AT REDUCED PRtCES. C. H. MILLEN Ia now opening a NEW STOCK of Domestic and FOBH DRY GÜODS! AND FAMILY GROCERIES, siucc th recent decline in GOLD, and mar.y kinds at cousirierable Deduction from FormerPrices! I'Ieape cail carly and make your pnrchases wliile tlie .stock is complete. C.H.MIIXEN. Ann Arbor, Scit.IS64. 170 CARrPrS.OilCloth and ftoiise Furnishing Goud.-; a goud stock at 970 ",. U. MII.I.EN'S. T(l THE LAPIF.S - A stock of Mgfcn Dry Gsods, Shawls and CïojvkR, fo? thu fall traile, noir open tngnt 9Ti; C. H. M1IXE3TS. TO TÏ1R UITtHMt.A fino ikatk of Clothrf, Cassimereo,. and Oeotb' Kurtnhing íiood, juxt j rtreivefl ut 97C C. f MH ! H?B. THE NEW STORE! ii i FALL & WINTER 8TYLES! . MTS, CAPS AND Pffl, alSö L ADIES' MISSEN & EflïLDREXfS HATS, Umbrellás, Cafres; &c &c &c. For Cash! Áiiy Ahbob, September, 1864. ThO fíobscriber has just oprted an cntire NtwuJ Pesirable Stock in the abor aliñe, at the Moreforcm. y occupied A. I MILUS & CO., ïiiihwyj i3apectfu]ly in vite Dis attfntïcn of the fitiifDi A.VN .RROR Até Ví.'í.MlY 1o l:ts ftt'ck, WlifJlfflièii their Fall and tfiutar Selections in tliif lim. Kf long (.x KT!t-üct' ir. the luKineHs) aml mr inidnuii New Yoit, enablea me to mnke my slcctionR dimf Trom tho MANUi'ACTL:RERS, and to gite mtínfáiliiir both in STVLEd ANO PR1CE8. stoet1 ihiHil' ' wajs conUin tTl I.ATKST AX'i MOST DE8IHABU j STYI.KS OF OOODS, diiPctfrom Xcw York. Cali ánd examine beïorv makiiitf jour purchiHiNo TFOt'HLR TO SHOW ÜOO18. E. L. LAWRENCE, tor fermer iy ornfiti j Á. 7. Milla 4 Co. imW THE CilOWNlAG CLIMAX, JDJIST RICE'S GREATSHOW! Aftpr visitinsr, in thA cmirse of lts onirarri roartli, this sca'-n, Tbp cities ol Rev Vork, Philaddphii, Washington, Baltim'ire, ïlarriwburp:, Slmir, Cl f land, Coliinrbuft, Cinctnaftti, IsfhanapoHx, Louwrillt,1 St. Coiii, and ChieagTt, wilf, n ito triumphaL re tur Hone, visit the followísg ulatca ft ÍÜ7 Michigan Cn: tral 7 Ann ákbok, Tuescíay, October 4tht Ypsilanti, Wednesday. October 5th PorTormncps TiVf be given eTery afterirooB t i' evecicg al 7 '2 iclock. DAN RICE, Princcof Jnstera.Chicf Ilnmorist nd Oratcric! Fk5 osopher, .STILL UVES, nd the INEXHAUSTIBLE DAN will centillate throughout, with spicynwiang of Híi irit,reflod rirolleryand nage conclusión. First appea ranee lif re ot Mrs. JDJLN RICEPROFESSOR ST0KE8 AND FAM1LI, INDIAN BUFFALO HüNTEBS, etc., M Adrted to the Great Show fíinef ta TjVit hero two yoara ajro. HKNRV COOKK'S Celébrate! Troupe of ACTING DOGS & MONKEft Ands r:re collect-fori ff EDUCATED ANIMAL WONDÉ'R And stiil retained in this novel exbibitionV1 former atiractioos, is that romarkable BLIND BOU EXCELSIOR, JR-. and the original COMIG MÜLES, PETE ANÏ BARNIZ Tak notice of he time and placeir of exhlbi1 i and bear in minil tiiat tho peopie anrt fhe presitwí wñere proelaim the GREAT SHO'T to be Ih Model Exhibition of the K$ Admisión 50 cents. Children swñet 12 J""' cents. j Fui fuH particulara see large bilis, lühogri'p', programmL'S, on the arrival of tï e adver 'ntn, ' ■wÜI vi.sit place of tl,l-itUni ftbrTé, 1 v ' iMV&ncè'of tlie Great ÍSIm .t J. E 'WAtíNKH, ten..!"1 Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurti" CompanyNOTICE íh hori-by friven, thc nnnl M"1; tho Vubtmia Mutual Fire IauranceC0OrJ will be hold ut the Court House, in tb CityJJ Arbor, on Saurlay, October lt, 1864, t 11 "" A. M. j A general :itU ndance of the membei-s is retjii1 Bï order of the Board of Director. W. R. WAJ.DROX, S.'Dated, Ann Arbor Sept. 15, 1864. . nEMOVAL! 3ST. B. COLÉ, has removed hi STOCK of BOOTS SHOES, to the storo of A. I'. Mills & Co., en Main "J he will be iflnd to rait on bis oíd customer j public genérally. GIVE HIM A CAIíIí! HHAKEN UP ! Carne intotrte encTOínre nf tUe rob'ícribw j' 15th (lay ot'Aupiist. a RED and WHITE COw. J( siúed, 4 or 5 yejirs oíd. (uves small mes of ■ Th owner ib requested to prbfe property, pJcl" ,nd take the Cow away. BlTMritB íi.di.íflit.íthSe 691 (J'rRAY COLTÏ fira.rd i.r tolen, frnm thepremise of th'"., scrib-r i'ibout the 27th of Augut a HAY l'"'' „ bem,4yeanio!d Uitspring. Had s ""f"r,„ right hind leg. A liberal renard 11 be Pllft"',K turn of said Colt, or for Dformation hele ne nj 'un":üRs. I ... " ,t. 1tk,lHi.


Old News
Michigan Argus