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WRIGIIT'S Eejuvenating Elixir ! Or, ESSENCE OF LIFE. Prepaied fronuPare Vegetatie Extracte, cnntaiiiing Bothing injurious to the most (ielisste. Aa tbe Phoenix rise3 from the ashes of its tire, animated with new life"- so does this Elixir reinvenate the systeia and overeóme flisease. 83?" Tlio Iitju7fnnt1og EU ir 11 the rnj r oí' dlscovorKs In the vegetable ktngfdms ] feelng an entircly neW and iiba'ract. meilioii uf run:, lm-stoï(:ttvi oí' all ïhtj old and wornout evatenm. (T2f 1"Mb medicine bas been Costed by tbe most enloent medical men of Wre day.and by tliem pmnounced to be oni of the gre:iteuc medie -d dlaooretifefl of the age. J3f One botUe wtll cure Dubtlity. %ïï A Few dijHt'H cturoa Hysterieá in feniaWfl One bottle t uren Palf itaHoii of the Heart. ygp" lrom ene 10 thire battleá restores tbe manllDetw and full vigor of i-ouili. pr A lew d aes rectores the iiupníite. PB1" Th re e boUieg onrethci worst cae of Impotency. t3P A few doses ctyes ttas ww gplrjed, g3T" One bóttla re lorca m -oisl power. pST" A lew dosel brtnu i,w. roe to ilie c-,h'ek. FL?"lliis medí' fue rebtort'B io m-mv vwr-jr and robufit uealth tfae pooi (lubi;itütr(l, wui n-duwn ftnd de epuirlng. CT" Tlie HstioFs, oaervat;d yonth, the ovfr-tasked man of business, tin víctím of uuivoun depresston, tlie individual nsttriBgftom nciwi! debfli' v, will all find iDvmedf&K find pernii ent relief by iiie iwe of lh!.s Ellxfr er EfiBence of LltV. J3f" Price, t2 per bottle or three bottius för $", nnd forwfiitltd y ENprusH.on recolpt of muoey. to aüy ad.!iefcs, AH B'-chonlerft tnutt hr sent' t" r. A. CÜOK, Chicago, otir Grnrr! Ag' u' Cor tbu V ot. SoUliu Cliico, by' Who'eöle Orüggihtp.nndbj all Druclsii-evywlieTe. C'. A. COOK, C)fiCA.uo, General Agent ior tbe Si'teö of Ulinoic lowa, Wisconsin, MtChlgaD and TollSBfta DR. W. M. TtERWIN A; CO., BOLTE PHOPBÍIÍ'IOKS, No 59 Liberty stiee, New ï"ork. CHEROKEE PiLLS ! 8U0AK "v COATED. Female fl1. Regulator. HealtliPreserver. CEETAIN ,r ,- AND SAFE. For the Rmoval of Obatructions, and the InsnTince of Regularity in the Recurrence of the Monthly Periods. B They cure or obvióte thoso mimerou- disenBea tliat npr)nK from irregularfty, by rem', vinp tlie irregularily itself. SJ& Tliey cure Suppressed, K.ct-ssive and Palnful &l'tb(ruatton. S3f" They care Hreen SicknePH (Cbloroeis). %W They camq Nervous and&pióai AiVe'-tkms.paina in tbe back, mid lower parti of tin1, body, HeavinesH, Futi-t:ue on flijrht exertlon, FalpitaMonof the Huart, LowLess oi Spirits, tlysteria.Sick JUeid:.oh-j, Giddlnegs, etc. i etc. In u word, ty removíns; tbe Irregularity, tlicy remove ilio cauae, and wltli H all tiio IkQta tbnt eprJng írom it. $W' Composed of simple vegetable extracta, üey contal n nothiïi delete Lqoa to au y constiiutlon. towever delicate, iheir funciou bi'lng to sutilitutfï strongtQ 'or wtnë8s, wolehi wht-u pioperly need, they Bever Jail todo. 3pr Thty niay bt; snfely nsed at any age. and at any pcriod, KXCKI'T DUI'JNb TBfi K18Ï TIlKKK MONTHS, during wlïirh the mifaillnji nature of tbtir actton wuuld tnralltbly pbbtint pregnancy, %-W All letters aeeVinir iolormatlon or advice wlll be promptly, n-ely and dicrcetly answered, J3F" FuUdTi-ctionBaccompny eaota box. í í? Price tl per box, or Bix boxes for $S. pTiSent by mail, frte oi poëtage, on recelpt of prio&. All sucb orders must be sont to C, A. ("OOK, Chicago, our G ne 1 Agent for iliu West. Boldin ChlcftKO, br Wholesale D;iiffi!iei8,and by all 1 niiïL iet b 'verywhere. o. o.oob:, CHICAGO. Ocnt'raï A?nt for tbè States tf liliuv in, Iowa, Wiecoualu, wk'biKsn atiö India u . R. V. K. HERWIN &- CO., Sous PnopnrïTOri, No. 59 Liberty Bi ., New York. Huid bv Wholesale Druggistq in Detroit, also by ;ti:i[:ixs ,v wu.sov, AúnArb& 952yl oïty coop.eR shop. o 5PAFFORÜ & DODSLEY, succossors to l). C. SPAFFORD & 1). IIKNNING, ffoukl rftspectfnlly annoivbce to llie cltlens oí Ann aud vicimty , that tlioy are uuw iLftnufacturing md ket-j couatftUtly o h(nd n. Xurge AssortmcDfc of COOPER WORK! Pork aíid Ckler Bárrele, KegH. l-HrkiiJi, Cliurim, WeW Bnckots, Flonr and Applcs Barréis, 6. Mejchants ini] ; .n .t. ;.;■■,■ i:viii'il to examine their iii l-iikin and Hevr Këg. GTTSTOM -VOXï,3C, h.ue t,j (IKI)F(Í n SHiHíl' NOT1CK nd wavrauted. f Casli pa'ul iVr Stavos, Huadiag HJ(J Hoop Shops cofr pf n( r"i i N't.i t Tí rtr-v, ;ad corner f Noitli i'iftUatituis. feI'AFl'Ült i UOU'SLEY. Aan Al, Feb". ölb, lgtH, 9Mtf llr. Mathiwa firüt pi rm rc.l Hip VKN'KTMN HAlH :VIO : .ilicf lWt liM tl h;i beun UAe] Uv Mimisud in'! in noiïvlrtiVre luis it frtileil tt' iv-fr ftui'e satinfacion. Th VKSKTIAN HYK is the fliei m tV... v.-nrïd.- fcs prue i onlj ! iily 'i-ntf.. n n : .'.i ïti tiottle coniains Vi'ubra tiiv (iinntív oí dye ín ihoë uualïy toltl fon ilïhi VE.VF.T1AN I)YK is fruaW not to injnre thu nir or ,-.;d fi in ( s'. iif hir-i iie ■ cp. Tlie VKSM'IAN wnrks niih npSllty and eer:tintv. rlii' bnii" rf-([u ir'Mii rit pref.'ini f ion whntevor. Tli'c VKKTMN I1VI-: proirf J pln,! ;,ii. ïp (V'H'l'P'l-Tnf1 tlirtt il int. Ifl'tí, rrfK-K or .enfi ouc -tour liinlis fts fTrüt frf-li[ a: lln' N:ii t;!f. 'nrs;ily ly ail ()iic;ííiat3. - I'rii;o TiO 'ients. A.l. MATHKW'H, "■"?."' f A,;rni, iS liiiW Strvof. New York. Aï"y !Uvff'Pai"'ri fff M.V1HFWS' AliNICA Ii Al ft WM, Htciicst iiair ('it-si.tng i iwe. i3 large liojtlpa, eftSornta. ljf6 WALL PAPER ! 5#jOC#roJ?i frf WifH PfvW cas be (mm at sm,-, of .loten K. lfUt r & Co., cornrr of Mitin and' Wash npfton Sucas, op[4ii,t ÖüQgwterfH'ï'a Half. Alsn ;s aciisorhf.tMiC'f Mi-eUanr-rius ïnulis it old pricos, TlcvtTi ml i'apef Spa-lfs,y;isfrt5) C'ord.-i and Frames o (Üdñscriptioníi. Frame." ni:tde torlrr. Pïpusecalt aad exaTO-ine before purcliaKtngelsen'hore. .raï!N F.MILLÈR&CO. .Tuce ít. Ift4. 3mP39 DYSPEPSIA, AND DIáEASES RESULTIIÏG FliO M DISORDERS OF THE I.IVEE AND DIGESTIVE ORGANS, ARK CUBKD BY HOOFLAND'S GERMÁN BITTERS, THE GREAT STRENG THENING These Bitters hivc performeil more Tures HAVE AND Dl) GIVE15ETTEK SAT1SFACTION Have ïiioie 'ÍY-Atlmony ! [JAVE MORE RESPECTARLE PEOPtE TO VGUOH FOR THEM ! Tliau uny otfaer artltito In t Ij .- markel. We.defy au y one to contradict this Asscrtion. AND AVILL PA Y $1000 To aay ouo wlio wil! produce a Certifícate pobJiéhcd by uti, tliatid uot ueM'imí. HOOFLAKD'S MUÍ BITTERS i WÍLL CURE IN EYKRY CASE OK Chronic or Wervous Debiiity, Dfseases of the Kidneys, and Dlseasee arisiug fiom cïisordeied Stomach. Observe thi folluwing symptoma resiiUing front Dintrdera of the Digestiré Orgarnt ; í"'un.-ítiation , Iuwai il Pilerf. Fullness of ïï lood to the heud, Aci'Hty, of tho títuaiacli, Nausea, Seartburn, Dfsgutfi fnr lood. KullnefBoi weight infheStomtteh fcsour Eructutiuus, Siuking or flutteYfog ftt i ba ú of the Stoinach, Swiiiin-ii]! ur' the Head, Uurrif' 1 uu-I lifitcu!t brtüttli hiy. Ftutteritüg at thü lieart, Cijoking or Suffuctttiug Söiisii! iuns (en in a Lyiiig rustui o, Dimuestjol Vihion, Hots ot Webs before Uu; Sigbt Kever and Dull Pain ra the Hea3, DefidleöOy of l're.sinration, VeiloVuess of the fkin umi Eyas1 pain iu the siiï, ittLok,chefltTlimbs, &c.,Suddeo Hughes ül Heat, Bu mi ii lt iu the Flefih, Constant Iniügiiiingn gf Kvil and (.reat Depression of Spirita, THAT THIS BITTERSIS NOT ALOHOLIO, CONTATNS NO RUM OR WIU8KEY, A.ND CAN'T MAKE DRUNKARDS, BUT In the World. GP REA!) WHO SAYS 8Ó : - -r_ . Krom the Rev. I.9n' G. Beek, Pastor of the Baptist Church, l'iintjei ton. N'. J. .or.iii-rly of the North BaotiátCl.iuch, l'hli,lul],lia. I hiivt known Huofland's Cernían Bitters favorablv foril iiuuibcr ui ji'ur-i. 1 luu USCil tlicm in my owïi family, and have betn so pleftsed irith theit efifeots that I siadoeedtortcommtfïia (Bom fo uiany otla-rs, aml know ïhattliey uperated iu a trikingly beueöcial marnier. 1 taiio great picasure in tliua j.iiM cly pro olalmlng thia fact, and oalllna; the nttoirtion of thoso afllioted with the diwiwertof which they are rucommendd, to thene bitters, linowiug i'nim experiencé thüt my recpmmèndaflon n ill Ucaustaiucd. I do thi more cliobifiilly as Hooiani5 Bittere la inteidexl to beai-iil tlie alllicted, and in ■'nut a rum drink." Yours iruiv, LEVI G. BKCK. Krom Rev. J. Newton Brawu, I). D. Editorof theEncyclopeiüa oí Religión Kiiowlodge and Clm'iitiau Chronicle, f hiludclphla. .iltliongli not disposecl tofavor or reoomrnend Pateut Mdlpincslneneral, ttirou.di distrust of their ingrodi'Miti- and efteets, 1 vet know oj' no .sulKcient reasói why a maninayaut temity to thu bcneflts he beliore himaelf to have rceeived fnmi any imjile jireparation in hopetuat he may thus coatribute to the. beneüt ofotherri. I do this more readily in regard to Hoolland's German liittt-rs. ]jre].ared Mr. C. 11. Jack.sou, of this t city, bcauae 1 was prejmiiced against them for many yc.'irs. ii mier he impri'ssi'in tlial they were chiefly aa ah-tinti.-hr inixlure. 1 am imlebted to my frie.nd.Rob iTt Shoenjaker, Eq., for the renoval of thia prejudiec.l)v iropcr tusts. íuid for anconi Agemeïjt to trytbem -),i-n uffiering fromgriat and long oontmued debiiity Théuseof tbrtèbottleé ol these bittsrs at, the begiñniniï i.i'tii-.' present veur. n:n hdlmvcij ii evident relief and rextomtion to a degreo ui bcdily and mental vigor (vhich ï liad not for six rdontbs before, And had alrno&t ilespaired of regaiDing. I Ihereluro thank Ood aud niy frieiiJ for dire-cting !=e to il e ,. them .1. M-WTON BEOWTÍ, Phüa From the Rev, Jus. H. Eenuard, 'astor of the lOthDap tist Churclr. ür. JaekuMi :- Doar 8r:-+-I báv boen frequeotly roquested to.coonect my Qaiue wilh commeiuiations of different kinds of ncdielnt (,', but Wgar'ding the pi aqtice as out of my appvcpriale Hpherfi', I liave in all cases iteclin-il ; but willi a clear proof in various iustances and partn-ulatly in my family , of the (lsefullnesa ofDr [ïoiiünud's Cermau Bitters, 1 dfpart for unce from my usual cours, to cxpx&RSmy ftïll cenviciioó tbat, ior ireoeral decility ol Ms-Bysteih and espeéialiy for I.iwr (■omplaiuc, it is a safe and aluabie prepárüíiuj. Iu ome caKes il may lai! ; but usually, I duu tn,otjitwill be very benelicial to Ibose mIio Huffer iruw tho ubov; cautie. iour, very respectfully, J.H Kt;N"Al:l), EightU biiio)) i'ontvoitreet, l'liiia. Kruin Rev. Warren Randnluu, Pu.tiir .,: ■.■..■ 1,. t Churcli, Cernirtutown t'uu. Dr. C M. Jack-.uu Sil :- Personal o;(pt tierno enables me tu s:, v tbul 1 regard the Germán Bittere piepared bj you u .ii"-,i--,c-i ent mèdrcme. tn ofthe ol sevexe eöl4 Wi) g;w)ri(ttab'litJ ' '"ve Seeji groatly beiiiiftïed.ijy the use of tbe Bitter-, fuvl U-i-bt not thej vi U pjrodu,c srnjilar eUtw-ta ou otbeia. Yowrs.lrulv, YAIÍRE í'.ANiHUJ'iJ. Qei ma Qtow v , i'a Franj Rbt. J. U l'vasr, l'astor vt HeáJing 11. I.'. Churoti.l'liiUi. Dr. .Tackiíon ; - Pe:tr -Sii .- íí:tvh ustd yvnr (;o::;iaa Hitters in my familj fieueully , 1 üi prepara tv iia tlutt it bas boeu of ffreal serpee. I belifvo that Oitse rf general debiiity of tlie sytem it is th" :unl must valuabio roiuedy of which 1 have any knowiYours.respectfully, .1. IJ . TURVEN, Ni.. T26 N'. Niuiteeuth Street. l'"rom the Pu-v.J. SI. l-yui, fo.rm!rly Vastor of tbe 00, Uniib.uii, (.V. .!.)nud,yillaluiïi;. (V.) 8ptiBtChu New Uocliclle, N. Y. Dr. C. M. Jackson :- Of ar Sir :_1 feit it a pleure thus,f rny own accord to bear te.'tiinony tb tho excellence of the 'ierraan Bitters. &üie years aince, bep'ng much atllicted with Hvitejisi:: . I iltein with very leneflcial results. I have olten ivicimxeiiiled tben] to persons pnfeebled by liiat (ormèatinfr disease. and havo heard from tin-m ll;: [i"i llftttoirtug iesthnouiMn ift tt, Iheir K'ïoat v.shu'. vSiuiesoj ..e-.e.Ll áelf'ilip!, i t0 lievo it ta be iv toiVi that eau not $e surpasflèd . J M tVON Rrómtlreltev. TIiof;. íntt?r, Pastor ai lïaplisl Church. Pr. Jacksim - I' Sir: -I leei it doe to your eci-l leat pri-pai-alini:, Ui. .I..!,,!' . friiian l:iun,i(i;,l, n,j tFritilll"' t tbi' ■■■■■■■' ■' rcpii'alii.u it 1 ba.v) f(irkprsra] times, boen u-.iiilvici v.iitiu. ('1 dec in liK' heaii .'i.;.! ik: .u; s vslvui. i iv;s aivtsr,[ by :i !'ró'lul totlvn f".HkJf youï Ormftft Millas. ï '■' s.' aud h:i V r e[ r i, ïii'i-i iireat ni.l o.-ujípeitt.i re j lief; iitv In-altfi liaS b,.(-n v-ty ,;iat.T),(!l v beiU'fitteïï. f conlidentiy i-fcortïinend ïlie artifle iv ere 1 meel wilh cftfMïS Similar, to mj o.wb, niid have been assured by Kt'specti'itilv yriur, 't. '[.VTKK , K"jti'T(,u(.[1 ('. Feosn Rev, i. S. f feriwi.i. ,' tttè rrt-;„j;tit K' CUurefF. Ku 7t,.vn. rierlws ('i i'a. l'r. C. M. laeknotl : - lie,-'eted Sir .- I t'; V b-D (rdubicd ïi,b l-ys.pine:. H . nevfr usea nny ntëffiefci li;tf dh nu tte ou n HoLfirinds iiini-i . (; i liealrh ftítff l;avt: f fltRcn f?ve hotl Sf J, HUb r.eíjpe, .i S. HEUMaN. PBIQE3. r.nri' Síw ftüoKSfig n.'.-( riv iiwMe qnani itj,) $1 00 per bo-ttle- kaUdogr. $s (H, t PtohII Size - 7= cceota per Bcitle - half $4 00, ' BEWARE OF C0UNTERFEÏTS, rfoe ihM the skniACnve t; C. M. JACKSÖN" : n ' WRAPPKR r.y(;icn bottto. Sbwkl vuur iici.'ml !'ri.L't nof b,:. . v g ;..ticTe, do n-or beuut flï tJ ii í .i wtFt pvW)ïfiu(oDfl thai inaj bd oirered n Ets plftoe, luit send tus.:iod we will for warn,. secarly 'v!;.V., by expic ; , PriKoïpnVOfKctf and iPfanafaotOFy, ; NO 631 ARCH STREET,; Jones & EJvans. j $htcce9or$ ttr C. Sí Jackson fy Ga, - FROPUIETORS!, Fnr sale b}"jDrugpists ftnd Öealora ín ovfYj ín Buffaïo Testimony. TUK fT'TD.T? Cure l ai trqubloj ojUi lieumatlsni fur two rear HffCTlng more ar lean every duy. i i,„V(1 t.ken two bottleofthe'PeópiesCurcnd Lave nol had an7 pabi xince Heft Huil rooi (han lur"weiks ai-o I 0 n,idfi;iLvMll„s,.„iin-lv ourcd, and lli. mc-dlc'm. luis motil' me teeiverj hfM „,„1 good- Jnsf ]kB juuog mauthouKii [ am siïh' two fr oM GOWBEY SCHOTEL, 402 MMiigan'st." "Mt wifeha been sulV. ring frcm R11C1 motiini of au inflamniator.i cbarm Ier fur about six ur sc-ven ytari ■omctlmnt rw} aouKfty. About the Ort of ■h cqmjneoctsd Uiting the 'Pöpli Cure.' and con1 l" '■ll1!i; ""■ Ih.ree neeks. Iu ten days alter ■be commtmed, Ilie svêllfngand itiiiieii ofhcr joint. nZfe CURE Kere.. aeen he aiTirtiMment of the 'People'i Cure' in tlii" paper, parcljused Medicine,, aad now, after Lárice ' ■ ?,"M3' f;1-1 ",reporf to us.eommciming it mo.t cwïtïiV 'i.i!'cThS'' r-UH' ' iu tht'ir cus!---i:ai"'" ,.,. ?,'1!K. rTIT? I? Cures Piseaf PSOPLE'fl lU Klj of the Skin. 'My face has for uu llmn ten yen beengrcatii diHflgured bytruptlonsand bunchea, whlch at tim.i extended 0T my li..l.' Ij.-.'.v. „,„1 „„,.,. ,-,„. tl ,-ee dari O9 n entirlj i.„„i . i,„! . I,,,, i„„ Ukeu two bottl nl ih,. 'I -. ■( acqualDtauee liardlv roeognize me- Jndced 1 han Ij klio as I n now awelImaD. UtaUwhoare alika aWictwJ trv th. Mv,,,,l,s Cai e.-i he llo,l, ,. prepsre,, bv tb Sanitary hocietj-aDdltiiiuktln wij] „ut briídge their dolA CURE cMLír 'InaveusidHwPeOílB'.Cure'in my fumily with íreatbeneflt, i cases ol S-rofoland Salt Iiheum ana ll"1 ' Momotènded ft treqnentíy to my f -iend, ail of ■ I b.-l],-v,. bVe i,,.,.,l bciiotittcl, a"nd most of them ■íiitirel cu'red bt it. CHAS.'.SCHAKFK, 273 Main St. , up-Uim." vrVIr T'TT'RTl'' Cures Fumale ■I li.-i-n ;,, feeble healtli '-vt-r siuco the birth of my boy, irl,u U u. twelvo yturs oíd. I have had many trublctand dilncultii-s, all tliis time, unflttin me tur eveiv kind of labor, and destrojiug all iny comfurt, Last. iiininur I ci.uniH-iiee'i takiíig the 'People' Cu re, 'and have used rour Ucttlea,-aml ahí now almott avtell woman. My aiflfcnltics have nearly 11 dB. Jieared,aud 1 feí I ckwrtul i.nd happy. ".MI'.S. CATUARINE IlKWAIJ), Dreesin,k(.T.(;,„],l(lJ Allêy, aboyo Tuij per t. 'Bunalo, om. :■[,, iMt,-j .■ ,.,,'ÜK,, PTTTÍT7 Cures when ofi, JfUaiM'8 ivUKÜ, medicine rail ily wile bá b u poot henlth for a long tlm haviog huL.ntl.v toeaHaphy.ician loatk-nd but .he ivas Mcentlj íy muoh worsc Fnr five or' sin "be tiai ue apetite, lost al) her strength, and waseaehdaygrowiugworse, She bad night.we.ti .-"" Led a rreM deí durlng rach nini and considera bh, during lh, ,l„y,:nul we all ,upp„se,l she Wa, g"ng Jff w,th tl,e connomptíon, ivhou a friend adviseü her to l.ket)ie-l'(.ple Cur-. ö„ taking the medicine .hí percrivedachangeat once. Onthethlrd dayshehad i-,,ie,,.,i beV appefite, and was fat rcgainlng her strength uutil,onth.8 oighth day, not yet hatine t. k.n one bottle, ,he has stopped tukng tb. medfeiie For Sale by all Drufgists. - g22Vl C. CW3BBY, GBáemi Agent, No'. 255 Main t.. Buflalo. .N. ., to whom all unjera should bo addrt'ssed! K,r Ssleby Smbbinb .; Wil..v, Oke.vvillii Kcilí and C. EjíKKC.uit k-Co, WONDERFUL SUCCESS. ir The attenlion and research of the most di. lioguiMlifil ChemUts and Phyaicianj for years hay beeudevoxefl Lu the proiluction of a reroedy for those mostdistoesaiqgnjaladiea NxDULOMand HhecmtishJ After lony; study auU many experirnents, a tpcctfic oreanuimi lias been diseovered . WATSON 'S Neuralgia King,an Internai Revudy.. curiog iiousaiids o{ caief where all other remedies have utterly failed. We ara issurod thatit is no " ANODYXË," relieving fo the moment u-hilctho cauae remaius. but ís a perfíct SPEI 1' [Csnd CURE forr íhose fainful diease. The vabtiiuiiiierul Limi.ients, Kmbrocations and External Medicines, whieh act as stimiilants uf the surface onlv, ariMiiiTel.y tempflrsj in their effeets and uf doubtrüi Eirtoe The NEUKALGJA Kl.VG rea che the sourco of ll trcuble, and eílccluiiilj lutuishes tho dlaeasefroill thesystem. Price. - une i'i:. i pe# Bottle. Propared by C. !:. y LJNER, l.v!'-■■■■). N Y .,4O1 c-ortlirie, C.: For Sale br toö( S iMrsi i, Gkk.vihi i: ïriiEi ttnii t'.ínstiuni i l'j. IVlaiiiioüd: How Lost, How líesípred. JL'ST PUBLIíIül'.'. i,,a editiuB ( Dr. Culnr. wtll'a CelïWuteil K sny on thu radical curo (without uiedioiije) of - c.,;íi-iti.kubba. or Seniiqal VeakueS!, Im :minal I. luien, ímMeniul au,l l'hysícal Incapacity, Inipedi■ Mari-iaue. i-lr ; Isa Conmimptioo, Koilepij and Uiuduced ■; seli iwdulgene ui aexuvl etravagVtñoe. ;; " Prit'i; , Ú; ■ j ...i,-' Optf Oálj 9 QLnft. Tlie celebrated atílboi n thís admirable etíij cíear! .tiuiMMtrütc. ü ri i, ibi! ty years Kuccesslhl praotjcè, tha) the Hl:vruii]iK Ciinseyuences of selí abuse maj be radicalij cured uthout thedaierou. use of lute'rn:iiii .u-i r ttoa'pplivation ui tlie knife - pointina . c.-rtaii) nnd, ' níeans of whicïi everj suílVror, no matter whiit t.úscoisiiii.i'ia un b-, m;iy ni; vhiiay'.lf cUeapíyj 'i , and redi j''i . fl.í?-Tliiíi veínre houjd be in tliy hundj of everjj iltll .indeit-l-.i ut.üi in tritiriitii. lint, uml( r sea,!, in ,i plAÍucuvvJne, oflqgr addresa. ■;íl )iV. ,. ii ri-'i Dts, or tw( atiunps. Ad5tuWiíBe5íl', ( uas..;. c. iq.iiíiocL 177 Bnrtry, '-v Tork, t'óst oAce bui 46g(. Se'1' WIZARD ÖïlTT THIS . REMEB Y CURES S ïOOTHACmC Ï5I9 . NEURALGIA O In Tliree Minutea. In Ten Minqtca. ÜKSSivCHE KARACHE Ib Fir.e Minutes. ín Ten Minutes. CBi-HP CO-LtO DIPTHEKIA In ïeu Minutes-. . In a Few Houra. ■SO'RE TWROAT "" ' EHEUMATÍSM. h a Few Honra. ]D a yew jj,,. LAM li BACK. gPRAIN'S. CKTS AND1SIU-ISK3. BUUNS SCALUS. COKXS. pHiLJULAISS. This invaluable pi'epaiation only necíi? a rial'to rer.ommend itjwlf to every houst'liold Ín t'e and. TTse onc bottle nri'l on wLll fthvays keep H on loBdi against Uie fiase of m'til. Price 35oonts invl "5 c;ita bottle. The largo bottles contain nettrry üirte times s much as ty malí ones. Mauuíiieluixd bv J. A. hAMLIÜ BRO., 102 TTasniñscton streef. Chlejo, and fe W by dragglBta gcatvaUy. Whole.ale As„ ] fjft r f Obi 7hp of t'he Poor of 11Sik)sí(34%W "oiiiity ivil! itiM nt tlieC.innt.v Hcmüe. on Titt-xtM fHw tiii 'In of Ootobei oèxt, che "í ;i"5 vceouuts. iWKMINíV) PAllSi Wil K MAR7!y, VSuieriíUn.irnÍ5, . w.. A. .ii:?v Ar,n ArNir.epl. 6lh, Ití-ii. Kf rPAKEN ÜPt C fl-' inM ttïc rii-fosuiP of tfio SuT-scrüx-r on ffiff l(Hi] p{ A.i-nst. IÍIU, ;i Iítro RED COW, 12 or 14 roms o)V1tBOQQf wl-il.' nn tbo bollv. TIio ornor is PVHwrV i') jr'jve yroj'eciy, pay aÁnrgMi, üïtI tak aard S. CKVKAir I , - ; .- - - - ' wOT3_


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