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Reading For The Soldiers

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Our Deinocraljo irienqls througtiout the country must bear tiie fact constantly in mind that, through ome managemept oj) Ujlo prt oi Üie administration, none but Republiean journals are allowedto circuíate amoog the soldieis in the armies. In the West, by the ,ordor ,of the Jocal tnilitítry sátrapa, the opposilion newspapers aro suppresseds ouM'ight within thu military lines ; 80 that there can be no mistake, The Woulu, Chicago Times, Oinoionati Enauirer, etc. are specified by name as buing exeluded, and bo our western armies can learn nothing of polieal matters except through the medium of partisan sheets in the interest of Mr. Lincp,ln. Here at the East the Democratie; papers gjrfi egoluded secretly, but no less effectually. The monopoly of the sale of the papers in Gen. Grant's and Sheridan's armies is given to agents wit.h Üxe iatWMit u.uderstanding! tha,t as few a possible of the Democratie papei-s shajl b,o sold by them. We are in constant receipt .Ojf complitinis, LQüiO oí wliich are from officers' high in rauk, touching the impodsibility : ofgettin.g Worlds in t,Ue Artay oí íUa Potoac. ïiunter and Butler make no bones of apppressing ou.r issues o, taigfct, wjiile h,e Paokages sent through offices are toilerably sure to miscarry. The on'v papers our soldiers are allowed to see are the Baltinmre American, the Washington ,Ghronicl'e, and occasinnally the i?hiladelphia lnqui.rer - all violent administration sheets, d;iily filled with calumnies on the Democratie party and lts candidates. Now this state of things is outtrageous. A demand should be made upon the administration that free eonsultation of a,U political d-oqnieotSs shall be porinittedincur armies. Democra-ts voted freely ,a eyer.y state to give soldiers the right to vote; but in, doing so we had no notion of being oheated out of free espression of opinión in the army, nor will we be. Untü this matter is settled, Democrats in all parts ox tiae country have a duty to peiiform to our soldiers whic,h ,they must not negleif. Oampaign, Daily, ard Weekly Worlds, and other Democratie papers, must be sent to our soldiers in rappers through mail, or by hand when it is possible. The thieves who work thö postoffice u the interest of the administration can prevent packagos of the Worlds, or' buudles of campaign documen'fc, ,from, reaching the soldiers ; but they cannot supervise all (he letters or pa.pera inwruppers. 41his.last ,is a practical impossibility. In view of .thÍ3 ,fact, we naa.kO.thê.Killpwipg yppo.iijmondatiüns to Demócrata throughoutthe country : ï. ■Le.t thpse whp have friends in the arniy be sure to send Campaign and Daily Wurlds in single wrappers ; also carnpuign docmiicu-ta---snch as General jyEcÓlelliin's letter of acceptance, the West Point oration, etc- wlth the re quest that hoy be shown to tbeir"com-! rade?, to neutralizo tho effect of the lies of the fav.qr.üd Kepublican papers. 2. Let Democratie county, township, ward, and loca) clubs make it their business to gei the namos of splciiers iói the army ,frpm their several localities, and send thom Democratie papers and document, in every case in single wrap pen, so covtred and pasted that they cannot .bc ,lam[eri:d with in the poslojfice without, heing destroyed outrtghl. " Nodoubt many will be withheld, but all cannot bo,and-vhen the soldiers come to know that they are being treated like children, they will íesent the insult whi.c'n the ndiiiinisrstiim has put upon them. 3. Demoyrats who writo letters to soldier friends should warn theai agninst beljeviug the calumnies of the papers they rt-ad. tSt;rj.king editorial artieles, aild füt:ts ciipped from the newspapers, might be inserted iü the letters. I!' these suggestions are heeded by J;.:-;. llifo"nghiit the country, we havo no fear of the result in the army ; "Litile Mac" is still, ijduljsed by bis old conapauiions. In arms, and the ncw ro eruit are soon infeeted by (.hu enthusiiiiiisiii i: the votejas. ,tt least oue 'huiidred tlmusands Worlds of its var, xns editiiriR sliould be sent daily by tiiSaè niéa'ns tö'tbe soWiers a the army Ltil the 8th of November. Let Iamii oúiJs eyer.y, here take a hand in this good work. EP -The NN. Y.' Herald warns the exorb.Uink p-aPr dealers to prepare for a speedy tiovynfall in priees. Stonewall Jackson's ol.d brignfte were all killed or taken prisoners at tho battle nesr Berryville.


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