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There Is Now Living In This City

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a iii.ui wnu üucc reiusca to talco a commission as Notary Public from the office of the County Clerk, btcause the Clcrk woucl not strike out of the ojjlcrul oath thf clame twearing hita to support the Conslitution of the United States. Ile ards took the oath, probably with the same mental reservation made by distinguished United States Senators. There is also living car this city, a man who says opcnly, that he Fotcd for Abraham Lincoln because he believed that if elected the South would secede and the Utiion be dissolved. These same men are followers of GakRISON, and Phillips, and Píi.lskujiv, and donounced the Constitution and the Union from a slieer sense of duty. With Gaiuuson, and Phillii-s, and Pillsbuky, and all othor likoradicals.they wiü vote for LrxcoLN iu November, in the hope that his re-election wiH prevent a restoration of the Uninn. Can Union-loving citizens vote for a candidate not only endorsed, but controlled by sueh men ? BtSL" The State News, the editor of wlneh was not at Ypsilanti at the late Dcmocratio mass meeting, says it numbored "probably five thousand persons." Tho editor of the Tnte Democral-vha.t a misnomtr, - who was on the spot, cstimates the atteiulmico at from 10,000 to 12,000. Which is likoly to be nearest ! righfc ? EIST" A lotter from the rebel General Hood, to Gen. Siijehma.v, for which see auother column, says that Gen. Siierman has deelined to accept iu exchange for rebel prisoners, Federal soldicrs wbose ;terms of service havo expired while in rebel dungeons. Ifthisisso Gen. Siierman bas probably acted under orders from Secretary Stanton, or President Lincoln, for no General in the field, unless it bc Butler, tvould be guilty of such an order. What say the friends of the 35,000 brave Union boys now held at And rsonville, Georgia, the time of rnany of whom has expired ? If'LixcuLx is ro-clected, there is no hope for thcir release uutil the end of the war, and God alone knows when that will be. Ü5F" The Artny of Gen. Gkant has been quito activa during tho last week, brilt) on tlio riorth and south sides of the James. An advance position ia hek both befare Richrnoüd and Peterebur"Our lopges hava been quite severe however. Sheridan is still victorious in the Shenandoah Valley. There is nothing materially new from Sherman or from Mobile. Tho rebol guerrillas havo been active in Missouri, and Prices' army is also supposed to be in largo forco. It is thought arrangements have been perfected to drive back the invaders. SZjC I 1S62, Andrew Johnson, re publican candidate for Vice President, ia an addresa to the Union uien of East Tunnessee, said : " There are tivo parties in existonco who want dissolution. Seeessionists arguo that-if tho Union continúes slavery is lust. Abolitionists want no compromise, but they regard peaceable seoession as a humbug. The two occupj tho same ground. Why, aboliüon is disunion ; dissolution is secession, one is the ether. Bullí aro striving to accomplish the sime object." This duclaration of Andisew Joiinson was true iu 18C2; it is truenow. The Abolitionists havo always proclaimed ';no Union with slaveholders," they have ever resolved in favor of a dissolution of tho Uuion ; they hailed with delight the elcction of Lincoln as tho enterin" wede; the passage of secession ordinances as the drivitig of that wedge home ; and they wijl aid iu re electing Linooln to make dessolution final. Will U.iionloviug Republicana longer play secondfiddle to the wily, Union-hating Abolitionists who have gained control of Mr. Lincoln aud who will keep tam in leading strings during his next term, if elee ted, or so nmch of it as may be neecssary to make peaeo based on lasting snparation ? EST "Oíd Abo" told the committcc of Loyal Leaguers that "it isn't safe to swap horses while crossiug a Btreany' and yet he has " swapped :' Postmaster General Blaih off for an untried nag. - This "swapping" has boen a peculiar feature of his administraron, and it is high time that the country emulated his Yankee propensities, and " swapped " hini oif. LigT Tho Euming Tost, tho only Democratie paper published in Baltimore has been suppressed by Gen. Wallage, to prevent the destruction of its office by a mob. lts offence was the posting an itein of current news on its bulletin board. What say the iriends of a fres Press ï B. Aiier ncarly two months of anxious thought and study, the State News h;is givon ts opinión of the Republican candidatos for county officers. Will it now teil its readers what it thinks of the aeveral Republican candidatos for members of thu Legislature ? OsST Quite a number of the the Democratie papers of the State have not yet correctcd the State ticket at the head of their columns. They should immediately insert the nuuc of Martin S. Brackett for Lieiitemmt Governor; Georoe M. Uien for Gommissioner of the State La.nd office ; and Ai.rnni.s Fti.cii for Associate Justico of the Supreme Court. LÏST Gov. Ulaib has deelinod to appoint au e.jual of liepublicasis aud Domocra,ts, as Com:r.issioners to visit tho A-my, and take tickets to the soldierS. In lus letter oí' refusal he intimates that the Democruts are in a minority, and miuoritics have no rights that the nuijirity are bound to respect. ErLT Mij. - tíeu. Hkintzklman has rcvoked l)is order prohibiting the sale of fire -arujs and atninutiition in h!s departincnt. Squirrel liuuters can novv lav in a supply of powder and shot. 53F" j l'l c!osüd on Wednesdiiy in Now York at 180. Dry Goods, Gr0oeries, &e., &U., in.-ido i conesponding iitll. Vro hope fur a fuither drop. trfgT Tho Domocrats of Saline liave organized a McClellan Club, and aro aotivclj at work. Tlte Club alreadj h-d a large list of mcmbors. í" .Secrotarv Scward bas siopped tlio Natiuiid Intclhgcncer írom S')]bí to tbe Freigu I,egatiou. It oñmided VVilHain by slrietures op hits Auburn fleiifioueoring speech. f3 At Lincoln, llassarhnsetts, thov gnnv soine piukles. üne man from two aorcs, lias g:ithi;rcd Gó,ü()i), av anolb j er from fivo at're.s, t.iok 80, OM. This ) is a syur 8 tctiou.


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Michigan Argus