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U. S T-30 Loaili The SecretattJ ef the Treasury gires notice Ihat sul script tona wili be received fcr Coupon Treasury Xotes, pajable tbr ce vears trom August 15 tb, 1804, with símiann-al interest at the rato of seren and threetenths per cent per ajinuni, - principal and interest bothto be paidin lawful ojoney. These notes will be convertible ttt the optinn of tbe hoMerat niaturity, uto sx per cent. gold hearing bonds, payable not lessthan tïve nor uiorcthan twenty year.s from tbeir cate, as the govet timent raay eh et. They wUI be issm-d iu uVaomiuatiüns of $50, $100, $500, $1,000 and $ü 'Uu, and all -ubscriptiuns be for fifty dollars or somi multiple of fifty dollars. Tbe notes will be transniHted to tbe owuers free of transpurutiou charpe as ftobn at ter the retipt of the original Certificaten of Dcposü as they cn be preparad. As the notes draw interest Trom August 16, persons In&kfagdepveitsaubeeiJiiieQt tu tlit date must pay tbe interest accrued frOm date of note to date of djiosit, Parties dposvtïng tweuly-fWe Ihou.sand dollars and npwaiésforthese notes at any nne time will be al lowed a commission of one quarter of one per cent., which wil! be paid by the Treasury Department upon thcroci'ïpt of a bill for the amount, certified to by the oüictr with whom the deposit was mad. No deiluctions ft.r coininissíon.s must be made from the depoíiits. Special Advantages of Loan. Iï is a National Savixgs Bank, oflferlog higher interest than any other, and the best stcurily. Any ua, itxgié biuik wHiich pays it depositor.s in U.S. N'otis, considers that it ia pay ing ia the best circulating medium f (t.f ciiunlcy . iimi it cavnot pay in anythlr.g better, fcir its own aseets arr eilher in go verumen t securitits or in notes or bonds payablo In government paper. Itiscually convtïiiii'iit pS . lemporury or peimanent iavJment. The notes can al-ivnys be 6öd fèr vit!ii:i a fr;i ctloD of their freu and accuinulate iutercst, .ind an1 ihii best sccuTÍty wth b.uik.s as collalerals for discounts . Convei tibie iuto a Six per cent. 5-20 ■Gula íioiij, ïn addttipn to Uie v(-ry lünial ínTcrest oa tlte Uts for three years, tiiis privilrg of conversión is now vorth ubnut Llire-j er cení, per uiinim , for the currert rate for 5-CO Bonds Ís not lORfl tlwin viveper cent. premium, and before the wur the pi' on sis per ent. U R, Btucktf wa-i over twenty per cent It will be sqon ibat the pjoOi un tilia Uan, at the present luiuket rale, is not Leui llian tui pOr -ceut per aiüiuiii ! lts Exttiuptio from State or Municipal Taxatku, lint a sul o fi'oro all the ddvaolAgeR we bnvr e lui mera ■ ted, a pccial Act of exunp's all bonis and Tr,.tisur notes from local taxation. Ou tliv ;: ti ae, tiii cxevapUon if iroftli abtiut twogtr et rit. p-r :mnuin, acconling to the rate of tax;ition in aiious part.-j of the country. It is believed tbat no securitien offer so grtat inncamentd to leaders .as those Buued by tbe ge veroment. Inall other furuis of indebtedue.s.s, the faith or abllity of private parties, or stock companics, or separate couiinunities, only, ia pledgrd ftir paymnt, white t!ie whnlc property if the country is held to secure the discharge of all the obWgaÜons of theUnited 5tats Whlïe the government offers thfl motst libcial teroiË for iis lor.ns. it bftíievec l U-i t tbfvery utrongest ftp peul wiíl be totheloyaky a'nd pátriotitm of the pople. Daplicato certiheate vil] bti issityd for all depositn. The party dcpositing itiuwl eudor.-e upon the original etriificate tbe danoaiinatiun ot" oott-K required, and wiether Uu-y are tu be imued in bUuik or to 01 (U-r. ii so mulorséH it atatn bc left with the offier rieciving the ipoflit , to bo furwaidcd to the Treasury Department. M' hmhiitdns wn.i BR RBf.'MiyED 1) v the Tre._isurer of Inircl í Wa Lungton, lh t-erenil Asist iint Treasun-rs ftiid dënignt ted HopoBÍlarieBj md by the First National Bank of Ann Arbor, Mich Afi bv all National Banka whïch aro depositaries of , iliiir , and AI.I, RLSi'r.ClAr.U: V.ANK AN'D BAXKERS t [i q hoi tbe country will iC've further inforxn%tion I u..! aitord tvc;y fcility tububcriberB. 10wíK9 MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAÜ. m m PawReugei trains now leave Detroit .Ohicago,and. the sevoralstationsin thlgUuunty ,as followb : GOING WEST. Leave Day K.x. Deit. Ao. Ere. Ex. Night Ex Detroit. 8.00 a. m. 3.45F.K. fl oí i m 8 46 r a Yprflutl, 9.a) " 0.05 " 8,97 " lo.Cü " . Ana Albur, 9.40 " 5.K0 " 0 50 " 10 U0 " Doxter, lt).nr i-.m. 6 uo " 7.15 " ■' Chelmta, 11.10. ■ " 7 ;o " Ar. Chicago B 15 '; " 5.80 a. K. 8.45,1. M. goikg kast, I-eave. Eve. Kx. Da. Ac. NightEx. Pay Kx ChioagQ, dio i'.m. 10.00 p. M8.U0 a. m. Chelgea, . A M. 7.45 a. m. 4.05 p. m. Dexter, 5.45 " 8.0 " 420 " Ano Arbov, 4.2 A. " 8.25 " 445 Xpsilantl, 4.45 " (i.5 " BC5 " 6.06" Ar. Detroit, I!. 10 " S.00 ' 10 00 " 0.Ö0 " TUe Dn) Expresa each wajr is Mailïrain. Tralnedö at stop atstatious whureflgtirerfareotoit teuinthe lable. Ti-ain cónnect Dsttftlt with UieGreat Western and Grand Trunk RaHwsvs of t'a ñachi, and the Detroit and Tüledn, iu,,i Detroi and Mtlwaukee RaUroad, and Cleveland Steamera At Un Comparv'e ïrcïet Offices at Detroit, Chicago, Jollet nnd [.afayel te, throuah tickets can be parchased toall the principal citioSTtnd towns in the United States and ';í 'i;i ilüs . LUXURtOÜS SLEEPUíGCAKSupo all night traína. Rullnn's ((■li''uvntcd Ventilating A'ppaiatus upon ali uay traD8- the heul diluí prevontativoin use. H Sí. piGB.Oeaeral Snnerintejident. rg"O CONtíUMPTIVES! Consumptive sufierera will rrceivo , vahmble prmerintiiin lor il.e cure of Comnnof tiii. Aathm, Broochitia. ñnd all throat and I.ung alïections (free of charge,) byteníing ttelr ac!.In-s I.. Hkv. KDWAIin A VVILSON, 3ni976 Wlllianisburg Klngs Coun'y, .Ven York. l'ROV. R. J. l.YON'S' Patienta and all otliers interrealed rill pisase talse notio tbat he will contin "■ his isitsat th M.mitor ttouBS, Ann Ai-bor, du'rlng 1864aud'65a.nd at thc xpipatjon of wliich he ■ coiuinue bis visits and open an Infrrmal-y at Cleveland, tlietreatment of Lung an.l CIickI ,lisoai.e8. DO Y()U Wis TO HR tUREÜÍ Dít. BUCHAVS ENCLISH SPECIF1C l'II I,s cure. ,, lena than frNUlTg, the ruwt CMS of XKR'.)JSNs, I„i„t, ncy, Tremature Decay, Seminal Weakness, Insunily, andallUui nary, Sexual and Nerrous Allecíion. no matter from hatean,, produced. PrJoe, One Dollar per box.- bect, p,.sl paM by oa recei,it of an order. Oue Box will perfect tlie cure in most cases. Aililress Q „.„ .„ JAMES 8. BUTLER, 3m9j6 ffenralAgnt,427 Broadway, New York. 7 iught'S RiojuvenatikgTldor. '■Canst thou adramister toa mtnd diseased ?" asked thcureat dramalist. Yes, say we, and " pluck from tlie heart tho rooted sorrow, tno!" Wright's Rejüvesatixg Elixir has sucu marvelous power in resuscilatinethe drooping eneigieá that it is lite an invaluable boon lo both sixes. The lassitude and debility, !!■■ hyateriaand faintuig so prevalent among the gcutler mx,ifednotexist when that valuable restorative is at hand for use ; t is in the form of a pleasantand palatablo liLuid, and should ever be' present on the . toilet table; Tree from the deletorious miuerals usual h cosmetics,it is the greatost vegetable restorative t-hat has j'et been made known for the benefit of the dcbilitated portion of the human family. Sold by al) respectablo druggists throughout the United States - and Canada. lnl9n J EoiToti op argüs: Deah With jour permistión I wish to say to the readers of your paper that I will send, by return mail, to all wlw wish it (free), a Receipe, witli full di reetions for makins and using a simple Vegetable Bulra. that will ell'ectuallv remove, in ten days. Pimplea, Blotchea.Tan, Freckles, andall Impurities of the kin. Ieaving the same soit, clear, STnttOth and beauti ful. I will also mail free to those having Raid Heads, or Bare Faces, simp'.e directions and Information that will eii.ii.le theiato stait a full growth of I.uxuriant Hiir, Whiskers, or a iioustaclie, a less than thirtv days. All applications answued by return mail without charge. liepjöectfully yoin. THOMAS F. CH 1V1MS, Chmist, 3m'C6 831 Uroadway, New York. A Card to Ihe raifferiiig. ■ SW.M.I.OW two or tliree hogsheads of "Buchu," i " Tonic Bitters," l Sarsapaiilla," f Nfcivouai j Antidotes," &c, &c. &c., and alter you are satisfied with the rcsult. then try one box of OLD LOCTOR IUCHAN'S EXGI.1SH Sl'ECIFlC FILLS- and be 1 slnie'l to health and vigor in less than thirty ilays. - They are purely vegetable, pleasant lotake, prompt and aalutary to tlwir efTeots osa th broker-down and Bhattered ooustituiion. (Hd anti young can take them with ádvantoge. Xuported and srild in the Unitec Statesonly by JAMES S. BUTLER, No. 4-7 Broadw .v. N'ew York. 5f Agent tor 'the United States P.S. - A Box of the Pilla, securely packed will he mailed to auv addross on ceceipt of price, wtiic'u ia . OXK 1X11,1 A1Í, post paid- monej refuoded by the , Agent if enlire satisfaction is notgivën; 3ni9G6 , A SPLEMölO PIANO "FORTE"! i For a Mo&eraíe Prieel! VOSK'á new and improved l3lAs0 surpasKes anythini; nu w ' i'or GREAT DUHABILITY! SurprUing ripliaesa and brilliancy of tone, ELE&ANCE OF FINISH! And MODERATE PRICE. Tiic atlentioo of the people of Ann Arbor is respect fully invitcd to au cxauiiuat Ion of fhia iicau tiful i:tslriimriit. J. HENRY WHHTK.MORF, (jer.eral Agent for the fitate, 179 Jetferson ier.ue Detroit. Miss E. C. Foster is my authonzcd ageLt for Ann Arbor. The VOBK l'IANO 'may be seen at her rooms in the Exohange lilock. DTÍ. JB _, "I" Excitement in Piano Fortes S WM. ]5. MIADBURY'S IVew Scale Pianos In the Ascendnnt ! ! ! Seven tirst premiums fuwarded in four weeks over every oempetltor. GÖTTSCEALK, the Renowned Pianist, says : Tliey are the hesi ano most perfect piano nmv nia?e, for thortuih worJtKiaiiship potrr, urity, ricbness, a ml öalitj j of tone tlicv excl. J. HENRY IVHÏTTEMORE, Oen. Agfut for the 8ta1e, 17l áefferéOQ Avenue, Detroit. Miss E. C. Foster ia tny antboéuied Agent fur Ann Arbor. Itooms in I'.xclia' Biuck. PRESCRÍPT10A & DRCG STORE ! 1 tlie jilace tu huy vonr MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, "Writiii I?a.per', ''ƒ the Ream orless, ann all (.tl:.';' ftrticlfM ín uur line. Kspi'fiji l ;it i-'iiÜ.m to ( ui!.j-nimlnia ;)tiil ptittmg un l'i-.cripti.nis, ;. i the si-u '.1 (ÍOI.Ü MUUTAR,Kxclianc Blocb, Ana Arbur, ftliottigtui _ijör Urj rn."(-v,.,ii;t] callfl prompt1 atïènrtecl Po. 1 YiHiO 1OO City Lots for Sale. DEMOVAL! JST. 33. COLE, has removed li't.s STOCK of BOOTS SHOES, totJlH tftJT of A. V. Mills & Co., m M:. ï ii ñtt4et, 'heve lie wïti be iílii'l lo ';iit (tn Uis oIO cuitumers anl tho puljlic generally. GlVfi ÍIIÍ1 A C,tIiT ! WÍLI.L PAFEB ! 50,000 rol'sof WmII Paper can be fimnil at the fftore of John F. Mill.T & Cn., comer of Mftin nw WflwiliLnfctoi) UticetP, Opposite iJancsít-iT r's Hall. Also íl fátgeasHortnwiitof Mtflcellaxiima Booka at oíd prfoefl. C&ith i"l .-'liii 'es, Ti-isi-ls, Cur'U íin'l KiaiiitíH of all Icscriptinii-i. Kra mes DI a (Te t'i or'li t. cali al) J examine btfre purcliníJÍnírí'lscffliPrf. JOHN F. MILI,!'.! ' CQ, ,Iune lít. Ififi4. gm959 Ayer's Cathartic Pilis.


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Michigan Argus