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OUR CHINAMAN STILL UVES, And continúes tu fuinish Ihat unrivaled qual.ty of TEA alwaya found ut the Poople's Store. Lovers of jjoo-i Tea will pleaso trv a sHinplo OF OÜIt NEW TEA. DhFOUKST iSÏEWART . OROOERIES Of all kinds. FruiU. Extracta, Spices, PlcMro, (Mis, Perfumes, &c. Pure Liquors and Winus for Medicinal purposea only. DkTOREST & STEWART. Sugar ! Sugar ! A small lot of LOW PRICED SÜGAR. DeFOKEST & STEWART. S3T FISH.- Codfish, Wtítsfish, Trout, Mackerel, Herring, &c. DeFOIÏEST & STEWA1ÍT. SYF.TJP ! SYRÜpT" A few barrels, extra quahty. UkFOHEST k STEWART. fOlL AND LAMP DEPOT ! KEEOSENE OIL! Tbe beat qualitjr ONE DOLLAR Per Gallon. DkFOREST & STEWART. HO! YE! Purchasers of CROCKERY. GLASSWARE, LAMPS, PLATED GOODS, TABLE CUTLERY, &c For sale at less thau New York wïmlesale prices, by DeKOREST &. STF.WARÏ. A Good Clothes Wringer. Saven time! Suves money.' Sores clothing! Savee slrength! Sanes health.' Saves hiring help! Savee weak wrists! Sates burning hands! Woolen elothes can be wrung out of boilin water to prevent hhrinking, without injuiyto the macbine. DkFOREST & STEWART. JOHN BROWN'S KNAPSACK Was strapped upon his back, and when opened was found to contain a Pot of Dr. Billington's Fig Electuary which was his inseparable companion, and this accounts for his robust and vigoroufl constitution , his indifference to fatigue and his hale aadheaity oíd age. It ia warranted to cure ALL KINDS OP PILES, it not only treats diroctly for the Piles but is a certaln cure or Dyspepsia and Liver Complaints, Jaundice, Salt Rheuiri, tyc. It in puruly vegetable and nevei faila to cure. DeFOREST & STEWART, Agentsfur Michigan. GO TO THE CHEAPSTOjRE! And see the New Goods. A Sl'LENDID STOCK OF DEESS GOODSÜ FURNISHING GOODS, CASSIMERES, Clothï-, Satinets, &c, DOMESTIOS, SHOES, HATS k CAPS. Crockery, GROCEHIE3, Sec, Are to be sold without regard to present Kastern Prices. N. B.- The IftTget Stock of Calicó and UrownCotton in the City at less than Mtiimfacturei'N prices. The highost pricc pali) in Tradc or casli for all kinds of Produce. MAOK & SCHHID. j. FAIRBANKS' I bmB. S O _A. L .E o, JP TW OF M.I. KINDS. AI-SO, mhigg WuriKwK Trucks, Letter Prestes, díe. f AIRBAES, GREEiXLEAF & C0„ 172 Lko Street, CHICAGO. Sold in Detroit by FARRAND, SHELET fc CO. W Be criful to buv onlv the Genuine. g Iv958 OHEROEEE UURE TUS I! UU AT IND1AN fY3EDlC!NE KOOTS, EA1.ES AND LEAVES Au unfalUnff Jre for Spermulorrhcra, Seminal Wwkw, X'icturmil JSWiVhí, ninl ;tlt ilweusci Cïiuseu b'y Sef-foltttion, Bucli na Loss of Mcmm-y, L'niirsal íqjtsitud. ltins itt Vic Hoc'.-. Üimmti qj Vision, Premature Okl Ayc, Weak jfercts, Ditjiculty of lircitthing, 'hxinbling, Wakcftiliteu, ErnjUiont o)t the FtrcCy Pule Ümntcnanct, lnmiif;, (.bt.ttft-on, aud alt the clircTut COIUpIailita ciiudod by dcpuning trom the patli of nature. Tliis ïnnlicine in a simple vegetable extmet, and onu on wltfeli uil can rd.v, na il lm buen aieü in uur pt-acticc for Tiiruiy yt?ars, imd wilh tiiou&aiida truU-d( it lm not fniled In u ringle lntaici, lts curativc pfrwvra ïiftVa boL-ti suili'.-icnt to garo vt lorv ovci' th most stubburn euBt Öf T" wno hve trijteti leitfi thiïr wnstttutimi, nntil they think tliernsdvud.. bt'yonJ tbe reach cf medical kW, we would say, DttoPAlK mot ! theCHKKO&Kti CullM will restore yyu to hvsltb and vUfir, and Kfter all unek docto il hi&ft fuiled ! Prtye Two Dollar puf buttU-, vi thrwc bottlea tor Five Dollar, und íor w arded by Express to ]] BBí'tí of tbe vorll. %■&" Paiaplilet st.-nt by nmil tree of jBoatHK-, by DR. W. R. MERWIN Sc CO., 63 Liberty st., New York, Sule l'roprictors. BLAO NEWsTÖÏTnBiüNFnRTl'NiTK. Tlic Long songbt for DiscoTered at Last öures infrom one to three days. CHEROKEE REMEDY CHEROKEEÏNJECTION, öompounded from Roots, Barks and Leaves CHEROKEE REMEDY, tbe ,'reut Indian D'mrettc cura all di8ea.se3 of the Urinary Orgaos, snch aa liicontinence of the Urine, Iriflammatinn of the Bladder, htjlammalion of the Kidneys, Stont in tht lV.adder, tftricture, Gravel, Gonorrhca, Glett, aud Lu cspccially recommended in those cases of F tour jilbus, (or Whltes in fenmles,) whtre all th old iiftuseous medicines have fullea, 3g? Ir U prepjuvd in a hlglily concentrateil farm, the dOM only beiag from onc to two teaspooufuU thrffi time3 per tay. gy It is diurettc anti alteralive In its action : purifyinp and cleansliiR the blood, causing it to floff in all of It origiual purity and vigor ; thus rcnioviog from the Hystem all pernicious causes wliich have lduced disease. CHKKOKI'iK IJIÍErriíTV Ís intended aann ally or assistant to the Clierokee ItemCily, and aliould t used in conjunctkm with that medicine in all caaes of Gleet, Oonorrhea, Fluor Allms, or Whites. lts effects ua.heaHngt soothin?, and deinulcent ; removing all scaldiug, heat and pain, insteml of the burningand almost uncndurabla pain tliat ís experienced with nearly all the cheap quaek lnjections. p-Üytlie use of the CHEROKEE KEMEDY, and CHEROKKE INJECTION- the two medicines at same time uil f inproper discharges are removed, and the wcaktned organsare speedily restore-J to full vigor and streiigth. BT'Prío dherokee Koniody, $2 per bottlc, or three bottlea for $5. &&- Vt ice, Cherokce Enjectlon, Í2 per bot tic, or three bottK-s for #5. Sent by Expres3 to any addressou rectlpt of prlco. ETï?" The CUerolcoe Kemody, Cliero ke'tí lujoction and Clierokec ure, are sold by all enterprisinti Druggtals in the civilized world. Some unpriucipled dealers, however, try to teil worthlcus compoundi in place of these: those which they can purchase at a cheap prie, nd make more money by selling, than they can on the; medicines. As you valtie your ïiealth, aye, the health of your futuie offsprtng, do not bofleceived by such unprincipled Druggista, ask for these medicines and takt no uthem. If the Druggiata witl not buy them for you, encloae the mnney in a letter, and we will send tÏK-ra to you by Expreus, securely sealed aad packed f ree from observa.tio'n. Tjadíeá or Gentlemen can addreas us In perfect conüdence, statiog fully and plainly thelr diseases and syuiptoms, as we treat all diaeasea of a chronic natur in male or female. Patients need not liesltate because of tlieir inabllity to visit us, as we ha va treated pittienta Buccesafully in all portions of the civilïzed globe, by correspondence. Patiënt uddressing ug wilt pleaae state plaiiily all the Bymptoniü of their complaints, and write Pustoffice, County, State aud name of writer, plaiu, and tnclnsc poatage stamp for reply. We send cnirWl paffe PamphUt fret to any addresa. Addresa all letters for Pamphlets or advice to the proprietors, Dr. W. R. MERWIN & CO., No. 63Xilerty atreet, New York. E. A. COOK, Cuicaoo, No. 26 Market Street, General Agent for the States of lllinoU, Iowa, "Wil consin, Slïchlgan and Imliana, vho wiU tupply Druggists ut üur regular card pricea, Sold by Wholesale Drugjists in Detroit, also br STLBB1NS fc WILSOÑ, Ann Arbor. 952yl Mr. Mathews firat prepared the VENETIAN HA1K DYE ; aince that time it has been used. by thousands, and in no inatance has it fïiiled to give entire satiafaction. The VENETIAN DYE is the cheapest in tho %vorld.- lts prico is only Fifty Cents, anti each boitle contains doublé the quantity oí dye in those usually sold for 1. The VENETIAN DYE ia warranted not to injure the hair or the ttoalp in the flliehtest deiroe. The VENETIAN DYB works with rapidity and certainty, the hfvir reqniring no preparaliun whatever. The VEN'ETIAN DYE produces any simde that may be degired - ooe that will not fade, eroek or wanh out - one that ia as permanent as the hair itself. For Bale by all druggtHta. - Price 50 ".ents. , A. L MATHEWfl, General Agent, 12 Gold Strpet,New Yurk. Alo, Manufacturor or Mítiikws' A H Ni Ca Hair Gloss, the hair dressing in uae. In large bottles, price 50 cents. Iy966 CLOTHES WRINGER! The ONLY relinblü self-Adjusting Wringer, NO WOOD WOKK TO 3WELL OR SPLIT. NOTHUMB-SCUEWSTO GKTOUTOF ORDER. WAKKANTED WITH OR WITHOLT CX.-WHLELS. It took the ï'IRST PREMIUM at Fifty Seven State and County Fairs in 1863, and is, without ran excoption, tho best wringer ever made. WHAT EVERY BODY KN'OWS, vin That iron wollgalvanized will not rust; That a simplo machine is better thau a conijilicated one; That ti Wringer sho u ld be self atiju.sting, durable and efficiënt; That Xfaufflb-ScrffWs and Fastenings cause delay and tiüubleto rgulat6 and keep !n order; That wuod uoateöd iu hot water will .-wel, nhrink and split; That wood beAringi for the nhaftto run in wlU wear out; Thnt the Putna'm Wringer, with or without cogwheeU, will not tear tliö clothosj That cog-wheel regulators are not essenVial. That the l'utnam Wriugei has ai.i. tho udvftntages, and not onii of tho dïsatlv;intaLe above namod; Thaiiill who linve tebtod it pn-..ounoü it the best wringer ever made; ' Thiit it will wring a thread nr abeel quilt without alteration We might fill the paper viJ h testimoniáis, but insert only a fe to bonTlnCf lbo tikeptlcai, it' such there be; and we sa y to all, tpst Pai-nams' Wringer. Tfefttit 'ÏHUKOUGüLY with ANY and ALL olhers. and if not entirely satisfactury return it. I'UT.VAM MAlfVÏACTCJllJiG Co., (ifntloiuen.- I kuow from pracfieal experience that (ron wel! -.alvanizod with xinc will not oxidiztr-or rust oif parlicie. ïhs Iutn;un Wringer is as nonr perfect its po.ible, and I caa cheevfullj rtcomnwud it to be the, best in ur-fl. Respectfully yourn. JNo'. Y. WI1EELER, ('U've)anil, Ohio. Many years experipnee in the galvanizing busin8B onaMeróeiO4uorBe theabovestatüinei.t iu all par"cula"- JXO. c. LBWERTC, Ho. 100 Heekman tflrcet. New York , January, 3864. We have tested Putnain's Clotbei Wringer by practical wcrlting, and know that it wil] no. It is cheap; itisBimplo; It requirt1 no room whether at work or at rent; achild can opérate it; itdoes itsdutj thoroughly; it aves time nnd t naves wear and tear. Wp earnestiv advine 3 11 who have Mfcu washing todo, with íill iñUllinent paraond who have any, to buy this wrlnffer ït will pay tor itself in a ypar at most. h Hon. HOKACK 0IÍEELKY. Ptentttd in the United staten, Enflarid, Canada and Aufitralia. Energetic mfiu can make from StolO dollars per day Avenís wanted in evt ry toira, and in all brts of the world. Sumple Wringer sent, Express pfaid, on receipt of PlNn. 2, $6,50, No. 1, 97.60' Xo. F. $8.50, No. A. $i 50. Manufacturad andsolrt. n-holosalc ad rtatl by THE PUFNAM MANUFACTUKIN; CO,' , No.I3PUttítrcet New York, and Cleveland, Ohio


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