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LYSPEFSIA, AND DIáBASES BESUI-TIHO FROM DISORDERS OF THE LIVER AND DIGESTIVE ORGANS, ARK CCKKD BY HOOFLAND'S GERMÁN BITTERS, THE GREAT STRENQTHENING %wt % . These Bitters have perfornicd uiorc Cures ! HAVE AND DO GIVEBHTÏER SATISFACTION Have more Testlmoiiy ï . uave morí; respectarle feople to vouch for them ! Tbun any other uiticlo Ín the markvt. t Wo defy any one to coiitradiet tilia Assertlos, , ANO WILL PAT $1OOO To any oue wüo wil! produce n Certifícate publltihtd c by ua, that is uot ue-nuine. HOOFLAND'S GERMÁN BITTERS WILL CURE IN EVEKY CASE OF Chronic 01 Nervous Debiiity, Diaeases of the Kidneys, and Dtseases arising fiom disoideied Stomach. Observe thi folhw'ivg stjmptorns rcsuUivg from Disorder uf tkt Vigcstivc Organu : Constipation, InwaiJ Piles, Fullnoss of Blood to tho , head, Acidity, ot' tlie Stomach , Naubea, Ueartbum, Disgust for fcod, Fuliness ot weight in the Stomach Sour Eructatíons, Zinking ve iluttt-nng at the pit , of tho Stoma eb, Swimraïn'g'of the Head, Hur, rlfid und difh'cult breuthing, FJuttertiig at the Heart, Chfikfpg or Suffocating Öuu HatiuiiH wlien ín a hyh:g Posture, Diinnens of Vision, Dots or Webs bel ore the Siglit, Fevor and Dull Pain in the Ileai, Defidiency of Prespiration, Yellowness of the Skin und Eyes, pain in the side, back, chest,lirobs, &c, Sudden fluahes of Heat, Btirninij in the Flesh, Constant lmagininga of Evil and Great Depressioii of Spirits, - - - , - . - , ( THAT THIS BITTERSIS : NOT ALQOHOIiIC, CONTAINS NO RUM OR WIIISKEY. AND CAN'T MAKE DRUNKARDS, ; BÜT m ras Q33? vvms In the Worl(lt 1 I RE AD WHO SAYS SO : Fromthe Rev. Levi O. Beek, Pastor of the Baptiat Church, Penaberton, N. J. , ,'or_nerJy of the North baptist Church, Philadeiphia. I have knowa Hoofland'a Germán Bitters favorably i for a number of yearp. 1 have usedthem in my own family, and have been so pleased with effects that I was inducedto recommeml them to many others, and know rhat they haveoperated in a strikingly beneöcial manner. I take great pleasure in thua publicly proclaimiug this fact,andealliug the attention of those afflicted with the diseaaesfor whleh they are recoramended, to theae bittera.knowing froto experience that my recominendation will besuataincd. I do this more cheerfully aa Hoofland's Bitters is intended to benefit ; the afflicted, and is 'not a rum drink." Your_ truly, LEVI G. BECK. Frora Rev. J. Newton Brown, t), D. Editor of theEncyclopedia of Religious Knowledge and Uixristian Chronicle.Philadelplria. Ithough no t disposed to favor or recommend Patent Medicinea ín general, throug-h diptruat of their ingredients and etïects, I yet know of nu sufficient reaaons why a man may not testify to the benefita he believes himselfto have received from any imple preparatíon in th-i hope that he mav thus coatribute to the benefit of othera. I do this more readily in regard to Hooliand's Ger man Bitters, prepared by IV. C. H. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced againat them for many ' years, underthe impression tha1, they were chieüv an alchoholic mixture. I am indebted to my friend,Rob ert Shoemaker, Esq., for the remova) of this prej'udice by proper tests, and for ebcouiagemeat to try them when suffering frojngreat and loog continued debility i ïbe use of thiee bottles oí these bitters at the ' mng of the present ytnr, was lollywod by evident relief and restoration tv a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had not for six rnontha bofore, and had alniost despaird of regaining. 1 tberefore thank God and my friendfor directing we to tte use of them J. NEWTON BKOWN, Paila From the ROt. Jos, H. Keunard, Pastor of the lQth Dap tiet Church. Dr. Jackson : - Dear Sir : - -I have been frequently requested to connect my name with commendationa of different kinds of medicines, but rrgRrding the piactice aa out of my appropriate sphere, I havo in all caaes declinad; but with a clearproof in various instancea and partícula! ly in my family, of the usefullness of Dr Hootiand's Germán Bitters, I depart for once from my usual course, to express my full cenviction that, ior general debility of tbe system and especially forLïVet CompJainc, it is a safe and valuable preparation. In ome cases itmay lail ; but usually, I dou. t not,it wil] be very beneficial to those who sulfer from the abovt cause. Yours,very respectfully, J. H. KENNAIÏD, Eighth belon Coates Street, Phila. From Rev. "Warren Randolph, Pastor of the Baptist Chwrch, Germantown, Penn. Dr. C. M. Jackson :- Dear Sir : - Personal experience enablesme to eay that I regard tbe Germau Bitiera prepared by you as a mostexcel ont medicine. In case oi evere cold and generaldebility I have been greatly benefited by the use oT the Bitters, and doubt not tjjèj will produce similar effecta on otbers. Yours, truly, WARREN IïANDOLPH. Germantowu, Pa From Rev. J, H Turner, Pastor of Iledding M. E Church, Phila. Dr. Jackson : - Dear Sir .- Having used your Germán Bitters in my family frequently, I am prepared toanv that itbas been ofgreat service. I believe that iu most case cf general debility of the system it is the saiest and most valuable remedy of which I have any knowiedge Yours, respectfullj, J. H. TURNER, 72ö N.Nineteenth Street. Froro the Rev, J, M. Lyons, formerly Pastor of the Co lumbua, (N. J.) and Millatown, (Pa.) Baptist Churchea, New Rochelle, N. Y, Dr. C. M. Jackson : - Dear Sir: - I feit it a pleasure thu8,t-f my own accord to bear tettimony to the excellence of the Germán Bittera. Some years sincebeig much afflicted with Dvspepsia, I usod them with vtry beneficiaJ resulta. I have often recommended chein to persons enfeebled by that tormeuting diseae. and have heard from them the most fiattering testimoniáis as to their greut valuó. Incasesof generé dubility 1 believe ittobo atonic that cao ïiotl:daurpasfieü. ' J.M LYONS. From the Rev Thos. Winter, Pastor oí Roxborough Baplist Church. Dr. Jackson ! - Dear Sir: - ï feel itdue to your excellent proparation, Hcoilanü's Germán Bitters, to aUd my testiinony to the desfivod ruputation it has obtametf. Í have foryears, at times, been troubled with great diíorder in my head and nervous system. 1 was advised by ft friend to try a bottle of your Cernían lïïtters. ï 1 did so anl have experitneed great and unexpected re lief; my health has been very materially bonefiited. I confidently recommend then.ríiclftw ere I meet with eam's similar to nay own , and have been assured by many of the'r good rfiects. ; Ríspectfully yours, T. WINTER, Roxborough Pa. " From Rev. J. 8. Herman, of tho Germau Heformed Church„Kut2tovn, Berks Co Pa. , Dr. C. M. Jaoksou ; - Raspected Sir.- I have beö ' troubled with DvspepsiH nearly twenty yoars, and have neiver used any medicine that die meuKmuch good as Honfland'K Bit turn. I am very muuh improred in health after having taken five bottle Yours, with respect, J S.HKRMAN. i PBICES. Ijirse SUe, ihulding nearly iloable quanüty,) 1 00 per hottlo- half loi. Í5 00. i Small Siie - 75 cents per Bottle- half dozen $4 00, BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. See that the jsnaturo of " C. M. JACKSON" is on the W RAPPER of each bottle. Shoulrt your nearent Druggist not have thearticle, río not bepnt off by plox'catirrf; preparationp that may be '" oifereil in its place, but send to us,and we will forward, ; securly i' express. Principal Office and Manufactory, NO 631 ARCH STREET, i PHILADELPHÍA. [ Jones & Evans. Successors to C. M. Jackson f Oo. PRÓPRIETOKS. ' For sale by Dru(rgl6t nd Di!eri in evorr town In theOjftefl State. 92yt Buifalo Testimony. THE rTTIJ 1? Cu' PEOPLE'S bUltll ÏUieuMBithm; il wart troubrtd ith ltheim.,tism for two vears uitViiiiK' more or les.i eveiy day. j have taken tw# ■ottleaof the'Peopies Cim,' and l,avo nat had any i41u slnee Ileflitoff move fhan fuvr'wek apo. 1 ïisider myselfai, tnlirüt iuietf, ard the medicino as madi: me feol rery üflbl m;d geod- just likt a oung man Í li onjjli 1 ain ixtv two vcurs oid fcODi'BEY ECBEFFF.L. 402 itULign St." "My wifu haB been sulT.riiiír fn ai [Tí H'atií-! f .11 iniluniniaturv euarai.tcr fin 11 Ijobt six or teven ynn ornetiines very acutely. Aljout the Hist of June Ifist he ccmmojicod taXinj the 'People's ('uro ai d connued to fake i; sume thioe wteks In lm dav. fUr be commenceil, Ihu erfelllíg and Milb e. „1 ht'r int ery rn it,-mlly leisenvd, und in Uncu teek ha lisappeaied HlfoEttttc'-. "THOMAS POÍ.L0CK, (at W.H Uienay's "liuffalo, Octobcr I, lt2 "' nLS CURE F„c,r4„.. "To "f ono of .tliem fllicted wit . bad Kever Sore. tlin other iHtt liheumatism- Lavtnl een.tho advertisement 01 tbe 'I'oople's Cure' in Illll sper, purchtisud the Medicine ,anc3 now, alier haviig hor oughly tricd t, report to m,cvBiaiending it uoit leartHy ;i 1 tuorougL rinuly ijj their case. EdLtfcrt Jhrixiiau Advocate. 'HIK rlTTTIw' Cures Diseasei PEOPLE'S .J U 1, Tj of the Skin. "My face hus for mare than ten years beeEgueat.y diafigured by f ruptionsanrt bunclios, iiiliïH at tün ■xtonded over mj whole body. and oncefor ttree ilnv nade mj entirely Nfad ; Ijut hi.vinfr (aken two bottl )f ih 'People' ('nu.-.' my cquainf.anct8 liardly tifrnize me- Indeed I h.u-rlly kuow a I m now ntullman. Lel 11 n bc? ure alike nillictcd try the l'eople's Cure,- U, e Jfedlcice prepáred by tl,e Sauitary Society- atd I thii.k lüey ivill nut begrudge Iheir dolar. "JOSKPH SOUU, Turner Mcclianio St 'BufTalo, Nov. 15, 1802." TUK PTTPT;1 Cures Scrofula TEOPLE'S V.J U IXlit Salt l'.heum. "I have ussd the 'Peoplt-'s Cine' in inv fnmily witb ;reat benefit, :n caea ofSirofula and Salt lih'um,unil lave recomniended tiieijuently tp taf f 'iends, all of ïliom I believe have been beneliUcd. and most of t hem ïnlirely cured by it. C1IAS. SCHAUFF, 2V3 Main St.,up-stairs." THE fTlDTS CüiesFemale PEO1 I.K'S Ly U Jt. Vj Weaknesses. "I have been in feubie liealth ever since tlio birtb of ny boy, who is noft tVetve years oíd. I have had nany troubleu and diflícultien. all this time, unfitting no foreverykind of labor, and destroying all my comOTt, Lnstsummer I connnenccd laking tbe 'People' 3ure,' and liae usud Inur bottlt3.", and am now a J most iwell oman. Hy difflculiies havo nearly all disapjeared,andl fc-tl clieerlul and happy. "MRS. CAT1IARÍNE MWALP, Dressmaker, Goudell AUey, aboveTupper &t. "Buffiilo, Oct. 20, 1M62." THE rTTÜir1 Cures when otho PEOPLE'S VUXVlli medicines lail "My wife liasbeen in poor healtb for' a long time :iavimy frequent ly to cali a plirsiciau toattend Ler;but ihe was recently very rauch For hve or six weeks flhe had no appetne, íosí all her strength, and ivas each dny growiog worso, She had nialit swcats, :oughed a great deal Juring each niht anrt consideraAy during the dsy, and we .ül suppo'sed sbe was going )ff with the coiiKiiniption, when h triond advised her to :ake the 'Peoples's Cure. On. taking (lic medicine sbe Derceived a change ut once. Onthetbird dayshehad recoveied her appetite, and as fat regaining ker itrength, until, on the eighth day, not yet having taïen one bottle, she bas stopped taking" the medicine laying she was as wel) as anybody couh' b, and he iias contiuued so ever fince. "PAUL KLEIN, GardDC-r, 32 Pearl st. "Butfalo, October 1,1868." es For Sale by all DragfthO, B22y1 C. CROSBY, General Agent, No. 255 Mam st., Buff"lo, NT. Y., to whom all orders sliould beaddressed. For Ssle by Stsbbim ,t WlLSO.v, Gke.vvilik .S; Fouk icd C. Ebekbch 4i Co. WONDEEFUL 8ÜCCESS. j95" The attention umi research of the most dii. nguished Chemists and l'hysicians for years bar aeendevoted to tbe production of a remedy for these mostdifttressing maladies Necraloi and RhecmatiíímJ After long study aud many experimenta, a spccific iriparation has been discoveren. WATSON 'S Neuralgia Lingfan Internal Rcmtdy.é ciuri&g ifiousands of cattea ffhere all otherremedies have uttorlv failed. We are issuredthatit is nu mero " ANODYNK," relieving for the moment wliikthc cause remains, but is a perfect SPUCH'IC and CUP.E for thoso painful diseases. The past num-ber of Ljniinents, Embrocalions and Kxternal Medicines, which act as stimulants of the surface onlr, üre merely temporal y in their elïects and of doubtful firtue The NEÜKÁI.UIA KIXü reaches the source of all trouble, and effectually banishes the disease from thesystem, Price- Oue Dollar per Bottle. Prepared by C. R. WALKER, Iv922 BulTaiu.N. Y., aun Fort Krie, C.W. For Sale by Stkdei.vs .t Wilson, Giienvjlle Sí Fcilkr, and (J . EiiEEBüCH & Co, Manltood : Höw Lost. How Restored. JUST rUBl.IíHED.a n..w eúiUon of Dr. Cnlver. WfcU's Cclernl..l Kssnj' 011 the radical cure (without medicine) 01 Si'iníMATuhRHCEA, or Seminal Weakness, InvoCuntftry Seminal Lofises, ímputeney, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Maniaco, ele; alhO Consumption, Eoilepaj and Fits, induced by sclf iudulgcace dt sexual extrar. gance. Jí Prico,in a scaled envelop?, only 6 cents. The ceWbrated a'utlior in this admirable essay clearly deinonstrates, froni a thiriy yers succegstul practico, tliat the alarnjing cunsequences of Kelí abuse may be radically cured without thédangerous use ofinternalmedieioeor theapplicatiou of the knifc - pointing out amode of curo, at ouce simple, certain aiul efloctual, by means of which every ufferer, no matter what hisconrtition imj be, may curebimself cheaplr, privately.and radically. SE5. This Lecture should be n tho hauds of erery youth andovery man in the land. Jut, under seal, in a.pUiinenvelope, tony addreas, posUpaid, on receipt of sx eents, or two stamps. Addresá thepublishoi-M, CHA9. J. C. KLINE í: CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Post office box 4&S6. Se'" WÍZARD OIL! THIS IfLEÑ'DID REMEDY CURES B TOOTHAcm: SÍ9 neuralgia & In Three IVHautes. In Ten Minutes. ÍEKKCllli RAKACHE Ir Viv.e Minutes. I11 Ten Minutes. CEA-IÍP COMO DIPTUEHIA In ïen Minutes. ■ In a Few Hours. ■SOM THROAT ' RHEUMATISM. ín a Few IIouts. jn a Few Dyj. L-AMK BACK. SI'RAINS. CUTS ANDBKUISES. BURNS í.nd SCALDS. OORNS. CH1LBLAINS. P E'fS 0 This Invaluable pieparalion only nceds a trilito recommend itseU to every kouschohl In the lantl. Use one bottle and yon will always ketfp It on hand agalnst tbe timo of nced. Prlce 86 cents and "ö cents per bottie. The large bottles contain ncarly Uireo limes as much as tbe miuill ones. Manufaetured bv J. A. HAMIJN A BRO., 102 Washington treet, Chioago, aad for sal by drnggistB generally. vVholcsale Ag'ts: Lm4 k gmUb CíuOgo. HHAKEN UP! CAMEintotUe cnetosure of the SuhcrP'er on the lOth of August, Igfií, a l.irtrii KKI' COW. I'orl4 years oíd, tone white on th bclly. The owner is rcquested to prove pro-perty, Jiay cliarges, aari tako naid tow away. S. EENHAM. Ann Arbor, Sept. 5(h, IS1U. 6w973. rpAKEN UP ! Carne into tlie enclosure -f e suttscriber on th 15th day ot August, a KE1 WHITE COW. malí izod . 4 or ó years oíd. (ivo- n kiii;í 11 nie.1 oí" m ik. - The owner it requested lo prove propertj, inj cbarges, iTKltike theCow awav. vm nminiREY. Lodl , ceyt . 7fh , 18?4. 6'97a


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