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CHËRÖKEE PILLS HEAÏ.TH PRESERVER CERTAIN AND SAFE. For tfe Semnvul of Qlvtnucb'onê and the !muranM tf liiyularity in the RéGUrtenOt of th M-i(hl i'triods. E Thcy cure or obvíate thse nutnerous dlitanv4, that spring früin ïrre.gulttrity, by removing the irregular! ty itsrlf. t%r Tlu-y eur fiuppressn-d, Bxcttiv anti Vanfnl .I-[iHlrii;iti(iii. Thi'y varg ij reen Slcknesi (Chlorosia). BfT.Pwy curi; Ni-rvijiiB and Spinul Affect-long, i;ihu in t lic back, ;tml lower partB of the body. } ItsAyinen, Fatigue on slight exertions, PalpitalUm of the Hèart, Lownt$s of Spirits, Ifysteria, Stek }[iidi'-h:, iUddtufst, etc, etc. In u. word, by I ' movtsfi the n'njularity, they remove the causet und wlth it Ai.i. the effèctB that spring f rom It. L Composed of aimple vegetable extracta, they contain ootfaing deletertoOi to any cohatitution, howeYer delicate, lwt function belnji to substituto strengtK lor weakneas, whieh, when properly used, tht-y oever f;iil to do. Igf They m;iy be safely used at nny age, and al , auy period, kxckpt dl'kinu thk kikst three months( dtiring wliich the tinfallfog nature of tltelr actlon wnuld Infallibly PUVHNT pregnancy. { All letters aeeklnu infunnation or adv Ice wlll bt; promptly, freely and diacreetly answered. Ijf Pull dlnowni aecompany each box. t-Sf" Prlce $1 pr box, or aix boxel for $Ö. tTS" Sent by mail, fret; of postado, on recelpt of priijt'. i Jjgr Paraphlcti sent by mail frey of port age, by OR. W. R. MERWIN & CO., Si Llbsrty St., New York, Proprietor. DR. WRlcHT"S RBJÜVBNATING ELIXIR! Or, ESSENCE OF LITE, Preprud trom l'itre Vftcctnlilo K.xtrHCl uutulnlllC llOtllitiIT tnjiirlouH f ,( l.iv iini-it lU'ÜtjitU'. "Antlie PhiLMitv HfieH IVom the wihM uDu Ore, ■utlmnU'd ItJi UÖW lÜr"- o tl.M-.tlil-. EllxIr ri-Jnvfiiute the lftm and uvercoiie .lUnim-, The Bcjurenating Elixir is the rcsult of modern iUcovcriL-s iu the vegetable kingdom ; being sn eiúírtty ik-w and abstract aiethod of cure, irresp_-ctive it" alt old itnd woin out systema. J.jë? Tnlï medicine bas been tested by the moat fiuiii'ut modlcal men of the diy, und by them pronounccd to be oiieuf the greatcst medical discoveriea of the age, Kgr Ona bottle wlll cure general DebtlHy. fsy A few doses cures Hysterics in femaleg. Onehottle cure Pttlpttattoa of the Hesrt. - Krom on t-i three bottlea restores the mftallneaa and full Vigor of youth. Sr A Fw do9 reiturcu the appetite. tW ïhree boltlcd cure the irorat easy of Impotciiey. í A few Ifs-.s cures the low spirited. 'L3T One bot t te restores mental power. C"?" .4 .';" doses restort. ic rymx ofaerwatiotit A few dosea liriag the rose to the cheek. ( Tïiis m.'di.-ine restores to inanly vigor and robiist healtli the pooï debUltdfed, worn-doirn and deapajrlng. ï7 The llstless, enervated youtli, the over-tft3ked man of bustnc, the vietim of nervou-i depreasion, ! tiurindividiiitl amríng from general debility, or I iV"'i weaktutt of a singU orffan, will all Qnd 1 dltlte and parrnanent rt.-li.jl' by the usu of thts Klixir 1 or Kssepee uf hïfe. i t7 Prlcej $% per bottle or Miree bottlM for $5, and forwanled by Espreat, on receipt of raoney to any addresi, , 63 The Olierolteo IMIIw and vonutiu: Elixir, are sold by all enterpriiinj? 1 DruggisULathtfoIvllUedworld. &omo unprinctpl! dealers, Itowever, try to áell worthledi coiuponnda in place of these ; Uiose whieh they can purchaae at 1 a cheap price, and make more luoney by ( ing, thau Uicy eau on these medicinea. As you vuIuq , _ yoiir health, aye, the health of your future offpring, do not be deceived by such unprincipïed Druggiitfl, ast fr these medicina and lakt no uthtrs. If the Prugglst wÜl not buy them for you, efl close the money in a lettt-r, and we wllj send them 1 to you by Expre, securely sealed and packvd, fre from observation. Ladies or Gentlemen can address ua In perfect confldence, statlog fulíy and plainly their diseasea and sympioms, a ivetreat all diseues tf a chronlo i nature Ín male or female. Patlents need not hesi( taU because of their inabillty to viwlt 09, as we have j treatod paAlents succesrifully In all poruóaa of the i civilized globf, by corretípondence. Hatientrf addressing us will pluasc state plainly all t the aymptoins of their complfttnti, and write y ortice, County, State and name of writer, plain, and lucióse postftge stamp for reply. Wc $end uur S'2 paffe ltmphlet fres to any address. Address all letters for PainphleUorudvioe to , pmprietors, Dr. W. R. MERWIN ét. CO., ' No. 63 Liberty Street, New York. C. A. (KOK, Cuic.iao. Nu. 26 Market Slreet, General Agent the Status of lllluols, Iowa, Wis. oonïin, Michigan and Indiana, who will suppl Druggiits ut our regular cai-ü priecs. 8oM hj Wholesale Druggista In Petroit, alaq br ' 3TKBB1NS&WILS0N, Ann Artor, 852yl ' InTheYearJj Mr. Mathewi first prepared tbe YEXETIAN HAIR ( DYË ; since that time, it has been used by thousands, and iu no instance bas it failed tu give entire satisfac'We VEXETIAN PYE is the ebéapefffc in the world.- : lts price is only Fifty Cents, and eacb boltln contains ' doublé tbo (uantitj ot dyo in thoso usually sold for W. ' The VF.VETIANT IVK is warranted not to injure the hair or the scalp in the aJJghtest degree. Th VKETIAN' DYK worka with rapidity and certainty, the lutir requiring no preparatitiu whatever. The VENKTIAN' DYfi produces auy shade that rnay be dttsired - onethat-will not fado, e rock or wash out - One that is as permanent as the hair itself. For sale by all druggiots. - Trico 50 ents. A.I.MATHKWS, General Agent, 12 Gold Street, New York. Also, Manufacturer of MatuBWs' Aiinka Hair Globs, tlie best hair dressing in ui#. Iu large bottles, price 50 cents. ly96Ö CLOTHES WRINGER! The ONI.Y reliable self-Adjusting Wringer, NO WOOl) WORK TO SWELL 011 SPLIT. NOTHUMB-SCHÊWSTO G KT OUT OF OHDKR. WAUHANtKl WITH OR WITHOLT CíXt-WHEBXS. It took tho HRST PREMIUM nt Fifr.y Scven State and County Kairs in 18fulj and is, without an exceptioü, tbe bent wringer ever made. VIIAT KVliltY 1ÏO0Y KXOWS, tin Thatíron well gulTini.ed will not ruM; That a fiimple machine is better tlmn a compUeated on; That a Wiiuür ahould be golf atijustiní, durable nd efiicient; That Ïhiuab-Scresrn ivni] Fantenlngs cuuiedelay and ticmhlr to rfjiitlat and keep ïn order; That wood soaked in hot water will swoll, iliriuk anti Split; That wood bearme; for the ühaft to run in will wear out; That tlio l'ntnatn Wringer j with or without cogvrheels, will not tear the elotlh-s; That co-whoel rgul%tDrn are n,ot üK?nttal: Thüt the i'utnain Wri-Hgtt ban i ;t.lvantages, and not one f the diaady a,n togen atpove named; Thatall win have tOlPil il pmiiun ncy i be best wringer ever ma ■''■ : That i.t will w,nnL. ft tliFead or a bed ult ip,ut alteratiou. We m'iiU Wtthe paper with totimmtl.;, tVmsert tfHh a te hftoojivlnov Ww ieptical, i f sicJa lüvre be; ;i nd wc sa v t o a 11 , l'u.nams' Wringeif. 'IVst t TilOtllH -(ÏI1LY wilh ANY and At OtUors, and if not mitirely .s;itisfaetory veturu it. 1'ITXam Mam ia ti iii.m: (),., (iehtlfii'.iMi - I fcnow froip )ractiri exporince that lrH wH ::ih:tnizfd with ziac wilt aotoj,d,i;e or rust oni' parficie, The Putoaro Wringer is asnear perfect us wsih'e, nm can cheerfully recoinnend it to be the best U 45Ct vourfl, jno'. v. wih:i-;lkk, CfévélandVOnfo. Mhiiv yoari" experience Ín the gnlvanizing business onattli' nc U uiiure Ihe nbi r stitiemer.t iu íi 11 particularts, jxo. c. i.KWKnrs, No.lUO Eïeekman Street. New York, Januüry, ÍK04. We have teted Putnam's Clotbea Wringer hv practical war k ing, mul linow that it itl do, It i's cheap; it is siuiple, it reiiirvs no room whether at worl; or at rest; a chíld ean opérate it ; t does Ets dut .y thorouglily; it savos Uxyie and it save.-, wcar and toar. Wc i'.ii nest Iv win ha vc M ri tl wasiliiit'-í todo, with all lAtellisre&i pt'rsous wh have aw, to buv this wringpr U will pay fü itself in n vor at iboni Bos, HORACK GKKKI.KY. Patented in tlie United Staten, Englandj 'jmnda and Australië. Energetir men can makp lwm ,'ifolO dolla ra per day Agents wan teil in evt rv tnyn, and Ín all partp of the worUiSample Wringer Bent, Expre paid. ou receipt of price. No. 2t $6,50; N'o. 1, $7.00; No. F. $S.50, No. A $íl 50. Manufacturad andnold. wholeRal aod retail by THEPUTJÍAM MANUFACTURIXG CO,' No. ia ï'lattStreet New York, and Cleveland, Ohin 96TW C. 8. XORT11KOP A{.'.nt.


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