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CLOTHHSTQ T . M. GUITERMAN CO'S ! m Q Havicg just returned from East ith & Iarge stock of SPRING AND SUMMERGOODSï w e invite MI our oíd fríends and customers to come and examine eur stock oi' CLOTUS CASS1MÊRES & VESTIN6S. Dispute the fact if yon can, It takes the TAILO1Ï after all to give appcarance to the outer man. If you wish to appear ivell You must accordingly Dresa Well. Go to M. Gniterman & Co's,, Thure you will find things exactly SO. SGNDHEIMalvaya ready to take your measure, GUITERMAN will sell you Goods with great pleasuro, At figures L0WER than you will find ,in the State, Take heed - call early, else you are too LATE. The INDUCEMENT8 are now greater than ever, Our Clekks you will fiod obliging and clever. We will show you good CLOTHING of our own getting up, Filling our Store from Bottom to iop. 8TÜDENT8 especially will find it to THEIR ADVANTAGE, For it takes but LITTLE MONEY to replenish. COATS of Cloth and Cassimere of our OWn IMPORTAT1ON, Forwardod through our New York relations. From England, Belgium, Germany and France, Such as you can stand up in, or weab, at the dance. Pants ! Pants ! ! Pants ! ! ! Fancy CASSIMERES and DOESKIN oí every grade, We sell them from ONE DOLLAR up tO EIGIIT. VESTS, &C, of every description, You will find it so without fiction, Furnishing apparels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. t& Thia is all we say now, Tberefore wa make our bow Tours truly, ever so, M. GUITERMiN. & Co., P. BAOH has a new and complete STOCK OP SPRING GOODS bought before the recent GEEAÏ SJE IN RGOLD ? "Which will be Sold FOR ClSÏI ONLT, A.T THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES ! Oall and See ! Ann Arbor, April, 1864. È mmÈm PÈnM For Hals, Mzce, Roaches, Ants, Bed BugSj Molhs in Furs Woolen, fyc.. Insects on Plants, Fowïs, Animáis 5fc. I'ut up in 25e. 50c. and $1.00 Boxes, Bottles, and Fliisks, $3 and $5 sizes for Hotels, Public IsstitünoNs, &c. "Only infallible remedies known." "Freeirom Poiaona." "Notftangerous to the Human Family." "Kats come out of their holes to die " mB Sold Wh'ofeSfciè in all Iarge cities. TjiS_ 8ohï by uil Druggists and Retaileri e?erjwhere. i jT Ml Iïkware !lf of all worthle.SH imitations. (Q, See tliat "Costah's" name is on each Box, Bottle, and Flask, before you buy. Af'dresa IIENRY R. COSTAR. Pkinpipai Depot 42 Bkoadway, Nkw York. 4S Sold by all Wholesale and Retail Druists in Ann Arbor, .Michigan. 6m9ó4. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, rilILA DELPHI A , VA. Dlscases of the Nervoua, Siinliml,! iliuny iiikI Srsimi Sysli nis - new iind rcliable treatmeut- in .report üf the HOWABD ASÍOCIATI0N- ' Sfnt tv mail ín ,se;ili'l letter ciivelopes, free ofcharpeA.Wress Ur. J. SKIJ.I.IN HOUCiHTON', Muward Association,Ni) 8' South Kinth Street, PhiUdelphia, Pennsylvania, ly'J63 Ui-owuell & PeiTin, 6EHTL mmmm hebcoakts, 1S3 South Water Streel, OHIOAQO, ILLINOIS. 1 Dealers in Grain, Flour, Provisions, Sceds, Green and Dricd Fruits, 6 der, cêc. R e feie ncee: Preston, Willard & Keen, Chicago. S. Botsford & Co., Aun Arbor, Mich. C Particular nffention given to the sale of Green and Dried KrtiitK, Cider, ke. Onlerf for the jmrcliaw of Tlnvi-r and Timthy Seed, Cut Matf, c., promptly attcnrlfd to if ácCDI paiipl wrtlicfish r sati.sfuctury rcfefiio 'J"9(f . JUST ÓPEÑÍÑgI The largest Stock and beat assortment ol CABINET FURNITURE ? ever brought to this city, including SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES BED ROOM SET3 CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIKS, Iiooltins Classes Gilt Frames and Mouldings METALIC CASES, &c, &c, and all other goods keft in the beat and largest houaea in the country. VYeüeepno second hand furnituieor Anction goods. Coflins kept eonstontly On hand, and made to order. My goods are offered at THE LOWEST CASH PRICES N. B. I must have monejr , and respectfully request those cali aod fix np their old mittters without delay. O. M. MARTIN. Ann Arbor, Oct. 6, 1863. 925tf RIS DON & HENOERSÖK i Havo tixo 33 TJ 0 1SL JE3 3T JES CRAIN DRILL, and Grass Seed Sower, Manufactured at SpriDgfield, Ohio. rriHE VERY LATEST IMPEOVEMENT, and betterthan X all othprs; adapted to sowing Wheat, Rje, Oata, Barley and (írass Seed . lst. lt has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Will 8ow all kinds of Grain and Grass Seed. 3d. liever bunches the Grain ith. JVever ireaJcs the Grain. 5th. Sows Grass Seed broadcast behindthe Drill. Qth. Has high wheels and long Hoes. 7th. Has long and wide steel points. 8th. lt has a land measure or Surveyor. 9tA. It lias doublé and single rank drills. lQth, lt has a self arJjusting shut off slide. It is neatly and suLstantially made. There ia hardty a Drill ofleredin the market but can boast of more or less " FIRST PREMIUMS?' They are aboutas indiscrïminately bestowed as the title of "Professor," which is somt time appJied to the " fiddler " or "bootblaek," They cease to convej the idea of mcrit. The BuckeyeDrillhas been on Exhibïtion at qnite a number of State aud Countj Fairs, and without seeking faTor at the bands of any Committee, has reeeïved its fall share of Premiums TESTIMONIAOS : Wegive thefollowmg Dames of a few Farmers in th'B vicinity who have bought and used the Buckeye Drill : Godfey Miller, Scio. Jacob I'olhemus Ö Jiicub Trein per, l Thomas White, NorthSeld. John Brokuw, ' Christian Kapp, " Ëdward Hoydcn, Webster. James Treadwell, Ann Arbor DanicIO'Hara, Johii G. Cook, Lodi. O. A. MarBhalI, ' L. Fdmonïs, Saline. George Cropsey, Gren Oak, Lir. Co. We arealao Agente for the Ohio Reaper & Miwer, acknowledged tobe the ycry best n use. We are just in receipt of 100 Grain Oradles Which we will sell Clieap. AIbo a large assortment o Grrass Scythes. And the largest and beat selected stock of BENT STIJF F FOK CARRIAGESeTer before offered in thia market We alao keep large and full 3312 m spiTO NAÜS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINT.and LINSEED OIL. A complete assortment of STOVES, TINWAEE, AND EAVE TR0ÜQ3Salay8 on hana nd put op 3 th ïhortent notice. RISDON UENDERSON. Ann Arbor, Jnne29th,18fl2. 859tf CITY COOPER SHOP. SPAFFORD & DODSLEY, successorfi to 0. C. SPAFFORD & D. HENNING, ffouldrespectfully announce to the citizens oí Aon Arbur and vicinity, that they are uow rcanufacturing iui.1 keep constantly on h;; nd a Large Assortment of COOPER WORK! Such as Pork and Cider Barrels, Kegs, Firkins, Chnrne, Well Bncliets,Flour and Apples Barrel s j c6c. Merchants and Breivcrs are invited to examine their ïutter FïrkinB and Betr Kegs. CTJSTOM WORK, ,one to ORDEB on SHORT NOTICE and warrantod. fëtF Cash paid for Staves, Heading md Hoops. ?hops cornr of Detroit k orth Streets, and corner f Noith ( Kifth Snrli. ' SPAFFORD & DODSLEY. nu Aib.'T, Keb. (Uil, 1864. 'JRf ' Estato of John D. Armstrong. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, CoWUT ov W-UJHnjJ. O All persons bftviag claims or deinands ,■ ' tjteof AtaB.Annng, tate of ffifi5!!J Lodl, in said county , deceased. are hereby ,,„,' recjuired to present saine tü the under, ' „. V the profcito offiois ia the city of Aun Arbor u ' county, atany pf the severa! ![s.ilm of th''rr ! Court for aaid conato', nu or buiore WertneJ "' 8th flvflf March l8eL emim.tíona'X',7''1' ix tnoiVlfi ftom thTtkte SiiiSf; King & creditors to present theirclaims against BsidiSI?''1 THOMAS HINDE, Judge ei f ?'■ Pated, Ann Arbor, Sept. 9th, 1864. 4 Sheriff's Sale. "" STATK OF MICHIGAN, OOWri WViaiUU Byvirtueofa writ of r Vacias feued 'ouUi , uoder thesealot the Circuit Court for the Coi . WChtenaw, in the State of Michigan and to ': rectedam] dehvered, I did on the lift,, j reb. A D. , 1863, seize and lery „pon all the Im'."1 and inte.estol Willia... C. Vm.rhtis, dendani t] "'' nanied. in and jo all tbo-e certain tracl on,,r ,"" land situaUd in the City of Afrn Arb'„r Co, ' Washtenaw , aïoresaid, known, bounded and d " J','1 asfollows, towit. tHifi all that part of Ir "„„"i11 e.ght, blnck No. ene Xorth of Huron Street , " threeEast.insaid City of Ann Apbor, begliiii'1 Maiufetreet at the norlh-east corner ol fc,j0 „f '■ running on Main Sireet, afo.csatd, soutli tw,„ feet.thence running west to the alley in theiL?', aid lot, thence north to the north line of aiíl, ""ƒ thence at to the place of beginninf, whli a, ■? Hore standing thereoD. Alao a paitof seclión .„;!? tvrenty-ninetown two South range No six ffij , , ' tBeTCityof Ann Arbor, aforesaid, couuni nciL , ,i" ceutcrof Iluron .-treft, seventj rods andaiilfcv,," of where suid ttreit crosses the section line i, ' sectiona 29 and 0, and running east alon thfT. "f sai. I street nine rods and s.x links, thfnee mi! the center „Í Eber White's road, thence in a "?„,,? eslerly direction nine ruds Xnd thirteen lint n nyrth to the place of beginniDg, conta.ning hl, ,,," of land reserving therefrem ten roaS_and two aml ,k ,', ,' ftfths links acroas the eouth end of said lot h,P ..' propertylshall offer for sale at public auctiono ",„ due to the highet bidder, at the fron! door f' F,Uí,5,?'S6'in thet:it' of AnoArbor. on S,lu,, laidda 7 "f0ctober' I864-at la o'cloct,noo"j PHILIP WINEGAR.Shcrij September 8th, 1804. m Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wliten „_ The unilersifjned having bren ïppolnted bi iü Probate Court for said County, Cummissíonfr! l, cene, eiamine and üdjunt all clitimsaml ,n persolfc agamst the eetatjS of DaylS Lanham M. the township „f Saleta in sairt County decraselS ky gi7e notice that liz nths from date, are' brnVj of said Probate Conrt, allowed for credifo 2ïï their claims against Baid di-ccase4, nd tiiat 11. , meet at the rowdence of said deeea„i h, ,ï Township of Salem in sai.I ccunty, on Saturíh i twelfth day of November, and Tuesday tl,e fc2. "L day of February next, al one o'cloek, P. S . ï dy, to receive, examine and adjust said elai'm 1.KVI WKTIALL )Clk Datea,Augn,n5,m4.mUASIil'SEY' Election Notice. SHERirF's Oma, Asx lm Sept.l3th,18W.'( To the Electors of the County of Washtenaw . You are hereby notified that at the General Electim tobeheklon tha Tucsday next sdocoeding tlie Stu Monday of November next, in ÏBe .-tnte of Jlicliim the follovrlng ollicors are to be eleetcj. v : EiRlit Klectors of President and Vice-PresiJent , tliu l.uite.l States, a llwera .r} IJeutenant tioirra,, Auditor General, Secretary of State, State Treajire' Commissionerol the Sute Iin.1 OHce, Attoraey GtD' al, Superintendent of Public Instruction, a Member of theState Boani ol EJiuation in place of Witter J Bh. ter, wbose term of odice will expire December 31n 1804, anda Representative in Congress for tbe3rd Coo' gresnional District, to which your 'County isaÜMM. Alao one Associate Justice of the Supreme Court ii place of itandolph Mauning, deceased. Also, a Senator for the ítli Senatorial Diiir! consiatingof the öty of Ann Arbor, the towwbipiif Superior, Salem, Ann Arbor, öcio, Northfielil, Webster Lima, Dexter, Sylvaa, ani Lyndon in thu County of Washtenaw. Also, a. ■senator for the 8th Senatorial riistrfct, eo. sisting of the Citv of Ypilanti, the Townshipjof Yptilanti. Augusta, Pittsfleld, York, Lodi, Halint.FralMi, Bridgewater, Sharon, and Manoliester in the CouKt oi Washtenaw. Alsr.,aKpres.3!tativo for eac'i of the four Rtpt sentative i)itricts in the Couaty of Washtena, u follows . líí District - Salem, Superior, Ypsilanti City, Pitli. field, and fpsilanti Town. ld District- Aun Arbor City, Ann Arbor Tonn.N'u field and Webster. 3á Dis'.ria- Augusta, York, Saline, Loai, Bii water, anl Manchester. 4i District- Freedom, Sharon, Sylvan,, Se, Dexter. and Lyndon. Also that the tolloiving Couaty oöïcers for tl Cuan, tyof Washteuaw, are tü be eleeted at the Mtt ÍM, to-wit: One Judge oí Probate, one Satriff, on County Clerk. one County Treasurer, one Resistir ■( Deeds, one Prosecuting Attoriiey, two Circuit Coo Commissioners, tiro Coroners.and one foimty 3irTey i. piiiLip wixEüAii, ahnü, Chancery Sale. STATF. Oí' MICHIGAN- In Cirenit Court for the Cm ty or Washtenaw, In Chancery! Eliza l'erkiii, Complainant, vs. Sebra Perkins, Jiefendant. In pur suanceand by virtue of a decroe of the Circoit Comt for the Couniy of Washtenaw, in ChrincerT, m&tlri the second i'r.y c f JVctmber, A. 1., e'ghtetn bunrirti and fifty-nine, in a certain cause therein pecdiBr, wherein KIi'zh Perkins ís complainftDt, aDd Sebr f'kins is defendant. Notice is heieby ien , that I shutl sell nt puolic auciion to the highest bidder, at tirfl o'clock, noon, on Paturday. the seventt-entl) üj tt September, rrext,atthe frontdoor of tlie Cnnr: Hom of the Circuit Court for the Oour.ty of Wvlep.fc the citv of Ann Arb"r, County of Washtecaw aid State of Michigan, " The nest half ui He suiJbMil quarter of section fifteen, and the west hal of til north-east quarter of section twecty two, íhToB'í' one south of range Sfven east, in the TowniWMS. lem, in the Countj of Washtmaw. and Stilte of Vittigan. 6. H. VA.VOl'.YE, Circuit Court Commissïoner in and fer the Countj il Washtemiw. O.Hawkixs, Solicitor for Cnmplainant. Ann Arbor, Julj twenty-nmth, A. V.,1S64. S6W Theabove sale is postponed until the 27tli dT li October next, at the same place and lime ofiby. Dated, Sejit.17, 1S64. C.H.VANn.F.VK. Circuit Court Commissioner, WashtcnaY Countr. FURNITUBE ROOMS One door North of Risdon and Henderson's Hard Ötore. Tlie uníersígneíl haring purchased the entire sit of W. D. Smith & Co., and added Uurgéfj to the mi, i.s prepared to furnish his frieiids and paíronn a ï0 assortmcDtof well made furniturcj coDáifí oí SOFAS, BUREAÏÏS, BEDSTEADS, BOOK-CASESÍ TABLES and CHAIRS, of alï kinds, and in fact of eTerjthiDg pertainiDgtoi( business. LOUJVGES, MATRAISSJiS, &c. &c.,mad.e to order by good and experienced0' men, and warranted to give satisfaetion. He m keepa agood aortment of Cherry and WalmitL""111" for sale at reasonable prices. And wiíí aIpo pï 7 highest market price ior Cberry, Walt ut, and Wi11" Wood Luniber. P. S . He has also purchased the new and ELEGANT HEAESE! of Smith & Co., and ispreparedto furnish 11 IM" Wood Coffins, Melalic Cases, AND CASKETS, On the hortest notice. Also attends to laying " deceasfd persons day and night, without charge. furniture delivered iu the city free of charge, W. U. BEN HAM. Ann Arbor, Januniy lglh, 1SC3. O!0tf LOOK ïaiilEÏÏ A lai'ge lut of LUSTEIsT COATS AND SÜMMER GOODS, alnnys on Land at M. Guiterman & Co% CLOTHING STORE. Give ui a cali ind w(. can an.l Jfill sfll jon ell"f' ndtett rgoods thunanv t'ii-r K viitt In th I iftitl _- Ayer's Cathartic Pilis.


Old News
Michigan Argus