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We Hope That Every Voter Into

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whose bauds this number of the Argus may fall, vvill give a carefnl reading te the artiote headed " The TJsurpaiioD" in TunnesKee," and that they will look up the ifsuo'of August I9th, and road the Wade Duvis Protest. We neod hurdly commont on tho document we givo our readers 'oday, if it is ïead in the light of the other paper to which we rcfer. Bul, we inay well ask, what is aa election, conducted under such an oath as that preacribed by Gov. Johnson, but a farce ? Constitution and laws are nullified, and the eleator required to swear that he will support the policy and acts, proclamatrons and edicts, past and future, writton and unwritten, known or unknown, of Abraham Lincoln, who himself repudiatcs the constitution and its reqairemerits, as well as tho laws by Oongress euacted and bearmg bis sigUiltUI'O. If Mr. Lincoln may qothis in Tonnessee, hó may do '& in any other State, and we know not bilt beiore the election sbüll take place citizuns of Michigan may have a test oath tkrown in tjjelr teeth. It is timo fui" every lover oí constiUHional liberty to cast about him. We ulso invite and direct special attention to the reported conversation, and aleo to the written reply of Mr. Lincoln. What think our reader, oí Mr. Li.NcoLNrs disavowul of the acts of Gov. Johnson, aa offioer the creaturo of the President, and deriving no power "rom any other souroe. L2 One of tho caricatures carried iu tho procession on Tuesday, was a life liKe portrait of " Jfather Abrahiim," holding a! " durkey " suspended upon anales Underueath was the inacription, " All tbat is precioua hangs trembliug in the balance." Anotlier repreecntcd " Öld Abe " suspended upon a pair of steelyardg, with a juvuuile negr oausing hiin to kick the beatn. It was insoribed - " weighed in the balance and found wanting." A banner read " white wives for us." p" Tliere is to be a Democratie Mase Meeting at Pljmoutb, on Thursday pea.


Old News
Michigan Argus