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RHTRATION ITlü! - ♦ - VJOTICE 3 berely jít, n hat the Eonls of ReiristraJL tion lor the Mvvral WurJs of 'hu CUj of Jlnu Arbor, will be in sesiion e Friday ff Saturday, Nov. iih fbti, 1864, commencing ut 8 o'clock, A. M, and cloaing at 6 o'clock, 1. M., ut tho following pïacvü : s lst Ward- al the office of James Tí. Gott 2d " " ■' Store ol' Kisdon ifc Ilenderson. 3il " ." ' Shop of (ieorge W. Smith. 4th " M " Firemen's tiall. SUIt " " Üt'jre of A. M. I'oty, for tltfts purpose of cnrrpcünp and cmpletinff tho Rcr istrationuf tliet,ulñiü elector "f said Wifil. All pcr.son.-i who will ;it the BOfUiug Uincraleleiti n, to bo beid on tliu 8tli iUy of November novt, be eit t ert to rote under tbs prctiMona of Stction 1, Articls Vil, of the L'ou.stitutiin.should register thcir name. iy order of the City Board of Registration. JA MIS B. ÜUTT, Chuirma-. J. S. Hk.yiïkbsox, Socretary. , Aan Aibor, October 17th, 1864 ; illTLAülOül. i 0 THE 1 Fashion Magazine of the World. 1 UTERATORE, Kl.NE ARTS. AN'D FASHION'S. Tlie must ïnugnüicciit Stó 1 epgnringii. DoUUl.K l'AHllION I'l.ATKs. 'Vood engruvmfM on evei y subject tliat ■ oan interest Ia. lies. Crochet kníttUr, fielting, EmI roldar, Artkles for the Toilet, fcir tba l'allor, the Bijudiiir, and tlie Kitchen. Evcrylhiog. lu fact to m.ike u couplets Lauï'n üuok. The Ladies' Favorite for 35 Years. Xo Ifiia.itiü ha been ablu to complete with jt Nune uUuinpt it. OODETS RECEIPT& i tor mr dppai-tmeut of a hoiuehold. Theso alone ure worth the prieeoi tlie Book. Model Cottages [no uther Magazine flva Uicin], with dmgranis. DRAWING LESSONfl FÜIi TUE YüUXG. Another special! v witli Qodey. ORIGINAL ifUSIC, worth $3 a year. Other Magazineü publish oll worn out raasic but the subscribers to Uudey íjet it before tho muslo stores. Gardcniog for Ludiüd. Anoth-ir uecuïiarity with Godo;-. Faihionj from ressrs. A.T. Ptewart & Co., of New i orkf tltu ïnillionaire merchants, appear in Godey Ihe ünly tUCgtgaae Cbat lias them. Aliso, Kashiotiü fioiu the colebrated lirodie of ow Yurk. Latlies' Bod neta. We give in ore of tnein in a year tlian any other Magazinu. In fact, the Lady's Book eualjlcs ererj lady to be her own bunntt maker. MARIÓN HARLAND, Authorus of ■' Alone," " Hiddtn Patk;' '■ Moiê Side" "IVemesis," and "Miriam," writes for Oodi'y eac'h month, aud for no other muga zinc. We have alao retaiued all our old and favorite contributoi 3. TIER MS OW GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOK 1865. (From tchicli there can be no Deviation.) Thefollowingarc the terras ol the T-adv's Bock for 1S05. At present, we will receive snb.scr'ibers Ht the following rate. line notice will be givcn if we are obliged to advancb, which will Jepeud upon the price oí paper. One copy, ono yeftr $3 CO Two copies , one year 6 00 Three copien, oue y (ar 7 rn Four copie, one year 3 0 00 Five copies, one yuar, and an extra copy to tho pcr.son scuding tae club, making six ,..c!1l)iM 1400 KiRlit oopios, une year, and an extra copv to tho porfonaeiiding the club, making iiine , copi.a o100 tloven copies, one year. and an extra cnpy to the porson aending the club, makinu twelvo OP" 27 50 Additions to any o.r tlis above clubs, Í2 50eachubscrlber. GoJoy' Lady's Book and Arthur'n Home Magaiino Will be i'llt.cach one year. on receiptof $4 50 We havo n club wilh ny other Magaiine or Ncwapapcr. The money must all bo sent at ona time for anr Club. Canuda subHcribersmuat aönd 4 conti adüitioual for each subscribor. Addn lx. A. GODRY, N. E. Cormr Sitlh and Chettniu Strteli, 97S)tf FHILADKLPHIA. Side-Walk Notice- State Street. City op Aan Arbor, ) Recordke's Office, Oct. 19th, 18G4. ) Statb of Miciiir.AN, County of Wasliteuaw, bs. To David Speny, Eli Aiinis, and Mrs. Mary Ma.ynard : You and each of you are hereby notifled, tliat the Comnion Conncil of the City of Ann Arbor, has ordered the Side-walk 011 tlie West side of State Street, betueen Huron and Bowery Slreets, to be graded and planked; thal stich side walk is to be conatructed four feet wide of pino plank two Inohea thick and spiked to 4x4 inch oak sleepers, under tho superintendence of tho . Street Commissioner and Supervisor of the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Wards of said city ; and that you are about lo be assessed to pay the expenses oí gradjng and planking sucii i ide-walk in front of or adjacent to certain premises in said city, owned or occupifd by you respeotively, and tliat a report and as688 ment roll has been made out in the premises and is now on file in this office for inspection, and that the Oommon Council of said city will meet ai the Council Room in said city, on Monday, November 7th, A D., I61H, at 8 o'clock, I'. M., lo review such assessment roll on the request of any person considering himself aggrieved' thereby ; and you are hereby fitrther notifi d, that the party is allowed thiity duys from the time oí the service of this notice upon him, withil which to mak üuch grading and side-walk under the superintendence of tho Street Commissioner and Sujiervi or of the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Wards of aid city, and that if such side-walk shall witbin that time have been so eonsliucted to the ntia&ction of such superintejidehts, no expenses of proceediugs to collect such assessment shall bo incurred by the person so constructing the same ; but if any part of said ide-walk hall not be constructed within said time the premises so assessed for the construction thereof will be sold or leased for the shortest term of years at vt Inch any person will take the samè and pay the tax assesf-ed thereon for constructing such side-walk, with the interest and all costs and charges thereon. By order o.' the Common Conncil. C. A. OHAl'IN', Recorder. Side-Walk Notice- North Street. Citt of Ann Asboe, i KioonDKE's Office, Oct. 19th, 1864. State of Michioan, County of Washtenaw, 8s To non-resident ownors of lots boumied Norlh by North Street, Jiast bySftta Street, South nnd VVrcst by Bower's addition: You re. bereby notiriod that the Oommon Counoil of tho City of Ann Arbor, has ordered the Sidewnlk on tlie South oide of North Street, to be graded and planked; that bucIi siie-walk ia to be constructed four feet wid of piue plank two inolies thiek aml spiked to 4x4 inch oak sleepers, unoVr the superinlendenceof the Street Com'issio'er and Supervisor of the Third, Fourth, nnd Filth Wards of said city , and that you are about to be asseased to piy the expenses of grading nnd plauking such ïido walk ir front of or adjaeeiit to email premiiea in 6id oiiy, nwind or occupied by j-ou respectÍYelv, a()d tint n report r.nd asiesstucit roll has been mude out in the prcinisc und is now on file in raía (.fiici! for i mj peet ion, and thnt the Commou C; uncil of said city rvill meet at the ('iiuücil Jloom in said cily on llondny Nov. 7lh A. D. 18C4, al 8'cl8!k r. SI., to review Buch asseSïment roll, on the request of nny purson eonsidering himsflf nggriev'd thereby: And yon nre hereliy further notified, thut the party is allowed thirty dnya from the time of the service of Ibis notice üpon liim, ■witliia whioh to mnke such grading snd i Ie iralfc, uridjjr the tnperintendnoe of the Strei-t ('onunissionep nnd Supervisor cf the Ttird, Fourth d Fifth Wards of said city, nnd 'hal il' such side wnlk ehall within that timo hii-ve been so construeted, to the satishtction of such superintendents, no expense of pro cecdings to collect eueh asBessments. dhall bo j iocurrad. by :h person eo construct intf tho i samo, but if any part of sueli side-walk shiill not be construct.-d within said time, the premisf so tssessed for th contruction thereof will be sold or lcnjcd for th shortest term of years at, whicli any person will tnke the same and pay tlie tax nssesscd thereon for constructing e-auh da walk with the interest and all coats and eharyes thereon. I By Or of the Qommon CouBeil. CA. ÖÜA.Plïr: Reiordtr.


Old News
Michigan Argus