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r'if -T". ■' ' y ' ■ 'i''i'J i'-.' - - ■"""" ■ - , '■ '' I '. ' ' 'p'.Ü-. ... OUR GHINAMAN STILL UVES, And continu uu to furuish Ihat unriviilvd quaüty uf TJ:a ulways foun.l t tin? HopïVfc Store. Lofvri of pooJ Ton will plean lyy updijjIs OF O UK NKW ÏKA. DtFOUKT .VSTI.WAILT. GROCï)RIES O.' 11 kind. Fruit. Knracts, Spices. PicMea, ü, l'i'ifuine, &O, l'uic Liquora aml Wiucs lor MeJicujal L'KfOKL.-ï i STK'.VAET. Súar ! Sugar 1 A Rmall lot { LOW PRICEÜ SUGAIÍ. pÜOKfcT -TJ.WART. ZS? FISIL- Codfish, Wbiteflab, Truut, Mitckerel, H.riiug &c. [)FOBEST .v ETEWAXT, "SYPUP ! SYRUPT" A few brroli, extia u_ual:t. lFORKBT . STKWAI'.T. I 01L AND LAMP mJ DEPOT ! . KEROSENE 0IL! p' The beat qualUj &J ONE DOLLAR y Per Gallon. 1: - -- DlFORKSTtSTliWAET. HO! YE! Purchasers of CROCKE11Y. GLASSWARE, LAMPS, PLATED GOODS, TAIiLE GUïLERY, &c. For aalu at ladn than aw Vork w-ioltjaiü.' prices, bj DsKORgaT 4; STT.WART. A Good Clothes Wringer. T1-. JHF IU imi WW - ÍO Save time! Saves monetj.' Savet clothivgt Saté str'nylh! Sanes ktalth! Savet hiring help! Satea wealc tcritts! burning hands'. Woulen cl( t'ioH can be wruDg out of builins; wnter tu prcrent hhrmkiug, v, itbuut iiljury to the machino. Ï'KKJHEST & WKWA8T. JOHN BR0WNSKN APSAcY Wat ttrapped upon hi back, and wlten operted toas fuund to contain a Pot of Dr. BiUiiifton's Fi Eleeluary which wad his inseparable cotnpftnion, mul tbia accounti tor bi robus t and vigoroua constitQtioD , his indttfereucc to fatigue hd il bis líale uud hym y o ld age. It is warrantert to cure ALL KINDS OF PILES, it not onl traats lilruotly for tb l'iles but Li a cartaln cure ür Dy pe pui aud I-lver Complmuta, Juundico, Slt ftlieum, Vo. U in purly vegtf'.Hblo nud novei fulla tu cure. DatORLST k STEW ART, Agoutifor üicliigaii. (iO TO THE CHEAP STOjRE! And see the New Goods. A Sl'LKKDlD STOCK Ui DRESS GOODSi! Gt-oixta FURNSSH1NG GOODS, CASSIMERBS, Oloth?, Satlnet, &c, PPESTICS, SHOES, MTS I CAPS, Crockery, GROCEFJBS, &c, Arf t" h? flil without rfjirá to vrernat Etfrn 'l'riccs. N. 1'. - Thr lnrrr r ?to('K CiiKnn nnO Drrp n Colton in th City at lcss thau Manuf:icturc: ' pricü. The ii'chrït aicc ii3;il :.d 'iradtor ea.h for ftll kin'lc of I'f'.ilucc. MACK & HOHMID. jg-ae. l'AIRBANKS' JKs. c5 v_ -A_ 1 j J2L4 o , S'-'irtS5? ira?w Truck, Lcil-ir l'ratsel, cíe. FAIRBAMS, GR MUSA F & C0„ 17 Lnki' St scet, CHICAGO. Sold In DotnN by FAERAN0, 8HELEY A 00. Lf Be Ciireiul to buy only th lyffS


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Michigan Argus