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The Fraud Confessed And Defended

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1 ho hite Indiana eleotion was notori Mislj oarried hy tho RepiibJfeana by i the vilest outrage and fraud. Soldiera (rom othjf Statea voted, minors voteá, men voted two, ihree, tvvonty times each ; Massaohusetts regimenTs voted n] aloDg the raih-oads at each station. Anu not satisfíed with tliat, Democratie ballot?, honestl'y given, were not countyd. Morton's iiKijority in ludianopolis wns larger tban tbo ontiro vote of the CoiiQty two and four ycars ago. And bere is how ;ho índianopolis Gazelte, the leading Republic&n orgau in the State,, da&adí such corrupt and ilk'gal voting. It says : " If thousauds of soldiers voted in thia State, ofl Tuesday Jast, who wcro Bot legally enütled f.o vote, t were better, provitled tliey voted tbe Union (abolitiori) ticket, than íor thu olection to have been carned by tita opponents of the administraron. The contost was eqaarely between the govcrnrnent, (Lincolt))- and (ho rebèlfl (McCHellan demócrata.) The eud justifíes the means, in such auo.ssue. It era better that half a dozen Massachusetts regiments eJiould vote, than that the should lalt into the hands of the opponent of the Admirretration. Does nny one tbink that the Administraron ís going to allow the State of Indiana toLill 'into hands o.f its cnemiea at a timelike this? The contest ia a national one. The soldier are ia tho nationaf service, and if they can be nscd in tbe rear, to gaip a vietory whioh is quite as important as a vietory at the hout Qnd in tha field, why not do it ?" Let Demooralfi guard against the perpetration of such infamous frauds on Tuesday next. If they are to bo resorted to to re-e]ect Lincoln, we rnny say farewull to the Republio. ESE" The day after the re-nomination of Abraham Lincoln by tho Balti more Coovention, Horabb Grekley, oue of the chief higb-priosts of the Republican party, aaid n the N. Y. Tribune : "We believe the rebc-llion would have lost sotnething of its cohesión and venoin from ihe hour in which it w;is known that a new Président would surely be inaugurated o the 4th of Marh nuxt." This was no doubt truo in June Iasti aud was n good and sjfReient reason why the Baltimore Coiivenlioj should have aoininated another man tban Abraham Lincoln, that is if the Baltimore vontion desired to do anything towaids destroying the "cohesión and vemmi of the rebelliou." It is equally true now, and is a good aod Buffieieut reanori why every patriotic Union loving citizen, why every man of whatever party narue, who desires to destroy the "cohesión and venoua of the rebcllion," should voto íor Geobue 13. MoClellan. J5S" Wc invite the attontioa of our citizens, and especially of memberg óf the Boards of Registratiou and Inspectora of Elections to the followiug soetion of the Constitution : Abt. vu., Sec. 5. No elector sliall be deeruod to havo gained or lost a residence by means of his being employee! in the service of the United States, or of this State; nor while engaged in the navigation of waters in tliis State or of the United States, or of the high seas ; nor white a stcdent of any stminary af Uarniuy ; nor wliile kept at any almshouso or other assylum al public expense; nor while confined in any public prison. This provisión is defiuito and not tote misunderstööd,. Student of the Univrrsity, married or single, who were not lonafide residonts of our State and City, and cniithd to tote at the time they eutered tho University, are not entitled to 'egister to-day, or to-morrow, or to vote uext Tuesdüy. Their resideuee in our City while studenta of a seminarv of oarning eouuts for nothincr, and to gain he right to vote at any poll in our City, hey must haee resided in the State three nonths, and' in the fVard ten days lefore liey entered the University. The same rohibition also.attaches to students in )ur High School. We wish to deprive no citizen of a vote to which he is legally entitled, no mattor what his politics; and on the other hand we do not wish studeute, cmpornrily fiuding a home in our midst, vhatever their politics, to nieddle in our lections. They should go homo to voto, or lose their votes the sn,me as any other -emporary absontee. L2L Seoretary Shward has sent the folio w i Dg disputeh to tho Mayors of tbe Northeru Cities : Washington, Nov. 2. This departtnent has reeeived mforroatioo frora the British Provmcesto tlit) efleet that thero is a conspiracy on foot to set fire to the principal citios in the Northern States on the day of tbe Presidencial electrón. It is my duty to coinnianicate this information to yon WILLIAM H. 8EWARD. It is well to be prepared for aiiy eruergeocy, but wo confesa that' t looks to U3 as Üio-ugh the Adtniniatration was seeking a pretenso to daolare mnrtial law in the Northern States, and tuke the Presidential eloction iato their fatherly care. " Military necfissity" will cover a multitude of sins. t& " The Ubícü is the one condition of peaoe " ib tbe noble utteranoe of our gallant standerd bearar, Georgis B. McCi.ellan. ïhe Democraoy eudorse the dcclaration without mental reservation. " The abandonment of shivery is the tnly condition of peaee," sayg Abraham LixeoLN, nnd the .Republicana have fully endorsed the anoouncement. What say the patriotio, Uoioa loviüg eit:zccg of the country ? SSST Hou C. A. Stacy, of Tecumseh, addrcssed the MoUlki.ian Club, at Snline, on Wednesday evening. The hall was fillcd to its utmos' capacity, and aany were unablo to get in. Tho Judge spoke two hours, reviewtqg at tength t!ie policy of the Administration. It was au able and oonvincing speech - at ouoo eloquent and logical, humorous and ironical. At its clogj a vote of thanks was unanimousl}' giveu Judge Stacy, aud tho mtetuig adjourned aftrr giving three hearty chuers for the Union, three for OÍ.OK0B B. McClellau, and three for tho County Tickot. We saw what we liad Leard beforo, that the Di-mocracy of Saline are ready for the battle. 1 1 1 +m 1 1 1 L3üT" Donaiick and Ferry, tho New York State Agenta arresteel at Bultimoro for frauda npon eoldiers votes, have been couvicteJ and sen tenced to the penitentiair íof life. Wo beliove that thoy wero iiiduced to perpétrate the frauds by Administratioo agents, to attraot attcntion from the Indiana ontrage, and to give the Administration a chauce to control the New York soldierH1 votes. But Gov. Seymoüb, stands firni, and is detormitied that there shall be a free elt-ction in New York, ii mm i - - jfcX" Inspectora of elections should remember that by an amendment to Sec. 59 of the Compiled Laws - see Session Lawsofl861, page 294 - they are roquired to oempïete the canvass of the votes and declare the reudt on the evening of the clection. There must be no eounting over on Wednesday. L35" We hopo that our Democratie friends ia each Towuship will stay at the polls until they are closed and the cantusé eompleted; and then that they will immediately eend a messeuycr to huadquarters in this city with the result. Mark tho íull rote for each candidate on a ticküt, and seud it iu. ïy We prefer to huid our libertics and exei-eiso our lights under the Constitutiou and ihe laws, to trusti ng them in the keeping of, or have them doled out to os by, Abraham Lincoln or '' any othtr man." And, thereforé, we shall vote for Gkorge B. McClellan, who will inake tho Constitution the chart of his adminislratkiD. Go TBOU AND DO LIKEWISB. L3L Vote jfor WILLIAM M. FExNTON. J53T" The Bemoeracy are pledged to rkstoke the Union and let slavery take care of itsulf. The Kopublicans are pledged, bv the policy of tbe Administraron, to destroy tlavcry and let the Union take CARE OF 1TSELF. Tliere is the issue to be deoided n Tuesday nest. Your vote' niay decide the cou test. Ponder well before you cant. GF" Greateffort ia to be made to deter foreign boru citizens froin votiug. Tliey wil] bo threatenod with tbe draft and various otter calainitiea ilire. Let none of them be aktrmed, f they are Hable to draft refraining froin voting will not save thern. Let everv Irishman, Germán, and Euglishmar, who is legally entitled to vote, VüTE. Ë3!r Gather iu the stragglors, close up the column, and get ready for aetion on Tuesday next. The Demooraoy mast present an uubroken front at the polls. The lif of the couütry depends on the result. To the polls eveuy Djsmocjiiat. S3T Vote for Gborgb 13. McClkllan. Such is the duty oí every true Union man. JL3 We hope that the Democracy will not be provoked into warm discussions on eketioa day. Do your duty calmly, cooly, determinedly, and let the responsibility for auy dis'urbance rest upon our opponent?. JG3E" VoTE thh DEAIOCRATIO STATE TICKET. Lktter from Gbn. McCtELi-AN.-The following letter irom Geu. McClellan was read on Monday evening at a meeting of the McClellan Legión in the city of New York, and received with enthusiaatic cheers : Orange, October 13. Mt Dear Sik : In eousequence of ar. absence of eevcral days from home, your letter of the 8th did meet my eye I aecept with pride the honorary mernbership of the legión you have done me the honor to cali by my name. No greater compliment could have been paid to me tban this asgooiution of my naniB wilh a society composed of my eoinrades in the present war. My love and gratitud for thcm havb remained unchanged during onr long separation, and I have watched with the most int3nse interest their nobla and persistent gallantry in the mnny battlee whicb they have fought uuder the coinmaodura wbicb have succueded me in the Army of the Potomac. You, and they tnay rest eatisficd Ihat I remain the same man that I was when I had the honor to eommand the Army of the Potomac, and that I shaU never willipgly dieappo:nt their conñdence. VVifh my sincere thanks for tlie compliment you have paid me, and mv earnest wishes for the prosperitv of my former comrades, and of our country, I am, very respectfülly and trüiy, your friend, (Signed.) GEO. B. McCLELLAN. SÏ'-S' Vote the DEMÜCRATIC CC C NT Y TICKET.


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