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Fatal Accident

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-On Saturday Dg last, Coroncr Merry, of tlns city, was Med lo'hold au inqúest at New Hartford, on the body of Aüiieu Wii.mot. an Lged citizeii, who was fonnd dead under one of liis apple trfes. Mr. Wilmot was last reen alivo abont half-past three o', lock last Satuvday ,.fternooii, when he was making preparftlioM to piek apples. An bouv later be was discovered under a tree, dead, with lus neck broken and a broken limb by his side, while bis basket was aanging on a limb above. H was evident iat he liad come to Ms death by the breaking of a limb, which preoipitated Mm to the iround. Tho jury rendered a verdiot accordingly. Mr. Wilmot formevly residid in the town ot Paris. He was a man of iiioans, and leavea a wilb and children. His age was sixty eight years- l'tica (N. Y.) Heruld, Oct. lc'M. Mr. Wilmot was a brother of Ciiarlbs T. Wilmot, of this city. SP The Laait!? Repoxilory for November, bas an exqnisite landscape, " The Bird Catchers," and a finely engraved copy of that well-known picture, " Psst and Fu. ture," with achoio list of articles, covering a wido-ranse. The Repository literature is just fitted to a rofined family circle, and can not be read without exerciing an elevaung influeuce. $2 50 a year. Address Poe & Hitchcock, Cincinnati, Ohio. L3g" Tho Board of Supervi sors com pleted its labors ou Saturday last, and adjourncd nntil Tuesday, November I5th.