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Comuiissioners' Notiee ST,;T! A.N', Counly of wa,i,...,,, ProbM-eQcwrtforMii oinroL o.ü b' i ceiva, eamine snd .l,jl,,t all claimsand I,,",1" persons „CT}nKl „,, ,,„,.,,,. „,. p ) „.,, "„'ll tbotowaüMpof Salet „ty T", J give notíccs tbat mx m. htliK tren, íate'at S Jd Probate Court, allowcd tor onMit'," H, dy of Febrmuy ncxt, a, „,,t. o'dock P day, to receivc-, examine aml ,lust LU rf: - l.KVI WKSTFAl.I f:Datod,Al,gus,1r),14THÜ1JASliL:J ■ - !(W Shcriffa Sale. "" STATK OF MICHIGAN, Cnrs-rv otW.m By virtue of a writ of ƒ eri-fa, , ""' ö ■', ,. Mder Uwwaloftte CiríoU M T' WasBteuaT, fn the Sute cf Mellaran ,'■■. tectedandieBvered, [ did on iLe t t,tVínY teb.A D., 1863, sel, and ,,-v ,, ,.,„ '"" . and Interest of William C. V.rl í . feÍT ' Maio Street at ,h. aírth-.? „ rununigon Jlauj Street afi ■ ■■„ feet {henee ranning wesí ÍOTh alle "Ï VL"1 tm-,H-, ,-a„Uo ti., ,,,.,,,. of, ; ■ ;"H.t. mo,, rtanffing thereon. Aíso a" pí"S 'he b twui.ty-niíii-t.iv.-ii two south rain,, í ■ " """ the City of Ann Arbor, afores? Com ■ "" (6 center of Harón Strett ,-,, , ' , '""""mg n of wlere id stree, Lt"t S ' of .aid tMÍ( nine ráds and sil tok th.n w September 8th 1864 raHJP WBÏI.8M jSSïais55scr??iW tij AnnArbn,,Oct.a!!,1gggrJ'' GAS, Slftit Election Notice. Shkkot-'s Ofpic in Anote Toth. Beotor. of the Coant, of Waí;18 Möaavof Noa.brB9xt, ia tl,, ale ofml the fottowiog officars are to be eleete.l riz ■ S Ivglit Lectors o: President and Vo.--p'reiímt , AaaitofSenera , Secretary of State st,.. Trá ' Componer 01 the State Lu, 1 Offlce, 4ti Jl, hupennten.lentor Public [nstruction Memh Ni Boart ol Edaeation in place of Wtil. j V 1094; oda HrefeiUK6inC.inírej.fOTth?S& W ■■■ aalMtrioE,to vtehyoin-C.untyi.attd? Alo ons Asocíate Jistioe „f tl, S .pr -me Z placo of fUndoJph MBiog. deoeasc .1 ! ' Alsc, a eBr for the Ttli Sensorial DiAü omwtiiigofthe.-ityofAnn Art,,.r, ,!„. Superior, Sal Ann Arbor, Sci.i, XorthB, Water'Sylra"aniL!""ntl' _ Also, a Senator ter Ihe 8tli Sonatorial Di-tricl t iatingof.-th(;iyoiypKilanti,the ïown nti, Augusta, PittsSeld, Yuik. 1., J SaliniW? ïaMentwrShiir00' an1 MaBchester 'u Cwilj Also,aR,-irese-,ti;ve foï each of the foMj, !ol'lo"v'Ve W8tri0te n lhe c'ou"ty f Wiuhtenii Isiiji-irte-f;!,!, Superior, Ypsilant: Citr F Beid, .111,1 i'i.M'.anti T.-.vr,. ■ ' 4 District- Fieedom,ShSïöii,gT]Taa I:im v. '■ Br, trirt I.jndoii. ■ ' ' il""1 '''■' Honing Couoty officera fontleft .voMVaslit.'nmr, are to be eleetert at tile 'hiií tu o-wit: One of Probate, one S , rif m oantyölert, oneCxiuty Treisurer, one Begilí} VeHs.oiie Prosecuting AtUiraey, two Circuit Coil Commis-ionerri, tvTüCoioiu-rs an.l oDel'nunl WINEGAft, FÜRNITÜBE ROOI One door North of Risdon nnd nenderson's Haidri Sture. rphe umïersignfd harin;; mrohafed the eniireilld 1 of W. D. Smith & Co i :,r ,.;■ totkeam is ],( pred to lnrni-1, ],r fnends and Vatron i pá assurtmcnt ut' wel) mad furniture, cousisting of SOFAS, BUEEAUS, BESSTEAOS, BGOK-CASES! TABLES and CHAIRS, ofalltAjils, andin fact oi everythiB pertuïmf lolln busines' LOUNGES. MATR ASSES, kc, &c.,ma(le to onïer hy good au] expèriqtixd '" idl-ii, and warranled to give satiafaction. H 3 keope n good nssortinent of (Jhcrrv arl Wilnvit I.umlN foraleal reasonable .ricos. And wil) &1bo pul hierbes t inarket j.rice for Ciieny. Wakut, ;in Wbilr Wood Lumber. P. S. He has also purchased the Dew and ELEGANT HEARSE! ofSmith &Co.,andispreparedtofurnifl) al] tS&i Woud Coffins, Melalic Cases. AND CASKETS, On the Rlionest notico. Also to lajSgi ieceaflfd persone ö&j .nd nigbt, without cliarge. iiu-niture deliveii'd in tlieoity fret of charge. W. U. EENHAM. Ann Arbor, January 18lh, 1863. 940tf A large lot of LINEN COATS AND SÜMMER GOOD& alivays on hand at M. Guiterman & Co's, CLOTHING STORE. Gíve ns a cali tnd we can nnd vrill sell jo cW anj lett r gouds than anv uther houte in tliíe'J' 05Dtl TJEMOVALI IST. B. COLÉ, has removed Iiis STOCK of BOOTS % SHOES, tothe store of A. V. Mills & Co., on Main Strqet, tie wíU be glad to waít on his ol.I castomers m' aublie uonerally. GIVE HIW A CAIil.! LA.ST CALL ! "TO WHOM 1T MAY CONCERN." All perrons miebted to the late firm of SCHÓïT I MILLER, eitherbj noto or book account, are heifW I requestt-d tocalt and make in iinmediate jiaymeuto' I the same, and those vlio fail ti) comply wit I2 I quest atthecndof SIXTY DAVS from this date, fin.1 their accuunts u the hands of :in ufficer f' '"'' lection. Ann Arbor, Octobcr lOti, 1864, 2mi78 TISSOLÜTION OF PARTNERSHIP! The co-partnorship heretoforp exiatillf; Ut Dr. A. (RA f, and Dr. U'. J. CALVERT.ÍB Shiedaji'iolred by mutual consent. Each is to collect hiaioWD llUiTges, jtn-1 paj bii own indebtness. v.Vïïirnx. Dexter, October 17th , 1864. 1 '■'7J Ayer's Cathartic Pilis.


Old News
Michigan Argus