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CHEROKEEPIUS HEALTH FEESERVER CKRTAIN AND SAFE. Jïfcr tiiê Renoval of Obstriu'tiunx ttíid tht ínntrvto$ of 2ïca uta rit; in the Rvrurrtncc qf the Monthhj Itriods. '' Ö They cure ot obvíate tbeM numeroua dlscaacs, that ipring hwm Irrcyularity, by rcmoTiog the irreeuliirtty iiwlf. , , „ , Tïwj cm e Supi-cssod, Exccsalve and Paioful Menssruatioii. O- They cur Green Slokncs? (Clilorosls). Tiiey euro Nwvouj and Spiual A,ffcctlons, palna tn the back, and ïbwfcp pari of the boify. Uaviness, Fatigue on plight oxerliona, PaLpitaHnitk of the lieert, Lownevs of .Spiritu, Ilyderia, Siok Ueadache, O idü 'i n cjttf etc, etc. In ft word, by removhig the Irrpgidarity , thty remove tfaö cause, nd wlth it AU. tl eitects ihat Rpriug frotn it. J3S'" Com(ortc;d of simple vegetable extracta, they contüin nothinfí dt-Ieterious to any oontfitution, however deUcste, their functlon beïiig to substituto ] atrength for wvakneas, whlch, when properly used, they nevcr fiül to do. py Th;y iiiny b safoly U3oil at any age, and &t any pcriod, kxckpt duiunu tuk fikst thkkk moxtiis, duriiiR whh'.h the unfüillng nature of their actioa would Infalliiily prevknt pregnancy. {3" All ltttvra Beckinginfuriiiation or ad-ic Ul bu i)inijt)y, ffetly and dlsCrèetly answered. ï Full dicL-ütiiins uocuinimny each box. f"V" Prtce Y1 per box, or alx boes fur 5, %jT Sent by raail, free of postale, on recelpt oí priüe, %3f Pamphlets acul by malt free of postage, by DR. W. R. MERWIN & CO., 63 Mberty St., New York, l'wprtetor. DR. WRICHT'S REJKVENATINC ELIXIR ! Or, ESSENCE OF LITE, lrprt'tl from Pure Vejeetable Kxtrsct cvntittn Intf notliiiilf lnjurluu to t- munt del f cute. "A (he f'homtx riaett from thO nho oflt fto, mitniuted wlth tiw IIfe""iu Iiv tliüi Kltt. tr rt'lntumte tli yt:ii and overuutie (IIhcumv fL Tlie Rejuvenatiag Elixir U the resultf mod rn dlrtoo verlo In the vegetable kingdom ; bin({ an (.'iHir.rly ne and abstract ,mthod of cure, lrreipectíve pf all the oíd and woni out sy uterus. L$F Thií medicine lias been testeil by tlie moa! enilni'iit inedieal men of the day, sind by them pronounotfd to be one of the greateat medical dlscovulei of the ae. Ona bottle wlll cure general Debility. lT" A few dones cures Hysterie Ín femalefl. f Onebottie cnres Palpitntlou of the IK-art, From ont: tu tln-ee bottks rcatoros the manJtheM andfull ritfOT of youtli. jyA Fow doses ttstores the appetlte. fjjf ThrM bottlos cure th worst a-ifí Qf Iwp ttíc. pgT A few doaoa cures the luw splrltd. MJT" One bottle restores mental power. B"- fw dO9i4 rectores tít-e vrffans of gmtixttion.. t9 A few doei bjhyc the to the check. f)0" 'CJil medicine reiteres to inanly vigor arnl robu.t hciilth tHo puor debüitatetl, woin-down and d-;ap uring. J" Ttie lidtk'83, r-norvfitcd youth, the ovcr-taakel man of business, tko víctím of nervoua depressloi), the individual 8U Bering from general debillly, or frvm ttfêükneès of a sintlt organ, will nll flnd immüdíate umi paf inane nt relief by Uto use of th!a ElUir gr K asonc of I.ife. %j& fricL', $2 per bottle or three bottlea for $5, and forwfti-üed by Expresa, on rccclpt of moaey to iuiy address. Ê"TIe Clierokeo Pilis and Uc,)uveuatiMíí Kllxir, are aold by atl enterprisinjf DrujfjíUU in the civllized world. Some unprlncipleu Je;ilej;it, however, try to sell worthless compound iu place of tliese ; Uioae which they can purchase at a chfap prloe, and mnke inore money by sellhaf tfmn thcy cutí on thee medicines. As you viilu your htíalth, y, the lienlth of your future offspriop. do not be rtecetved hy such unprlnclpled DruggHts, asfc for these medicines and Uike. no oíh en. ll'tlie DruKKÏnt will not buy them for you, enolose tbe money In a letter, and we wlll seod them to you by Express, securely sealed and packed, fre Trom obsevvafion. Ladiei or Gontlemen can addresi us In perfect cojifUience, stütlng lully and plalnly their distase and pyiupioms, a wetreat. ull lUeases of a chronla nature In male or female. Patlent9 ireetl not hesltato biícause oí UielrlnablUty to vislt us, as wc have trttated patienta succcssfully In all portions of th civllized glube, by correspondence. Patienis addrewing us will ple;ise statí plalnly all (he Byinptoms of their comi)tainta, aod writo Post office, Couniy, State and name of writer, plain, and Inclose pootae stamp for reply. Wt icnd uur Sá' pagt Parnphlst frttt to any ad 4tch. AddreBsallletterBÍor PamphletsordTlcto tb pvopiletors, Dr. W. R. MERWIN Se CO.. No. 63 Liberty Street, New York. C. A. COOK, Cnic.ioo. No. 26 Market Streel, General Agent for the States of Illinois, Iowa, Wiooiisin, Miehiirau nnd Indiana, who wiU lupplj Drugglsw at regular card pricet. Sold by Vholosal Itrngjists in Detroit . also by STJ2UB1NS4WILÍON, Aun Arbor. Oöüyl Inttiearloyl Mr. Mathei1 flHt nrepared the VEN'iSTlAN HIB DYE ; since thnttinieit has been used by thoueands, and ia no in:tLQce has it failed to giye entiro satififaetion. The VEN'ETTAN DYE is th cheapet in the rorW.- (tl ptic is only Fifty Cents, and eacu Itoitie containa doublc the quantity of dye in those usuall 8ol! for The VEXP.TIAN DYE is warranted not to njare tbe hair or th scalp in the aliahtest öegroo. The VEN'BTIAK DÏK works with rapiility and eertaintf , the hair rPquvring no preparation whntever. The VENETIAN UVE produce any hiule that may bo dniirei- one that wiü not fade, orock or wush out - one that is as permanent au tha hair itnelf. For sle by 11 druggiits.- Ptioe 50 -ent. A.I. MAÏHEWS, General Agont, 12 Gold Street, New York. Aluo, of lUTimwii' Absica Hair GlOB, the bent hair dressing; in ue. In lrge bottle, piict 50 cents. . . Ij968 CLOTHES WRINGER! The ON'IA' rtliable elf-A iljuütii.g-VTrlngtr. NO weollWORK TO SWKIX OR Sl'I.IT. NOTUUMÖ-SCRFWSTO GCT OUT OF ORDER. WAR1UNTF.D WITH OR WITilOLT COG-WJHEEL8. It took the HRr-T 1'REMIUM at Kiftj Sotoo State andC-ounty Fair in 1803, ao'l i, without ia loeption, the be;t wringer ever mado. WHAT EVERY TiODY KNOWS, riz: Thatiwn wiUglraniiert 111 hot ri% Thata simple machine ie bettor than a coraplioated ïhat a Wringer should be elf aiijusting,durblo and efficiPDl; That 'lhiimb-Hcrewi :ind FastenmRS cause del.iy aui tioublc te regúlate and kec-p in ordr; That WGod soaked in hot n'alor wiü swell, and That wood bearings fortho shft to run In will wear That the Patnam Wringer, ith or without cogwheel, ü-ill not tour clollie; That cog-wheel i'egulators are nut esscntiftl; That thoï'iitnam Wringer has ít the advsntages, anrt not one of tlu) ilinadvantages sbove; That all wni l-.ave tested it pronounce it the best wringer ovt'r uiade; That itwill wtiug a tliread or a bed quilt without alteratiori. We miiiht SU the pipr-r with stimsnialn, bnt insert only a fe to eonTlncetne nkeptieaj, il suoh thore be; anilwe tnnll. le.t l'u.n.imi.' Wnneer. Test It 'Í'Hl)Krfln,Y with A?U" and AU. olhera. and if n"t ontirfly atiafactory return it. I'UTTAM MASlFifTIlNn ('-. (icntlemcn- I know from practiral expenence that Iron elljpjwnifiti with zinc will nótoyi'lijo or rust nna narticii'. Th; l'utnam Wringrr is ns ne.-ir perfect a( pnihb-.nmllcan cluwrfully rccnplQeqd it to bf the berst in use. Respectfullv yours, JNo'. W. WIIEEI.ER. Clevolam], (Jhio. JUnyyeurs experienoe in the businm enahlvme totniiorFe the abovt! statemfi.t in all par tlCalar8JN-O. C. T.KFFEKT.. Ko.100 Beekman SUrtet. New York, Jtnuliry, 1864. We have tested l'utnatu's Clothes Wringer b practical -"rling, nnd kno it II nn, It ii cheapj itin imple; it rettiirra no ïourn licllier at irork ot at rest ; aohira nxn dperate It ; t does tsnntj thoroiiKhly; it navB time and it paves wear ui tear Weearnes'tlv advine all wlmliavDin il waahing to do with all intelüücnt persons who hnve .v. to huy thll wrinirer It will pay forKpelf in a ■ 'i I njosti wringer i HOKACE GREELEY. Patentcd in thi Utiltfd ?tati, fenpiand, faniíi ánii Austrnlia. Etiei elic men can make frorti utr. 10 lol ir pertlay A;entB wanted in ev ry town, .ind in all nari of tlu worm. Smplo Wringer f nt, Exprebs jiaid , oa receipt ol '"no.'2, Í0.SO; No. 1, 7.50: BW T. $8.50, No. A. (0 50 linufart""daivlsi,11. wliolesie .xnd retail hy TÍli0TS4M4UrKÜFACTOBlKaCOJ . , Ni;!!'!attitrot Vjk. aart iv_l-in I,. OH'., 957tf Í L- NuHrKi.Oi' cot.


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