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Commipsioners' Notice rM aga.KBt the late i(llt' úi ■ÉBÉ y, to r-rfí, ttfflihe and djn".fa ,f' "'-ti D.w. Mu. 1864.íbo)ia3 bi;ss". i as - : - aiotj' SfierifPs Sale. """- rectwiand dehvered, I dia cH the t ' ." '' to W 3, as raterent of Willig C. VoS? lfí 'irtt " S running o„ Main S.reet, fu,aid 'ÓuVl,''"""'"1"' fret, tbence running wes't to thi II '"'""''. tbenceeastto the place of beginn „ „,, í'01'1"1 oreStandinftl,„eoll. Aloa pi tJi '' tl' ritl twentyn.netovrn Wo s„„,h raC ïf„ """n the City of Aon Arbor, aforesaid JI?' (6) "fti center of Huron gtrM BOTe nZ, of where said streel crosses the spet Í1 '".""""t ection 29 and 30, and running ea" a " ! t '"" of Ba,d strert nine rod and n MnL i "''"' e center of Eber White' rJ it' Ce SM" "■ "J f '..on ninerod, a„" "t'hiH ".],",,' ffld north to the pl of beginning, conttmini Í,1 bl"e' ;t he dd., of owf iscrirv;:: Í An, Arbor, Oct. 22, 1864HI1JP W1NB0. i Estáte of Alexander 8w OTATE OT MICHKJAN, Coanty ol VVao,, O At asessionof the I'robate Court [„'," Washttnaw, holden at th Probatf ( Tn ,,"""'■'■ ol Aon Arbor, on Wednesday, the sec,,":"! '"' '".- cl On reding and filing tliepetltirn duW „ , Albert H Frey, pravinp for the appointaUf ..ï' mimstration on the te of saici Je " d" Therenpon it is Order, d, that Honda j i'hi. ooii. j f November 1864,atten o'dock in th.forenoon k ' B.gned forthe hwing „I ,.id petitie, and ?$'!' lir at 1 of said deceased, aod alilft.! „ persons interested in id estáte are , toappe"tttas.,Í;ouit.ulJiu,,LT' he Probate Offici-, in the City.,; Aa V,, Coirt,tyraDd how ae,lfny there hé Vh, ,' of thepetitioner shoul wif b grantedP"i!I 'And it is fnrther ordered, that "said Mt,, ivenot.ceto the persons interested in aH il , the penOency oi sid petition, and the hearitj "{. ' "■' hv causmga copy of this Order to b ubliha 7 7i' Michigan Argus, a uewspaper pribtei ad Zli' inna,d County ol VíaaltWuíw, threesucce 7 ' prerious to & dky oi hearing ""! qKQtrUi C'P-)r THOMAS NIXDE, Jugc ofProht! ] FÜRNITÜRE ROOMS ii Ooe doorNbrtliofRisdon and Henderson'e Szjinrc ' Store. rpïre nníersfjncd hv% pníeliased the enlirf tH " J. of W.D.Smith &Co„ andadded largely to v n i prepared to lurnish his iViend and plron fU assortment of well made furniture, cods; SOFAS, BUREAUS, ; BEDSTEADS, BOOK-CASES! s i TABLES and CHAIBS, ofarTI kinds, and in faet f eyerything pertainréictoti , bUSÜMSS. LOÜJVGES. MATRASSE8, hc-, &c.,made torder by good and experiencfd trtmen, and warraWiei) to give satisfactinn. He il keep a good orïirat ot Cherrv aD(i Walnnt IubWi for sale at reaaonable prices. A"nd wil] Isn pilll hijjheet market price for Cberry, Wakut, aDil Wbm Wood Lumber. P. H. Ile hae also porchased the new and ELEGANT HEABSE! ofSmith JkC.,.amd isprepared to furnishili tiho Wood CofSns, Mefaííc Cas, j&LTX CASKETS, On the shftrrest notie. Aíw atienes to oit deceafd ]ersons day anï niglit, without charge. 0 fumitnrt deïiTered in the city free of charge. W. V. BEN HAM. Ann Arbor, Jannary Igth, IS68. Ü4()tf LOOK 3ECSl;3E"4.E? A large lot of LINEN COATS AND SÜMMER GOOffi alwnys on hand at M. Guiterman & Co's, CLOTHING STORE. Gire ns a cali nd we ean and will sell too cbf' and lett r goods tba any rther house in tbBC!lJ. 9J9tt ,T EMOYALI N". B. COLÉ, has remaTed bis STOCK of BOOTS $t SHOES, to the store of A. P. Milis ft Co., on Main Streít, " lie will be glad to wait on his oif ciMtomers W" public generally. GIVE HIM A CALL! LAST CLÏ! "TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN All persons ïndebted to the late firm of SfHOFF M1LLKH, either by note or book accuuit, are he'fJj requested to cali and malee an ímmpdiale pa.rDlíBt the Mine, and those who fail to complv witb lh" ,i quest at tkeendof SIXTY DAY3 from his dal1. r L bni tbeir accounts in the baDds of an oflieer frr c"' lection. Ann Arbor, Octobtr lOth, 18fi4. Manhood : How Lost. Ho Kestored. TUST rUBLISTIFP,a new edítíon of Dr. Cm"' 0 wtll's Celebrnfffl Essny od tho radical cui' ( without medicine) oí Spermtobruwa, or W 1 nal Weakness, Involuntarv Seminal I.oHse-V & polfnor, Mental and Pbjfiicnl Ineapatitj-, IP ' mputa to Marriape, etc. ; also Consumption, ?v , and Fits, induced by st-lf indulgence or saxo' lrT gance. JÏ5" Price , in a nealed rnvelope, only 6 cent?The celebra ted author m thig admirable esay cjJJ ly demonRtrates, from n thirty ypars siicres"'"1 Pr1 v tice, tluit tli e jilarniing c ensequen ce? f f se! f fií"1 be rarlicaHy cured without the danerous use ofj11 nal mediciíipor the applií-ntion of the kuífe- r'Ml'' r. out a rde of cure, at once simple, wtaïn lini11(ffr tiial, by uicans of ivhich e(-ry suffercr. no nia . whnt hiscoirlition mny be, may cure hiinKeK ebeap1'1 privatelytand radical! y. ta-ThP Lectuie should be in the Lamí ƒ' Llír-T youtli andpvery man in thefaml. (i; Jntt under si-al, in a plainenveJope, toany ■'% poxtpavl, on reeriptof fu epets, or ítcr stamp3ret? thp'jb!ffbe's.


Old News
Michigan Argus