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■ '■■ ■ ■■■! lili 111 ■ lililí II li Hl II Wl ■IIIIMIiIIIIMM- ■■ 1 1 MI HAT STOIIE! 0 GOTO SP IFliTUPl ftö?l Before you buj,Sprinj and Summcr styïeeot STRAW GOODS! GENTS' Furnishing Goods,&c. jfnn Afbor, April ÍOth, 1864. 3m953. EMPIRE BOOK STORE! ■ Haring purchased J. R. WEBSTER'S utock of Tí ook s and Statiouery, I hall endeavor to beep a constant supply ot SOHOOXj BOOES, TEXT BOOKS! MEDICAL & IAW BÖOKS STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, wkicb will be solíl at the LOWEST CASH PEICE. r i i fj Also ALBUMS, GOLD PENS, SHEET MUSÍC and a superior quality of WALL PAFER! and ererything usunlly kept in well conductcdBook ttore. Üpposite Fraoklin Ilouse. G. tTi MOVER. Annirbor, June, 1864. lj960 Iliíle F actor y! Beutler & Travor, [Puocf'Hsarfl to A. ,f. Sutherland,] ilanufacturerg of aaó Dealers in Guns.Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Ponches Gartic Bags, and Everyother article íl thatLine. All kinds of at the xhortest notice, and in the best mannitr, a full a.ortmen(alwiys kept onhand and made order t. Shop corner Main and Washington streets. Ann Arbor,Oct. 8, 1362. 873tf MICHIGAN CENTRAIi INSURANCE CÜMPANY Kalamazoo. ÜVtich. Insures agaiiikt 1,es oí Damage by Pire or Iiigh i ng. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Ounrantee Capital, by State Authnrity, $800,000,00. DIRECTORS: J. P. Kennedy, Marsh Giddings, A. P. MrLts, Geo. W. Sntdee, S. D. Allen, Geo. W. Allen, OFFICERS : J. P. Kennedy, Pres, T. P. Sholdon, Pr Geo. W. Snyder, Sec, A. P. Milis Treas., H. E. Hoyt Ass't Sec, S. D. Alien, G'n. Agt, S40tf NEW FIRMÜ gRUNER & SEYLER WHOLESALE & RKTAIL DEALERS IN TOBACCO, CIGARS, Alerschaum Pipes. &c, We, the underíif?ned, boj? leave to inform the CTTI2EN8 OF ANN AKBOÍi and vicinity, hst a havetlna díiy estabÜNlied n Toln c:o and Ciar bu.-intss in this plftce.onc door Nortli nf the Fninklin Hlock, Main íHre:t, where we kIkiII always keep afull assuitaient of tbebe.stqualitiettof SMOKING & CÜEVVIIVG TOBACCO! as alad a largo and choíce sèléction ot the best branda of CIGARS! PIPES, (Mersctanm, Brier and Rosewood,) CIGAR HOLDEHS, INDIA RUBBER PÜUGHES, SÑUFP.& CIGAR BOXES. Wirl befomKt,witb ub of. all tcjndfi and of I'bic to SrrrF.YEitY Öxb.i W BnaJJ iifll all of the above mentiood artiqjw anl mnny otliprs'whioh bplonp to , uur line 'óf trade at the lowpst popRltili rtc for casb. Ploaue citIlaaiirexA.mutP.' N.B. - Sipn - Squaw with ciJirhox, one door north of the Franklin Ukioir, oprViiB k EETIXTt, Aun ArbOr.Mar Qü, l?0 _.-. . ; (l


Old News
Michigan Argus