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Sherman's New Campaign

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The "Washington correspondent of the Times saya : 'The news concerning Sherman'i programme in Georgia, which has been tfrlegruphed to thu country frotn a western paper, will Htartle (he public. Som of thB f&cts had heen known in this city. It is known that after Hood had gotUn well into Alabama eome weeks Hince, and after Gen. Rherman bad determined that it was not necessary to use his entire army for pursuit of the rebels, the Intter with three eutire cnrps, started back f rom northern Georgia for Atlanta. His objective poini was boldly asserted to be Savinnah, whieh place it waa given out he would leave on the 8th, the chty of the Presidential election having tirst destroyed Atlanta, It was thonght that he would touch at MacoD, and would reach Savunnah in a march of twenty-five dftys. The route is two hundred nnd hinety miles, with no riders and few êreeks of importaoce to pass, önd heading through the most flourishing part of Georgia. Milledgeville, the capital of the Sta'e of Georgia, could be reaehed in six day's from tho date ot starting. He will have rationa for thirty days, but is expected to find uppliés and fot-age on his route. HU force for the great rnarch will be between fotty and seventv thousand men, and he will have a large amount of ordnance, a öonstruction corps and pontoon bridgea. Thete will doubtlesi ba considerable destruction of proporty on the route, and tens of tbousands of the huddled slaves of Georgia will be freed and incorporated into our array. 'Troopn have gone north from Atlanta 10 Tennessee, and it is suppoaed will destroy all bridges and all important railroad routes, liome will be evacunted and damaged. We will held an outpoet in Georgia, south of Chattanoogiv, which will be necessarv to guard East Tonnessee. "Hood's entire army is nearly five hnndred rnilen in the rear of Sherman. The gallant General Thomas, with an army, wiil take care of Hood in the abaen'ce of Sherman. He wiil have abundant force for this purpose, whiok wiil be appropriately stationed ia Tennespee. "General Thomas is already propared to fight Ho"d, who is somewhere Q Northern Alabania, near the line of the Tennessee river. Ií Hood goes into Western Kentncky he falls into a trap. "Look out for glorious newa frora Sherman's army within thifty days, for vvithin that time it wiil have made tho grand military march from the mountains to the Atlantic seaboard. This wiil be one of the mot exiraordinary cumpaigns of the war. The rebels have nothing in Georgia that can oppoae Sherman. Thoy made a tremendoua mistake in gending Hood to Tennewsee. 'You wiil probably get your firat news of Sherman at Savannah or Charleston.'1


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