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The Confederate Ten-dollar Bill

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A memoer or tiio seeouü mew xors Arúllury, writing tQ a lriend, inolOHSB a ten-dollur Confedérate bilí. Tlie bilí ia priuted un inferior paper, but ihe mecluiuioal execution is very gnod. Tue let'er gives tlie fullowing aooount of the mf.nnei in whicli the bilí qame iato tha writer's possession ; " I eud yon a ten-dollar Confedérate bilí; I wiü not ask you to givo me creJit for it, auy more than tbe credit of fighting for it, I vvaa out on pioket the other uight, and my pit was quite close to the rebel liae, sq much so tiiat I had a lalk witli a ' Johmiy' dlrtctly opposie. ïowards inorun wa afreed iiot to fire at each otlier, and theu we got on more friendly terms. " 11e u!-ked me what I would giva !)im for a plug of tobucuo ? I offured him an oíd Jack ktiif'e, wiiich Le agreed to take. He tötil me to bring it uver. I could not see it, so 1 told him to eoraa and get it ! At lorigth we agreed to meet eaoh other half way. Wa did so, and made the exohunge ; but mark bis troftobery ! I had sear:ely turued my buck to return, when he co-lared me, and tried to drag me into the rebel linea. We had quite a nculflj. At last I got the villain by the throat with my left hund ; i then tliiew my right leg bebiud him, and backed him over it ! Down, cauie the Confeduraoy I As he struok the hard ground, his pookotbook feil Iroai lus pocket ; also the knife I had given him. Thisa I p:cked up iu quiok time, and ran to my pir. " When 'Johnniü Rub' got up, b looked daggers. He would like to havo made a rush upon me, but I don't tliiuk he liked the looks of my rifie pointing towards hiiii. I found nothing iu tha pockei-book but twelve dollurs, two of of which I sent to my mother, aud ten I reserve for you."


Old News
Michigan Argus